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<br /> •• condemnntiun nr Mher luking of nny pan of thc Prapedy,ar for conveyance in lieu of condemnation,arc her+eby ussi�ned and
<br /> ' - - - - •• ' ehall be p•rid to Leider. ..
<br /> • In the evenl of u Intnl tnking ai the F'ropeAy. Ihe proceeds shull be upplicd lo the .rums �ecured by thir+ Securny
<br /> � ' ' Inxlrumcnl, whcihcr o�not�hen duc.wi�h nny excexx puld to Hnnoa•er. In the event of u purliul�aking uf Ihc Propeny in
<br /> „ ',�ina��,� which Ihe ini�mu�ket value of the Propcny immediulely before�he�xking i.r¢yuul to nr grcu�er ihan Ihc amount of Ihe sums
<br /> - -- �=•� ���'- - gccured by!hl»Security Ingln�mcnt immedin�ely heforc Ihe laking,unle+x Burrower und l.endcr iilherwixe ngrcc in wriling,
<br /> : � �hc sums xea:ured by Ihis Securi�y Ing�iument xhall be rcduced by the omc►unt ni'thc pracceds mu4iplied by the following
<br /> � "` fruction: (u)�hc totol umo!mt of ihe suma secured immediulely befarc Ihe luking,divided by(b)Ihe fair murket vuluc of�he
<br /> ; Propeny immedintely before�he�nking. Any balunce nhull be puid �o Barrower. In �he event of s�purtinl �oking of Ihc
<br /> Property in which ihe tofr marke�vulue nf tha Property immediately before tha tuking iR kRC thon the umount of Ihe suma
<br />„__� - sccured immedintely heforc Ihe Inkin�, �mless Aorrower nnd Lender Mherwise agrce in wrilinR ar unless applicahle luw �-
<br /> . � • • wherwise provides,lhe proceeds shall be applied to the sumx aceurcd by�Fiis Security Inswmeni whether or na ihe xums orc
<br /> � �hen due.
<br /> ' ., •� If the Pn►peny ix ubandoned by Bormwer,or if,afler natice by Lencler to Barrower Ihat the condemnar ol'fe�ta make
<br /> an oward or settle o cloim for damugec,Bonower foils to respand to Lender wi�hfn 30 duys afler Ihe dale�he notice is given,
<br /> Lender is ou�horiud to collec� and ttpply the praceedx,ut i�g oplion,eilher to rcv�ora�ion or repair of the Propeny or to ihe }-
<br /> •� sumc Recurcd by thla Security Inatrument,whelher or not Ihen due. �
<br /> Unlesa Lender s�nd Sorrower othcrwi,e u�rce in writinQ,nnv nnPliciuion af pnKeeda to prim:ipul xhull nM exteml or
<br /> • pos�pone ihe due dote uf the monthly payments referred ta in purngrnpha I und 2 or change Ihe amount of such payment�.
<br /> . � 11. Rorrower NM Rele�ed; Forbeorance By l.ender Not a Wwlver. Ex�ension of �he time for puyment or
<br /> ' modiflcation of amonizution of the sums securcd by this Security Ins�rument g�anted by Lender to uny successor in interest
<br /> of Borrower shall not aperate to release the liobility of the originul Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest.Lender
<br /> shnll not 6e required to commence proceedings ogninst any succeRSar in interext or refuse ta exlend ifine for paymenl or
<br /> othenvise madify amortlzation of ihe sums secured by this Secudty lostrument by reuxon of nny demund madc by the ariginal
<br /> Borrower ar Barmwer:s aucceasas in imerext. Any forbearnnce by Lender in eaercising any�ight or remedy xhal)not be a �
<br /> waiver of ur precluJe Ihe rxen:isr uf uny rigl�t or reroedy. -
<br /> . 12. Successars and ArstgnA Buund:Joint and SeverAl I.lubilllyi Laei�nen9. The covennnts und ngrcemenls af Ihis
<br /> Securi�y Instrumem xhall bind unJ benetit�he surrcxson und usxigns of Lendcr und Borrawer,subjccl 1��Ihe pravixions of
<br /> pnragruph 17. Barmwer's covenunts nnd ogreemenls +hull I+e jaint und xeverul.Any Borrnwer whn cn-sign� thiK Securily
<br /> Instn�ment but daes not execule�he Nate: (n)ix co-xigning�his Securi�y I nc�rument anly to monguge,gn�m and convey thut
<br /> � Borrower's in�eresi in �he hropeny under the temiti of this Securi�y Instrument; Ib)iti no�pervonully abligu�ed to puy the xums
<br /> gecumd by this Securily In.r•Irumem; und lc)ugrecv thut l.ender und uny rnher 9orcower may ugree ta exlend,m�xlify,farheur
<br /> or muke any uccom�nudalians wilh regurd to tha terms of this Security Instrument or Ihe Notc wi�hout �hnt Bomowerk
<br /> conxent.
<br /> l3. L�n C'Iwrga. If Ihe Inun secured by �his Securi�y Instrument is xubject �o u law which tiets muximum loun
<br /> chArgeti,und�hul luw is 6nully interpreled so�hu�the interes�or other laan chnrgez collected or�o he collecteJ in connec�ion
<br /> with Ihe loun exceed the permi�ted limi�s,then: lul any tiuch loun charge�hnll be reduced by�he umoum neces4ury to reduce
<br /> �he churg��c�the �xnniued limir,unJ Ib)uny xumx:dneady collecteJ I'mm Hum�wer which exreeJed�xrniilted liroi�r will be
<br /> - - -" j r�efunded lo tlorrower. Lender may choose lo mAke this refu��i by reducin€�he princip�ai owed wnier Ihe Nofe���by muking u
<br /> . direct payment to Borrower. If o rcf'und reduces principul. �he reduction wlll be�reu�ed As u paAiul prepuyment without Any
<br /> prepuymeM churge under Ihe Natc.
<br /> � 14. Notict�. Any�olice to Borrower prc�viJed lor in�his Scruri�y In.lrumem .hidl Ix given hy Jelivering i� nr by
<br /> moiling i�by first cluss mail unless i�pplicublr luw rcyuirc�u�c ul'uno�hrr rnethat.'I'Ix notirc�hull hc dirccled to Ihc Pn��xhy
<br /> Address or uny olher addregs BoROwer designutes by nMice lo Lender. Any mNice to Lender sholl he given by firvt clasx
<br /> � .. , muil�o LenckrR uddress s�uted herein or uny other udJre�s Lenckr designntes by notice)o Hormwer. Any noticc providcd f4r
<br /> in this Securi�y Instrument shall be dcemed to hnve t�een given to Borruwer i�r Lcnifer when given ar. provided in Ihis
<br /> pnrugmph, -
<br /> • IS. Governing Luw:SeverabllNy. This Securi�y Inzirument tihull hc �!ovcrned hy fcderul luw nnd �hc I�iw of Ihe
<br /> jurisdic�ion in which the F'ropeny ix k►cuted. In 1he evenl lhui uny provixiun or clnwe ol'thi�Securily Inwrumenl or Ihe Nole
<br /> conllicts with upplkuble Inw,�uch ron0ict xhAll not ul'ferl��ihe�pr��vi.innti of lhix Seruri�y In,�roment or ihe Noie which cun
<br /> � be given effect wlihou��he conflicting provision. 'Ib�his end�he provizions o(�hic Security In,�n�ment nnd Ihe Note are
<br /> deClpred lo be seve�pble.
<br /> j 16. Qorrower's Copy. Burrower�hall be given one coni'onneJ capy ol dte Note s�nd ot'this Security Instrumenl. -
<br /> .. � 17. 7lranaFer of the Properly ur o HeneOclal Interesl in Horruwer. If uU or uny p�m of�he Pn�pcny ar uny imcrest in
<br /> it is sold or Imnsferred(or if n beneficial intereW in Bomower ix xoW or irunxlcrreJ und B�rn�wcr is ix►t u nuwrul pertion►
<br /> wilhout Lenderc prior wriuen consent.Lcnder muy,ut its apli��n,reyuire immcdiute puyment in fu0 of idl swns secure.d by
<br /> Ihis Security Instrument. However.Ihis option shall not be exerciscd by Lender if exercise i4 prohibiled by Cedeml law ac oi' �
<br /> " , . �he date of�hie Security Inxtrument.
<br /> � If Lender exerciseti thig option. Lender tihull give Borrower notice of aceclerution. The nolice shull provide a periad of .
<br /> . not less Ihon 30 duys fmm Ihe dute the notice is delivered or mniled wi�hin which Bomnwer mux�puy al!sums secured hy Ihix �
<br /> . Securiry InstrumeM. If Borrower fuilx ro puy thexe sumx prior �a the expiru�ion nf this period. I.,�nder muy invoke any
<br /> � _ remedies permiltedby Ihis Securily Inwrumen�wiihout Cunher notice orJemimd on Borrower.
<br /> _; ' , . 18. Borrower•s Ri�ht to Refn�tate. If Hnrrower meets rerluin crniditianc. Bormwcr �hull huve Ihe rigM to huve
<br /> enl'orcement of this 5ecurity Instrument disconiinued ut any tink priar to Ihe eurlier ot: (u1 S duy.lor surh o�her periai us
<br /> � ' Suiylc F+iuily••Faaale M1toc/FYeddk M�c UNIFORM INtiTRUMEN'1' �Unilium Cuvcn•rm. vl9U qwAr J�/n�h�x�•.�1
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