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<br /> J .� �` ...- . -.�.:---� �- .� � �. .. _ . - . .. :- ' ��_p��'- i����sM�'_ . .'_ . " .
<br /> � . �(�iff Y���. . �Q�r�.r��Y7�r�iN�l�K'��DH�IVwGi��Y�� -
<br /> �MYi��i�IIOI bC l�SOOf�1Y�ICd.' ��0[�CMK�fit�{b IO�IOfi111�CdYCTfaC��C.�-�C�ID��►s� , .
<br /> �dld!['S optf011.0EfiQ CO�MN7�e L�p1+GIG'CL{.!'Adlr�S tt�i III IIiG pCOpEt�I Ifl�O�da�1�WUh p�7s[aph 7. � �
<br /> ' �l,�Sil[�IICC pE11iCi�S OOd[id1ENf�i 31H11�!aCCCp[iblC W 1.CIIdCT�Ild shftl i1iC111dF i SL7tld01d�10[I$�EE C�a1tSG l.ladll' . �
<br /> !�{t���liYE�1l:fidK LO hO�Q t�1C pDi1CIB5�ld tttlG�Y�1i. ��iCl�I1LR7.�OR�[S�fi�Ql�OI11�y►ElwC t0�.lIIdG�i�tb00f�i
<br /> , ` o[p�id pmniun�s�od teoewal notica. In tlit eee�of Wss.Boe�a sh�U pve panpt nudce tQ tbe icwhore csariet aod
<br /> :Lendet Lender may mske proof of toss if not tn�de PmmpdY bY�� `
<br /> tJelas L.ender md Barro+rer od�avvise�gree in vviirin�insur�oce pmceeds si�atl be applied co�estvruion a tsp�ir af
<br /> --A- - tbe Pxopesty dams�ed.if tke tasta�a ot:epaic is eco�salI�r-fezu'bk and t.eeder's sauriry is nat kasened. 1f tbe
<br /> �ar�tim oc np�ir is not acanaatic�ily fessi6k a Lender�s savrity waatd bc lasened,ttx inwrance pcocaeds sl�lt 6e
<br /> apptied w the s�mss�u�d by ihis Security insonunent.whaha oc rat thai due.�idi any excess paid to Bano�a If
<br /> • Banwver ab�oda�s the lt�peitgr.a does aot aosarcr wnhin 30 days a notice fmm Leader tiiat tbe iawraooc cnier bas
<br /> offaed w seuk a ct�im.t6en Leader msy�t6�ioAU�oce pmcne�s Imder may use dse pcoaeeds ta repair or cesso�e
<br /> d�e�op�t�ar m pay sums socu�ed by this Secu�ity ias�aaax,�rlKdrcr acnot thm duG Tbe 34dsy peeiod�riII be�in when
<br /> 16c aotke is pv�en. . . .
<br /> unkss r�a,da aaa sa�rawa ethawite a�nee ut wririoa.any�pp+ic�oan oe p�ocaas to p�u�eFp�l sfi�u noc mma br .
<br /> poapone die due d�e of tbe morn6[g paymeras c�efened to in prrgrap6s 1 srd 2 a cban�e drc art�ou�of tbe payweMS. If
<br /> _ uoder praFapb 21 the P�eny is acquite�by I.eader.Baaow�c's ri�ht to any mwr�oce poGc�es ad p[oceeds tewWo�
<br /> __ - - fcam daa�ee to the Ptope�ty piac w tt�e aoquuition shal!�ss to L�der w t6e exteac of the s�s secmod by dds Sea�it�F
<br /> Iostn�nent imm�ately priot w the acquuipon. •
<br /> f� 'Ooa�c� � 1Nai�tea�oe a� P�aketiot �t iMe Propert�: Eorrower'�•t.a� Ap�licafio�;
<br />-- lwre�l/�. 8ortnwer sAtU axupy,at�6lisb.�nd use Qie Aopasy ai Hoaawerl�p�inapal tesidence�sucy dsys dier
<br /> - . ' tbe exec�tiaa of tHis Security Ins�ent aod slult oaatiaue to occapy du Aopeity as BaRro�ra's piiacip�l ns�d�noe f�at
<br /> - 1ea�t oae yrar alta the date af ooap�ecy. uoless t.ender ad�erwise apas iu �rtu�g. which � s�ll rwt 6e
<br /> =- — �aee�ambty�vi�hdd.ar ueksa e�ctawstinj cuc�amspm�ees ea�iu which ae 6eyaod Ba�er's Gamol. Banowna sbtil pot
<br />-_ . de�any.d�rea je a�imp�ir tbe Pkoperty.albw t6e Propeny to deteriarx�a cammic waste oa the Ptvpe{ty. Ba�ower�IuA ..
<br /> ° be ia defwit ff a►y farfeit�e sction a ptecn�ding.whedxr dv�or crimi�l.is besan that in I.ander's Sood fi�h jadpna�t
<br />.-.. eoWd newh in fa�feitune of tbe Penperey as od�etwi�e materi�lly impnit d�e lim cRatad by this Secmig 1a�umant.oc
<br /> i.ender's sec�uity intecost. Barower max cut�e such a default ard ceinstu�u providod in pacagiapb 1&by causiag d�e acnon .
<br /> or Pcncadins w 6e dim�issed wit6 a tuling d�at.ia Lender�s gaod faith de�mina�on.P�ecludes forfeihue of tbe BasuMer's
<br />• inte�at in tbe Pmpetty ar other mauriai impiimient of the lirn crrated by this Secwity Insmunent a Leader�saauuy
<br /> � inuaest. Bonower shaII a�so be in default if Bo�tower. duting the lou�apptication pnxess. gave mate�ially false ar
<br /> _ maccu�ate�o�arian or sauments w Ltt�der(a failed w provide l.ender wrtt�aay mareria!infonns�iion)in soonecnan wit8
<br /> - tbe laaa evideacsd by the Nate.mchtding. but twt timited to. n:pKSentatiaas conoemia8 Boaowa� occupancy of the
<br /> 1Ropeny as a principal residence. If rhis Secunry L�mumart is on a ieaselwld,Bamwer si�ail compiy wicti all tde provisions ,
<br /> . e of the kase. If Bortawer acqubes fee title w tbe Ptopetty.the kzse6oW aad d�e fee utk si�ttna merge unkss Leader apees
<br /> w tUt metger irt wriang. -_ ,
<br /> 7. Pcotecdoa d Leader's Rijhts ia t4e Propertp If Bocrower fa�s w perfam the coveaanu and agcetments
<br /> " ' ou�asined ia tbis Seentiry Lutn�a�eat.a the�e is a kgsl p�ocading th�t may significaa�tly affxt l.et�der's riglus in dx
<br /> � '� Pta�peny tsuch as a pocading in bantauptcy.pro6ate.for ca�demnat[a►or forfeito�e ar to eafocce laws ariegularians).dun . _- -
<br /> - Leader may do and pay for whatever is necessary w ptatect the value of tlte PmpeRy and Le�er's aghs in We Ptapetty. � -=��
<br /> _— i- Lender's xtia�s mag include WY�B�Y s�s sec�u�ed by a licn which has priority over this Secwity Iasaument,�_.. ��A��-__-
<br /> , in caut.PiS�B�easonable auomcys fees and rnteting on the Pt�nperty to make r�epairs.Althaugh Lender may t91ce��as �E --.;�::
<br /> �u�det ihjs parag�aph 7.Leader does not have to do so. ,__ _
<br /> � - My amounts d'isbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall6ecome addiaonal debt of Borrower secuKd by this ;, ' ..
<br /> Socuriry Insuumen� Qntess Borrower and Lender agroe to other tem�s of payment,these amounts sha116ear interesc fian the � � .
<br /> .,,:.•. ,'�:
<br /> . d�te of disbutserrKnt at thc Note rate and st�aU be payahle.with inutest.upon notice from Lender to Barower cequesting ' �.;��.��"-�
<br /> �.• . .
<br /> WY�� . i, '.
<br /> . � Mortp=e lawranee. tf Lender:rquitrd mortgage insurance as a conditlon of malting the loan savrcd by this � y�',,,:-
<br /> Security lpsttumen[.Batrower si�all pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effa�. If.for any � ;1�.::i=
<br /> . ,.;,_.:
<br /> - �eason. the moitgage insurance coverage requir�ed by Lender fapses or ce�ses to be in effecb Bonower shail pay d�e ;;�.7.
<br /> pr�emiums tequired co obtain coveiage substanttally equivalent to the moc�ge insurance previously in effect.at a cast �,t : �•:-, "
<br />�!.• • .•r: awbstantially equ�valent to the cost to Hocrower of the mortgage insur3ncs peeviously in effect.from an altemate mortgage ;',F:, '
<br /> ';� lnsu�er approved b Lender. If substantiall e uivalent mo e insuraace covera e�s not availabte.Homnwer shall to � ��,�f"f�''1��
<br /> Y Y q �S S PaY � ,l_;:
<br /> ..` Le�d"es exh month a sum equal to ano-twelfth of the yearly mo�cgaga ir�surance premium being paid by Bomower wiiea s�e ':_�..,=_'-:
<br />'+.;{;�,, Insur�cover.�ge lapsed or ceased to be in effecK. Lender will accep�use aad retain theu payments aq a loss reserve in I"ieu . : '�`":
<br />'. `,;�;:`Ji . � of martgage insurance. Loss teserve payments may no longer be rcquiced.at the option of Lender,if mortgage insur�nce _`
<br /> ,�_�. . covorage(in the amuunt and for the pcnod that Lende�aquires)provjded[ry an lnsurcr appmved by knder again b�omes �;''�.,' ..-: •.-
<br /> . �:,� avail�ble and is oi�r�.Bo�rower shall pay the premiums required to maintain mocigage insurance in effecti,or to provide a � ,
<br /> , ��. loss resenre.until the rcquirema�.i for martgage iasurance ends in accordance wieh any written agteement between Baenwer �, ' - : :;:•�-��
<br /> . ',,,� R� :',',:t ' , and Lender or applicable law. �•. ;,:,':��;,.-
<br /> � ,,,,�?•.�rri��, 9. InspecNon. Lender ar iu agent may makc reasanable entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shall ��.:'-f-' , . . �
<br /> � '"�� - give Boerower not�ce�t the time of or priar to an inspection specifyiog rrasonabte cause for thc inspeetion. • • -- -��
<br /> , �s�� i"� " 10. Coedem�tion. The roceeds of an award ar daim for dama�es,direct or conse uenti�l.in connection with an �
<br /> ._��.: :�. P Y �! Y ( '.
<br /> �..,,,.r -:�
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<br /> , � +� ., � .
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