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<br /> , , �� � applicable law may apecify for rcinste�emenq befora sele of che Ropaty pursuant W any power of w1e contained in�hia
<br /> ��. •. 3ecurity ineuurnent; or(b)entry of a Judgment enforcfng thie Security Inslwment. Thoce conditiona are th�t Borrower. (�)
<br /> _ _-. pay� Lender pll eum� whfch then would he due unckr�hi� Security Insdument uid the Nde as if nn �cceleroU�n h�d ---- t...-
<br />- - -�---_' occurred;(b)curae pny def�ult of u�y other covenanu or agreemenu;<c)pay�all eapensea incu�red in enforcing thls Secudty
<br /> , Insaument, including,but not limfted to. rwsonpble onomeys'f•.ea: ond (d) takes such acUon as Lender may rcrwnebly —
<br /> _ ' o� ' •' requiro w aeaure thwt ihe lien of IAis Sauriry Inatrument,Lender�s dghu in Ihc Propcny end Bwmwerk obNg�tbn to pay the
<br /> • sums secu�ed by Ihic Secudty Inst�ument shall contiRUe unchanged. Upon reinetetement by Borrower. thie Secudty
<br /> Inewment and the�bligations saured hanby ahall remain fully effective as if no accelerndon Iwd occurred. However,ihir �"•�'.'
<br /> •i . ri�ht to reinstate shell na apply in the cese of acceleratfon under psuagraph 17.
<br /> 19, 3wle ot Note; Chna�e e� l.aon Servker. The Nate or w partfal intercst in the Note(together with Ihic Securlty
<br /> . ., lostrument)may be aold one or more times wi�hout prior notice to Borrower. A aole may result in o change in the cntlty ,_ ,._
<br /> u (k►wwn as the"Loan Servicer") Uwt collecte monthly ppymems due under the Note end this Securlty Inetrumem. There plso �_r�-_- ""�-"=_
<br /> . " may be one or morc chnngea oF Ibe Laan Servicer unrolated to e aele of 1he Note. If thero is a change of the Loon Servicer, �"�
<br /> • Barower will 6e given wdtten nolfce of the change in eccordance with pangraph 14 above and applicable I�w. 'ilie notice �J���� _ ���,;:r,'����_
<br /> ' wfll staie the name aad addn:ea d Ihe ncw Loen Servicer and the addrc�to which payments thould be made. The notice w1U L�--
<br /> ' alro contain any o�he�informat[an tequlred by appliceble lew.
<br /> ?A. Hasardoua Substaaca. Barower shall not cause or pem�it Ihe presence,use,di�posal,stornge.ar release of any —
<br /> � ' Hav.ardous Sub�tancea on or in ihe Properry. Borrower ehall not do,nor�Ibw aayone else to do,anything affecHng Ihc
<br /> '' Properry that is in�folation of any Envimnmental i.aw. The preceding twa srntences shall noe apply to 1he presence,use,or
<br /> ' storage on the Property of smal�qusndues of Hazardou�Sub�toncer rt�t orc ewenlly recognized to be appropriete ro notmal �r:,
<br /> , reaidentla!uses and to maintenance of Ute Property.
<br /> • Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigecio�,claim,demend,lewstat or atFier actlon by any _-_
<br /> . governmental or regulatory egancy ar private party involving the Pro�erty�nd any Hazardous Substunce ar 8nvironmcntal
<br /> , . ' . Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Batrower leams.or is notitied by any govemmental or regulatory
<br /> au�horiry. that any removal or ather remedintion oi any Hazerdous Substance aikcling the Property is neceasary.Bo�rower
<br /> ��, sh�ll p�ompUy wke all necessery rcmedlet actions in uccordunce with Environmenml Low. � __ �,,.
<br /> ' , As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substunces"are thore substances de�ned as taxic or hazardaua substeoces by _ _
<br /> Bnvlronmental Lew and the folbwing substances: gasoline,kerosene,ather flammable or toxic petroleum product4,toxic - =
<br /> � peslicides end herbicides, vola�ile solventn,ma�erials con�aining avbesios or fbrmnldehyde,And rndiauclive muterials. As
<br /> ° _ used in Ihis pnrugraph 20,"Environmemal Law"meuns f'ederal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Properly is(ocoted
<br /> � thet rclate to health,anfsty orenvironmentul pmtection, �—
<br /> � NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bo�rowcr ond Lender funher covenant und ugrce ug follows: '.,-
<br /> . � 21. Accekration; Remedle�. l.ender sludl qive notice to Bonower prlor lo accele�aUon followtng liorrower's
<br /> •� breacb oP any covenont or agreemeat in Ihis Security lostrume�t I�ut not priar lo accelerpUon uader pA�a�rAph 17
<br /> unless�ppllcable law provides otherwisel. The notke shall speclfy: la)Ihe dePault;lbl lhe action required to cure the ----
<br /> ' defaulti(c)�date,not lea4 than 30 doys Prom the date Ihe nolke Is given to Borrower,by which Ihe deiault musl be
<br />