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<br /> � ; bpplicabk law may specify for roins�atement)befone sale of the Propcny pur�uant to any power of xale conlwined in thic �
<br /> � • Security In:trumem;or(b)cntry of p Judgment enForcinR this Secu�ity lnsl�ument. 7tio�e conditfona aro that Borrower. IA1 ---
<br /> ,-- • "' `', pAye Lc��ler ali Rums which then would hc due undcr thie Sesudty Instrument and ihe Nae ax if n�accckradon hod � �
<br /> � acurrcd;(b)curea�ny def�ult of ony wher covenants or agrcements;(c)pwya All expenaes lncumed in enforcfng Ihls Secu�l�y ____
<br /> Ituuument. includin�. but not IlmitM to,rc,�son�ble atwrney�'feee;and(d)afcee euch ac�ion u l.ender may rcaanably
<br /> ` o"'":''���"� � ` ra�utn+to eswre thet tlee Ikn of this 5ecurity Instniment,Lender�s rights in the Property and 9ortuwerk abligation to pay tlia �,z.�==
<br /> � . eum� aecured by Ihir Security Inslrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstntement by Borrower, this Security �'�� �"�'��".-��-
<br /> lneirument und the obligation� secured hereby shall rcmain fully effeclive as if no acceleratlon had accuRed. Howaver,this � � - -
<br /> , rfpht to�cina�ate sholl not apply in the caso of acceleration under paragrapb 17, - -�-
<br /> „ !9. S�k o/Note;Chu�Qe o�I.am Servker. 71ie Note or a partiol interes�in Ihe Nate(togciher with �hia Secu�ily �_ _
<br /> _, _ Instrumentl moy he�sold one or mnre tirneq wilhout prior notice to Borrower. .1 snle mny rcsult in u change in thc cntity � _==--- - -
<br /> _ (kriown ea the"Loan Servlcer")IhOt collcets monlhly payments due under ti�c Note and this Security Instrument. There elso ` �-;;=•.—� �—
<br /> , moy be one or morc changes of the Loan Servicer unrclated to a sale af the Note. If�harc is a chonge of the Lan Servicer,
<br /> , Borrower will be glve�written nWice of 1he chu� e in accordance w i �.r6 �
<br /> � g i h puagrnph 14 above and appllcable law. The nwice
<br /> wfll stAta the neme and addrc�s of Ihe new Loan Servicer and 1he addrcas to which peymeats ihouW be mwde. The notice wiU �;-=�—
<br /> .' . � aleo cont�in an other lnformatian �"p' �_
<br /> y rcquircd by applicable law. .�"�.M1;,_T---
<br /> 20. H�rdors Substaecea BoROwer Bhull not cause or permit the presence,usc,diaposel,storage.or release of any ;�':�.:•_s�:��.__
<br /> — - - _ � Hazerdous Subttences on or in�he Pmneny HMTOwt!4I!lIII flOt L�n �nr 3�lQ1Y 9l13'OS1t L`�5.�.ZO t�C��.u�tii;i�� w,i�:�iii��uw ' `----:--'- �.,---
<br /> �-. Property Ihet ls fo violallon of any Environmentul I.aw. The preceding two sentencea shall not apply ro�he presence,use,or ' �
<br /> storage on the Proptrty af small quandtica of Hnzarduuc Sul»wnces thet are gmerally reco�niud ro be appropdate to normal ..�,,;�^—:
<br /> raidential uaes and to mainteoance of Ihe Property. • �r. -.,
<br /> Homower ahall promptly givo Lender wdlten noUce of any inves�igation,cleim,demand,lawtiuit or other aclion by ony �. ` °��=�
<br /> govemmental or regulatory agency or pdvate party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Envlronmental !
<br /> Law of which Borrower hes actual knawledge. If Borrower leams, or ls notifled by any govemmental or regulatory �' �
<br /> . authority,lhet any remova!or aher rcmediaUon of any Hazardous 3ubstance affecting Ihe Property is necessary,Borrower '( ,M��``,==__,
<br /> shdl promptly take all necessary remedial acNons in acwrdance with Environmental Law. � .. • . , �� °•
<br /> Aa used in thia pnragraph 20,"Hezardous Substances"are those subsu►nces deflned qc toaic or hnzerdoue substances by }' '-
<br /> • ,;;.,.
<br /> Environmental Law and the following subatances: gasoline,kemsene, olher tlummable or loxic petroleum products,toxic *'°`"
<br /> pesticides and her6icides, volntile�olvents, meterials contuining asbestos or fortnuldehyde,und radloactive mnlerials. As � "
<br /> used in this pnragraph 20,"Environmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction wherc the Property is located �- ---
<br /> thwt nalate to health,safety ar environmental praeclion. "����
<br /> NON-UNIFURM COVENANTS. Burrower and Lender funher covenant and agree as follows: �""'""-'"'
<br /> Zl. AcceleraUon; Remediea I.ender ahall give notke to Borrower p�lor lo acceleration tollowln� Dorrower's r�--______
<br /> brexch of any covenanl or ogreement In Ihis Securily I��trumenl lbut not prfor to arcekratton under ara ra h 17 '�'"`-"----
<br /> P 6 P -�-�xrw�«._�_
<br /> unless applica6le law provMes otherwise). The notice ahall specifj: (al fhe default:(b)Ihe Acdon required to cure the 'A�7;._ —
<br /> defAUlt;(c)A dote,not less Ihan 3v days irom the date Ihe notice b given to florrower,by whkh lhe dePault must be �.�*�-�--
<br /> cured=and(d)that Fpiln�e to cure the dePault on or before!he date specit7ed tn lhe nMice may result in acceleratlon of "`��f,°--
<br /> r••
<br /> the sums sc�cured 6y Ihis Securily Instwmenl And sale oP the Pra rt, The nolice shall iurther inform Borrower oP � .-�
<br />-- - _ _-_- _- -_ - !ht rlght!o stl�statc altes acceie��timi,�ud ihc righi io bring a court acllon�o qssert the aon•exislence oP A defe�lt ar '-�
<br /> any olher defe�se of Borrower to acceleratbn ond sale. If the default(s nW cured on or before!he date specified in �-�``�'-�—
<br /> the notice,Lender at ita uptlon mwy require immedlale payment in full af all aum.g secured by this Secu�ily Ipslrument ��? �'�� �-
<br /> wllhout iurther demand and mo y invoke !he p ow e r o f s a l e a n d a n o t h e r r e m e d i e 4 ' ''D1�
<br /> _. y p e r m i t t e d b y A p p l ka b le IAw.
<br /> I.ender siwll be entitled to colkct all expenses Incurred in pursuin�the remedies provided in this parA��aph Zl� ��,� '
<br /> including,but not Ilmited lo,reasonable attorneyx'fees and cosls af litle evidence. -
<br /> lf the power oi sale is invoked,'I�ustee shqU record a notice of dePault in eaoh.connt in which an �.
<br /> y y part of the �-,��r_
<br /> � Property is IacAted ond shaM mail copies of auch notice in the manner prescr�bed by Applkable law to Iiorrower qnd to � '�=•=•=-°
<br /> the ather persons prescribed b y a p plicable I qw A i t e r t h e t i m e r e q u i r e d b y q p p R c a b l e l a w.7 Y u s t e e s h a l l g i v e p u b l i c � •�-�"-`' -
<br /> not ice of sale to the persons and in Ihe manner presc�ibed by appllcoble law 7lrustec. wllhouf demand on Borrower,
<br /> `' shall scll the Property at public wuctbn to the highesl bidder at the time and plACe and under Ihe terms desip�nated in .
<br /> thr notice of snle in one or more parcels and in any order 71�u9tee determines. 'I�ustee may postpone x�le of ell or any � �� "�="'"° �
<br /> parcel ot Ihe Property by public ennouncement at the Iime And place of'wny previously scheduled sole. Leader or itv
<br /> deatgnee mny purchase Ibe Property at any sale. K'�-.=:--
<br /> �,,,•�'^...—_�
<br /> (►pon recelpt af payment oF the prke bid.71�ualee glwil deNver lo the purchaser Truslee's deed conveylnR the �
<br /> , i� Property. The recil�ls ip the 7Yustee's deed ahall be prima fACle evWence oP Ihe Iruth of'Ihe stwtements made therein. `�
<br /> �'�SWd�apP�9�he W�oaeds of the sale in the following order. �e)to All costs and expenses of exercising tbe power , , '
<br /> �.1. �..,,.;�'"ti
<br /> :�
<br /> -i � • � �
<br /> � , ' ;.. ._.
<br /> �` ,
<br /> E Farm 3828 9/90 r�wxe.S uf 6�N�xasl
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