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•i <br /> ir. ' t a�� �. � .} ,:'.. ; � �t ihr v,;� : �r ,�. p <br /> i .} .r. � ��,, 4�".,4.�,_. <br /> � '{. t� ,�,. , • . . ,.,�..i.,r�u✓t�f� <br /> . 7. �l .,j � ._ . � i. .,� .... ,,� , �� . . „ - -- -- <br /> .r' .t �,�,i� ,�,,� `w�cs��cc:_. <br /> . y, - -:'Cb5L,1?i;� . ' . . � _._.....��u��G�:/�.�.:����..'�'`�i�'J,i'�'.1�•tirrr- � -- -° - <br /> -...-r..,., .r—_ <br /> � ••R-^i�v �y F�+ � �r.w...�.v i.�.�rr.aa ___ ___ —"_ .-.._._.+_. .__... <br />. . ' �' �.k R.' . ,l..,': �ifa�tlSt'� ___ s:- <br /> • ���'u-- _—_--. <br /> . . ... � .. , 92� 1O��r3 ----�- <br /> , ` � � condcmnalion or othe�talcing of any part of the Propeny,or for conveyance in licu ot condemnauon,arc n�rcdy axr:iQnea wKi -- <br /> � . ' '' Rhdl be pefd to Lender. �`-` <br /> ,, In �he event of a iaal tn�cmg oi the Ptupeny, �he procecds 4hall be eppfled to �he suma �ecured by rhix Security --- <br /> - --- - I�i+Irwncul, whcth�r or nat then duc,w;th any excesa paid ta 8arrowcr. In�hr eveni nf e pnhi;d lakfn�of Ihc Praperty(n <br /> ' `` - -- - <br /> r which�he fair market vatue oi�he Pmpehy immediotely t+eiore lhe taking is equal ta or grcater than the amount of the aumn `- <br /> • � _. . - " Recund by this Secudty Insuument immediotely before Ihe teking,unles�Borrower and l.ender rnherwise ugrce in writing. o,._�__� -. <br /> ;• • ' the xumr securcd b lhis�ecurit Ins�niment shall be�educed b Ihe umount of Ihe mceedg muhl lied b the fallowin ``--- <br /> Y Y Y P P Y g �-_-r�.�:;:.��:1.,=a-w;s.�- <br /> „ f'ractian: (01 the tdol omount of Ihe sumr eccuRd immedirtely before the taking,divided by lb)ihe fair market value of�he -- <br /> , Propeny immediutely t+eforc the �akfng. Any balcnce�hall he pAid to Bartawer. In the event of n panial tuking of ihe '�" � - <br />' Praperly fn which the fAir marke�vulue of the Propeny immediately befare�he taking is kss than�he umount of�hc xumR �'� � Y '-�^^•�1 <br /> �ecurcd immediatcly beforc Ihc laking, unless Bortower and Lender dherwige agrce in wridng or unlega�pplicablc law __ <br /> -_- o�he�wise praviJes,lhe proceeda xlwll be wpplied to the rums cecu�ed by�his Security Instrumenl whether or nat the�ums are R�°.--�'"`""'-_== =_--_ <br /> tF�en duc. r=-�=--=-- <br /> - li the Piraperty is ubundoned by BoROwer,or if,afier natice by Lender to Borrower�hat�he a►ndemnor offers ta make ,,�,.. <br /> . ao nward or se�de a claim far damages,Sormwer fails to rcspond ta Lender wilhin 30 days afle�1ho date the natice ic given. �, �. " �" ' <br /> • , � Lmder is awhorized�o rnllect and opply�he proceeds,a�its optian,eUher ta r+estora�ion a�ropair af the Pmpeny ar to the . °��-��a`•'''�`'"•" <br /> � ` sums securcd by thi�Security In4tromrnt,whether ex nat then due. � � ,�,,��.:, <br /> -- Untes4 Lender and Bamwer ahenvixe agree in w�iUng,any applica[ian oi pmceeds ta p�incipul shall nrn extend or -•�'•'`'•°�'=4�-�," <br /> . postpone the due dnte of the monthly payments�eferted 1a in paragraph.r•I und 2 or change the umount of such paymen�s. <br /> �_ ,• ;,. t,,,. <br /> - l l. Borrower Not Rdeastdi Porbearnnce By Lender Nat A W�Iver. �ctensian of �he tirne far payment or �� 4 �i�. . .• .�?�.�,G . <br /> modificntion af nmanization af the xumR securcd by this Secu�lly Instrumenl granted by l.ender to nny succe�sor in Interest . ','=��� '� �� . . <br /> � ' of Bon�wer shall nat operate to release the liability oi thc original Barawer ar Bormwerk auccesasors in interevt,L.cnder t ' <br /> Rhall not be rcyuircd to coR,mence prciceedings agafnsi any successor in inleres�o�refuse �o exlrnd time for puyment or f ���'�,,�;��_:--. <br /> . othenvise modify umartization of the sums secumd by lhis Secu�lty Inst�umenl by roA�an of nny demand mude by the orictinal <`-w�''� <br /> Borrower ar Bormwe��succe��ar�in interc�t. Any forbearnnce by Lende�in exercixing any righ�ar remedy shell no� be a '''�" <br /> , waiver of or prcclude the exercir.e of uny right nr remcdy. ,�r,� <br /> � - . 12. Successore and A�alg�s Boundt Jolat and Several l.lAblUtyt l:aslgnenq. The crnenunls und u�reemems ol'IhiK ..:�� r � <br /> x ,.(..,_tic,d�_ <br /> . Security Instrument shall bind and benefit Ihe succesrorr,und assigns af L,ender end Borrower,subject to the provisions of �•,_;;�;��::`:` <br /> � . pamgrapi► 17. Borrowerk covennnls and ugreements shall be joint nnd severnl. Any Borcower w•ho co•ci�ns�his Security ;,,�;.,;;�-_!=�� <br /> • Instrument but does nnt execute the Nnte: (a)is co•signing this Security Inslrumenl only to martguge,grnnt und convey Ihut ' ;.---- <br /> Borrower5 interest in the Proprrty under the terms of this Security Inxlrument; (b)is not per�onally nbliguted to puy Ihe sums `''��.��''':�.� =___ <br /> � � ;,,: , � . secu�td by�his Security Inslrumem;and(c)ngrces thAt l.ender nnd any alher Bonower muy agree to exiend,mociify.Pori+eur � - <br /> or meke uny uccommodatians wi�h �egard to�ha lerms of thia Security Instrument or Ihe Note without �hut Bonower� ��=,9_-r- �„�� <br /> ' consent. ���� <br /> 13. Loan Cba�es, If�he loan sccured by �his Secwity Inst�wnent i4 subject to a law which sel� muximum loan �.�;-, ��,� <br /> • , . churgec,and�hnt IAw ir,finnlly inter�reted xo that the imere�t or other loan chargec collected or�a be collected in cannec�fon y�`-���-� <br /> � wi�h�he loen exceed the�rmitted limi�s,�hen: (u)any cuch loun chnrge shnll he reduced by�he umnunt necesxi�ry to reduce �" <br /> ' ` '" the char e to the rmiued limil;and(b)an tiumr;nlrend c��llec�ed f�om Bi�rmwer which excceded <br /> ; , ,.j B P� Y• Y pem�ined limiis will he �'��;;;,'. . <br /> - rcfunded to Barrower. L,cnder muy.choose�o make�his rcfund by rcduc{ng the principnl awcd underthe Note or hy muking A �•�� '• ���« �' <br /> �;' .,,_ . <br /> - —°-•�"'���+'�� dircct A menl to Borrower. If a refund rcduces dnci ul,the rcduclion will be Irenied as u unial re u me�p� without on "` ' '� <br /> P Y P P p P P Y Y ...�, ac�z;�6's?±�_ <br /> � ; '� pcepayment charge under Ihe Nate. '''�`� <br /> ,,,�._,�.,._ <br /> � �" � 14. NWices. Any natice to Borrciwer provided for in �his Securiry Inxtrumem shull he given hy delivering i� �x by '-�;'i �`-r— <br /> �s;._�ir+��°-- <br /> - ��;:,�` maiting it by first cla.vs mail unless upplicable law rcyuires use of unother melhacl.The nolice shnll he directed lo Ihe Propeny ••� `•-��• �, <br /> -- Address or an other addresa Bortower desi natea b notice lo Lender. An ndice to Lender shnll be iven b fi�t clnss •---�� '=��_= <br /> Y � Y Y 8 Y ,.,��=_ <br /> , moH to Lenderd uddrcss stnted hercin o�uny rnher uddress Lender dexignates by notico W Borrower, Any notice provided for ��_ - <br /> in thlx Securiiy lnstrument shall be deeme�i to have been given to eorrower or L.ender when ¢iven as pmvided in this �•.• �-_ - ��' <br /> �. " p�groph. '"��' -- .. . <br /> • 15. Governing Law; Severab0ity. This Securiiy In�ln ment shall t►e grncrned by federal luw und Ihe !uw of Ihe -y,,•-�.:,,_.� <br /> juricdiction in which the Property is Icented. In�he event thut uny provision or clause of this Securhy Inxtrumenl or the Note <br /> conflicts with applicable Inw,such conflict shall not uffect other provisiuns of Ihis Securiry Instrument or the Note which can � M��" �'���`"+ � - <br /> be given efiect wi�hout the conflic�ing provisio:,. iu :h�a P.�d the provisions of this Security Instrument and thc Note are � , •�<„ ;�'`=_- - <br /> ' ' declered to be sevemble. �,:,tr:'•:�.�'_ <br /> :1�cr���, <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borcower shull bc given one confanncd rnpy of the Note nnd of�his Securily Inslrumem. � � ' 'r� <br /> 17. 7�ansfer of'the!'mperty or a Benellcial lntcrest in 1{orrnwer. If ull or uny purt of�he Propeny oruny in�eres�in � <br /> . .+: ., it is sold or tronsfemed�or if a beneficinl interest in 8orrower is sold cx IransfeRed und Borrower is not u natural person) <br /> . . ' wilhout Lender'.s p�for written consent. Lcnder may,nt its option, require immediute paymem in full o(nll tums secured by <br /> [hi4 Securlly Instrument. However,this option shall not be eaercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by t'edernl low os of ..�• �____ <br /> the date of this Security Instrumcnt. �,;.,,�. <br /> � If Lender exercixes this option,Lender shull give Borrower notice of accelerntion. The notice shall proviJe:i rereod of ' "� <br /> � � not less Ihan 30 dny�from the dnte lhe notice ix deliver+ed ar muiled within which Borcower must puy nll sums securcd by Ihis ':��' <br /> 4 .:. <br /> � ����' - � Security Inslnimenl. IP Bortower fuils tn ps�y the�e aums prior to�he axpirution of Ihis period,Lende� may invoko any <br /> ' romedies permitted by this Security Insl�ument withaut further notice or demand on Bormwer. �-- <br /> __� 18. Borrower's Rlghl to Relnstate. )f Borrower meets cenain conditions, Borrower shull huve the righ�to have <br /> enforcement af Ihia Security Ins�rument dicccxninued at nny time prior�o the eurlier of: lu)5 duyx(or xuch aher periad us <br /> , Singk F�mily••F�nnle M�e/Mhddk Mac UNIFOiIM INSTRUMBNT••Unlfartn Covenn�e 9/90 ip,u�e,�/n r,o��,l <br /> — i . <br /> ' , r <br /> � , . ' <br /> 1 <br /> � ... <br /> — , i , <br /> � � <br /> I : <br /> -�..._'_'__._' �. � � i <br /> _ _ ...' _" — " ' � ' . <br /> � . <br /> � <br /> __ . .. I <br />.. ._ ._� �. � �. <br /> ta <br />