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<br /> � � y.���: '�3— 1o4s�o _
<br /> •:,�a� "`— otsole,And the aale,lacladiaQ Ike pAyment of iiie'i�ru:tee'e Peei acawlfy iacurred�not to exceed 2.8 �v ut
<br /> ,3�';�?;;..:t�....F � !Me priacipRl�mounl of the notu�t the Qme of t6e decaralba of defaulq aal rasoa�bla attorneys'fees�aspermitted
<br /> ���� � by I�w;�b)to�li w�M Nc�u'�d by t6b S�cu�IT iqii�'Y�ti wid(c)Gi�g�QtccRi3 to tliC g,l'�i101'persaln leQelly eMM� �
<br /> �yi'�'. • � 101w �
<br /> '^` 22. Re000vt�a�ae. Upon pryment of all aum�eecurcd by thi�Securiry I�nuument.Lender slwll roquert'Iturtee to
<br /> ��Y'���='' reconve the �nd nhrll eurrcnder thie Srcu�il In�ument md all notes evidencin deM secuned b this 3ecudt
<br /> .r'�. •" •.-�w-� - ,. In�wment to 7�hua 7luetee eholl reconvey the Pmpetty without wwrrnnty w�d wlthout chu�a w�he per on or persau �
<br /> � , ,..'�. . ka�lly entitled to fl. Such pcnon ur pereon�shel!pay any recordallon costa.
<br /> �� fi . - 23. 3ubqlWte'I�uriee. Lender.et hs option,may from Ume to Ume amove liustee and appoini a succesaor aus�ce�o
<br /> *•°'''� °�' `3 �ny 7lustee wppainted hercunder by �n inurument rccorded in �he county In wbich �hf� Secu�i�y Instrument is rocor+ded.
<br /> _ . _ _ _ Without canveyence of'the Properly. Ihe wcceswr tmctee rlwll wcceed to all the Iitle, power�nd dwiea canferred upon _
<br /> ., ^..,•,��•j:..-�y 7Yuc�ec herein u�d by appliciblc law.
<br /> � ' 24. Req�t�or Noticei. Bomower requnu Uwt copie�of�he notices oP defoult wid sale be sent to Borrower'x addre�s
<br /> which is the Property Address.
<br /> o .b , tS. Rldere to thle 3ecurlty In�trumenf. If one or moro riders are executed by Borrower and rccordecl together wilh
<br /> • Ihis Secudty Inspvment,the covenants and agramenls of each such�ider ahall be incorporated into and ahall umend and
<br /> • � " aupplement 1he covenants end a�eemente of thi�Secudty Inouument es if the riderp)wera a part of thb Securiry Insaumeal.
<br /> :�---:�_�—- I(hec�anrlicaF+lehnx(e�t))
<br /> • �; , i;� �AdJustabk Rate Rider �Cawominium Rider � 1�4 C�mily Rider
<br /> .. � • �Uraduaed Poyment Rider �Planned Unit Development Rider �Biwcekly Paymeot Rider
<br /> jt n`,.4'.N '.
<br /> ��.':�''��'." �B�Iloon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Home Ridcr
<br /> .. •s. � • _
<br /> l� ry
<br /> .a .,�. - ' . �Other(s)ISPecifYl
<br /> BY SI(3NIN(3 BELOW,Borrower accepls and agrees lo the ternis und cavenenls contained In this Securfty Inslrument
<br /> ° - - and in eny rider(s)exewted by Borrower and recorded with i�
<br /> . „ �.� Witneosea:
<br /> ____�� lSeal)
<br /> = Robert L. Threaher -aa,��r
<br /> ' �" Social Secudty Numbcer 52n eB 4�2n
<br /> . ^
<br /> _- - ,�.l./1%l�tiL1'L!D'�Z/F'.G! (scaq €
<br /> �lie A. Thresher -9orrower
<br /> • Social Secu�i�y Number 502 ,y8 A527 � -
<br /> _ � STATE OF NBBRASKA. Hell County ss:
<br /> ...
<br /> „ On this day of ,before me,lhe underaigned,a Ndury Public
<br /> duly commissioned and quali�ed for said counly.persanolly came RObeTt l. Thresher end Julie A. ThTesheT, -
<br /> ', �. eaeh in hfs e�d her own right� end as spousa of each other .to me known m I►e�he ��
<br /> , . „ fdentica! persan:(s) whosc narne(s)are subscribed to�he foregoing inswment and acknowledged the exxution thereof�o �
<br /> + be theiT voluntary act and deed. -
<br /> ;;..u;,��� Witness my hond and notarlal seal at Grend Islen breske in xaid county.lhe `
<br /> „ � ; dotc aforesaid. �, `
<br /> ° • My C _
<br /> � ; � sHEUA�r.�,u�.oF.�a� rbwr we�
<br /> s"',�.-` My��p�8�� REQUESTFOR RECONVEYANCE
<br /> .. TO TR STBE.
<br /> The underaigned is the hold�r o e notc or notes secured by this Deed of 7tust. Said note or notes,loge�her with all
<br /> „' ° . oUier indebtedness secured by this Deed of 7tust,have been paid in full. You nre hereby directed to cancel said note or notes
<br /> �a..:. •.. - , . and thia Dad of 7tust,which arc delivend hereby,and to reconvey.wilhout wan�anty.all the estate now held by you under
<br /> , •� this Deod of 7tust w the person or persons kgelly entitled thereto. . -
<br /> � . . Date:
<br /> �l ', � POn11302� 9N� fpoR�6aI6PoR«)
<br /> ��
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