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<br /> � • �, pe�lods Ihut l.�:nder rmquirca. The insurancc carrier providing IhG insur�u���a sholl be cho�en by Barrowcr Rubjcct to Lenderk ��
<br /> � appmval which shAll not be unrcasonably withhald. !f Borrower failc ta maintain coveroge described+�bove,Lender mvy.u
<br /> -•--,-- .. . . __- ��„{Cr n uE,�iun,ubtain caverage�o prutect i.endor's righte in the Pru ny in accunlance wi11�pur�gruph 7. _ - -•- -- - -_
<br /> 0
<br /> ^ A!I insurnnce policies and renewals shell be acceptoble lo l.en er And Rhwll include a alandard monguge clauFe. Lender
<br /> � " � rholl have the right ta hold�he policiea�nd►eneK•als. If Lender requiro�,Barrnwer+�hall pmmpNy glvc�o Lender ull rcccip�x —
<br /> � of pAid premiums ond renewal naticeA. In�he event af loss,Barrower Khwll �ive prompt notice lo �he inrurance cwrier and �'r'�'-��
<br /> ; , , , Lendcr. I.ender may make proof ot lo�s if not made prompQy by Bormwer. __-_ _
<br /> � � :; � .. Unkgs l.eadei nnd B�rrower athenvise agree in wri�ing,insurance procecda hhall Ix applied to rcsl��rotinn or�pufr af ��'.`.�. �=�-�y-�,�-
<br /> the Property damaged, if the rcstoratfon or rcpair ia economically fea.4ible and l.enderh �eecurity is nal leRSened. If the �;��,�;,�;;�„�
<br /> l"?� _ '
<br /> re�toration or repair is not econamicolly feasible ar I.enderk xecudly would be leasenod, the insurance proceeds sholl be ��' ' .
<br /> --= uppllcd io the sums sccured by thls Securhy Insirumen�, whether or nat then due, with nny excess pnid to Borrower, IF
<br /> � � :� Horrower abmdons the Propeny,ar doe� nat answe� wilhin 3U doya a notice from L.ender thot Ihe Insurance cwrier hos • , -,-- .
<br /> off'ercd lo lsettle o claim,then Lender muy collecl Ihe insuraace pmceeds. Lender may use the proceeda to repair or rcalorc
<br /> the Property or to ps�y sums secured by this Security Inewmenl,whether ar not then due. The 30�day perfad will be�in when ���,��,�,�;�s=
<br /> . �� the notia is given. � • � ..,: • � �`
<br /> � Un�ss Lender n�d Borrower othenvixe agree in writing,any upplicetion of proceeds to princlpal ahall not eatend or �• - •�_<^a�.�t-
<br /> � � posipono the due detc af�he monthly payments refcsred to in parngrnphs I und 2 or change the omaunt of the puyments. If �
<br /> e '
<br /> -J- unda pam�tph 21 Ihe Ptopeny is acquired by Lender,Borrower's rlgM ta nny inaurance pollcie�and praceeds resulting � � ���f�-
<br /> from damwge ta the Property prior to�he ucquisition ahull pess to Lender io the¢ztent of the aums secuRd by Ihis Securily ����`-`
<br /> ' � � Inswrnent immediatel rior to the acquisition. � ••�^+�=.����-�=
<br /> . Y p :.�t..;. :,.-
<br /> , 6. Occupancy, Prest�vatlon, M�iMenaoce and Protectlon of the Property; Borrower's l.oan Appllcalloni :•�..:;,�;::__��_
<br /> • �• Lweholda Borrower shall accupy.establish,and use Ihe Property as Borrower�s principal residence within sixty days after �.: �y,�;�<cr`�P— -_
<br /> • " the ezecution of this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy 1he Ptopeny as Barrowerk p�incipnl residence for et ' ' �
<br /> " .•�..��
<br /> '"�• lesut one year aHer �he date of occupancy. unless Lender otherwise agrces in writing, which consent shall not 6e , .,ti.�s., c
<br /> . u�rcasonably withheld,or unless eatenuwling circumstpnces exisl which are beyond Borrawer g conlrol. Borrower.hall not � •°' �_,,. ss �
<br /> -� � deslroy,dwmage or impair the Pmperty,allow the Property to deteriorate,or commit was►e on�he Property. Born�wer ahall � v_s.�-.�
<br /> � , be in defoult if any forf'eiture oction or proceeding,whelher civil ar c�iminal,is begun that In Lender c good faith judgment � �=
<br /> � could rcault in forfei�ure of the Property or Mherwise materit+lly impair [he lie� created by this Security lns�rument or t - �.:�..�,'_
<br /> Lender's aecurity interest. Barmwer mny cure such n defnuU and reins�ute,ns pravided in parng�aph IR,by cuusing Ihe anion � . ' r.;_,-:_
<br /> -•::.�; o�pruceeding to be dismissed wilh a ruling Ihpt,in Lenderk good foith delerminotion,precludes forfeiwre af Ihe Borrower?s { � �;�•��•—
<br /> , " ., intercst in the Propeny or olher marerial impufrment of Ihe lien creuted by�his Securily Intiiroment or Lender g 4ecurily ' -.,��
<br /> intercgt. Bormwer shall alsa be in defnull if Borrawer, during �he laan npplicution prac:esa, gave muterially falxe or `, �,c ''�'
<br /> � „ inaccurate informetion or s�atement��o Lender(or fAiled ta provide Lender wiih any material informadon)in canneclion wiib g���'�.�o ._
<br /> , '�. the loan evidenced by the NMe, including, but not limited �o, representutionc concerning Borrower?s occuponcy of the �"��E -
<br /> Praperty as a principal residence. If Ihix Security Ina�n�ment is on a lensehold,Borrower shull comply with nll the proviclons �'� r'�
<br /> t. �'+: •'', _.�_
<br /> .., of�hc 1e44e. If Borruwer scquires fee title to the Property,�he Icnsehold and the fee tidc shell not merge unless Lender agrees �•• ;��
<br /> � �• to Ihe merger in writing. � , _��,
<br /> ` ' 7. Protectlon of l.ender's Righta in Ihe Praperty. Ii Borrowcr fuils to perform the covenants aod agreeme�t� �� �`���•�t,,.:•,•;.:;��
<br /> --_- � _- coma�neo �n th�s Security mavumcn�, ar there is u Icgal pru�:c�ding �hat �nay .i�nd�cunuy vtteci lxoder; rightx m the ' "� '�,c�;`.;�.•�.:.'__°'
<br /> ' Praperty(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, prohate.for condemnndan or forfei�ur+e or to enf'orcc law4 or regula�ions),�hen � •�'.,.`;',`°���'''• �;"�''—'
<br /> Lender may du and pny for whAtevcr is necessary lo prolect Ihe value oi Ihe F'ropchy und Lendcrk righlx in Ihc Property. 'c."�.;',ti;:�.'�'``•`!���`"�:
<br /> ;��•�..': ��:,•�.,.. ..
<br /> _ Lender's nctfons may include paying uny sums secured by u lien which hns priority rner Ihis Securily Instrument,uppeuring .., ,,:,,.,,:
<br /> _ in court,paying reasonable altorneys'fees and enrering on Ihe Propeny �o moke repairs.Al�hough Lender may tuke�ctian 1',;�'.=•'���,�',�,�t�:+�•�•�•�
<br /> under this paragrnph 7,Lender dces not hnve to do 40. �•'��=;��°`�'�
<br /> Any amounls disbursed by Lender under this puragraph? shull hecorne addilionul d�bt of Born,wer secured by this � ; �
<br /> �' ; Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other lertns uf pnymenl,thesc nmoums shall bcur interest from the ,.,..,
<br /> date of disburscment nt the Note rate and shall be puyoble, wilh interest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower reyueuing � . .. .
<br /> � pnyment. �-_
<br /> � 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender reyuired monguge insurunce a+� u rondition oi making ihe loan secured by Ihis -='�='� `
<br /> ' � Securiry Inswment, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mongs�ge insurnnce in effect. If, for any �. . ::.:�
<br /> reason, Ihe mortgage in�uronce coverage reyuired by L.ender lupsec or reusev to be in effecl. Bnrrower sholl pay the , {T���.� +;,,;�_
<br /> ' � premiums required to abtain covernge substantinlly eyuivnlent to the monguge insumnce previously in efPect, ut n cost • �,w�,.
<br /> • . sub��anlfelly equivalent ro the cost to Borrower of Ihe morl�tage in4urance previously in effect,from an nitemate mortgage . ..';.•�;.`
<br /> �' I:l��' '. . ffl4:dc''
<br /> , : insurer approved by Lender. IP substantially eyuivnlent mortgnge insum�ice covernge is not uvailuble,Borrowcr shAll pay �o ,.•,:••, ,... r
<br /> � • • Lender each month n sum e uel to one-twelfth of Ihe eurl mon u e insurunce remium bein nid b Borrower when the " � � �'�'r+ �?'�'.
<br /> ,:�, � . . 9 Y Y � 6 P EP Y ►: ' .. .:�,,�: .
<br /> • . ,• insurnnce coverage Inpsed o�ceased to t+e in effect. Lender will uccept,use und relain these pnymems as a loss re�erve in lieu '� •�'�r- ' —' -
<br /> i ,� ......�;;•�:.:.�_.
<br /> � • : of mohgage insurnnce. Loss reserve puymcnts may no Innger be reyuired, ut the option of Lender,if mongage in4uronce �
<br /> ' • ' ''" coverwge(in the amount and for 1he period thnt l.ender r:quiresl provided by un insuror upproved by Lender again becames ' " ...,."'•±�
<br /> .. avallable and is obtained.BoROwer shull puy the premiumx required�o maintAin morlgage ingurunce in cffccl,or to provfdc n �;� � '
<br /> "' . loss regerve,until the requirement for mortgage insurance ends in accordance with eny wdtlen agreement between Borrower '' �
<br /> �' ''' � and Le�der or applicable law. •�
<br /> . 9. In�pectlon. Lender or i�4 ngent mny mukc rcasonuble emries upon and insdections o(the Propeny. Lender shall
<br /> � •.;,, give Borrower nolice ut the time of or priar lo un inspeclion xpecifyinF�enxonable cause for the inspeclion. • "
<br /> � L0. Gandemnaflon. The proceeds of uny uwurd cx cloim for domnge�.Jirect or conxeyuemis�l,in connection with uny �� �
<br /> , Sinpk F�mily••F�nnle M�eIEh�Wk Mac UNIFURM INSTRUMF.IVT••Unffurm Coven:uxti 91911 pw�u�d n/n�,ux�a1
<br /> ��,.�
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