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<br /> ' , �ierlcxl.r Ihat l.ender rcyuircc. 'I'he insumnce cuRfer providing�he ingurunce whnll tee choxen hy Hni�nwer+ubJec�to I..ender's _
<br /> �' ' upprovpl which ahull na be unreuxonubly withheld. If scNtowe�failx to muinluin coveruge deactibed above,Lender maY.ut
<br /> ' -- . .. � . Lender R oplit►n.uhtpin cuve�ugr w pn��ec�i.ender R righ�.r in�he Piu�rdy in ucc�nJao.c wllt�pu��g�u��li 7.
<br /> ' All inaurnnce policiex onJ rcnewal�whall be ucceMAble�o Len�cr urul�hull include u s�unJunl nN�nga�e cluu�e. Lender �
<br /> '.
<br /> ° � sholl havc the right�o hold�hc pcdicieR und rcnewulx. If lxnder rcyuirca,Burrowcr rhull pmmp�ly�tivc ti�LrnJcr ull receip��
<br /> �- • nf puid prcmiumy nnd rcnewal noticeg. In the evenl of In.ra.H�xrower xhull kive�xompt nolice w iqe inwr�uue carrior ond
<br /> , � • . Lender. Lencler muy make pruuf of lox.r iP not made pn�n�ptly by flc�m�wer.
<br /> Unleaw Lender nnd BnROwcr uthenvl�c ugree in wrliing, inxurunce pnKCCd��hnll he u�lieJ �o rex�nrulion ur rcpuir of
<br /> •� �he Propeny damuged, if tbe res�orntion or rcpair i�economicully 1'eusible und I.cnderk �ccuthy ix rnN IcxxncJ. If ihc
<br /> ; •� V rcs�n�a�i.n or rcpuir ix�t eux�amicully feasibk or I.enckrK recurity would hc tcRSencd, Ihe insurwuc praceeds xlwll be
<br />, � • applied lo�he rums cecured by Ihin Securiry Inxtrument. whelher ur nM ihen Jue, wlth uny excess puiJ to Rorrower. If
<br /> � ; � Borrower abandrn►.r Ihc Pir�iperly,or dae� nol unswer wi�hin iU duyK n nWice from l.ender Ihct Ipc insurnncc carrier has
<br /> offereJ to setUe n cloim,lhen l.ender moy callec�the insurance pmceeds. Lender mny ure�he pmcaJx lo repair or rcQtorc
<br /> ' .. � Ilx pr���xr1y��r U�pay xwn�+�tiurcd by Ihix Sccurily Inslrunxnt,whc�hcr ur n�H Il�n duc. Thc i1NJuy�riixl will(xgin wlkn
<br /> the no�icc fa given.
<br /> � Unleas Lender und BoRnwcr oiherwixe agmc in wridng.iiny upplicaion uF pracecds w pri�clpul xhull nut cxtend or
<br /> postpone the due date oi�he mon�hly payment�referred to in pamgropha I und 2 or chun�e Ihe umonnt of Ihc paymcnts. IP
<br /> .._'� under paragraph 21 the Propeny is acquircd by Lender. Borrower g right to imy inaur�nce poNcies and procecds resulling
<br /> " , ' iram damegc ta the Propeny prior�o�he ocyuiaidon ehall pa�s to Lender to the exten�ot th¢sum�secq�ea oy�n�s aecun�y
<br /> � �, � Instrument immeJiately prfor w Ihe acquisi�fon.
<br /> 6. (kcupancy. PreservAtlon• Maiatenonce und Proteclion of the Propehyi Norrowerk Losm AppliciNlon;
<br /> • I.easehold�. Bormwer shalt uccupy,eslubli4h,nnd use ihe Propeny na Borruwerk principnl rc�idence wilhin sixty doys aF�cr
<br /> • �� � the eaecution of'thic Secu�ity Inslnament and chall continue io uccupy�he Propeny as Borrowerh principnl rcsidence for nt
<br /> � leu�t one yeAr afler �he dute of occupuncy, unless Lender otherwise ugrees in writing, which con+ent xhnll not tie :—
<br /> unreasonubly withheld,or unless ex�enuating circumsinnce�exist which are beyond Borrower R contml. Borrower sholl not
<br /> , • deRtroy,damnge or impnir the Pr+►peny,+dlow the Propehy lo dcle�iornte,or cnmmit wnxte on�he Piopeny. Borrowcr�hall _
<br /> be in dePaul� if uny forf'eilure uction or praceeding,whether civil or criminul,is hegun Ihnt in Lenderk gaxl i'uith judgment
<br /> could result in forfeiwre of Ihe Piropehy nr othenvise materially impair the lien creuted by �his Securily Inslrument nr
<br /> „ Lender+securi�y intere�i. Borrower moy cure such u defi�ul�omd reinsune,uti provided in purugruph 18, by cuusing�be acliun
<br /> or pmceeding�n t+e diamiszed wilh n nding ihat,in Lenderz g�xxl faiih de�enninn�ion,prccl�Kles ti�r(ei�ure al'Ihe Burn►wer's
<br /> interert in Ihe Propehy ur olher nwleriul impr�im�em of Ihe licn cmuleJ My �hix Securily Inx�ru�nent nr Lemler's xecurily
<br /> inleres�. Bnrtower xhull ��Igo he in dePuult if Burr��wer, during ihe Inun ���licnli�x� praccsx, gave m�nerially lid.se or
<br /> . inuccurute infomiution or slnlemema to LenJer l�►r fuiled to provide LenJer widi any ma�eriul inlimno�ion)in conneclion wilh
<br /> Ihe loan evidenced by Ihe Nate, including, but not limited lo, represenlalionx cuncerning Borriiwer'x ixcupimry ai' the
<br /> Pmpeny as a principal msidence. If thix Sewrily Inxlrument is on n Ieu°ehold,Bnrrower xhull comply wilh ull Ihe provisions
<br /> •. of Ihe lease. If Bormwer ecyuires fee tiUc�o thc Pmpeny,the IeaseholJ und the fec title�huU nnt merge unless Lender ugrees
<br /> • • to the merger in writing.
<br /> , 7. NrWectiun uf Lender's RiKhls fn the Pruperty. II'Nurrowcr fuil��u �xrlimn �hc cuvcmm�h und ugrrenien�s
<br /> –=--_-- -' contaiard in this Serurity lnstrument,nr lherr is :t legn! pr<�cetc�ing thnt muy �igniGcuntlp ulfect Len�irrk rights in t!x
<br /> • Property Isuch ns a praceeding in M•rnkruptcy,paibale,for cimJemnu�ion ur li�rl'eiwre or io enlime lawti or rcgulu�ions),then
<br /> , Lender muy da und puy far whnlever i.r• necessury �o pm�ec� the v�duc oi thc Propeny :md l.rixli r�righls in Ihe Pru�xrly.
<br /> " Lender's ac�ions moy include puyinR uny swnx secureJ by u licn�vhich hus priori�y over�hi�Securi�y In+�rumrnl.appeuring
<br /> in court,puying rensanohle uuornays'fee.anJ en�ering on the Pmpeny lo muke npuin.Althaugh Lender muy luke ucli��n
<br /> • . under Ihi4 parngraph 7.Lender dces not huve io do xo.
<br /> � , Any amounts Jisbuned hy Lender under Ibis paragraph 7 shvll tx�ome uddiliotµ�J,debt oi� Borrov�er xccured My Ihix
<br /> � Security Instrument. Unlcxs Rorrower ond l.endcr uRree W dher�ennti of puyment,ihe+e�niounis tihall beu�imcre�t 1'rom the
<br /> • dute of disbursement ut ihe Notc rale und sh�ll be payable,wilh irncrext,upan natice from L.cnder�n Borrower reyuesting
<br /> , � puyment.
<br /> 8. Morlgage insurance. If Lender re�quircd m�rtguge insurimrr m i�conJilion ol'ms�king Ihe loaii sccurcd hy lhis
<br /> �'� '' Srcurity (nutument. Borrower tihull puy tbe premiumx reyui�ed tu nmintuin the mongage insumna in cl�terl. lf, for uny
<br /> ' • reason. Ihe morlgage inxurance coveruge reyuimd hy Lender lapses nr ceuses lo he in efl'erl. Bnrn�wer tihull pay the
<br /> > . . prcmiuma reyuired to obtaio cnveragc xubslunliidly eyuivulenl tu Ihr monguge inwrancc previiwsly in cflr��, nl n cii�l
<br /> -- ,�:;:�,' ' subslantially eyuivalem ro the rost lo Bo�n�wcr ul'Ihc mort�uEr insurunre pirviuutily in cl'Iccl,fnim un ullemule morl�!uge
<br /> , ingurer upproved by LenJer. If subx�antially cyuivnlenl mortguge insurunce caveruEc i.nnt uvuil�bk.Bun�awcr xhall puy lo
<br /> . ' Lender ench monlh a sum eyual lo one-lwelflh of the yeurly mongage insun�nce premium t►eing pi�id by Bormwer when Ihe �„'-
<br /> ' . insurance cov¢mge lupsed ur ccused lo Ix�in ei'fecl. Lender will ucrept,use und mtnin these puymerns u�:u loss t�eserve in lieu
<br />_ . ' • , of morlgage insuronce. Losx regerve paymentx muy r� IonFcr I� reyuircd,ut ihe option nf Lender,i f'roonguRe imurunce
<br /> coveruge(in the omount nnd for Ihe peri«I�hat Lender reyuires►provided by un inxurer uppmved by L.e�xlvr�i�tain l�cumex ��^
<br /> AVAI�AhIC AIKI IS ublAlI1C1I.BOROWC�SFIAU F1fly II1C�fCI111U111S lCI�UIfC(I 10 Iiill111ft1111111Uf1�LU�'C II1tiUfA0l'@ 10 t��Cl'1,or li�pruviJe a '
<br /> — IOSS fCRCfVC,until the reyuirement tix mortgage insurance enJs in uccardnnce wiih uny written ogreement be�ween Borrower �_� -
<br /> '. and Lender or opplicable luw. [
<br /> 9. Ittgpection. Lender nr ils agent muy mukc reaxonuble emricx upnn anJ ins�►eclionx of thc Pr��eny. Lencler tihall� I.»_;
<br /> � give Borrower nolice nt Ihc time of or prior to an ins�:rtian xpc:rifying rraxonuhle cnu�r fi�r Ilie in.Fxcii�m. -
<br /> � , 10. Condemnotlon. The prceeeds af any uwurd or rinim fur dunu��ex,dimc�or conseyuentful,in cnnnec�ion with uny •
<br /> ' Single Family..Fnnek MrelFreddk Mrc I�NIFORM INS'1'RUMkN'1'--UnNorm t'o�enmi� Y1411 qq�.pr?n/n�y�,��•�)
<br /> � . .. - 6rcat U4a 14nuHw Y�nMr.Ur �
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