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-..y.```�{�l'`� . .... �i��i• ' r,.j:. �' .__'"__ - - _ . . �_., <br /> ,�V. �J'. <br /> ' � '�. <br /> � . . .. .. � ._. --- <br /> �.;..; �' <br /> � �.� ' . � ���!_IkJ4f4 (��7�}�,F r�('('f��� _ —, ,.,.,.��d.p.�..�,,. <br /> .. . . y"Y�� �1�'W�—L ������(ri�T' jf_� .___ --.."..____ <br /> � ,� _ �I .- • N-���. �i41,!IL ... �._ [ea�1� <br /> _ �s _ <br /> � « <br /> ., <br /> r:a <br /> � <br /> . <br />.. .. ' r:".. � :�,• a��'�.. .. � .;,.. .S,- d�"[h��-.� <br /> .� . .._ .� ' � .___ <br /> . —_._-_ . _ ._ . <br /> ° � 1045�2 � <br /> ,_ -= 92-- _. <br /> '' � `. �a�ndemnutfon or olhe��aking of any paA oi Ihe Pro�ny,or for conveyancc in licu af coodcmnation,ure hercby aw�i�ned wKl <br /> .. . . �iwll l�c paid to I.�ndcr. <br /> 1--• ••– - -- - la thc cvcnt of a Iotnl �nk{n�oi �hn Pirr+peny. the proreedx shall be uppUed to thc xurns �ccurcd by Ihia Securlly <br /> Inxtrument,whe�hcr�r not ihen due,wi�h uny eacex�puW��Borrower. In�hc evenl of a puhiul toking of ihc Propeny in <br /> � • which�he fufr markct vnlue nf'the Pmpeny immedfately I+cfbre Iha loking is eyual�o or grcuar�han Ihe urouunt af tix xums <br /> rsecuRd by�hin Securily In�lrumeM immediately bci'oro Ihe tpking.unlexs Horrower und L.cnder���hcrwixe ugr+ec in writing, <br /> s ^ � Ihe sumn �urc� by Ihis Security InK�rumenl �hall l+c reduceJ by Ihe umnunt of ihe pmceed� mul�iplled hy �he Pidlowing _ <br /> " iractii�n: (u1 tl�c towl umaunt uf the sumx xecurrd immeJiutely befarc Ihe tuklnR,dividcd by Ibl�he fulr murkel vuluc uf�hc <br /> PmpeAy imm�diutcly hefurc the tukMg. Any baluncc ahul! hc puid to Bunuwer. In�he event af s�punial tuking uf Ihe <br /> � � Pn>perty in which�he fuir murket volue of�he Property Immediutely before�he �aking is less�hon Ihe urnuunt of Ihe sums <br /> � . secumd immedia�aly t+eioR tho tuking, unles.r Borrower ond Lender o�henvixe ogree in writing ar unless opplicubla law _ <br /> __ 1 _ •.=_ __-- �,iherwi�r pmvi�ka.�hr pmrM.i�Rhall he upplied to thc sums cecurcd by thia Security Inswment whethcr oracu Ihe sums are <br /> �hen due. - - <br /> If the Propcny is abundoned by BoRnwcr,�x if,ufier notice by l.ender�o Bonower that�he rondemn�x uffen to muke <br /> � un awurd or�celllc u claim for damagex.Borrower fails to re�pond to Lendcr within 30�uys uf�e�thc dale ihc nalice i�given, <br /> ° Lender is aulho�izeJ to collec�und npply the ita aption,ei�her ta restorntian or rcpuir of Ihe Propeny ar�o�ho ,:4•_.• <br /> sums cecured by�hia Secu�i�y Inatrument,whether or not Ihen due. <br /> Unlass Lender nnd Borrower olhenvixe agree in writing,any npplicutian of proceeds ta principul xl�oll n�N exlend or � <br /> ____ .. _ �,n.�sx►nn�h�dur date of the monthly paymems referred to in paruRrnphs I und 2 or chAnge the amount af xuch payments. <br /> ll. Nor�ower Not Released; harbearance 8y l.ender Not A WAiver. Extension of �he timc lo� puyment or <br /> malificution of nmc►hizution of�he sums Secured by�his Securi�y Inslrument ga�nled by Lender to uny qucces��x in inlemxt <br /> of Bormwer yholi not apemte �o releuse�ha liubiliry oi Ihc arfginul Burrower or BoRi�wer�succex,un+ in interes�. I.ender <br /> . ' shnll no! be reyuired ta commence proceedings oguin4�any succestior in intere4l or refuse�o ex�encl tinu Pi�r puymen� or <br /> u�herwir,e mcxlify amahiza�fun af the xumx securcJ hy this Serurity In�trumcnt by reutian oP uny dcmund muJc by Ihc original _. <br /> Bonower or BorrowcrK 4uccessors in inlerext. Any fonc�uruncc by Lender in exercixing uny ri�{ht nr remcJy ghnll not bc u <br /> wriver of ur precluiks�he exercise af uny righ�or remedy. ..... <br /> , 12. Succe�.sors und Ascigns Rnund;Jnint and Severel l.iahfllty;Co-si�ners. 'I'he c�wenun�x und ngreemen�s of thi.r _ _,__ <br /> 5ecuriry Instrument tihull bind and bene�t Ihr succes�on und axxigm of Lender und Borniwer,xubjecl te�ihe pruvixi�ns af <br /> • , purugraph 17. BortuwerH coven��nlx:�nJ iigrcements tihnll ix,µ►inl nnd xever�d. Any BuR��wer who cu-.r•i�n� Ihis Securily <br /> � Instrument hut does not execute th�Nule: lal is co-signing Ihix Securily Inxlnm�enl unly lo monFuge.tir:m�und r�Htvey Ihul <br /> i Burrower's interes�in the Pro�ny under�he tenn�of�hix Securiry In.�rumenl: lhl i�nu�per.con:dly uhli�u�cd�a pay the.r•um� <br /> secured by Ihis Security In+trumem;und Ir)ugrcex thul I.enJer unJ uny otl�rr Rurmwer muy u�tree lo exir��d,mcxlify,GxFx:nr <br /> ' or muke uny uccammalutans with regarJ to thc teRns of this Securiiy Inx�rumcnl or tIM Nute withnu�thul HoROwerk <br /> � wnxent. <br /> ,. � � 13. I.oan Churges. If �he li�un �cecured hy this Securiiy In.�rument ix subjeci to u law which +et�muzimum luan <br /> • charges,und thut luw i4 finully in�erpreted so thut the inleie�t or other luun chnrges coUecled or io Ix�collccled in conneclion <br /> � with ihe loan exceed Ihe pertniued limits,�hen: (u)uny such loan charge xhnU he reduced by Ihc um�wnt necer:�ary to raluce <br /> Ihc churge Io Ihc permil�ed lintil:und lhl m�y�um�:drc�idy collcc�cd I'run�Rorrowcr wl�ich exrrcdcd�m�iucJ Nmi�s will be <br /> � rcfunded lo Borrawer. Lender m�ry chuc►se lo muke Ihix refuixl by rcJucing Ihe principal ow?J uncler Ihe N�NC or by moking u <br /> - -, - . Ji�cct�ray�iient to[3orrowcr. 1ta refond reduce�;princi�af,she reductian will he lre:tted ag a pu+tia)rre�+t�ymrnt withrwu nny <br /> prcpuyment churge uncler Ihe Nnle. <br /> 14. NoNces. Any nntice to Borrower pmvided fur in�hi� Se.uriry Mxirwnem shull In given hy �klivcring il or hy <br /> _ mailing i�by fint clusc mufl unkss upplicnhlc Imv rcyuirc.u�r ul'anolhrr mcihixl.7'I�c niwicc.hull Ix dimcicd 1���I�c Pn►�ny <br /> , Address or any other uddretis Burrower cM�ignu�ex by nntice iu Lcixlrr. Any�uHicc lu Lender shull Fw� giv�n by linl cluxs <br /> � muil 1n Lende�c udJrcKti ximeJ hcrcin ur uny olher:�ddn:x.l_enJer�kxignntrs I�y nuticc k�liom�wer. Aoy mxire pmvidcJ fi►r <br /> � in lhis Securily Inst�ument shull he dcemed to huve heen given lo Borruwer or Lc�itrcr whcn Eiven av proviJed in �hifi ; -•- <br /> � puragaiph. <br /> _ IS. CnvernlaR; Severabilily. Thix Sccurity InMrument shall he govrrncd by tederul Isiw :md Ih� luw of the <br /> juristliclion in which Ihc Pro�xrly ix Inc�UCtl. In Ihr cv�nllhtU wty prnvi+i��n ur clauu ol'lhis Srrurily hi�tnunenl ur Il�c Nalc <br /> confllc�s wi�h upplfc:iblc Inw,+�wh contlicl sh�dl not aft'crt othcr provisiom oF�hix Security Ins�nmicm ix tlx N�NC which cnn ___ <br /> � he given cfl'cct wilhuw tlx ronlliclin�!pnwisiun. 'U► �hf�cnJ thc pnwiviunx ul'tl�ix Scruri�y Ins�rumenl miJ tlx: Niuc are <br /> declured to be severuble. <br /> 16. Bor�ow•er's Copy. flui�ower shnll t+e given oix cc►ntircmed cupy M'thc Nole�md ol'thix Sccurity Insttvment. <br /> . • 17. 7Yaosier of the Property o�A Neooficlnl lnterest In Isnrrower. If ull or t�ny pun of tlir Pn�►eny�K any intemst in <br /> , it is sc►Id or transferred(itt if u beneficinl inlercst in Hnrmwcr i. sold or und H�rcower is n���u nmurul personl <br /> ; wilhout Lender's prii�r wriuen coment,l.ender mny.ut ilx opliun,require immedinle puyment in full ol'all surnx securcd by � 5 <br /> ' IbiY Securhy Inxuumenl. Howcvcr.�his option xhull not he cxcrciseJ by Lcndo�if exerci�e ix prohibitud by fcdarul luw ux M' r °. <br /> �. <br /> ' the date of lhis 5ecuriry Instrument. <br /> If Lender exercises this option,Lcnder�hall�eive Borrower nMlce of uccelerulion. ThU nnticc xhull pmvide n peri<xl af – <br /> - . � not lesx Ihun 30 duyz liom ihe date�hc no�ice is dclivered or muiled wi�hfn which Hortawer must puy ull�:wm ticcured hy this '�"'=_ <br /> • � Security Instrument. If Ba�rower fuils �i� pay these sums prior to Ihe expiralion of lhia period,L.enJer mAy invoke uny rr•,� <br /> . remedies perniiltcd by Ihix Security Instrument wilhout funher nolice or demuncf on 8ormwer. �%`,_. <br /> ' IS. Borrower's Rlght to Reinslate. If B��rrawer maeis cenain conditions. Borrower shull have the right to have r�� <br /> � ' ' . <br /> enfi►rcement of this Securi�y Instrument diu:on�inued ul any Ifine prior to the earliar oi': (ul S daya lor tiuch otl�er perial aq <br /> • Singk Fumily••M'ande MaelMreddk Mae UNII�qRM INS7'RUMF.NT••UuHnm�Cnvcn•rnts 9/40 f/H+k��J n/d��ux��.a1 � <br /> h , <br /> � <br /> < <br /> i . <br /> - - - -- . � <br /> .__.. .._. . .i . <br /> � � . <br /> . I <br /> �. - �� � <br /> � - - °�-- <br />