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, ,�� . r s _ , . �u� <br /> .,.•• ,� � <br /> , �;� tr� ctc�+ �i L !� , . � �` � <br /> /C- "'•/li. f. ` ` 1 ~ ' <br /> .11 . a. • - y�..� ' . ... ._..A'i.._..s -.. <br /> � tt . , . . ., 1' �y,s4� .;"_�.�!7'����''�-- ' - '..i�na�iic'�5..•�::..+�'_��+•�' <br /> � ... ., • �'':�s�•��� .i.•� � '.YLr�[�x�. `_--�s�.,.�a---� <br /> :�_ _ 'f�'_:.S':S�!+�Ya.a�i�E�� <br /> n .a�i� - •'� 'r�':��!C�:±�4�-_ —' _— <br /> :i ';t'S� __–. _–_ . <br />� .�� . �2- 1045�2 � <br /> ' � • S periads that Lcnder requires. 71+e insumnce carrler providing the insurnnce shull l+e chcnen by Horrower subJect to l.enderk __ <br /> � • ' ' appraval whicb shall nat be unreesonobly wilhheld. If Barowcr fuils to maimoin coverage dexcribed above.Lcnder moy.u <br /> .-- . . Lendcrlc option,oWain covernge lo pratect Lender'x rfght�in Ihe Prapeny in accordunce wilh paragraph 7. <br /> � Ali insurence policies ond rcnewalR Rhall be ncceptablc to Lender ond sh�ll include o slaxiard morlgage claur,e. Lender <br /> ' eholl have�ite tight to hold the policiea wnd rcnewuls. IF l.ender requfres,B�rmwer sholl prumptly give to Lender all receipis <br /> � ° ���?"''� � of paid prcmiums und�newwl naicea. In the event aP logs.Brnrower sholl Qive prompt naice lo the inwrnnca curkr a�d <br /> � ° Lender. Lender muy make proof of loss if not madc pn�mptly by Barrower. <br /> Unless Lendcr nnd B�arower otherwise ugrce in writing,insurance praceedx nhall be applied to rcstorution ur repair af <br /> the Property domoged, If�he reslarution or repuir is ecanomically feoeible and Lender's �securi�y is nat lessened. If the <br /> ' , restarotion or►cpnir i�s not economically feASiblc or Leaderk securUy would be leasened.Ihe fnaurance praceeds shall hc <br /> . upplied t� the Qums sccurcd by this Secudty Instrument, whether or na then due,with nny eacess puid la Borrower. If <br /> � Barower ubundons thc Property,ar doeg not nnswer within 3U duys u nwice from Lender thut ihe insuruncc curricr hw - � <br /> � • aifered�o seide a claim,then Lender muy collect the inxurance prcxeedx. Lender mny use the pmceeds la repnir ar restoro <br /> � thc Praperty or to pay gums xecural by this Securily Instrumen4 whether or na then due. Tix 3Q•day period will begin when <br /> the no�ice i4 given. <br /> Unless Lender and BoROwer otherwitie ngree io writing,any applicution of proceeds io prfncipal shall not exlend or <br /> �� pavtponc the due dule ai Ihe momhly payment4 rcferrcd to in purnEroph++I and 2 nr chnnge Ihe nmouni uf�hc puymcnix. If <br /> . � under pn►agraph 21 �he Propeny i4 trcquircd by Lender,Borrower's�ight to uny i�xurnnce poHcies and proceeds resultiog <br /> I from domoge to the Propeny prior to the acyuisi�ion ahull paxs to Lender to ihe extent af the sums secured by this Securiry ° - <br /> Instrument immediately prior to the acquicidon. <br /> 6. OccupAncy� Prcservolbn, MAinlenance s�nd Protection af the Property; Borrower's I.oan Applicativai <br /> � LeASeholds. Bormwer ahnll occupy,estubli�h,und use the Propeny as Bnrrowe�4 principnl residence within xixty dny�nfler _ <br /> the execulion of�hi4 Security Instrument and shnll cantinue lo occupy Ihe Property ng B��rmwer i principal�idenre for u� r,_. <br /> , , leaxt one yeu after the date of accupnncy, unless Lender athenvige ngrees in wri�ing, whfnc �on�ent ahnll nnt he - <br /> unrcasonebly withheld,o�unles�extenuwling circumalAncec exisl which ar�e I+eyond N�rmwerc canlml. Bom�wer nhall nm <br /> _: . d�troy,dAmage or impair the Pmpeny,ullow ihe PropeAy to dete�inrute,o�c��mmi�wnxtc nn the Pmpchy. R��rmwcr shall __ <br /> � be in default if an forfeiture uc�ion nr roceeJin�,whe�her civil or rriminal,iti he un �hut in Lenderk axl liiith'ud ment `'` <br /> Y P 6 F R J F f.,I.,_' <br /> could recult in forfeiture aF the Propeny or o�herwi�e ma�eriidly Impuir 1he licn crcutcd hy thi� Securi�y In�trunxnt or _. <br /> Lender's security interesl. Borcower may rure xuch a defnult nnd�einslate,as proviJed in parugruph I R,by ci�uxing the acli�x�. <br /> ' � or proceeding lo t►e dismixsed wi�h a roling�hu�,in Lendcr's gaxf fuith cklerminuliun,pmclu��x forl'eiwrc��f d�e porn�wer� � <br /> • inlerest in the Propeny or ather muleriid imp.hirment of the lien crcated hy this Securily Inwrumem or Lender� secu�ily <br /> interest. Bcxrower shall ulxo he in JefuuU if Bo�rowcr, durinF �he i����„ ��r�r�uu„n pr�kcxs, gavr mulcrially lidtic ��r <br /> "f iooccurnte informa�ion or xwtemen�s io Lender(nr fuiled tn pravide Lender wiih uny muleriul inliirniuliim 1 in canneclion wilh <br /> the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but noi limited to, repre.eniu�Nm�cunceming Horr�►wer� �xcupumy of Ihe <br /> Propeny ux a principnl residence. If this Securi�y Inxwmen�iti ou u Ie��xehnld.B��rri►wer+hull c�Hnply wi�h ull�he provixianx _ <br /> �� ��� of the lease. If Banower acyuirev fee li�le�o the Pmpeny,�he leusehold and�he t'ee ti�M rhull nc�t mergc unle.4s l.endcr ugnes <br /> to ihe merFer in wri�ing. <br /> 7. Protectlun n�l.ender'.+ Rlghts in Ihe Properly. If Bnm�wcr fnil�•a► perfonn the covenani. und agrcementx <br /> �— __ _ . _ conlc�ined in thix Security loslrume�i�.or ihere is a Icgol pnxcedine Ihut muy eieniiicuntly uflect Lender.l• ri�thlx in IhC -- <br /> P�operty(such ns u proceeding in Iwhkruptcy,pnihule.liir ccaxlemn;xion iw Ii�rtoilure��r N►enli►rce luws or regululi�mx),Ihen <br /> l.ender mny do unJ puy I'or whatever ig neccxkary lo pro�cc�Ihe vnlue uf�Ix Pru�xny nnd Lrnckr�ri�;hi�s in Ihe I'm�ny. <br /> � ' Lendera nctiong may include ps�ying uny gumx secured hy n licn which hns priurily uver thix Securi�y In�inmum,si�+eiiring <br /> '�:'���� in coun.puying rcasunublc uuomcyx'I'o�x►mJ cntcring on IIk I'ru�xny�o�oak�rc�x�irs. AIU�ough l.enckr u�uy �ukc acli�m <br /> , under�his puragruph 7,Lendcr daec nm hirvc la do ri�. <br /> Any umounts disbuned by Lender under�his p•rr•rgri�pli 7 shull Ixc�►me udditim�ul���eM of 13am�wer xccu�al by thlx <br /> � "" Securily Instrumem. Unless Borrower und Lender nuree u���thcr tcrnix nl'puymenl.Unxc�im�xini�xhull tnnr imercvt from Itk <br /> •. ' da�e of dicbursemcnt at the Note rute and shnll bc pnyublc, wilh interex�,upon notice fmm Lender lo Borrower rcyuesting <br /> . payment. <br /> 8. MortqaRe Insurance. If Lender reyuired mongi�€e insumnce ax a cc�nditian uf making the loan�cecurcd hy this <br /> • Security In�trumcm, Borrower shnll pay thc premiumx reyuired lo maintain�be nuxlFa�te inxurunce in effect. If, for nny <br /> • reason, the morlgage inxurnnce coverage myuircJ by Lender lupxe� nr ccuties t�� he in eftcrl. Borrower �:bull pay the <br /> '` premiumq reyuired �o ot►tain coverage sub.r�un�ially eyui�•idenl 1�� �he mc�nga�tc imurunce previouxly in effect,ut a co�t <br /> sub�tuntially eyuivulem�o tha cos� �o Barrowrr of Uie mi�nguge invurunre prcviouxly in eflcet,from un ullemale mcxl�uge <br /> insurer npproved by Lender. If subxtantiall�•cyuivalem mongagc imuronrc cnvero�e is not avuilablc.Bomiwcr shull pay Io <br /> � Lender each mon�h a xum cyu+d�o onc-twcltlh of the yearly mortgugc insuruncc premium heing puid by Bortawer whcn the <br /> •: � insurnnce coverage IupseJ ix ceused to he in el lect. I.enJer will accep�,use und retuin these payrnents as a loss reserve in lieu �� <br /> • � of mortguge incurnnce. Losa reserve puyments may na longer be myuircd,a� the ��ption nf Lender,if mongoge insurnnce <br /> , ,+` a coverage(in�he umount ond for ihe pericxl�hot Lendcr rcyuims►provideJ by un insurer appmved by Lendcr oguin lxMOmes <br /> • nvnilable und i4 obtuined.Bormwer shall pay the premiums reyuired to mainlain mongnge insurance in effecl,or to provide n <br /> ,,..,,.,.,.��' , loss reserve,until the reyuirement for morlgnge insurance ends in nccordance wilh uny wriqen agreement between Borrower �,-,. <br /> and Lender or applicuble luw. <br /> � 9. In9pecNon. Lender or its ugent muy make rcusonuble entries u�n und inspertions ot the Propeny. I.ender shall �_' <br /> � give Borrower nolice at the tim�;of or prior lo sm inspection xpeciPying renxonuble cuuxe li►r the inxpeclion. <br /> 10. Condemtwtion. The proc�eeJs of uny uwurJ or cluim for dumages.Jirert ar c�►nseyuentiul,in ronnertion wi�h uny , ; <br /> Sfngle F�mily••Fannk M1todFreddk Moc IINIFORM INSTRUMI?�T••Uniform('�rvenuni� 9/911 ��MI(P 2�IJ/��M/Aft) � <br /> �. Ilral Inln NuMle+r YOIw�.Inr � <br /> . , - .. TopderfiN:IiIP2t96W90O PA1IBIiN1•1171 ' . <br /> _.___- ���-':.:.:._ ._.� . <br /> - i <br /> I1 • <br /> 1 <br /> I <br /> I <br /> � I <br /> __ . ,. �� . <br /> . i . . . ._ _ _ .__ .. ._ ___– . <br />