<br /> r -.r-y . �'� f,� _ `� _ � � .. � _ . �" .rr=_^ .
<br /> - a.>__ � f �tt�I�,~. . . . _-.c_� —
<br /> , .�.7--. ' � � .. . .__—_
<br /> . ..�. _ y.' .-�-. - . _. _` _' ._. . . • .c , ' < , �. _ _ ' ' - ` . � � � . � ` .
<br /> _ �-- . - - � - ._��2=. ��a��s�.
<br /> : : ....,_ _ � .. _ . .
<br /> . � � � . •:: .� • � -_ . � . . � . � . . � ,c . '� '
<br /> �0 1AKf 0�Si�C 00At��`1�fli �cj,
<br /> � �Ci�E jt�Y�-SpOC1��►.fC[ilDl���0[r 3i�C O�f11G�O�IC[[y� �Q�,, '
<br /> `$p�j�F�D�IdI�'Ot(b)Mtry O��jY�������� Z�SC C�1f10�5�[Cl�i�[�Ofi�WCt (S}�
<br /> p/�1l,kii�l�:SIIU15 i�l�f t�Eil,1YOP�bC dYC {1fi�Q t�]1S$CCYfI[�f�115DU111Q111�tbG NO[C iS If.AO �G�G7il0��1id-
<br /> _aoa�ed:(b)c�a amy d�fauit.of any atha coverants or�sient�(c)PiYs all espedses inciaied in enforciag this Sec�ity► . .
<br /> . I�m�e�.mcl�ddiag.but not limiteci to reisonabde attomeYs�fexs:tud t�rates auch ution u ixr�r a�tY reascoab�Y
<br /> — .req��to asw�e tb�t the iia�of this Sa�uitY I�uma�.L�de:'s tiglus ia the FtapeRy and Bonowa�s oWi�to psy►the
<br /> � smns sa'u� 6Y t�s SecurilY irutrtm�aa sb�U caariau� w►clianged. Upon.nemuatema�t by Bamw�ttus Secung
<br /> `.�AnoAmt aiod tbe obGgaaans sec�mad haeb�t sEntt rer�iit faity effectivt ss if aa aeeelaatiae ME!accu�ed Howeva.this:-
<br /> rijht to rei�sntc sh�t not�ppty in the a�e d a�oelaatioo ucde�;�ph 17. - . .
<br /> 1! Saie d Nel�CYr�e d.i.�Sereieer, �`he Nout::ar.a,pautia!�t-irt,�tl�e Nose ttogether wuh tbis Scaai.ry
<br /> �nent)maY be soid ooe ar mae times'vvitEc�a,p�iar.nntisd�co'>Borrowac; rl4�sak may�cesuh in a ct�:ia-tbcaoiii�► ,''
<br /> (Imowm as die"Lo��.,.�''x4'°)diu coipec�moatbiy,paymeots due�utulerth����Ge and._this.S�ry�`�7x:e also ,
<br /> _ m�r be_a�nrmae c}i�►ges of ti�e Laia Saviixr rrruelqte�I�to-+�'�of tboNdte.-=If:lAe�c;�s.�,¢hmSe ot the:Loa Swiar,
<br /> Har��be giva�wrsittm t�otice af t6e ch�tgE'ip�ioe�'viiIth p a n g r a p h 1 4 a b o�'a�1a�v. TUc nptice
<br />_-_ wn'll sCa�e i9�na��d addrrss af the new Laaa SRn►icc�ud t�ee.�tdd�css to which psYments#Et�oatd be m�de. 'I1�e rw6ce w� �
<br /> alto cont�any other�fa�matian req�ued b�►�piic;tbk l+►w. _
<br /> -- 2� Harar�s Sr6sis�ees. Ba�mwa�dlla�t s�use a netarit the piaa�ce.use.disgasal.tWcage.or ielase of� .
<br /> .:�� li�z�s Sabs�c�s ao a iQ tbe�vpat,• Baarowec shall not dos�ar allow$�yorr,else to do�anydung a6�ocan8 _ �
<br /> _ . pt�opetty�hat�is ro violuion of ury Fuvuoiunmml law. 71ie prxeding two swten�xs si�ail not appIy to tbe prcsa�ce,use.o�,
<br />-a,s awra�on the T'�opertY of srtwU qwwtiiies of Haz�rdous Substances thu m generally tecogniud w 6e app�+opi�e w no�m�i
<br /> 7�?. _ ,z+aideatisd uses aod W m�intet�e of the PtnPertY- �'� iavesti ctwn,dar�d.laws�it�a otha�cuaa by anY • .
<br /> � Baaowa aT�tl p�ompdY� . :R'�°d°� _ pa►�`,, gatf°!t,
<br /> a
<br />:::;<.,�, s�e Propeir�;�i�»Y Flarsrdo�s Su�ar Fnvnarpnearsl
<br /> govertunental.or�..�ulacorY
<br /> , -�' Lw of wluct�.�.�wer l�.a�. ,: ��leams.oF is notified by u►y goveri�enal a iegul�taY
<br /> '_�;i aatho�iry.thaa:��+a1' ' Subsaque affesting ttie Pmpacty is nxasaty.Baimwer .
<br />- � sh�il�€�ts�ie all necessary mnedial acoiau in�c.cadame svith Envuoo�nental law.
<br /> ( ,.
<br /> As used in this parignPl��O."Huudous Substances"aca those substu�ces defined as waic or hats�d�ous subsvrM:es by
<br /> Fav�nrneatal Law and the follawing substancxs: gasoline.lcerasene,other fl�na�ble or toaic peaolaun products,toaic
<br /> :�. pesticides and tiecbicides.vulan'te solvenu.materis�s coataining asbestos or fom�aldehyde.and radiva�tive muecials. As .
<br /> scb
<br /> • uxd in this paragraph 20."Endironmrntal Law"means federal taws and laws oY t}x jucisdietioa wlune��erty is Iocated
<br /> . that nlau ia health,safety.a.envuaunental ptotection. �'�
<br />.- .. '; NON-UNffORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agrce as folloars: � �:
<br /> ' - 2L Acakntiob;Rert�edies. Lende�s6alt�ive aatice to Borrower prior to acoeleeatioa f�uw�Borro*K's
<br /> - � bcesch o��ay eovaisnt or a�'eement ia this SecurHy Instrudient(bat aat psiar to�tcceleratios�der pus�ntpb l7 ,
<br /> : s�
<br /> o�a spplic�bie�w prnvtdes otben►Ise). ��5e notice shsll specify: (sl:t�e defaWt;[b)tbe�tio��ired to carc tMe
<br /> � �y ' dtfi�lt;lel s i�qes.�a!ie�tbsn 30 dsys fi^aiaa�the d�te the�otke�S�se�:to Borm�ver,by rv6icTc�ddadt must be .
<br /> cored:and(d)tiwt fapWrr to core tLe defat�ao ar 4etore t6e date s�l'�ed in tNe aotice may�d�me�cdersdon o� ' ' ,
<br /> • _ ' tLe son�s secured by t�is Securit9 It�mta't�nd s�le ot the Property. The notice sbalt tuelher ido�e��of
<br /> Uie ri�t ta reiast�te after accekration aad tbe�ight to 6Hag a coart action to atsert the non�ence at a dd'ai�t a'
<br /> � asy at6er defe�se at Ba�rower to accekra�ioa and s�te. If the default Is nat cured on or before the date�ia
<br /> . • �-'"'y the notice,l.ender at Ita option rn�y reqairrtmraediate payment in fuR oipll sums secared by this Secudty Instrumeal �
<br /> �%�.
<br /> • � •t � �ritLout farther denwnd and rru�j invdce tGe power ot sale and any otl�er remedks permitted by spplkabk Iaw _=__���
<br /> - �'� I.ender shall be eeNtkd to coqect all expensts incurred in pussuing the remedies pro��ided in tbis pan�nph M+ ,�_,����
<br /> � ��'=''�• ' iecludiog.but nW limited to.reasonabk attorne s•tces�nd costs af titk evldenca --
<br /> Y .�' 'c-
<br /> � It the po�re�o�sak Is ins oked,Tnatee sball record p aot�ce ot defautt in wch county in which any part ot 1Le �_.;,:,.,::.-
<br /> property is Iopited and sha11 rtw1 copies of wch notke in the manner prescribed by s�pplkabk law td Borrower and to y ,_,:���-.-
<br /> . " the Mher persoes prescrlbed by Applicable IaR: Atter the Hme�equire�d Dy appUcable ls�w.Trustee shall give public ?'• *�=-
<br /> '°"' aatice ots�k to the persons And in the manner prescrlbed b.applicabfe lst�: Trustee.�ithout demand oa Borrovrer,
<br /> � .,�,;�'; . sbaU sdl the Property at public audlan ta the highest bidde�at the tlme and pl�ce an d un d er!he terms d e s igna t e d in �,. � ..=___
<br /> � tbe natia ot sak ia one or more parcels and i�any order Trustee detenpines. Trustee mAy postpone sak ot all or aay , -�.,—_-.
<br /> ` _�+�'��.' p�rcel ot the Property bY PuD1ic atmouncement at the ti�e and place of 9ny previousls schedukd sak. Lertde�or its . . ��.';�:...
<br />_�." . �. . des�gnee nwy purchase the PropertY at am s�le. ' ' . =_—
<br /> Upon receipt ot payment M the price bid.Tsustee sbal!deli�r�to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveqins the - --
<br /> • Property. The recitals in the T�usta's deed shall be prima tacie e��i�ruce of the truth oi t6e st�tements m�de therein. .::�,:_
<br />