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<br /> ' --'. . � . . _ ..
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<br /> C,
<br /> � . . condpn�tion a aha tiicin�otsnyprt of�he Fivperty.or fa con�ceysax ie tieW of cdn8e�inatioe.�e 1�enel�y�iioed�
<br /> .. ���10� , sluiU 6e .:: to.the wms secu�+ed 8y t1�is SecuritY �
<br /> 1n the-eveat oE,s totsl takin�at the Ptaperty.�e piacuds aPPlied
<br /> baa�cment.whntKr or aa tbeo dtt�witA sisy eaeess pnid to Barower. In the eir�t at s parci�t akin�of die�Aupenyr yt ".
<br /> �fiid�the fair tnar�et vaMe of the Fivpetty itmnedtatety befoee tt�utid$is eqtnt w or�ter th�n the aeaunt�f tUe swns
<br /> �ecu�ed sy t5�s Security ta��ent i�unedia�e befae U�e taiang.unless�Ba�rawer aad l.er�da uthawise�rot`in w��ni• .
<br /> tle a�s.ieeurod byr tl�is S�cnriry I��l be re�ced by the amount ot 1he pocoods muhiptied by tbe fdtowin� ..
<br /> r,cn
<br /> - - fnc�io� ts)the ioai�amou�e oi tlics�mss sseuted it�di�bdone U�e ufcin�.divided b�r(b�the filr mult�volt�e�1be�_ -- -
<br /> -pt�npatg immodiskly�+t[ae th�taki�. NaY balanoe sbali be paid to�c�rowa In ahe event of a patial ta�C'ins of tbe _� ,
<br /> � RoQatY in whi�h�tLe f�mufcGt vsla�of t)ie PmpeRY ieueediatety befaee the tak�g is kss th�n tbe artwunl�of tbe wms
<br /> sec�� i�mediately before the takinE..unkss E�ort�nwer and l.ender alferwise agrc�e in wrinng or anless�pQlicsWe!�w
<br /> od�erwix provi�es.the�viceeds s1�U 6e�pptiod to tbe wms secured hy Wis 5ecutit�r ltudrurtKnt wtKtlxr or noE tl�e�ms�
<br /> 'tAwdue. ��. , -
<br /> iE�he PtoQerty is ab�ndoaod by Banowa.a if.afte��wtice by L.ender ia 8oaowa tAu tbe uondemoor ofFett to malce �
<br /> � �o s��td as settie s ctana far d�najes.Barrower fau'Is to�apond to Iander wttd'u�.3f1 di�ys Jcer thc d�t tAe notia is pven.
<br /> _ Irnder is�to eoiket and agpiy ttie procads.u its opuai.eiQxr to restaatiaa a rep�ir af lhe Propert!'a�to tbe .'
<br /> - wa�s soc�od 6y dus Security�anmt;wf�etba ar rot UKn due. �
<br />_; — � UNas Lenct�r�d Barower o�ise sg�ee m v�ritiog.anY applieatiun of p�ocads.to prl�cip�t sh�l1 aot extend ar
<br /> sg�ee
<br /> -- — po�pooe tlie d�e due of the nwMhlY PsY!�nf�to in ps�agraphs 1 and 2 achange�he'amount of st�psyments.
<br /> il. d6rn�w�1�t Rda�ed; Farbea�ot Bp Leader Nat s W�iver. Extensan of Ehe mmc fa psym�t a -
<br /> moaifiatioo of�momr�uia�of the sums soc�nM bY this SatiuicY Lnsu�enC g�nted bY Lender w any suaoetsat la inteneu
<br />�-.�' d Barmwer s6a11 rwt opaate�neitase tHe�lity of the aiginai Boimwer a Bamwer's sncoessas in intenest.Lmder
<br /> v�. � �bal!ao[6e ioq�d to camnence gcoceedinE's aga�nsl any snccassor in u�tec+at or nfuse w�xta�d dme ta piynr�at or
<br /> ;,� ' afiawi.se n�if��mati�tion of cbe sams sermed by tlds Security Instmaaait by tiasan of tny dCnmd mdeby dit anainal
<br /> - Boaowa or Borrower's sacassors m irnerat. AnS►forbearance by Lender in eaer�cising any right ur remedy sl�ll not 6e�
<br /> - raiver of or paclude tbe exaeist of s�ny right a ranedy. �
<br /> ea gt
<br /> - 12. S�aroes asd Axip�Dor�d:Joi11t snd Several l�isbiKt?':C�s. 71�e cavenuus and apnxmenis of tttis
<br /> Socurity Insdtnnmt sGali biM and benefit the sucassors and assigns of Lender and Bomawer.subject to tin provisia�s ot
<br /> '� pt�raph.t7.S01InWlt�S CdV[f1�f1�5.9iifJ A�LS S�II bC J01111 uIA SCYCt3F.Ati�BOIIOWE!K'IIO CO�SI$1Lf UIIS SCCtQI� .
<br /> .� ,t 1115tt11Ti1lQ[blll a01.'S IfOt CXCCN[E tf1C�0[C. (.�)1S CA'SI$IIp1g tH15 SCCYAIy�II�IUI11p1t 011Tyl(0 QIOt1$�$B.$�lT 7�CA1�VCy� —
<br /> ;:`' So�ro�ya's intaiest ia tAe Ptoperty underihe tertns of this Security Insaumen� (b)is na per,on�Ity obligated to pay the swns �
<br />- ;*� coc�ned 6y t6is Security Iasaumant;and(c)agrees thac Lender�d any ather Bomuwer may agree tQ extend.mod+fY.forbeu
<br /> � or m�lce any xcommodations with reg�rd to the tetms of this Securiry I�.mument or tlie Note witbaut d�t Barrowerk ----
<br />. . Y, cansen� � —
<br /> ,��.s.�� 13. Lw�CMar�es !f the laan sxured by this Securit} Instrument is subject to a law which sets msu�imvm loan
<br /> �,,,� ch�cges.and t1�t law is finally fncerpread so ttwt the interest or otber toan charges colketed or to be coliected in coru�ecaan
<br /> with tf�e kr�n ezcad the pem�itted limits.then: (a)any such lout chacge sdaU be reduceA by the amount necessary to nduce
<br /> � the c6arge to tbe petmiaeci limit;and(b)any sums already coAected from Bo�rower which eacceded permitted iimits will be
<br /> �;,. refunded to Bormwer. Lender may choose ro maice this afund by reducing the pdt�eipsi owed under the Nou or by malcing� . -
<br /> ��:,-.�=—
<br /> �PaY�nt to Borrower. If a refund reduces pri�ipal,the reduction wi11 be tteated as a paRial ptepaymeet without atry ' . �z�z;'�--
<br />' "' P�Y�►t ch�rSe vader the Note. . . ,.:�. -.�-� :
<br /> ' �`�' 14. NMlce� My r�atice to Borrower provided for in�tii�..5equity Insavment shail he given by delivering it or by, ,��.._.;-�:_
<br /> �. mAiling it by first class mail unless applicabte law requins us�;�fi�is12iR methad.T1�no�ice shall be directed to the Propaty : -
<br />. ' qddress os any other address Barrower designates bg tmrir�pp�r.iz�fer. Any notice to I.ender shall be given by first class . � • .
<br /> mail to Lenderk a�Wress staced herein or any otha adds�ss-�ertd"ezi�5�*naces 6y notice to Boaower. Any notiee provickd for :
<br /> ,.j ; . - in this Securiry Incovmen!shall be deemed to have'lic�a-giveiY w Borrower or Lender when given as prowded tn this �" '
<br /> 8y
<br /> -'i.��:; .� ��1�. G�c�snlaf La�v;SeversM'I[ty� 't7us Security Instoument shall be govemed by federal law aad the law of the • �L _---Fi'.- -
<br /> '.�_ jurisdictian itt cvhich the Property is luc��d:� ln the e�+ent that any prpvision or clause of this Securlry lasttument or ehe Nate � ....
<br /> �� - - coaflicu with applicabte facv,such eanfli�shall aat afi'r�c othcr provisions of this Securiry In.mument or the Nate which can
<br /> • be given effect withont�wnfticting provisioa..'Lo tlus end the provisions of itsis Suudty Instrument and zttc Note an •
<br /> ' , = declared to 6c s�venble. :.` ,, "• r .:�' . .,•
<br /> ' �'�'�'- � 16. $4t�*a�ver's Copy. Borrow•er Rtiall.he given one confarmed copy of the Nate and of this Security Inswsnen�....;.� � . _ .
<br />'%�.';yl��'1- I�. Thtytster otthe Propert}ar.�'•�Sefkial Interat ia Barrawer. If a11 or any pa»of the Propeny orarfy intertst,in. . . -_
<br />;'�;;;:''', #° it is sald or cransferred!oT if a beneficia: interest in Borrower is sold ar transferred and Borroctet as not a na:ural persoN � _
<br /> . `c- withaut Lendar's prior written can.un�l.ender ma}•.ae its aption.require imme diate payment in full of All s�3 aecurcd b y �. ..
<br /> ' this Security lnstrumen� However,thiti option shali notlse exercised 6y Lender if exerc�se is prahibited by faS�'rai taw as of •
<br /> ';•.� � . �r` ttze date of tbis Security lnsnumen�. <• �`
<br /> :`:�, .,..,;s ..� iF I.enri,Lrexeccises thls option.Lendec�I�sii aive Barrawer nouce of acseletatian. The natice shall pravide a pedod of
<br /> . ;n. ���:',st. not less than�'tl days from the date the nouc�is detr�ered or mailed w itbin which Horrower must pay all sums sccurtd by fftis • ..
<br /> '''-"��ti"!`� ' w' Security lnstrumrni. If Borrower fails to yay chese sumy ptior tn the explration of this period.Lender may invoke any
<br /> . ,r s:�t�;��:-:-°• .- �dits permilted b�thiz Security tnssrtrment wittsau�funher notice or demand orr Br�rcower. .-..:;- --
<br /> •"!�' -y '�' 1& 8orrawer's Righl to Reinstate. lf Borrower meets certain randirions>.Borrower shs�ll huve the�right to have �,�,;::�
<br /> 'cid.,, .,.,�.r
<br /> . ..: - � ' • entotcemem of this 5ecurit�Instrumrnt discontinusd at any time priar tn the eare_r of; la)5 d•rys(ar such other•periad� ;;,,r-.r�. .:
<br /> � �,�i-.v, ._tf:`.���. •
<br /> �,,f-
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