__ ._-,� A;�., _ < , _ _
<br /> . "__ _ -'1 . . . _r��'tl; �_ ' . . . _ . _ . ___ . - . _ . . _:,T"'`._
<br /> v ` � , . . `� ��i�_—
<br /> _ f , . . __ .`=t- -� � R2�:1 _ _ . . v . _.. -.�:i--
<br /> �° - - c . < ' i. ' - . �. � . � � . . . , � � . . .. -
<br /> .
<br /> �• �� . �� -�. , , c . . . . . .. . � �� � . .
<br /> , .
<br /> .. . . : . . . _ . .
<br /> _
<br /> .,.-_ _ . . . _ _ _ , ._ _ .
<br /> , . . � . .. .. _.... . _ _ . . _ .
<br /> . , ._ . � _ . .�1��! 8��: ,<� .
<br /> � ioc�wm�a�i d����►a d�t��aa a�pco�y.�a�t e�..opw+�.. �
<br /> aod fixa�rww«e�r a p�rt ct d�e propatyr. Atl teptacen�nts aad addida�ns slwt atso be coveree by diis Sec�riry .
<br /> � Io�ment. All of tbe focegoiag is zefacod w in this Sec�uiry Insttuma�i m d�"P►vVartY: , .
<br /> . BORR0�11tER COVENAN[S tbat�Bort�owsr is 1s�fully seised ol�die est�6a�eby oonvayed ud h�s the ri�ht�o�
<br /> �nd convcyr t h e p e a p e�t y s n d t I�a t t h e P t o p a t y i s u n a ti c m n b e r e d.e x c s'P t f a a K U m b r+n c s s of rocotd. Bazo+ver M►�r�ats and
<br /> � , wiU defmd gme�allY she 6ck�o che Pmpesty a�aiau�ll claims and demands.wbjax co anyencumbrances oE ricord.
<br /> 7MS SECURftY II�ISTRL'MENC oombnnes unifaYa covenaots far rotional usc an0 aonamifam cwe�nts wItD
<br /> [`irtntcd variat�orts aY ju�sdictias tasorutimtc a uoefa�ni secvsitg.inswaxnc coYering t�eai pmPcrtY• _ -
<br /> �= -
<br /> — ` UNIEORM COY�NANIS. Bomowerand l:ender covenant and agtee u follow� '� ��.�-
<br /> L Pa��eat et Pef�cipd a�d iateres�14rep�9�s�s�!•�C�W'.BaROwer sbaU promp�tY P�Y
<br /> — princip�l of aod intecest on the debt ev+denced bY the Note aad aoY PnPaY�aad laoe cE�ges due under the Noie.
<br /> � z Fi�c tor 13�s a.a�Sa.�e. sabjece w applipbk lsw ar wa,wntten waiv«.�y I.ader.BnQOwer se.l1 p.y w
<br /> -- Lader�on tbe day modhiY V�Y�?�'��t uader 8ie Nace.unrii the lYa�e is pRid'ut full.a sum("Fudcls")far:(�)Y�Y
<br />,a.� aver this Se�itY In�zs a lien on tbe RopertY:(b)Y�7�
<br /> -_ � tues md zsiessieeats�rhich may a[wn priorig► �p��: ifi Y�Y��
<br />_-- � p�ym�ts ��aand�[s oa thc Plcopaty.if�uy:(c) yarly ha�ard cr pcuperty .
<br />- insu�anca pemitims. �f�►y:ta)YearlY matpge ins�►���was.J aoy;aad(�any sums pa�Y�Me bY Ba�rowa�°
<br /> L,a�der.in acco�dance witfi the provisians af p�agr�{►h 8,in litu of dx payment of�ga iawc�ce p�'enuums. 1Mu
<br /> items�e calkd`E.sciaw Iteau." 1.endes a�aY.st a�ry titne.caltax 2uid 6old Ficnds m an amount not us exaoed t6e ma�citau�m
<br />: amount a Iender far a fedQally related n�at�e lo�°mai!n4uice for Barmwer's esc�ow accouoc mider tbe federal Rail
<br /> Estate Settkaxnc Aoced�ues Act of 1974 u amendea from nme to time.12 US.C.�260i et srq.C��►"),uokss aaoWer
<br /> taw tt�st�pplies to the Fi�nds sets a Iesse�amouat If so.I.mder may.u aay rime.colk+et and hotd Fiuds ut aa mwanc aot w
<br /> excoed tbe kssc�moiu�t. I�eader msY espmaoe.tbe aawant af.PL�ds due an t6e bssis of causent dats aod reasonable
<br /> � atunue.s of r�pasdituns of future Escmw Imms a a�huwise in accad�nce with aPPlicable law. —
<br /> � � 1be Twds ssu116e heTd in aa�on wl�ose deposits ate�uod 63►a federal a8er�►•ia�ummnlity.qr artitY • , �---
<br /> ('iaclnding Lende�if I.eader is such m insaauioo)or ia any TYde�at Haa�e 1.o�n Bank. Lrender sE�[1�ppty the F�rds to pay
<br /> . tse F.scrow Iams. Lender may na ch�rge Bo�towa fa holdiag aad applying d�e Fiu�d.s,aimwllY�Y�S�� _------
<br />. ;.` ' xcount,or vetifyittg the Esa�iW Itert�s.unless i.eada Pa9s Bp�°wer intaest oa t6e Foads aod apQiiCabie 1aw pemiiu =_---_
<br /> �-'• l,ender w m�Ice sach a ch�e. However.Lender may cequiie Boimwer w pay a a�e-M�e c�a*8e fa an mde�dent n�l i ti�:�,�..R.
<br /> cGa
<br /> '`°'� . �e tu aepo�sing saviee used h}►Lr.ndrs ia cont�ecaai wtth this W�n.tmlass applicable lav�rr pcavides othecwise{Tnless ao.• . '1`� r,���;:`�
<br /> �:::,, � -�,:;� i �:�,,G��_,.;`..
<br /> ��=•- ,:: agroen�ent is made or applicable law iequins intetest ca be paid,[.ender stnll tat be tequired to pa�B-amnwaaay iautesK� : I:_.f��.:,;:,.
<br /> �;�:;;;i:°' ''_ '_a"'' in wtitin liaw�vet,tlat intecest shalt 6e p�id on the ttmds. I.atder _ ` `�-
<br /> � eamings oa tGe�unds. Bamwer aad Le�xter may�agee 8► �:�'�-,'—
<br /> �•r•;:�.. �r .s....:. Y ,
<br />, :..`` _ - sh�ll give to Botmwer.withouc cbarge.an a�mu�1�ntin8 of tbe Fands.showing cted�ts and deUits to the Fimds�and�c . __ '..-�;:�.`—
<br /> u for a1I srorms secnced '
<br /> �` :�'` pnrpose for whicb esch debit to the Fvnds was made. 'iTie Fimds an pledged as additional seciuicy bY �";�.: --
<br /> `;�", - x a;'�;' ���Wds held by Leader excoed tbe amounu pem�itced ro be held by applicable faw,Bxadec si�axount to� �` �.• --
<br /> a .:.;:
<br /> ,:�"r.. Bamwer ford`ae access Fw�ds in accordance with the requireauac�o�applicabk law. tf tlre�t of the Funds Geld bji:�" �,�°;"::...,.
<br /> -,��
<br /> � - ` �°�' 1,rnder at aag ume is not suffioient w pay the Fscrow Iuats whea due.Lender may so noafg Eccfower in wridng,and.in .;_ ,.:.
<br />. h - such c�se Batowa s6ai!pay to Lender the anwuat ttcessary ta matce up tliee defcda�cy. �irower sbaA make up the •�.;'r,:==:`;,^'-�. -_
<br /> . f. 1 j�. . - '��. . . (i� j .
<br /> deficiaw�►in no mone tlr�t�relve monthI paYments.at Lender's sole discretioe. - ,
<br /> ° sefund to Borrower� � '�°�;+�5
<br />, , �. �:'�'=�i�;�:�. 11Po+�WY�nt_in f��e�f all sums so ued by this Securiry Insuumen�l.ender sbaU pnomgdp Y � .`- - ,r r�.'
<br /> -� :t_••.- • {::��. ----•-��•-_
<br /> •.,s ;�. �,;;;,.;_ Funds held hy Lendet. �.:�ider paragraph 21.Lender sl�al{ar9uire os sell thc Property.Leades,pcior to the acquisition or .....
<br /> ,. '`�'°'` sate of the PtaFesty:s6aI1 apply any Funds held by Lender at[he dme of acquisiaon or sale as a aedit against the svms � . . '�?�:•
<br /> . ,�"=�;:`.�.::; 1 ._' r.'• r_�
<br /> . .., secund by t�is Sec�uity Iastrumen� ;- .
<br /> `1.. � . . ' 3 A�piiadon d P�yments. Unless applicable law provides atherwise.all payments seceived by Lender wrdet � _
<br /> . :i�s�.,:.:�. . ��1 and 2 sbai�be appued:firs�to any pnpayment charges due under the Nou:second.to amou�s�gable onder ..� .
<br /> •� � �r'�;^.�:•=, p�agraph Z:�i'd ta interest dae;founh.to principal due:and lase.to any late charges due under the Note. , . � a`:
<br />��`'�",:•. "=='-�".:,.,z`::'� 4�:•; 4. �; L i e a s. B orrow e r s h a l l p a y a l l n u c e s.�s e s s m c n u.c h a r g a s, fines and im p ositioas ataibuqble to the . :;�.=
<br /> �i.': H'�����: ���.�����over this Security Insaumen�and leasehold payments or grotmd-renu.if any. Borrowe� � � .��:;::
<br /> . , . T.�.,;.'�'+ . .
<br /> '��.�,W`' -��,;, shail pay these obllgations in the manner provided in paragraPh 2.a if not paid in that manner.$oriower shall pay them on� , , ��•,",.,wNi.
<br /> - nn � �
<br /> 4�:,,�.• ��:�' ' tune directly to the person cwed paymen� Borrower shall prompdy fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under . '. �``,4::_
<br /> � �l�i::,�,;�: tbis paraSraPh. If Borra�v r�akes these payments d'aectty.Borrower shall ptort�d4=.fumish to Le�der recelpts evidencing , : '. .,•`.__
<br /> i . ,,',., :•�
<br /> ,. , ;�'"�!��:��'� • ''''�,. the ty, .. . , ,
<br /> 1;-�'.,��,�1g=-�, .;'�.•.'�°���'• HoROwa shall promptty dischargz ar.y lien whish has priority over this Securiry�3nsvu.�.ae anless Borrower:(a)agrees . ., � :';'�:.�
<br /> ��°�T�-'ia"` �..-.ia::'
<br /> 4 ,,�, ,a:. ln wridng ri��ie pryment of the obligau�secnred bY the lien in a martnar aceeptab1e to Cender:�'6)contests in good faith the
<br /> ,.`}�;i�,�:�,;� lien by�ar�:end�against enforcemenc aY the lien in.'egal praceed'mSs which in the Lender's apinion operote to preveat the � .
<br /> , ' .�' ,.,f;.1=.'.` `-=._.= e n forcemeaz o f t h e l ien:or(c)s e c u r e s fr o m t h e h a I�c f t h e lien an a g c eement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien . _ .
<br /> .;,'�_ ,; , , -
<br /> ;,,;:;�.'•�:,..',;: .:-_ to this Securlty Inswmen� If Lender detennines a�:��.y part of the Property is subject to a lien w h ic h may a u a in priori t y � � -:
<br /> - ` „s,�f '_:,�•;;;�,{��_:� over this Se:udry Insuument�Lender may give Barra�er a notice identifying the lien. $orrowes shall sacisfy rii�E lien or take
<br /> -.. : ,:;,"it,?.�;- one or ar���of the actians set forth aboce:�:hm 10 daya of the giv'�.-�etf noace. . `;�:�"`.
<br /> • . �• ````�°'', S. .�rard or Praperty Insura�cr. Borrowet shall keep�"°.�mprovements aow ex'c.�riu�c�:hereafte�erected on the � : � '��'�,,.:.`
<br /> ,.>;,�
<br /> � �,.
<br /> ,;;;,•`_ _•_:_ Aropetty in'sared against loss by fire,hzzz:ds incluCed within the temi"eatended coverage":s•i��y other hazards,including -
<br />—=- - ��.�.;s�— - ftoads or flooding. for which Lender reg�ires insur.u�ce. '!'his.ensurance shaU tse maintau:e� in the amounts and for the � ___ _ _
<br /> '``':�'si ' ' : , �
<br /> '`i,c:,.' ' .
<br /> •,;��•: ;.' , � 8c�n 3Al8 !N� fDaRi 2 vI6 Pcqe�► � .
<br /> �•....
<br /> . d� ,. . n
<br /> . . . , •
<br /> . . • ' ' � ' � • i ` .
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<br /> • • --� ---- - .. r� • . , . ,
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<br /> � � •+ . . , _ `. . � • . . ' . .. • �-- --------'-- ` - _.�- — .
<br />