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<br /> ' • � ' __ . '. . . . ` , . <- . ._ .-_�(i ""'i�l+��$8 , ,- .
<br /> . - • ,�e t��may spa�ry cor��nume�)�efore sxk or�prope�cy pus��io�ny pov�es o€see cam�;nea i��is
<br /> Secutiry Inst�mau:or(b)enuY of s jud8n�a��8 ttiis S�iriry 1n�E 77�ase caoditions,m th�c Borrnwer: () ; .
<br /> � ., .`pays I,ender alt smas whicb thea woatd be duc under this-SeturitY Insdument aad the Nae as if ao aa�ekr�aaa Uad
<br /> aoc�te�(b)cucss any defwlc af aay uther covea�cs or`agrr�a�eats:lc)WYs all expaises inaured in eeforeing tUis SeiuricY .. ,
<br /> _ �'LUCio�di��but not limited to.reasoaabk attocne�rs'fas:wd(d)talces such sction as.Leada nuy e�asooabiY • .
<br /> _ _ --- �uue w sss�ue� e m ;�� - °i�',SaGari�°ps`�'`.�_ = — — —
<br /> — ;siaas secured by this Seeutity U�stcumeat stuli �ntinue udcbaeged Upo�►neinsvtement byr BoROwer,this Securiry '
<br /> �t and t6e ' '�s 5x�tt�d baeb9 shaD temiia futiy iffec6ve as if ao acaleruion had ocCu.cre�..However,this ,
<br /> --� sigi�t to ninttite si�ll n�appty iID tbt Case af aaxIa�tion anda pu9gaPh-i�. .: - �
<br /> _ ` '.�1!S�ie d 1Vate:.Ci�an�e d Lwa ServioeF T6e Note or s putial mt�ia tbe l�ote(mgnhes witb this Securiry
<br /> - —= insonurlaic)may be sold ooc os mq�ti�without prior aaice to Barrowr.� ,A sale may resu!t in a ch�nge in the entity
<br />-i'� (taown�s tbe"Loan Savicei)that coltecis monthiY F�Y�u due uader tLe Nae and this Securit�r insnnunera. '['6e:e aLsa,
<br />- ifosy be aae or moer cinnges of the Lo�aan Sevicer wa�el�tod to a sak of the Nate. If tlure is a d�age of the I.oan Se�vica..
<br /> 0
<br /> Bortvwer wiii he givat wtitten nn�ce of the ch�ngo in aecordmce with puagraph 14 above and applicsbk br�. 1be nutioe
<br /> wU snu�he ri�me an�add�rss of the new Loan 5ervicer a�d tbe add�r�,s m whichpaymenu sbould be made. 7be noticx wHl
<br /> ` � atso co�uain mY aher mfom�ation rcquired by applicabk law.
<br /> 2�raW..a�..��,...��c�m+�sball�cause��nmit ibe_pr�senr�e,ose.disPos?i,staa$�or nelease af my -
<br /> —. �—- --- _ _
<br /> -- - - - --- __— _
<br /> - Haz�rdaas Subst�nces oa a in ihe Frapenl►. Samwer sl�all not do.nor silow anyone eTse�to do,—aaYO�gm�tm8-
<br /> - Pmpetry tl�t is i»vioJ�tian of any Favimmarnt�l Iaw. The procediAB ewo senteaacs sT�all na app�ta tDe piarncG�
<br /> � --=; storage oa tLe Propetty of small quaqtities of Haz�rdous Subst�nces that are generaily zecogmzed �PP�P�
<br /> tesidend�l uxs arx!so maintenance of the Pmpercy. _ .
<br /> ,. _ ' � Barower shall pmmPtlY give Leader wriuen naice oi any iavestigadon.ciair�,demaad.lawsuit or aher action by any =__
<br /> _, - . govemnkntal or zcgulat�Y AB�Y���P�Y involving the Prope�ty and•a�g N�zardou§.Substa�►ce or F,avimmn�ntai --
<br /> ,� L�w of which Botmws�das acwaE Trt�'',-�..wledge. ff Borrower tesuns.ar is nonfiod by afi�govemmental or regutataY —_--
<br /> �`��� au�ta�iry,that any nemovat or otuer.'�6oa�of�Y Huanious Substance affecdag the Ptope�ty is necessuy,Bamwer __-
<br /> +_ ��
<br /> � '�-. shaU promptly taiceall aecessan rtme�i����:etions in acwrd�noc wiW Fn v i r o n m e a t a l L a w. _--_—
<br /> � �k s u s e d i n t h j s�2 0."H a r a r d o a s S u b s t az i s e s"a r e i t a s e s u b s t u�c e s defined as taaic or hazardoos subsTances by ---�y�. _
<br /> .*•�_..
<br /> ,;.:ti•,:�_--"' Enviranmentnl Law am8 the following substances: gasoline.lcerosene.other flammable at toxic peuuleum pmd�cts.toxic =,�.�:.;_
<br /> '--a;r�:. '. .� pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents.materials containing asbestos or fortnaTdehyde.and radioactive materials. As f ,
<br /> _ , ' - - ' t�s a!m t h i s p a r a g r a p h 2 0."F n v i r o n m e n t a l L a w"n x a n s f e d e t a l l aws an�laws nf the jurisdiction where the Ptopecty is tocated -- �,5;:�..
<br />� �� �.-1.�`-L.�-. - .. � L.��
<br /> • ' .,�.4;_;,. ;� that nlate to hca3th.safety or enviranmental protecpon. -
<br /> =�:� : •. � •��� ' NOI�t-1JNtFORM COVEI�ANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agee as follows: �
<br /> �.; . I.e n d u s b s e U " e ootkt to Borrower prioF to nccderation lolbWing Borrower's � - --
<br /> �• 21. acceleratbn;Reme�ies. 8� �
<br /> � � . breacb of an�covenaat oc s�greement tn this Security lestrument(but not prior to accekratbn nnder paragraph 17 � , .-. -
<br /> . �`�,,;.,� Wnksc�pptkabk t�►�pravi�es otherwtse). The notke sha0 specity: (n)the default:(b1 the action required to curc tbe � � :- �a� :
<br /> .,::�.-;�-� �T defsuh;(c)p datG not less ti�an 30 dAys from the datC We notice is givea to Borrower.EeR+Fhkh the default must be � , . .
<br /> "�",3,:y...•t4•. • Qlred:aad(dl t6at tailune��ciire the detault an oe before tks dste specified ta the nattc�sz�resutt in 7�eoderatian at . , , :��.
<br /> . . . -�.•�t..;.i,��'� � the aums secured 6y t�S,e c c a r i t y lnstrument a n d sa k o t t he P r o p e r t y. T b e n o t i c q e s h a E L.�r.i t i�u i n i ana'B orrower ot. . � _; ::,;...
<br /> -� � - the right to reiastate afterap�aekratton and t6e�igM to bring a conrt nction tm assert tbe s�nr4xis�eaca et a defAalt or . .t.:l,;.;: . � , ` ,1�,,..
<br /> ��, , aoy Mrer defense of�ac�oa'er to aeceteratWn and sak. If the AefAab Es nat c�sgd oa ear�e�'�n't�e�sped�ied in -� ?;.,:-.:�,;' _ '-?'=
<br /> �� . , tbe nolice,Lender at il��pe""wn may require immediate paymeal in fuli of aU�se�curnefbF tUis Secarity InslrumenL - -;�,;;><<. "�c!�
<br /> . � ' wiWwt farther demand�d may invoke the power ot sale and anv oWer�+emedr�es�sermitted bY �PP��61 h'Zi� '"��� `` `
<br /> � l.ender s6a11 be entitkd to coriect all expenses incuned in parsuing the rcmed�es�rc��ided in this paragrap :1,:. . . ',�
<br /> ' ' . iaciuding.but not Ilmite�to,reasanaDle attorneys'fees and casts ot titk evldeno� ;;;:,�
<br /> - ' If the power ot sale i�im•oked.Trustee shall record a nottce ot deTaalt i�each count�in whkh any pstrt at the .
<br /> . . . . E Propevty is foeated and sir�11 mail rnpies oP saeA n�tice in the maneee prescribed 6y applkabk laR to Borrower and to �
<br /> w. After the time r uired bs•apptkable faR.Tsusta shall give public �:�:
<br /> ' the other persans prescribed 6}a�pltca6le la �i , _
<br /> . :.J, . .. notke of snie to the persons and in tbe manner presceibeA by ppplica6le law Trustee.R'R6uut demand on Borrower. � � .
<br /> � • ahall seil the Property at publlc anction to ihe highest 6idder s�t the time and place and u,rder 1he terms designated i� . ,
<br /> .'� ihe noUce ot sale in one ar more parcels and in any orde�Trustee determines. Trustee mas postpone sak of all or any � ., _
<br /> , ' �••:;,_.�: • _ „pascel of the Praperty bj�publir announcement at tbe Hme and place of an�gre��lausl��scheduled sale. l.eader or its �,.,: ,
<br /> . . �;yr.ti . .. ' ' desig�er mac purchase tE�e Property at any sule.
<br /> g er
<br /> � ' Upoa receipt o!paymeet of the price bid.Trustce shail detiver to tts��rc6aser T�astee's deed canveying the i��" � .
<br /> ': "� Property. '�B�recitats in the Trustee'.S deed shall be peima tacie e�idence af t'�e truth of t�e statements made lhtrein. . . ,;, -
<br /> , � " � ' � Trustce shaii appl�•the praceeds of the sale in the fopo��ing arder:t a�!o all costs and expen-�ot exerctsiag 16e pon�er ., , :
<br /> ,;`'7h. . . '',. -.
<br /> ;�-:ti' , . ,: �: '
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