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<br /> � TU(lE'T'HER WIT{i ul{�iw{mprovcmr.nts now or hrrcuftcr crerted on thn��erty,und all easemen�s,uppunenunccs, �_�;,�__� _
<br /> .. ' � and fixturci now or heregiter o pan oF Ihe property. All replacements and oddiliona sh�ll Alaa be covered by thia Secudty - ' ' -
<br /> • Inurument. All of the faregaing is roferrcd to in thiR Secu�ity Inswmcnt as Iho"Propeny." _
<br /> • •. BORRUWER COVHNANTS thal Borrawcr is IA�iully seiaed af Ihc es�ate heteby conveyed and has Ihe rigM �a graM �'"'_'
<br /> � � and convey the Property und Ih�t Ihe Propeny is unencumbeRd.eKCepl far encumbrnncex of�ecorJ. Bormwer wnrr�nts and `"=.,�--�-
<br /> � will defcnd generally�ha Ullc ta�he Propcny ugaina�oll claim�and demends,subjcct to any encumbnmcc�nf rca�rd.
<br /> �YT�;..��_�.
<br /> ' • THIS S�CURITY INSTRIIMF_NT cambf�es unfCorm covenunta for natianal use and non-uNform covenunu► witb �`°"`'—=—""""-
<br /> limi�ed vnriations by ju�ixdfction to consdtute a unifortn secu�ity inetrumem covering rc�l propeny. -,.:r -
<br /> , ��'� .,-.:.-.. _ -
<br /> - .. I UNIFORM CAVENANTS. Bo�rower ond l.ender covenanl and agree as fotlows: ; ��,:,;
<br /> ( l. P�yment of Principal and Interesti PrepAymen!and Late Chorges. BoROwer shall promptly pay when due Ihe -�r�
<br /> principal oi s►nd intercst on Ihe dct►t evidenced by ihe No1e und nny prepayment and lale charge�due uader die Natc.
<br /> 2. Flmds Por 7lwxes And Inaurance. Subject ro applicablo lew or to a written waiver by Lender,Borrower shall pay to �j,�,•;;,�.;___�•.�
<br /> " • I Lender on ihe day mamhly payn�ents are due under the Noto, until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")For:(n)yeurly -�-�--=---•-
<br /> ; taxes and assesameius which muy attaln priori�y over thia Security Insuument as a lien on the Property; (b)yeady leasehold ''� ,�.'�������-
<br /> --�� - - i .. .._... .. .......� _...... .... ,w.. o.�.,.�. �r ..� . ;..i ., � naur„nr , .». �.• s=--_.--
<br /> -- - , ;.:..�..,, ,,: g.,,.... _..,. .. _ ,.. ;. ....;� _, ;esl, hazarQ or ps�n, !.. r 4 remiums; (�� yenrly tlrnxl ,?:,+��.: •= °,
<br /> ' ; rnsurance premiums,if�any;�(e) yearly mongage insu�ce premiums, if any; and(�any sums payable by Bo�rowcr to i-----��-. :"--
<br /> � Lcnder,in accordana wilh the provisions of paregreph 8, in licu of�he paymem of mongage inwrance premiums. These °.'Y:�:-...-:.,»=-
<br /> - icems era callod"Escrow ltem�." l.ender may,at any tima.eollect and hald Fu�ds in an amount not �o exceed tha manimum j;''""-`�;--_----
<br /> . amounl a Ici+da for a federally relaeed mortgage loan may requlre for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Real ' ,�;��:_„�
<br /> � Estata Settiement F'roceduras Act of 1974 as amended from lime to tima, 12 U.S.C. $2601 et seq.("itESPA"),unlass anothar . . ..�ti;,��;.�
<br /> ' • • law that applic�to the Funds seis a lesser emaunt. Ii so,l.endar may,at any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to �I • ��r��--�
<br /> � • exceed the lesser amuunt. Lender mey es�imata Iha amaunt af Funds due on the basis of cumeM dala and rcasonoble ��
<br /> -.. esdmates af expenditures of fuwre Escmw Items or othenvise in accordance with applicable law. �S;'"�:i�;..�`�'=;,'�'
<br /> The FLnds sheli he held in an institutian whose deposits arc insured by a fcderai ngcncy,instrumentalily,or entity � . . 'l'�'6�
<br /> (including l.ender.if l.ender is such an instiwllon)ar in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall�pply Ihe Fund.r to pay � . ' �.��''�'"""`
<br /> , • the Escrow Uems. l.ender may no� charge Borcower for holding aod applying Ihe Fun�'+, unnuolly annlyaing ihe escrow ••' i����'
<br /> account, or verifying the Escrow Ilems. unless l.ender pays Borrower intere�t an Ihe Funds und upplicable luw pern�ilx -• -
<br /> ' Lender to make such a charge. However. Lender may require Borcower to pay a one-time charge for an independent �xul � .;.... . '°
<br /> estate tax reporting service used by Lender in cannectian wilh thlR lonn,unless applicnble law provides otherwise. Unless un � ` �'='
<br /> . agrcemem is made or applicable law requires interest ta be pald.Lender shull not bc reyuired to pay Barrowcr uny interext or ;C�6�����_=
<br /> �aming� �n the Funds. Boirower nnd L.ender muy ugree in wrlting,however,thnt in�eresl shall be paid on the Funds. Lender •
<br /> shall give to Borcower,withoul chorge,nn annunl nccounting of Ihe Funds,showing c�edi�s and debils to the Funds nnd Ihe � � '�� .�
<br /> purpose far which each debit to the Funds was made. The Fund:are pledged as addirional securily (or oll sums recured by �'r��'�`:_
<br /> .. . this Securiry Inslrument. � __
<br /> If Ih: Funds held by L.ender excced the nmoumv permit�ed ta be hQld by applicublc luw, l.cnder ghull uccnunl to • • .,;,� ;:�-
<br /> _�_--_- _- Bertt►wer for Ihe e!tcess Funds in eccoMenrP w{�h Ihe rei�uiremen�!�of applicahie law_ If�he amnunt of tlie Fmulv IMId by � •., • ___
<br /> • Lender ut any time is not sufficien{to puy �he Escrow Items when due, l.ender mny so notify Barower in writing,and, in � `•`�
<br /> su�h case BoROwer shall pay to Lender the amaunt necessary to make up ihe deficiency. Borrower shall make up the z:--•�_ °
<br /> deficiency in no more than twelve monthly pAymenis,al Lender's Fole discre�ion. �'y�'.'7�:w-
<br /> Upon payment in full of all surns secured by Ihis Sewrity Instrnment, Lender 4hull pmmplly rc(und to Sarrower ony E �_.m=- -
<br /> �• Funds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21, Lender shnll acquire or seU the Property,Lender,prior to the ncyuisi�ion or -
<br /> • , sale of the Property,shall npply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sole ua a credit against the suma ' ���'��`=�"
<br /> .� secured by this Secudty Instrumenl. ' ''• � � '' ,,---
<br /> ' 3. AppNewdon ot PAymenis. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all payments rcceived by l.ender under � . . -"'
<br /> psuagraphs 1 and 2 shull be applied: firsl,to uny prepaymen�charges dua under the Note:second,io amounte payable under � . . <:
<br /> puagmph 2;third,lo intercst due;founh,lo principul due;and Insl,to�ny la�e chnrgea due under Ihe Note. � ,--�:=-
<br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borro�ver shall pay aU taxes, nssessmcnts, chargcs, �nes and imposit(ons attributeblr w tl�e � . .�; -. �-T
<br /> • Propeny which muy attain priority over�his Securi�y Inslrument,and lensehold paymenis or ground rents,if uny. Borrower � �� --
<br /> � shall pay these obligations in the mnnner provided in parngraph 2,or if ncN pnid in Ihut mnnner,9orrowcr shnll pny them on t _
<br /> time direcdy ta�he person owed payment. Borrower choll promp�ly fumish�o Lender all notices uf aroounls lo be puid under ' -�
<br /> this parngraph. If Norrower tnokes these payments directly,Borrower shall promptly fumish to l.ender receipts evidencing � .��=•r'
<br /> � the payments. f ��;::.-..�
<br /> Borrower shall pmmptly discharge any lien which has prioriry over this Security Inslrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees t �=-=
<br /> � in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a ms►nner acceptable to Lender. (b)contesls in goad faith Ihe ` � ' �ti�'•
<br /> lien by,or defends againat enforcement uf the lien in.kgal proceedings which in the Lender S opinion opernte to prevent Ihe '
<br /> , � enforcement of the licn;or(c)secures from the holder of ti�e lien un ugrcement satisfactory ta Lender subordinnting ihe lien '
<br /> „ � to Ihis Security Instrument. If Lender determines thnt any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attuin priority
<br /> over this Secudty Inswment,Lender may give Borrower n notice idenlifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or lake � •- *'�'�
<br /> one or more of the actions set forth pbove within 10 days of the giv{ng of notice. � .
<br /> 5. Hnzard or Property Insurance. Horrower shall kcep Ihe improvemenls now exiating or hereafter erected on the '
<br /> -= Propeny insured agefnst loss by fire, hazards included within the terrn"extended coverage"nnd uny ather hnaards,including
<br /> f7oods or 800ding,for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and tor Ihe
<br /> - �
<br /> Form302! 9/90 (poge2ryb�,oge�l
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