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<br /> ------ _ - _: . - _ � ' . , . - - : � �_ 92--�a��8� � . _ � �- :
<br /> � �roGETE�Et.wmt.au the i�ipocve�nmts noM►or berr�tter e�ectea an dre pape�ty.�r�ct�it ea�ema,a,appu�te�noa. _
<br /> � aid Gxtu�es now a 6aeafter a paR of thn pc�peety. All reptsnments and addirians slwi!atsa ee cavacd ify this 5xuiiry
<br /> � is�rxnr. Atl��he fae�oieg is tefemed w in tt�is Secmry Luauntenc as tha'HvP�Y= � �
<br /> << BORROWER COVENi►IOTS that Boemwer is laaFully seised of the est�te I�aeby canveyed and hss the righrcog�nc
<br /> - ----------.aad s�x!�+e�th�PtopertY and tGa�t!x Pto�e r�'��marcumbe�sd.excepc for r�mbrraces�of�co�d. Bortower warrpnt�and
<br /> g y e afFc�-��sut�jrx-tto-�y�cu.�6.�sscuaf-r-�:.sr�-._-__.___--- _- _- ----
<br /> -- TffIS S�CtJRITY INSTR�,'1�fE.�iT combiwes unifam ca�enancs for nuia�al nse and non-unifotm cavenancs witit ,, �
<br /> = lunited vatiations by j 'unsd'iaion co constitute a uniform securicy iaswment cavering real pmpeaY• ,� �
<br /> - - - . iJNIFpRM COVEDffAN'['S.,Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as foliows: -- -
<br /> - L _pa�t d Priocfpa!and I�teres�PrePqme�t aad Lak C6�es. Bwrower sttail P��Y PaY w'�due the =.
<br /> _� prmeipii of�d inunest ac the debt evidaiced by the No[e�sd�y prepaynKnc and L�t�ch�ges dae unQer d�e Nae. �__
<br /> -_ 2. F�ads ta Taxes asd Inianoca Subject to appGea6le 1�w or to a vmtten waiver by Lrnder.Barnwer shaii pay t� ��.
<br /> ''� = E,dder on the dsY�Y P�Y�aie due under t6e Nae_uadi the Nooe is pud in tnU.a scua l"Funds'�for..(a)Y�Y ' ___
<br />=:�'.:;: tues and ass�smaus w6ich mry ana�n priaity ova tt�is Sec�uriry Insuuma�c as a�iea m�he PmpertY:(b)YeutY leasehoid . v=_-
<br /> - paymaus�o+f S�nd teats on the Fra,perty, J�y;(c) Year1Y liazart!'oc prope�ty insu�ance ptemi� (d)Y�Y �� Y�-�:�- ___
<br /> - iesut�nc�pcomwms, �f any;(e)�re�rlY�mwigage�p�ums.if any;3nd�l��!►��PaY�k bY$�wer to - _-_-� =---,:_
<br /> ',:�; �r,in accadance wim tde ptovistoas of p��h`$.in lieu of t6e paymencof moagaga insunaix premiums. These ...,,, �-,
<br /> - �r �s act pUed"Fsemw Itams." I.enda may.at any��nc,cQlket apd hold�l�.ati amount tat taeaceed the maximuat �`�-°='.
<br /> .�_--------;
<br /> _ 9n�oaat a Iender fa a facl�aatly retated matgag� Y re� ,`;x�='�±�-�ti-.��
<br /> toon�� �re far Bamwec's escmw a�ount uidu the fedeial R�pt .:�x�r_;-
<br /> -� _ Fstata S�Ptaced�ae.s�4ct af 1974 as amended f:om tuae w time.l�US.C.�2601 u uQ.t"RESPA"�.Unless a�ther . . .`� _---
<br />� ,,, :=t r� � ;�` �'s'�-
<br /> r,�" bw th�c app�'i,e,s tothe Funds se�s a ksser amounc If so.L,ender muy.ac any rime.collax u�d hold Fuads in aa amainc noc ta� -<-:i: .�
<br /> - excoed tbe��rase=amuunt. Irender may_esrimare d�e amount of firnds dae on tdc 6asis oF cunenc�data and reasooabk :', " -
<br /> - . - est�ta of�of funue Escmw Items oradx�wise in xcordu�ce with appl'icabk taw . - _ _
<br /> - t�.' The l�,ads sbslt be held ia an institutian wha6e dcpasiu ace ins�usd by a federai agency inmua�atatity,a anpcy `." , ``_-
<br /> � . `(including I.m'des.if.letider is such an iastitutioa)a in any Federal Hat�e I.aan Banic. Lender shall appty the Fonds w piy �" T't
<br />- .� .,� ' the EscmW Tams. I.ender may not ehuge Botrower�or holding and appiying tho Fiu�d.�.aanually m�tydng the e.sec�ow - .. -_
<br /> " axa�u�t,a verifying the Escrpw Iums.unless LenBer.pays Barower iata�est ate t6e Fands aad applicabte law permita ° •� -;.
<br /> .���,:, �*� °:`'. ' I,ender w maYe such a cLarge. However.I.ender may requrn Borrower to pay a�e-�ime durge fa an independenc reat . �:��_
<br /> . ,�'_�: ��t j•.z setvice used by tendes iu cocu�ion with this loan.unless applicabie taw pr+uvides ott�erwise. Unless an rr,.
<br /> r���_
<br /> �' .4 .Y, _ agrepn�eat"��maQe$orapp�cabtetawrEqaaes�tobepaidle�MersMllnotbeirqnuedtopayBarovKesy►yinteiestac �f���::�_. �,'=--
<br /> • '�`�;�-•� ' ° eamings on the Funds. Bormwer and I.ender may�rx in writiag,t�owever.that frmreirst shall be paid an the Pimds. t.en�er . �=�f,
<br />,,,:. ', "`'�',_��, ` . sirait give t��Bo�toaer,without charge.an annnal axounang of tGe Fundc.showing crediu and debiu ro the Funds and the -
<br /> �.: . ��=v�.
<br /> . . �.A�.� .. .�-�R�f-
<br />;:;:!,.,;;. ' �`.� : ` putpase f�c.which eacb debit to the Fands aas mada 'i'he Tvmd4 are pledged as addisianal savrity for all sums secuned by . . '-°7��
<br />;;:;': ` '.=• � this Sea..^�y..laconunent , . . . "
<br /> `�`�•, = `` '.. If the Funds held.6 Lender excad the a�s peRnitced to be hdd.tsy. applicabte law.Leuder shaU account to ' .''�: '
<br />•��;��;`� ', �� .���. Bomower fot the execss Fands in accandar�ce rc�tf�z.�equiremencs of applr�i?�law. If the amount of the Funds t�etd f� � � �
<br /> �''".' ' Lencler at any time is aot sufficient to pay the Fscmw Items when due.Leri�',�ay so notify Bormwer in writing.and.in , �•' _'
<br /> (�'�.:-., -
<br /> ��... .. �� such case Horrower sh�li WY to Latder the amaruu necessary ta tnalce up t��cieacy. Botmwer shall make u the �"''''
<br /> ' P i�',: 4t:'
<br /> _ ,`;�-�;:�.. '�;�`�';s,�:t deticieu�y�ia Ao mon�han twetve manthtY PaYmeats,at Lender's sate disc�eaan. . _,. :•
<br /> eR
<br /> ... y I', ..S ,
<br /> ::M1�,.�:....,- _ _`:�'r.z�. , ' U�n,payment in full of all suttis secured by this Securiry Insaumen�Leader shall pra:tpdy refund m Borrowa any ; ' .
<br /> ` .. Funds�`h4,itrby 1.enQer. if.under paragraph 21.Let[dyr sftall acquire or seU the�noperty.Lender.prior to the acqvisition or F.. . - .
<br /> ���, ' , sale of t4e'��ropeny.shall appty ar�y Funds hetd by�I.ender at the dme of acqaisition or sale as a credit against the sums � . .
<br /> sec�ued ls�r this Securily instrumenc . �
<br />� • � ' � �:. ;. 3. Applicatlon�ot Pt�yments. Unless applicable law provides othemise. all payments received by Lender under
<br />_ � . paragraphs 1 end 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due un d e r t h e Note;secon d to amoun t s paya b te un d e r � • -
<br /> , �.. paragraph 2;third,to interest due:fouah,to principal due:and 1as�to any late charges due undet the Nou. . ` . _-
<br /> �-:``, � a Cha�a; Liens. Barrower shall pay ail taxes,assessmcnu. charges.�fincs and imposiaons anrlbutable to the . -
<br /> • � . . Aropetry which may 8ttain prioriry over this Security Insuument.and leasehoI�Qayments or ground n�nts.if any. Hotrower ;s,: ;
<br /> � • � shall pay thes�obligadoirs in the manner provided ia paragraph 2.or if nat pai�in that manner,Bonower sliall pay them an , :�;.t• . -
<br /> . � time directly to the person owed paymen� Borrower shall promptiy fi�mish to Lender alt notice�of amounu W be paid under
<br /> ,- this pa.�upb. If Sormwer makes these paymenu direcdy,Borrower shall promptly f��i�so Lender receipts evidencing , , . ��
<br /> : �� � � thePaYmedt� -.� • ' r±�`�'' .
<br /> .,�'. . :' `�`'`'�
<br /> ' ' ' $arrower sha11 pro.r�ptJy disc�arge any lien wtilch has psioriry over this Secar�ty i.-is:,.:aent unless Borrower.(a)agrees �'��� •
<br /> ,' _ in wriung to the payr�era af tho obligatir�n securec���the lien in a manna acceEs,:�..UTe to Lender.(b)coatesu in good faith the �;';�;` ' _
<br /> ' � ' - � �. - lien tsy.ur defends against enfotcement of the lieri i�.legal proceedings whicEn cce the Lender's apinion operate to prevent the ,;: " � `
<br /> . �;�.:.,
<br /> - • enfor+ce�r:ni of the lien:or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement'satisfactory to Lender subordmating We l�en . i _
<br />,`,�� ' • to this S..�riry Instrument. If Lender decermines that any part cF�.�:e Propeny is subject�o a lien which may attain priority, i � , :
<br /> " . � ' . over thcs Szcwiry lnstrument.Lender may give Boaower a noti�:�'entifyfng the lien. Horrower shall satjsfy the lien ar take ; :
<br /> , . • � one or mare of the acai�a set for�h above wuhln 10 days of the gic�ing of nozice. �; . ..
<br /> � � 5. Hazard ov�roperty lnsuranca Borrower shall keep the improvemenu now existing or hereafter erected on the �. ,
<br /> _ Property insured against toss 6y Pre.hazards included within the term"eatended coverage"and any ather hazatds.inclnd� � • �
<br /> , • . floods ar�ilooding.for which Lender requires insurance. Thiy"s:uurance sha116e malntairted ln the amounu and far t�e , �
<br /> • �
<br /> . �
<br /> ' . " Fam 3A16 !!!A-,(pugil nJ6 pogtsl ' ,
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