u Y ,r�S.t.' �.v-_ � ✓• j� �.� � • � 'c � ,� ( _^� y -__
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<br /> _ .�.—:�',�,�.�-�� . , ' - - -- �� _ _ < .. ^ ,.� _ �, ' .
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<br /> . ooade�tion a odw Wtir��of any pat of the�topeity.otla canv�eyynoe in lieu of coedernwiaa.a�e hereby auip�ed aad .
<br /> �ll bc pdd to L,eideG �
<br /> . Ia t6e tveot of s tdal takin�of t�e Ptoperty.thc p000eds stall be applied ta the sums secured by this Seauiry � .`
<br /> .. :L�wlulber a na thai due,with aay eacas paid W Bomowu. 1n�Be eva�t of a p�rti�t takimg d tbe Prcpetty in
<br /> - � iwhich the fair�rlret vstue of the Ptope�tg inwrMiatety 6efae�he tal�ing is equd to ar p+aur t[nn tbe art�o�uit af the wms
<br /> � �eeuoed bY this Sec�itY I�um�t�tY 6efae ttx t�Icin=.uakss BaROwer ard l.endet athawise.a�ee in wt�tinj. •
<br /> ' d�sums secvred.by this Sec�aity Instrumenr,slW1 De teduced by the�nwuu�t af tt�e pc�nceeds multiplied by the fdiowin8
<br /> — - triqia�-h)tiie tout'uncim�ot tlK r,ums seeu��mnxdi�tety befane the qiciog.divide�by tb?thc faie t�ulcet valut oi t1� -
<br /> Ptopecty immedl�tely befcoe ihe nkinE. My balance s�be p�id to B�x�owa. In�he event a3 a partial ai�ng ot shc E
<br /> � Pe�opetty in whicti tht fair m�ticat value�f the PI'operty inrnedi�tely befa+e the nkiaE is las tiun the amount of�sums
<br /> soaured immediately befae tJ�e s�icin�,uakss Rarower�nd Lender athetwise a�ee in v�+titing a uoless applicabk law
<br /> o�awisc pswides.the pnceeds sbafi be app}ied ta the su�ns sec�aod by ti�is Securiry Insuument whetlur oR not tbt sums are� .
<br /> tba�due. • :
<br /> If the Yroperty is'a6�ndonod by Bonnwer,a if.after�iry Latder m$amwer thu t6e ooidaeiwr offers,tn maice
<br /> an twand or seNe a cWm for d�m�ges.Bortower f�ls to ra�ond.ta I.q�da wit6in 30 d�ys after the due the rwtice is given.
<br /> Lq,aer is wrhocizea w couea,na appty tne pnocaas,�t.tis.o�tioii:ctttiq't�o�st«atiao os repair or dK r►opary�or w du. � - .
<br /> sums�securcd by this Seauiry lnsaumd�t,whettwx o�not tix�i due.; `� ;- •-
<br /> [)nless Lender md�o�rnwer aherwlse sgroe in wtidng':any�pptication af':ponceeds co principat si�ti aot exaed�ar
<br /> pnstpone the due aate af dx monthlY P�Yn!�ats nefeci�d to in W.r!P.raPhs l and:Z or change the�oant of s�h psyments. .
<br /> iL �orrower Nat jtela�ed: Forbeuaaoe HY.�der`Not i�;Wi�ive��- � uf the ame�fa �iyment or
<br />---- madification af uiao�d�of the sums secuced Ky this SCCUrit�r Inmuqtq�t�gn�nted by Lender w any successar in 6itereu
<br /> - af$oRawa s�i aot eperate ta nkase the tiabiliry of tta.d'ti8►nal Barow,er oi��azower's succ�ssas in intaest.l.ender -
<br /> �aU na be toqni�ed to oommence Proceedin8�against.w1Y:����iutuest or refiue to extend ame far p�yme�t ar
<br /> - othecwise modify�ononizxion of the:ums secw�ed b�!this�Security�Irutiumeqt by nasa►of any danand made by the ongie�i
<br /> -- Ba�mvrar or Bortawer�a�asois in intercst: 'Aay fwtieftance by.1:eAder ia e��eicisv�g any riglu a neaiedy sl�D noc 6e s
<br />- = waiver_of a prcclode the exeneise of any�ighl�r rettx,dY• . : .' --
<br />- li Suece�sa�s a�id A�.Bouad,Jotbt as�Several L4b�litq;Co-si�aers. The coveaao[s and ag�ments of this =
<br /> Securiry lnstrumeat ahall bind md benc�t�Itie sua:essors and asstgns�uf Lender aad Borrnwer.sabjoce to the pmviswns of ----
<br /> � _paragiaph i?_-Bonnwack eoveaaats.�id a�ema�cs sdall be jaac aad several,My Borrower wfio co-signs this Secuiity �;��.--
<br /> instr�anrnt but does.not exesuta,-tha Notr. (a)is co-sign�ag this Secmity In.saumeat onty to mortgage,graot aod convey tl�at �=-
<br />= Bomower's inumt in tt�e Pmpe!tY andrr dx tecros of thu Security Iasuulnenx (b)is not personally abligated to pay tIx sums �:�'--�=
<br /> , �v:
<br /> - secured by tbis Security Instnmlen�aad(c)agras ibai l.endci and:any.other$acrower may agree to exund.r�o�ifY•farbeu� -
<br /> °I•''° `� or mAke nny accamrr�odatipas.•with iegard to the Lerms of this Secuci-ty Instrunxnt or the Nae wi��Bom�wer's � �_._
<br /> .z�+=�r�c;:-
<br /> cunsen� ..; :_� ' . : .,. _�. : .. � . • • . : :. -__=--_-_.
<br /> 13. I.a�n Cbu�es.��._if:ibe loaa secured by this SauiitY last�ornt is subject to a law v���..maximum loan ------
<br /> 'cl�uga.and thu law is Git�[ty:iater�eted so that tbe iaterest or otf�er loan ef�arges colketed or w be cb�ia conrkcaan -
<br />- � with the lo�n exceed the pe►mated hmits,tben: (a3 any such loan cbarge shaU be reduced by tbe amonnt necacsary to rednct �"�'�`-
<br /> -� tbe chuge to ihe permitt�l,li!iu��nd,.(6)a�►Y sums akeady collected fmm Bocrower which exceeaed pem�itted timits wil!be _
<br /> � nefi�nded to Borrawer. Lett.dc►may cGoose to make this refund b�reducing tlte principal awed uip�the Nae or b}i maldng a �f�-=�
<br /> :__ ".�'� ditert payrtxnt to Bomnwer: If a t�et�ind�oduces principal,the reduction wilf be ueated as a parti�`pnepayment wahart any �''"--��__
<br /> . .P�Y�nt ct�rge under the Note. � f-�'���"----
<br /> � I�. Notices. Any iiotice to Horrower ptovided for in this Security Lnt�tnnent shaU be givtn by delivering it or by ' �yt.�,.��-,�;�M;�,
<br /> -;�:','i.'�• "ttwiling it by first e1a5s ma�unles.s applicable taw requirts use of another methad.Tbe notice shaU be directed to the Propetty :�==�;::�:.=-_
<br /> � Addnss pr�rty other address Borrower designates b�notice to Lender. Any nofice to Lender S1iaU be 8iven by first class :•: .;;..�°
<br /> - � � rn�l to L,en¢a�?s addrcss stated hercin or any other address Lender designates by noticc to Borrower. My notice provided for _.,,,.��.:_;.y;`
<br /> '=�?�-. , in t his S e¢urity l nsaument s h a l l b e d e e me d to h ave b een givm to Borrower or l.ender wher►given as pmvided in this ��;���:�r,�j
<br />_ �., • > .�;i;
<br /> .. P��P� :;!,:,::, . �
<br /> -- •��:� I5. Governin�Lsnv: Severability. This Security lnstrument shall be govemed by fcdernl law and the law of tbe : � ,,,.
<br /> �'�'_
<br /> � urisdiction in wluch the Pro �s lacated. In the event that an ovision or clause of this Securi lnstrumar�or the Note ��-1i:��� '.:r"•� ,_—
<br /> ,�. l P�Y� Y PT 13' � - ,��c�c�s'� .:. .. . _ !
<br /> ` ' conflicts with appfirable law,such conflict shatl nat affect other provisions of this Seruriry lnstrument or the�c�r which pn ., _- --
<br /> ' # be given effert wishout the conflicting pruvision. To this end the pmvisions,of this Securit� Instrument and�e Note acr •
<br />`'• ' � declated to be severable. � . ,� -_
<br />°�'� ' w s all 'v one conformed co af the No*e and of this Securi lastrumen� �'. r ••,. `.�?`-'.T�
<br /> 16. Borrowes a Copy. Barro er h be g� en py tY � . , .,_
<br /> �:.�
<br /> : 17. Transte�d tht P�opert}o�a Beneficlal Ir�terest in Borrower. lf alt or�y part of the Propetty or atty inurest ln �,1-r,;,z:�.;�.-•.��
<br /> - it is sold or transfetred(or if s►beneftcial interest it�&Zrrower is sotd or transferred und$orrower is npt�n�rival person) • . •. �,4 .��.
<br />,;�;.;''.,, wlthou[Lender's prior written can�en�Lender r,�a�.zits opGan.require immediate pa}ment in full of all suons securcd by �'4' -�;-*�- ____ ___
<br /> I ���•. �
<br /> ':;'.5:;::'��:,,:�, this Securit�•lnstrument. However.thi�option`s�t not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of � �`•.;��;�;s�.
<br /> �• :. 1he date oE this Security lnstrument. � � i --
<br /> ', If l.ender exercises thi�option.Lender shall�i�e SaRO�ver notece of acceleration. 'The notice shal!pravtde p period af � " .
<br /> ' stot less than 30 days from the date the no�ice i�delicert�or mailed within which Hnrrower must pay all sums�ecured by this
<br /> - ti � Security lnstrumen�. If Bo�rnwer fnils to pay these sum�prior to the expiration of this period. Lender�¢r�y invoke any ��''�•� • '
<br /> • ;!�:��.`,..�
<br /> -- temedies petmitted by this Securit}lnsuument without furiher notirr ar dem:u�d on Bortower. �`.�
<br /> ��' '' I8. Borrowet's ItiSht to Relnstate. lf Borrower meets certain canditions, Borrower shaA have the right to have� �— : .
<br /> _ ': enforcemem of this Security Instrument diccaminued ar an�time priar ro the earlier of: la)S days(ar such other period as '� ; '
<br /> . ' ''fi-t' ' • r ''�. .
<br /> . Singlc Frmily..Faenk F1atlFreQdtr 1Hqc l hIF(IR:11115TRL'NE!�1T»Unitorm CavenanLo 9.9� a�et�1�f b/wRe► ;'.:•, �
<br />� . .. . _�, . .
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