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<br /> p�riods uiu t�,�aei�quircs:.Th�t�sara�,ce cartier p�ovid;ng Me�+aano�sh�u be chasen byr Bo�o�w�e,r sw,jen to t.enaa'�:`� �
<br /> ` applov�t wUich sh�11 not be uncr�saaably widdfeld. If Bamwer hils ta nainain coveratt desc�ibed abov�Lender m�y.at ` <
<br /> Le�de�r�aptjon.ub�aia oovera�w p�ecti[.ender's ri�t ut�Ptopaty in acco�d�noe witb p�ts=n(ih T. .. .
<br /> . `` ` All Insurmce pof�ies�td ra�ewals shall be axepta6k to i.ender md sfiall inctude a�N moct�agc clausa. �.endes
<br /> ,
<br /> s�h�U itsve ibe ritTst W 6oW ti�e policia apd re�ew�Ls. if LRnda�oquiia.8onowa s6�U p�omptty atve to�.eadtr ali ceceqxs .
<br /> _` i�f mid nne:niumc� �wttnsl • • • • �-- '
<br /> - - - - -_--=�-_-�`-�::-- — __ : -
<br /> Lender. t.ender may te�lce proof of loss if not tt�ade P�P�Y by Bo�a+ower. •
<br /> ' � Unless Lender and Barowes otl�e:wise agiee in writing.ins�irsu�ce proceeds�all be applied to Kstoration or iepair of
<br /> . � tha Ptflpet}i damaged,�tLc crsmatian o�mp�Ir is emoomically,fe�sihte�ad Lsnders seeudry is mt letcened. If tl�c
<br /> ' �estaration a repait is na ecaw�micalty feacibk or Lender's securiry aould he lasene�;the'insurance proceeds sfn1E be'
<br /> , appTied w ihe s�mLS sau�ed by this Security Instnunen�wlkther or not tlsai due.with any exoas p�id W Bormwer. if
<br /> Borrower abando�is d�e Ropaty.or doa na answer within 3Q Qa�rs a naice fmm�.e�xfer thtic tbe insucance caurier Mu
<br /> Mfered ta settk a claim.d�en Lender may cotbct We insurance p�ooee�. I.ender may use the prooads w cepair or cestoie "
<br /> ___ tbe Ptopasty a w py sums socu�ed by das Securiry Iast�uaKat.wl�ett�a a oa thrn due. ThC 3aday pe�iod an�l ixgin wbea-
<br />_-- — . the mtice is pvem . ` . .
<br />-- Unias Lender aad Bo�rawer at�erwise agm m wridng,any appliGUion of prooeeds t+a pm�cip�l st�W aot eaoead ar �
<br /> �,_ postpone the due d�e of the�na�thlY P'�Y�cefecred ro in puagraphs 1 aod 2 ac changc the�aot of dx gayments. If
<br /> ;::� uader p�c�npA?,l the Prapaty is acquiced 6y L,ender.Bamwa's aght to aay uuucance policia�ad pioceeds rauItin�
<br /> - �ftnm d�a�e to the Ploperty-prior to tbe acquisitioa s6aU pass to L.eoder to�exteat of the sums sxaied by tGis Secutity-
<br /> Lauumait am�ialely prior to tbc acquisirian. '
<br /> , f�. �onp�c� Fretenatiw� M�Ltemree aod F�otecBoa d tl�e Propats: Sorrawer's La� AppBat�o�; --
<br /> ;i; t.areiold�. Bomower shalt occupy.escsbiish.aod uce tbe Ptoperty as Borrnwer's principal residenoe wlthin si�tY days aiDer —
<br /> the ea�ocvtian of this Savriry instnunrnt�ad sball cantimu w accupy thc Ptope�ty�s Bortawa�s prirK�pal iesiden�x for at --
<br /> .kast cae yar �tter d�e d�ae of oceupmey. unitss L.tnder ctdervvise agnees in writing, whicl�ca�sen[ slialt not be �
<br /> '-_; uRa�san�bly with8eid.or uokss eaarnuadng ci�urtataaces euist which�e lxyund HoRawers contml. Bonower sh�ll not -__
<br />- deslmy,d�m�ie or impair die Ptope�ty.a11ow tNe Pmpeity tu deutiar�te.or coma�it waste on tUe Ptopaty. Bamnwer shall _=--
<br />_ . 6e in defwtt if any fafeiturc actian or p�nceeding,wGetixr civil or ctiminal.is bcgun thu in 1.endaTa goad faitb judglnent �^'_ -
<br /> ' coWd t�esult in forfeitu�e of the R o p e r t y or otlurwise muecially impair ihe tien created by this Securiry Jnsnuma�t ar �;�:��
<br /> l.ender�s seeuricy inte�+es� Bomawer may cure such a defaule and reinstate.as pcovided in puagnph 18.by eatuing the aetion ��':
<br />. - a P�B to be diunissed wirb a nding that.in Lender's good faith detemiinatIon,prccludes forfeidue of the Bamwer's .•' •t:�--
<br /> - �u in the or othtr m�dercai of the tirn�ed tlds Irisuamrni ar I.ender's� �'.:�`-=,.
<br /> .. '• � inte�est. Bormw� also be in default i�rmwer. during the loanyapplic�on'�pcocess. gave matecially fa�tu�o _ �
<br /> ,�: :� imccvrate infomration a statemenu to L.ende�(or failed to pravide LerWer wid�aay rauerial infartnaaa�l in connectioa with ; .-: - -�
<br /> ��: . the laan evidenced by the Nae. inct�rding. 6ut not limited to, ceplesentadons conceming Boauwer�s accupancy of�e � . - ::z- _
<br /> ;- =� '�=:r=.,�. Proqe�ty as a psincipal residence. If this Security Insuument is an a Leasehold.Borrower shalt camply Rritb all the provisians -
<br />�.. ` of the lease. If Hormwer acquins fa Atie to the Pmperty.the leasehold and the fa title s6all not merge unless Lender agtees -•�.� -�:::-�
<br /> t0t�lEiAE[$lC1tlWl'llln$. • , fr '�',''- _
<br /> • - 7. P�ntectfon ot I.ender's Aight�in t6e P r o p e r t� IP Borrower fails to p e r form the covenants and a g r e e m e nts ����'% _--
<br /> ' ` ` � contai�ed in this Secudty Insm�nen�, a thene �s a k8�P��S that may signif'xaatly affoct l.er�der§rights in the . - . � �s
<br /> s �..'�1--.__:__
<br /> ' � �._ . ,�::a.�r, ` �rtY tg�h as a procading in bankrup�gr.probate.for cor�demnation or forfeiasr a to cnfatre laws or ngnladons).then -
<br /> - '�� �;�"� , Lender may do�nd pay fa whatever is necessary to prntect the value of the Btoperty and Lende:'s rigt�ts in ihe Property. ' . � ��-
<br /> -T.-- ���`.'"-:.�' Lenders acttons may include PaYinB any sums secund by a lien which has prioriry over this Security Instrnment,appearing .` •. �
<br /> � ''.�t: ';::;_'�: in ca�,paytng trasonabte attorneys'fees and entering on the Ptoperty to make repairs.Although l,endcr may take actioa
<br /> ` '' ' nndcr this paragraph 7,Lender dces not have to do so. ` � '
<br /> ,':tt��...ci: •s�'' • - � �
<br /> � '- -"' `� ° Any amounts disbutsed by Lertder under this pazagraph 7 shall become addirional debt of 8oanwer secured by this � ` �
<br /> . �;;�,;,;�'. : Secutity Instrumen� Unless Barrower and Lender agree to othet tem�s of paymen�these amounts shall bear intetest from tl�e , ' ' ' .:
<br /> date of�sbutsement at thc Nae rau and steari be payabte.with intenst,upon naice ftom Lender to Borrower requesdng ��°
<br /> . . 't,rr:�r'-<_�r° • t..-
<br /> .r: .�.;.: ���� , • :h,,�.�
<br /> � � ��`� ' � S. Mortg�ge Iawrance. If Lcnder required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this � ---
<br />- ''.:�:'-: Security Insuument,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insuranee in effec�. if.for any. - , . .= „.T:
<br /> -.a.:..
<br /> • � .<.�_- .��� nasan. the moagage insurance covemge required by i.ender lapses or ceases to be in eNect, BoRawer shall pay the . � , • .
<br /> �:,,.. �._.=;f}'. �. r.,'; . premiums nquired to obcaln wverage substantially equivatrnt ro tho mortgage i�surance previously in effect. at a cost � „ ,
<br /> ;`.;`.,..: �_ �:�..•.�� substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mangage insurance previously in effecn.from an altemate mortgage �• �•. .`�_.
<br /> }'� � • • ir�er a ved b Lcnder. If substantiaA uivalent m e insurance cov e is.nat availabte. ortower shall • �
<br /> . .,� �?F,:r: . ,. PPro Y Y�1 � �� era8 H PaY to t<<��.
<br /> -�'�`•' �`• L�s each montti a sum equa�G�one-twelfth of the yearC,:asortgage insurance prccr. --a being paid by BoROwer when the � � "
<br /> ' � f:_�.�'y. . .. :�: � ..iA:l_"_.
<br /> � �{ `��`' �F it.sararue covera e la . d or ceased to be io effecti Lenct:.r�:ill acc t.use and retain these a �
<br /> ,� ..y �l��;4,,.: S P� �D P Y��aa a toss rcservo in Ileu �?�`_
<br /> ,,��:+�,.;.:i o f m ort g a ge insu�nce. Loss reserve pa y m c:i t s m ay no��er b e require d.a t t he op t ion u f L e n d e r.i f m o r tgage insurdnce � . , ��-z..�'�
<br /> :.;,;,���;;r� .: cavarage(in the amamt and for the periad r��Lender r.c;:.�res3 pravided by an lnsurer approved by Lender again becomes .- "_
<br /> k f._.N , _ available and is obtalned Hoaower sha�St p�ay n��:�teraiurr.s:�quired to maintain mortgage insnrance in effect.or to provjdo a � � '
<br /> ��}:'. _ � .loss tesecve.until the nquiremer.c for manya��insurance���5 in accordance with any writtea ag�eement between B�sawer � •
<br /> ..,
<br /> "� ` �I.ender ar applicable law. . '
<br /> ' • . � 9 Itt�pecNon. Lender os its agent may makc reasa�•.��le entries upon and inspections of the Property. �.ender shall F _. , . _
<br />-� -- ---;--- --- --�- � give Borrower notice at the tlme of or prior to art inspection specifying nasonable cause for the lnspection.
<br /> • . ' . ••• '� 10. Condem�ation. The proceeds oi arry award or claim for dama�es.direct or conseyuen�ial.ln connection with any �
<br /> . �
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<br /> • � Pie�t!dn e�ee�s Fane�t�:.■ � . .
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