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<br /> a . . , . . . , " ' � � �1'��' c.•.6.�iif�l•�. ..,�s�." a:_w'-_�;i�e.'_.�.�-.�.-�-.��-.-=-.�..--_
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<br />� _ • � ' ��_��V I ��O �_— .
<br /> TOOETH�R WITti all the impravements now ar hercaAer ercxted on�he praperty,and all cAnememx,uppurinuuiwe,. - -
<br /> ��`'� ^'• . and tixtures now or hereaiter a paul of�he propeAy. All rcpl�cementa rnd additfonv shall also be c�varcd by ihi� 8ocu�lty
<br /> ° ' inqrument. All ot the fore�oing is roferted io in this Secudty Inatrnment as the"F1�operty"
<br /> � �-� � � - HURRUWER CUV�NAN"i'S that Bortower is lawfuily seiacd of Ihe eslate hercby conveyed und hac thc d�ht to grnnl
<br /> � and convey ihe Praperty ond th�t the Property is unencumbered,excep�for encumbrence.r of record. Borrower wnrnnl��nd �, ��..� �
<br /> � will defend generwlly�he titk to the Property w$einst a�l cl�ims nnd demands,subJect to sny encumbrancea of recard.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMBNT cambines unifam covenonts for national use an� non•uniform coven�up wf�h � '�"� `..-;-;'�r-
<br /> _ limi�ed vuiaiions by ju�isdiction to cons�itute A uniform eecwrity inatrument covering rcpl properly. � _ �_�
<br /> " � UNIFURM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant end agree as follows:
<br /> 1. P�yment ot Principal aod Iate�e�It Prep�ymeat wad I.pte Chargee. Rorrower ahall pri►mptly pay when duo�he
<br /> • � princip�1 of and intcrest an�he debt evidcnced by�he Nate pnd Any propAyment end late charges due under Ihe Nde. �''•�=°�N�.,.-
<br /> , " 2. Ftinds tar'IMxa�nd Insunace. SubJect ta a�pNcs►bto Iww o�to a w�itten wniver by l.ender.Barower shall puy to '•� •• -;•�"'
<br /> Lender on the d�y manthly puyments are due under Ihe Naic,umil thc Nde is paid in full.a sw�("Funds") fa: (a)yearly =., —
<br /> . texea and asses4mento which m�y attain priorily aver this Secu�ily In4ttument av a Uen on Ihe Property;(b)yearly Ieasehold __
<br /> , � paymen�a ot�mund rems on �he Propehy. It ony: Ic) yearly hazard or property insurnnce prcmiums: ld) yeurly Oaod —__
<br /> insurance pmmiums,if any; (cl yearty rnmtgagc insurnnce p�emiums, if any; ond(t) any sums payabie by Borrower to
<br /> .� Lender,in accotdance with the pravisivns of pamgroph 8,in Ueu of the payment of mortgage Inaurance premlums. These �.,..
<br /> � :,�'' items are called"Escrow Uems." l.ender may.at any dme,collect and hold FLnds in an amount not to exceed the rnaximum _,
<br /> `',1„�k'.'`:�� nmount o lender for a federally related mortg�ge loan may requirc for BoRawerk escrow eccount under the federal Reel
<br /> '' ' �`�• Es�ete Settlement Pracedurcs Act of 1974 as amended from Iime to time,12 U.S.C. $2601�P�iP�►,("R�SPA"1,unlecs another �_—__
<br /> -�,c•::'�:;'
<br /> ._��',�;."!'�' law that applies to the Funds sels a lesser amaunt. lf so,Lender may.at any Ilme.cotloct and hald Punds In nn anc►unt not�o �:-�—
<br /> f'�i�' �� eaceed �he lesser amount. l.ender may estim�te tlie amount of Funds due o� the ha+�ia af curtem d�tA a�d rrASOnebk F"::-
<br /> ,...,;;;;, ra
<br /> ; .,�. ..�,+
<br /> . :• -� �,r estimntes of expenditures af fulu�e F.scrow Items or othonvisa in accord�nce w�ilh applicabk law. _ -----
<br /> , •;`i!�i't::;':i�' . The Funds s�all be held in an institulion wirase depasi44 are iosured by a federal Agency. insttumentulNy, or entity
<br /> . �. � ,�:���,
<br /> . ���i�:?;.;;z• ` (including Len�er,i�lender is such an inclitutianl o�in+u►y Hederol Hame Loan Ban�. l.ender Yhaq Apply thc Flmds to pay
<br /> �• �;• ��; the�xcow loer.r,� Lender may not charge Bonawer for halding and applying the Funds,annuully amly�ing tha e.rcraw ___
<br /> ��.,;•;���t;;,;�;•:�:: , aceouuat,or verii�ing the Excrow Uems. unless Lender pxys Borrower in�enwt on the Fundx and appl(cuble Inw permils
<br /> ��%�':��,>>'`'`'`�•�'� Lenc�er w make such a charge. However,Lender muy re�ui� �orrawer ro pay u one-time charge for nn independent real
<br /> • (��'�';;,,,�:5,.
<br /> ''��iY•�-�f1;-;,;4:v;es es�ace tax reporting service used by Lender in connPCtion wuh thi�loun,unlesti applicahle la�v provides aherwise. Unless nn
<br /> '•��'•;;.• ti 1:;.; ngreement ia made or applicable law reyuire�inlerc4t tn be paid,Lender shall n�a be rcyuircd tn pay Bormwer any interest or
<br /> ;'���� ;;.;.�•'���.� eamings on the Wnds. Bomnwer and Lender may agree in wri1Mg,however,lhat interest shall bo paid on the Funds. I.ender
<br /> �shall give to BoRawer,without churge,un onnual accounling of Ihe Fund�,showing credils nnd deblts to the Funds nnd the
<br /> ' ,�,-:���.:;� purpose ior which eoch debit to the Funds was m�de. The PUnds ue pledged as udditional sacuriry fo�all surns securcd by
<br /> � .'•,.;.�� thir Security Ins�Nment.
<br /> If Ihe Funds held by Lender exceed the nmoun�g permitted to be held by applicuble luw, Lender shull nccount to
<br /> _ : --_= Soma�ver far[be exccxs Funcis in m�cuniaixc wiih ti�r�cyui�eiiie�its of appiicanlc taw. :f thc acs�ount af!he �unds lteld by
<br /> Lender w any timc is not sufficient to pay thc R.�crow Item4 when duc, LenJ�r may xo nutify Bc�rmwcr in wriling,AMI,in �'=
<br /> . such cuxe Borrower shall pay to Lender the amou�N necessury to make up �he deficiency. Borrower ahall muke up Ihe �~,..,
<br /> :;�::c,,. deficiency in no more than twelve monthly pnyments,nt Lender!�sole discre�iun. :;__
<br /> _ � � Upon payment in full of all sum4 secured by thls Security In4trument,Lender shall prc>mpUy rcfund to Borrawer any �;�,_w,,,,,,,_
<br /> Funds held by L.endcr. If,under parograph 21,Lender shall ucyuire or scll�he Property,Lcnder, prior to the ncyuisition or •-.=:""="
<br /> ' or sale as a credit n ainst the sums '� '�`°
<br /> � sak of ihe Ptoperty.shall apply nny Fuads held by Lender at the time of acyuisityo�, g �'.` '.`:' ' . ';
<br /> secured by U�is 3ecurity Inswment. '
<br /> ' 3. Applicatbn of Ps►yments. Unkss opplicable luw provides otherwisc, ull puymenls received by Lcnder under __..
<br /> parngraphs I und 2 shall be upplied:first,to any prcpayment chsuges due under ihe Note;second.to umounts payable under q.., , '
<br /> • paragraph Z;third,to interest due;fourth,to principnl due;and last,lo nny late charges due under Ihe Nole. �'��"":__:_
<br /> 4. Chorges; Llens. 6orrower shall pay ull �azec, a4sexgmen�.c, churges, fines und impoxitionc uuributuble to the � � ---
<br /> ' Property which may ettain priority over this Securily Instrument,unJ Ieasehold pnyments or ground renls,if uny. Borrower `..��
<br /> , , shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in puragrnph 2,o�if nut paid in thet manner,l3orrower shall pay Ihem on ��.-���r�_.—
<br /> time directly to the person owed payment. Bortower shall promptly furnixh to Lender ull nutices of amounts to bc paid undcr = -
<br /> , this paragraph. If Borrower mukes these paymen�s dimcUy. Borrower sholl promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing "•'��
<br /> the paymenu. ' � _'"-:,s�� ,�_
<br /> � Bomower shall promptly dischurge tiny lien which hu.g priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(n)ogrees � .
<br /> in wcitin to ihe ment of the obli ation secured b the lien in a manner ucce tnble to Lender,(b)cuntests in ood failh the • �';,`"`�
<br /> 8 P�Y 8 Y p 8 •` , . . •a�;:
<br /> ��> � � lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,Iegal proccedings which in the Lender?s opinion opera�e �o prevent the ,
<br /> � enfor¢ement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of�he lien an agrecment satisfactory to Lcnder suborclinaling the lien
<br /> to thls Secudty Instrument. If Lender detertnines that any psut of the Property is xubject to u lien which mny ullain priority
<br /> ..,,.,;,,. ., over this 5ecurity Inswment,Lender may give Borrower a naice identifying the lien. Borrower shell satisfy tlu lien ar teke �p
<br /> , , _ one or mon of the action�xet forth above within 10 days nf Ihe giving uf notice. •
<br /> �:: .: �� 5. Huard or Property Insurance. Barowcr shull kcep the improvements now existing ur herenfler erected on the
<br /> Properry insured against loss by fire,hazards included within the term"extended coverage"and any other hazurds, including
<br /> tloods or tlooding. for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and far the
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