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<br /> .-o--. � ,_.- � '_ ':_..'" _' ._'_ "' '� _ '—"-' "__ ._.. _ _ ,_ '__
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<br /> � - _ . _ — a�Q� . �
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<br /> � �br otuer taicing af sny part 9f the Ptopert}.ar fur c�veyan�x ie lieu of cdidemhatiaa�tietebY usigned and: . �
<br /> , �si�U be p�'idto Lender. . . < : _
<br /> 'In 1Be event of�toq! t�king of the Ptopt�.the procaits sshtlf be applied w the sums secuted by.this Se�udty_
<br /> 1�tttimeat,'wl�ether or siat tha4 due.with any exass�aid to Borrowu. Tn the evens of a panial takiag of the Pmpeity iu=.--r.
<br /> - . .vhich_�e fair mulcet vatuo of the�tnperty ertunediately 6efore thc taking is equal to or g�ater than the amount of tht sun� �
<br /> -- - - aa�ued by this StcwitY Inswment�immediatbly 6eT-ore�Ae . _.-- . - - -
<br /> -__ __
<br /> , . Ehe sums sertued`by this Seeurity Instrumrnt shail be�educed by the amatnt of the prucads multiplied by tlit fdtowin� ..
<br /> - � ` �: (�)ttie�unl una�m:of ihe sums seca�ed ImmediuEly befare the aking.divided by(b)t1x fair mutcec value of the
<br /> - -- - � pmpercy imalediauty 6efo�d�t W�mg. My baLnee si�aU 6c paid to 8onuwer. fn the event oF a�ttial t�iting of thc . �
<br /> � Propeny in whi�the fair muicet vatut af the Pmpnty imrnediauty 6efae thc taking is tess than ihe amouat of the sums .
<br /> - sectmd-immediataely befae the talcing.vnias Bortawec and Lrender ethenvisc agne�in writing or uniess applicabk.taw —
<br /> - qberwisr p�ovides.the pcoceods slxtt�6e�pplied to tbe sums secuced by this Security Insvument�vhettxr ac nat the sums are
<br />-_- tbea due. • ' . . —
<br /> if the Ptuperty is�handaned by Bvnowa.or if,after naica by Lendor to Borrower tbat d�e cundemaa offers ta rn�tce
<br /> s Vv
<br />- an awnrd a settk a claim for dam�ges.�3oaower f�7s to respond w Lendei within 30 days�fter the d�tt tt�e rwuce�.s gi en, ,
<br /> ' `.'� I,aWer is autharized co colka ard appiy the pcocads.at its option.either to�estor�tian or repairaf the Prope�ty ar to thc
<br />...
<br />-:, -=- - su�sauced by thls Se�nt�-instrumenk whetlxr�rcnot thrndue. ' - - _ __
<br /> ' . ------_----__-_-----��-_ ,. .. . . u . __.
<br /> ' ��� Unless Lender aad Borrowa odlerwise agnoe in writinS,y►Y aPPiication of proceecls to prmcip�l sha11 ax actend or .
<br /> -. - postpone thc due date of tbe manthty p�yments tefecred to in patagnpbs I pnd 2 ar change the amamt of such paymaru. .
<br />. . .. _ Il. Sorra�ei' Not Hekased: Foebaraoce By 1Rnder Not s Waiva� Eatauzon of the qme for payment or , - _-
<br /> a
<br /> . -, I' � .modification of amarti7atian of the sums sceured 6y this Securiry Inswment granted by Lender to any s�axs.wr in interest -_—
<br /> of Borm�rer shalt nac•operate to nlease the liabiliry of the original Borrowes or Barower's successors in incerest.Leader -_---
<br />_ �' � s6all nat bc roqtunod ta coasmence proceedings a8ainst artq successor in intetest or zefuse.ca extend time for p�►ymmt or . �=--
<br /> � - otber►vise malifY anwrtization of the sums socu�ed by this Savrity Instnnneni 6y reason of any dema��d made by thc original �.���,.--
<br />-� ' _- � Ba�r�nwer or Bars�wers succassars in inte�es� Any.forbarance by Lender in eaercising an�right or remody shaU not i�e a ,�_=_—
<br /> ' waErer af a p�xlude the exenise of any right a remedy. �_-'-"--
<br />��. , .: '� 12. Sut��s a�d Assijos Bound.`1ai�t pnd Sevecal LiaWlity;C�sqners. The coven�nts�ad ag�ee�nenu of ihis . �=�_-;-_
<br /> � � ' '� ` Savrity inmumrne shall bind and benefit the successors and�assigns of Lertder and Bomuwer,subja:t co the prov�sians of ;�',--
<br /> ''��'' `'' ' p�agraph 1�.Bomuwer's covenanu and agreements shall be joint and several.Any Boaower a�o co-signs th�s Security �V -
<br />. , ';��•�=-f•t�� ? -
<br /> -• - ` - Lumnnem 6uc does not execute tise Note: ta)is co-signing this Securiry laucument auly m mortpge.grant and con�eq thae �`._,.�.__ ��__,.
<br /> ;� -'-"�.• . �*��`� '... BeQSOwer�interest in the Roper�}under the cerms of th�s Security Insuumen� (b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums : , -.�.
<br /> � :�.-�.�.";•" : y ,-�.
<br /> .�,s",!,�?t.� : '' sea�red by this Securiry InmumenG and(c)ag�a.c that Lender and any other Bnnower may agnce to eMCnd.madify.forbear ; �.;-�-
<br /> ag�k
<br /> � � '�����°�r`�ti���f•A-� � or mzice any accammodations with ngard to the tetms of this Security Insaiiment ar the Note withaut d�at Botrowtr`s � • _��-�
<br /> '�_.•_S .•Ft,•,,�.: � .
<br /> , .. .��. . : cansent ,-�-Y
<br /> Y.• °'`. ' ' �3. Lu�n Ct�arges. Sf ihe loan secured by this Sceuriry lnst�urteent is su6ject to a law which sets maximum loan '
<br /> �:� . �` .-;� ` . ,-:�
<br /> 1:�_`!.'}.f�{',li�:..' . ., . .
<br /> ,�.��'�,f+°• : cls��s.and that law is�nally interpreted so that the interesc 4,cother loan ch�rges ralle�e�ed or to be eoUeeted in eaasieetion
<br /> ��..:���;;:{:.=. 4 ai�s tke toan eaceed the pertnitted timits.then: (a)any sudi trz�.�charge shap 6e reduce�by the amaunt necessar�rn ee8uce , . .
<br /> � :'.-.°:4'!"�'�>�:r •.; the chatge to the permitted limi�and N)anF sums alrcady coilected from Bomower w��c�c exceeded permitted L�r,r:t�will be �,
<br /> .rir:. ..�.
<br /> :'��-"�.:i�;:<<. >,{` '. . nfunded to Horrower. Lender ma�choose so rnatce this refund by reducing the principaT c�ed under the!�iote ar�maJring a �- � _- ��s,�=
<br />� . . •.` ' dinect payment to Bairower. If a nfund teduces prineipal.the reduction will be treatea�s a partial gr�yment without any '-. -
<br /> .,°����- �_c ,- yrepayment cbarge under the Note. , � � T ;
<br /> • � , 14. Notices. Any notice to Botrower provided for in this Security Instrumeat ��:�e given by delivering a or by � .
<br /> • mailing it by fitst class mail unless applicable law requires nse of another method.Th�s�r..��.:shall be directed to the Propaty �
<br /> � � � Address or any other address Horrower designates by notice to Lender. My noace ca�,.ender shalt 6e given by first class f . ;�.
<br /> = tnail to Lenderk address stated herein or any other address Lender designat�isy notice[o Borrower. Ae���otice provided for ! � _
<br /> • _ - in this Securiry lnstrumrn� chatl be deemed ca have been given to Boa�-�er or Lendrr w•hen given a�s provided in this � ' ; _
<br /> - � � P�►�Dh. -_.
<br /> " ' 1S. Governing Lsiw: Severability. This Securiry Instsument shall be governei'G:.federal law and the :::.� �f the - �
<br /> � - - -� - juris�cdan in which the Propert�is lacated. ln the event that any provision or clause o��.�s Security Instrument o:�r.Nou � ' • - - .
<br /> . conflicts with applicable law.such conflict shall not affect other provisions oi this Secur;t�Instrument or the Note whicb can � •
<br /> ' ' . be given effect without the conflicting praci�"en. To this end the provisions of this Securit�• Instrurn�-it and the Kote are
<br /> ' . " declared to be sevcrabte. ' ' •
<br /> " � � � 16. Norruwer's Capy. Boarower shall be given ane conformed copy of the Nate zr�s c!this 5ecurity Instrument. � �.•"-;.'.
<br /> ' • 17. Transfer of the Prope�or a Beneflcial lnterest in Bonower. If aii or an}�.rs of the Propeny or any interest in ' ����
<br /> � it is s91d or transferred Ior if a Ea�;►�c'ral interes[in Borrower is iald or transferred a:��Barrawer is not a natural person) r ; -`'`r;
<br /> -.�. '.: withoui Lender's yrior wirtten cai�en�.Lrrtder may.at its aption,require immediate payment in ful'c.°all sums secured by E , :
<br /> ; , � • � this 5ecurlty lncrausnent. However.thi4 oytion ahall not be exerciyed by L.ertder if exercise is prohi�;:�by federal law as of � • -
<br /> . ° � the date af this Se�a.:riry Instrument. � ; '•
<br /> � . � • . If l,ender exercises this optian.Lender shall give Ho�rower nouce of areetera.:�+n. .7Y�c:natice�::a:i provide a geric+d of ; , �
<br /> " nat l�-ss than 30 Aayx&nm the date Ihe notice i`deliverrd or ma;ted wittiin which Bsrrasc�ss:oss pay atk sumc Secura3 isy this ` .
<br /> '' Secc�rity lnstrument. lf Borrow�er fails to pa}•these sumt ysrior to the expirati�n of¢t�;,periad,L.ender ma}• in�.oxe su�y � ; � ,
<br /> - , temedies permitted by this Securii��lns�rument a•iihout funher naticr ar demand nn Borroa er. � ` ` •
<br /> I8. $orrawer's Rishf to Relnstate. if Barrower meets cenain conditions. $orroaer �hail Gz��e the righl to have � • . ' �
<br /> ' enforcement of this Security lnstrument discaminucd at an}•time prior ta thc eatlicr af: ta�;da;��cs;uch ather periad as i ' ,
<br /> " - Singlriumiy..fannk�taelFreddir�tac l'\li1JR�U�57itU!NEXT••Un�fo:m Covenann �9!'40 �puK�����nruxrs,
<br /> . . � ' : , ' .
<br /> . � ' . , � . • .�.� .
<br /> , , . . ' . ' . � .
<br /> --- - -- .. .. _ _ _
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