- :--�..__ -'T.<_'�... :' ' _
<br /> [ �( `'.. - - �Fr �.%: ,� . ... � ` . , � _ -_--. . �_ ... - ` `
<br /> _ _ � - _ _ - .« �.._._�-:�.�_.."""�ti.. . .. ' __ , _
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<br /> C. .
<br /> ` . . , �- _, � -. - : --- � - �, �g2--3�486��... �::
<br /> � mc�c wmf.0 ebe in�prareme�no�ar M,a.�r ee�c�e�a�u�e peopenr..nd�n waea��.� .; ,
<br /> aad C�xtu�s nn�r a hd+eafi�r a pa�t,at the p�opeeey. All er.ptacaoems�ad ad�Wiads s6a�1�iw 6e c�►eied b!►tbis Sca�► �
<br /> , Ira� Att of the fe�e�oi�is niared eo ia this Secutity G�wr�a�d�a"�frvperty." ,.� �
<br /> ' � � BORROWER Cl?YENANTS tri�t Boe+owa 1s 4wfully.seised of the ataoe bneby caeveyed and h�the dy�t w�aru ,
<br /> ' �id convey tAe Ptop�eriy and�at the Pmpeety it ueeost�beted.ex�ept fot�af tecad. Bt�svv�et warr�tits and�-
<br /> well ddend gene�ally tht titk to the P[aQerty apinst�!1 rlaims ytd demmds,suaject t+o any eocu�aoces Pf cecord. � <
<br /> � TfQS SECURITY L�iS[[iC�N1'combines unifam cavmaats far rtatiant use and nat-uaitam covtna�s wids
<br /> = limited v�riatioas b�.►juri�dictinn tn caastinue a uoifam security insRUtnent coveria�sq!propeity. , �
<br /> • lJ1VIFORM COVEN14�1TS..Bamrra aad t.eadrr covemnt and agr�ee as fdiows: �.
<br /> 1. Pa}�nt d Pri�cipd aN�r�'lWJ�■nt a�d Late CMu�e�. Borrower shall pomptiY P�Y when due tht
<br /> � p�incipai of aad imetest aa tbc debt evrdmced by the Noce and at►y PaPaYmmt aod late dsat�ss due under t6e Note. .
<br /> 2. Fwia toe'h�es ad Ios�ra�a Subjecc n�appticable Izw�to a vmuen w�ivet by I.eoder.`Bamwa shall p�y to
<br /> ,:- I.eader on fie dsy ma►�1Y WY�ati du��oda the Nae.umtil tbe Note is prid in full.a s�a l"i�s'�for.fs).yeatIY •
<br /> =;_ tua-and assasau�s w6ich may attairt pio�ity ava dris Secucity lnsananenc as a lieo on tbe P�epest�;(b)S�Y�
<br />- -= paymmts a pound c�aits an the Fiopaty. �my: (c)Y�Y hua�d ar p�opaty in�u�nce Pemi� (d)1�Y.�
<br /> inw�nce prcmiu�ns.�f any: (e) YeutY asoct�e�tl�••^^o prem{ums.if�ny:.aad (�aay sums Q�Y�bfe�YfBam�10 _
<br /> -- — — • l.a�der.araccad�oce with the provisioes of p�cs�aph S,in lie�af ttie�ay-as��-r��s�a pr�miueas, T��e�e
<br /> - items aoe cai{ed"Esc�aw Iteau" L�eader may.�t aay tia�t�olk�x and 6oid F�ds in art�w�nt not to exceed ihe mu[iroum
<br /> �mounc a IeriQer foc a feder�lly tehted mataage fwn msy requice for Ba:o+verb escrow accoa�rt under tbe t�deia!Ral
<br /> - F.state Sestemeat Pto�u�tict of t9741t amaided from tiate to�imG t2 U.S G#Z601 tt stq.{"RESA'�►"?.uoiess aoa�6a .
<br /> bw tt�t applies w t6e Fvnds sets�a laser amowu. If so.I.ender mry.at aaY ame.colle+ct�d Doid Euads iA�n�momt eot to
<br /> - �atceed t6e ksses amoa�t. L.enda may estim�oe tUe an�wnt of Fiuttls.dne an the b�+is of emrent d�ta aod teasao�bie
<br /> _ esa�aates of expenditurcs of futute Fsaow Items or athawise ia accanbnae witb applic�ble laM. c=
<br />- ' The T�p�ds slWl be bdd'm an insdNtia�i�Uos�e depasits na iasaeed by s ft+deial�enry.�a�a�nliCY.a e�y
<br /> (mcludiag l.ender.if Lender is such an insniwiia�a)a inpny Fede[al Honte Los Bmti L.endes sbW apply tbe Rridi tD pry
<br /> . dre Fsctow Items. Lerder may not cl�e Bormwer for hoWing�d�piyia�d�e Aind�.am�altY aot[yziq tl�e�'x�o�' `
<br /> }-- aocowi�.or verifyi�g ti�Escmw itea�s.unkss Leader pays Borrovver int�+est an tbe Awbs ad�Qplic�bk 1s�r pen�ils
<br /> I,ender w matce such a clu�rge. ,Howeva.F�eMet raay requae Bamwer w pty s one-time c�¢foe ao iodepada�t ied
<br /> ` ` ' , „ esute put repo�in8 servict usM by Lender iu caurccrion with ttus lo�u.unless�pplicabk bw prorides atbawri�. Usie�s r � -
<br /> � . a�ament is made or applicabte!aw requines inta+est[o'be paid.Lender sAW not be nequited m p�B�tow�a aiay i�R o�
<br /> oement
<br /> e�amings on tLe Funds. Basowa aad I.end�ec may agcee ia wnpng.howeva,tlut in�etest sh�A 6e p�id aa tbe Iiod�. Leader
<br /> � = r :._, ' st�11 give ro Bamwer.without chacge.��1 accopnan8 of the Fi+nd.s,stwwia8 ercdits and debits to tbe�aad drc
<br /> ;:;.�;,• -.�� •'• P+i�pose fa a�tricl�e.ach debit to the Fuads aas made. The Fimds�e piodged as�ddiqomi sec�ity faer�ll amas seaepd bq
<br /> <c�>;::%=
<br />',�Jt;`i�� ' � `' ���Tunds tutd by Lrncter exc�ed die amo�ts Ferrtptted to 6e lietd by applicable 1a�4 T.a�de�s sh�II aceerst to ,
<br /> < � Barower for tb�e excess Funds in aococd�nce with d�e:equi�enxnts of applipbk bKr. If t6e amouot at f6e Iind�i�eld lry
<br /> � _ -=:� < ' I.ender a[any time is not sufficient m pay d�e Fscrow Itcros when due.I.ender may sa aoafy Bamwer ia wiitaq.aod.is
<br /> 4.: sucd case Bamwer sh�il pay w Leatlar dse�nount n�ecasary to mate up the de6cia�►. BoRV�rar shalt nalca ap tUe
<br /> �-`.�� �.� �-,�-_ s;'-. . deficienc.y in no more tl�an twelve monthip p�ayments,at tertder�s sote discntioa. ' ' -.
<br /> '� . � ' ' .`n�`:�:' , U m fnll of ail s�aus�by dus Securiry Tnsm�nkn�Letider sl�all poioplig iefund to Bo�m�er ay
<br /> ;z; •.�.•-��;�F P�WY�t� ' Le dec .
<br /> , „ .:. �: Funds held by l.ender. if,under paeag�aph 21.l.tnder shall acquire ar sell the Propecty.Lender.prlair W t6e�cqulsuiao er
<br /> ;' -��.��r . s�le of the Pcoperry.sha11 apply any Funds held by Lender at tliee time ot acquisiaon vr sak as a crodit sgainst t6e sams
<br /> =�n!�' �_�. secu�d by this Security Insnumen�
<br /> �--•��.
<br /> . . ..�: ''=� 3. Applkatios of Paymtnts. L1nless applicable law provides otherwise.aD paymeats rxeived Dy LeMa w�da
<br /> '�`',�•�:�._;�.�' P�S�P�1 and 2 shall be applied:fust.to any prepayment charges doe u��der the Notr.sec.00a.t�amaunts-payabk wida
<br /> ���;�,.' paragtapb 2:thiN.w inurest duc;fwuth.to princip�l due:and 1ast.to�cy Iaee chargas due under�rli'ote.
<br /> �_�.;� :, 4. C6nr=es:l.ieas. 8arrower shall pay aU taxes.assessments, chuges.�se.i and imQvs:tiora aaributable to the
<br /> 1- Fcepetty which may attain prioriry avct this Saxtaty ta.a�.**stent,and Ieasehold p�y�ar��d t�ents.if a�, Bamw�er
<br /> � :�:=�T.
<br /> '::::;;.r`;. . s�aU pay these obligatfions ln the manner�rovided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in tisac mannec Eat*owa ahsll pay them oa
<br /> -�"•'=� '. �,',.`• dme directty to the persan owed paymact T's�csrower shall prompRy fumish to Lender aU noaees c€�rwunts to be paid undet '
<br /> ��s=".�.:�. . ';�;�;.:. this psrsgtaPh. If Bortower malces these�crrtents dirutty.8otrower shaU promptly fumish ra L.�ader r�eceipts evi�encing ;
<br /> ' '�-'�':.::.'�:�'i'°� the payments.
<br /> -�`?���4�.:::":;'=.`s�;"`.. Borrower sha11 promptt� dr`scharge any lien which has priority aver this Security Instrumene uNas Bomowec:(a)ag�as
<br /> ..s... . <<,,�,.
<br /> ' }�`'�,•;.�;�. la wtiting to the psyment of�obligudon secured by the lirn in a manner acceptable to Lender.fb)contests In good f�ith the
<br /> "'��.:"�;;,`�",� liea lry.or defends ageinn enforcement oP the lien In.le�!proceedings which 1n the Lender's apinion operate to prevent the
<br /> � '`�''`�'�� enforeement oF the llen:or(c)secures fmm the holder ef rlte lien an ag�ement sadsfactory to Le�der wbadinuing the lirn
<br /> a;��:u�:�.�.�"?;; co thia Securicy Insuument. If Lender determines that���art of tne Ptoperty is subject to a lien w�ich tnay aRain priairy , �
<br /> ., ►�`�=j "..,� :°•'"� 4Yer this Security lnsuumen�Lender may give Horrawer w::osice ide:::fying the Hen. Borruwer sh.11 satisfy the lien ar take
<br /> '�=�; ,'• ' eee or mom of the aations set fonh above within 10 da�s:eP the giving of natice.
<br /> : . . � S. Huard or Yroperty Insurance. Borrower.:.-�tt keep the impravements now existing or herra�er�ed on the
<br /> �roperty insured against loss by fire.hazards inctuded witliin the term"eatended wverage"and any o4her haza.^°,;�.incluQing
<br /> -- '-.. '� Aaads or tlooding.Por which Lender cequims insurance. '(his insurance shaU be maintained in trse amounts and for the
<br /> �,,,
<br /> ' . . , � J,;+�
<br /> !.;,'. . Faw 3fld !!�0 IDaAe 2 nJb pagal
<br />.. r. .y� ' 1
<br /> ' ' 1•-- ., •'... . � � � . . • . �. . , .
<br />� .. . �'' . ' . � .. ', ' . . � . .
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<br /> � •. � .t . . . . . . . ._. .- . . . . . . � .. . _ .. � . .
<br /> • .
<br /> .. � _ _ ' _ . . . . . .
<br /> .
<br /> : - .
<br />