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<br /> ' applinblc law may specify for reinstatemenq beforc sale of the Property p+i�auant to wnY P��"er of sale cootalned in tNt�
<br /> _ _ _" - Securfty Instrument:�r(b)entry of a,iudgment enforcin�thie Security insuumrnt. Thoa conditionx wre lhat Bomnwpr. (U
<br /> . paya Lender all sums which ttien would be due under thia Secur�ty In�trument end �he Noto as (F no �cccicratian Aa �z,.
<br /> - occurted;(bl cures any defoult of any dher covenonta or agrcemems:(c)Wya dl expen�ea iocutTed in enforcing 1hi�Socudty
<br /> , .., ` �� Insuument, including.but not Ilmited to, re�wn�ble aKomeya'teea; u�d(d)takee such action ar l.ender may r+eawnably �+°-�
<br />� requfrc tu assure�hat the lien of�hii Secu�ity Instrument.Lenderb righls in the Property and Barrowcrb oblig�tion to pay�he
<br /> ' eum� securcd by this Security Inrirument ahall continue unchonged. Upon reinctatement by Bortower. thia Seca�ity
<br /> InstNment end�he oblfgatfons:ecurcd hereby ahall remein f ully effective as if no accelerntion had occuRed. However,thia ___
<br /> � �i�ht w relnatote shall nat epply in the c�se of acaler�tion under pua8reph 17. ��'
<br /> _ � 19. Sale of Note;C6aa�e of Lan 3erv�cer. 'i'he Nate or a p a r t i d in teres t in 1 h e N o t e(t o g e t her with�his Secudt y
<br /> - � � Insuumeny roay tx:sulJ one ur nwre timea without prior natice t� Rnnnw�r. A sale mav result in a ctwnge in the entity �,_
<br /> (known as the'Loan Servicer")thel colkcta manthly payments due under the Nota and this 3ecudly Insuument. 7riere alro
<br /> � , may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelnted to a sale of the Note. If therc is a change of the Laan 3ervicer.
<br /> � Borrower will be given written no�ice oi the chonge in accordnrtce with pwragrnph 14 above and applicuble law. The natfce ___
<br /> will awte the name and nddress of 1he new Loun Servicer end the oddre9s to whlch payments should be m�do. Tho natice will
<br /> alw contvin any other informAtion required by applicable law.
<br /> 20. H�uardous SuMlonas. Borrower shall not cause or permil the presence,use,disposal,s�oruge.or relcase of ony
<br /> " j'1q(AlITVY� jµU��Wl�ca v���ii ii�uw i�ivj�.+rj• p.�.�'�«4••��ol�nl) nnt rin nnr w�InW anvnne clse 10 d0.nnythine affecting Ihe
<br /> . . � Propeny that is in violation of any Environmental L.aw. 'il�e preceding two sentances shall nat epply ro the presence,u�ee,or R'°�-
<br /> , •":,;;•' stomge on the Property of smail quantides of Hazardnus Substanas thot orc generally rccognir�ed to be appropriate to nortnal �'�
<br /> • residentiol uses t►nd to maintenance of the Properey •-;•_°
<br /> Borrower sfiall promptly give Lender w�ritten nalfoe of nny invostigatian,claim,demand,law�uil or olher action by eny ��,.:.-.-
<br /> .�;;,'�� govemrnental ar regulatory agency or private party involving�he Property and eny Hozardaus Substance or Environmentnl
<br /> :.1=` ' Law of which Barrower has actual knowledgo. If BoROwer leams. ar is notified by any govemmenwl or regulatory �.:-���
<br />.:;i:;.,�}:, � sutharity,thal ony rem�val or other remedinlion of uny Huzutrlaus Substanee affecting tha Propetly is necexxary.Bormwat
<br /> , „ „ � shall promptly take all neceswiry remediul actions in accardance wilh Environmenlul Luw.
<br /> ,.�'�'�� � As used in Ihiw purugmph 20,"Haturdou,Subs�unce.c"ure thase subsluncex defined ns toxic or hoyarJou�:.r•ubgWnceq by ��_
<br /> • I Environmenlal Lnw and�he fdlowing substAncex: gacoline,kero4ene, other flummable ar toalc petrolcum producls,tauiic _ �-
<br /> + pexticidex und herbiciJe�.volulile solvems,muleriulx con�aining axbes�os�,r Gmnuldehyde. Utl1I f1lllll111C11V1' 11110CfI8I9. Ax �'�::_;
<br /> � u�ed in Ihis poragraph 20."EnvironmeNal l.uw"mcs�ns feJeral laws aixl laws oi the jurisdiction where�he lRapeny is to��
<br /> + that rclnle to henitb,safety ur environmenwl prolection.
<br /> � NON-UNIFORM COYENANTS. Baaower und l.endcr funhcr cnvenunt And agrce os followx:
<br /> i 21. Acceleratlon; Remedies. Lender shall glve nutice to Borrower priur to Acceleraliun fdluwlnR Bnrrower's
<br /> breACh oP any rnven�nt or ugreement in Ibi�Securlty In9trument Ibut not prior lo acceler�tinn under pa�s�qrAph 17
<br /> unless applknble law provides otherwisel. The notke shall speciPy: lal the defuull;(b1 the acNon reyulred tu cure lhe
<br /> dePauN;lc)a dpte�not less tiwo 30 days from the date the notice is glven to Bor�owe�.by whkh the defaull must bc
<br /> cured;and Id)thAt�Allure to cure the default on or i►ePore the date speciiled tn the nolke mwy resull In AcceleraUon of
<br /> the sums secured by thia Securily Instrument and�le of the Propeny. The notice shall furlber infarm Borrower of
<br /> �� the rlght to reinstate oiter Acceleratton and the ri�ht to bring+�couri aciion iu aYrert ihe non-e�isicnce at'a dct'aal!ua'
<br /> any othe�defense of Borrower lo acceleration and w�le. IP the deis�ult iq nnt cured on or beiore the ds�le specified In
<br /> • the notice.l.ender a1 ils optiun may reyuire immediale payment in i'ull of ull sums secured by Ihis Secarity Inglrument
<br /> withoul iurlher demand and may inv�dce the {x�wcr of wde u�d uny �dqcr rrmedies permlll�Hl by upplicublc law.
<br /> • Lender shall be entitled tu collect all expen4es incu�red in pursuing Ihc remedles pruvWed In thi� pvrua�ph II,
<br /> � inch�ding.but not limited to.reasonable altorneys'feeg and casls uf lille evfdenFe.,
<br /> � If Ihe power oP sale is invoked,'ll-ustee shall record a autice of deioult in euch county in whkh s�ny part oP Ihe
<br /> Property is IocAted and shall mail copies oP such notice in Ihe manner prescribetl by applicable law lu Burrower and to
<br /> the ot6er persons prescribed by npplicable Ivw. Af'ter the Ilme requircd by wpplicuble law.7lrustee shr�ll Rive public
<br /> � notice af!wle to the pensons and In�he munner prescribed by opplicable luw 'I�u9tee.wilhnuf demand on Bnrrower,
<br /> Rhall sell the Pruperty et public aucNun lo the highesl bidder at Ihe lime und place und under Ihe term.c degignaled in
<br /> � the nollce af sale in one or more parcelg And in any order 7Yuglee determines. 7lrustee may poclpone�ule of all or any
<br /> parcel of t6e Property by public unnouncement At the lime and plva oi'ony prevtou�ly iscbeduled�le. I.ender ur f�v
<br /> ' dexiRnee mAy purchace Ihe Property ut nny.rule.
<br /> • . „ { Upon receipt uf payment uf Ihe prfce bid.'IY�ustec�hall deliver ta the purchaser'I�ustee's deed cunveying the _
<br /> 1 PrnpeHy. The recilnlg in Ihc 7Yuslee'�dced sh�dl hc primu Pncie evi�lenre of tIM t�uth oP thc 4latemenls mndc Ihcreln. �"' .
<br /> 'fYuRtee shpll Apply the proceeds oi'lhe sale ia the folluwing urder: (al tu ull costs and expenses of exerci�ing the puwer �
<br /> f�'.^�
<br /> � ���
<br /> •�a�s
<br /> Form J02M Y/90 (/wRe S nJ A/qRecl
<br /> �
<br /> :._: � .
<br /> � I
<br /> �� I
<br />