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<br /> TOOETH�R WITH all ihe i�nprovemenls n„w A���°1lxemente und addiia�R hall also'bt covered byP hi�Security --
<br /> . � end fixwrcx nuw an c�rcoRcr a pon of lhe pro{R Y• P �_:_;-- - _ :
<br /> Inrttument. All�►i�he forcgoing ig rcfcrred lo in thin Secu�ity Inxlrument av�h¢"�'roPeny."
<br /> � BORROWBR COVENANTS Ihm Bortower i�luwfully xeised of the estate hcrchy conveyed and has the right to gront ���a`.`��
<br /> ond convey�he Property oncl Ihat�he PropenY fa uoencumbered,eacept for encumbranceti of'record. Borrawer worrants ond �"" "'�' r .`-
<br /> � '• � wil�defend generally the�iUe lo the PropohY ugAinst oll claimr ond demond9,subJecl to any eocumbrwncea uf rccord. F,'^ ^ .
<br /> THIS SCCURITY INSTRUMENT cambines uniiorm covenants for nedo�ol use anJ n�n•unfforn�covenonle with _ _�rm�v
<br /> � 1im11ed vurielions by jurisdiction to conatitute u unifarm secu�ity instniment covering real propeny. �
<br /> � UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrawer and Lender covenant and agrec as followa: � p Y�y �. "�,�F;'_.�o-;;�'°-
<br /> - � l. i'nymenl uP Priuciµ�i ritd!alerc.�"t:lkepayeneet an�l l.ote Chargee. Hnrrawer xhnll rn tl wheo due the •� _ --
<br /> ." + principal oi and imercat an the debt evidenced by the No�e and any prcpuyment ond lace churges due under�he Nuie. �.:-�,� .= y
<br /> 2. Funda for 7l�xes s�nd Inaaronce. Subject to npplicable Inw or to a w�itten waiver by Lender.Sorrower�hs���P��Yr' -••- � _
<br /> • L e n d e r o n 1 h e d a y m o n t h l y p a y mcnts urc due under thc Nate,umN the Nate is puid in full,n sum l"F�nd�i�earl �le�asehold �^, .�r,��^�"=''!`
<br /> Itaxes and assessmcnts which may ottaln PriodiY pver th ie Secu r ity Ing u u m e n t a s a l i e n a n t h e P r o p e r t y;(b)y y „r•�:.,,���_�
<br /> � rt if an (c) yearly hezsud or prapetty in9urance promiums: (d) yenrly flood _ _
<br /> _ � payments or ground ren�s on the Pr°Pe Y• y� suma pnynble by Borrower to r ,�,,, L _ _
<br /> insurnnce prcmiums, if any;l�) y���Y mong°g� insurance prcmiums, ii enY; and (�any _` ��
<br /> P P R, in lieu of the a mcnt of mortgage imu�ance prcmiums. These _,T.^.,a_�-"'- �
<br /> Lender,in nccordonce with�he roviaiong oi aragraph P Y •- °�_--.-=i
<br /> items are called"Escrow Items: Lender mny,at any tin'ie�collect and hold Funds in an amount not to caceed the maximum x ��
<br /> emount a lender for a federally nlated mortgoge loan may requfre for Bormwerk escrow account under the fedeml Real
<br /> ��°•.,:�.` ,-•_. ,�Y__
<br /> � Estete Settlemenl Procedures Act of 1974 ag amended iram time to time. 12 U.S.C.�2601 et aeq.l"RESPA"l,unless nnother
<br /> ���----
<br /> law Ihnt appliea to the Funde sets a lesser amount. li so,Lender may,et any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to ; J,�,_
<br /> - eaceed the lesser amount. l.endar muy estimote the amount of Funds due an �he bagis of current dala and reosanable i ,'
<br /> e A t i mates of ex p enditures oi future Escrow Uems or otherwise fn accordance wilh npplicable luw.
<br /> � �: �5:=, ,..�. .
<br /> ' The Funds shull bc hel d in an ina t h u t f o n w h o s e d e�a s i t s a r e i n s u re d b y a federnl a genc y,ins�rummlalfry. or entity , k--
<br /> (including l.ender.if Lender is such an institu�ion)ar in any Pedernl Home l.oan Henk. Lender shall epply Ihe Fun Js ta pAy . . ��
<br /> the Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding nnd applying the Funds,annunlly onalyzing the e4crow i �'_f_<:�
<br /> accounl. or verifying Ihe Escrow Items. unlesc Lender ps�ys Borcower intereat on the Fundx and applicable luw permils
<br /> Lender to make such u charge. Howevcr,l.ender muy require sortower lo pay n one•iime churgc (or nn indepcodent real , � f-_ _
<br /> � eatate tax mporting service used by Lender in c�►nnectian wiih thix loun,unle.y applicuble luw pmvides�nherwise. Unless an ' ' __
<br /> agrecment is made ar applicublc law reyuires intcrest to bc paid,Lender xhall not t+e required to puy H�rrrowcr any intcrest or t
<br /> enmings on the Funds. 8ortower und l.ender muy agrec in wriling,howevcr,thut intcrest chnll be puiJ on ihe Funds. Lendcr �
<br /> shall give to Borrower,wiihaut charge,an rnnunl accounting of the Fundx,ghowing credi�s a�d debits to�he Funds and the �.
<br /> , � purpoxe for which each deWt to the Funds was mude. The Funds nre pledged as udditionul security for all sums secured by _ -
<br /> ` this Security In�trument. :
<br /> I If the Fumis held by l.ender exceed the umounts permiued �o he held by upplicahle law, I.ender chull accounl to ►
<br /> . Horrower for the exccxs Funds in aceardance wi�h Ihe rcquiremem4 nf upplicuble luw. If the umounl of Ihe Fundx held by . '�`
<br /> - - � Lender nt any iime is nut sufficicnt tu puy the Escr��w licmx wl�en duc.Lco�kr may so niNfl'y IirnTOwrr in wrilin�!.nnd.in � «y�y� . -
<br /> � such cuse Borrower shnll pay to Lender the nmount ne.:c.sary to malce u�tht deticfcncy. 1�nn�WCr xhull mnke up �he � �1,,�
<br /> dei'iciency in no more thun twelve monlhly paymemg,ut Lenderk sule discretion.
<br /> -. ., Upc►n puyment in fuU of nll sumg�ecurcd by thix Sccurity Inclrument,l.cnelcr chull p���mMly rcfwxl to BoROwer uny ! :�
<br /> -- Funds held by Lender. If,under purngruph 21. Lendcr shall ncquire or scll thc I'mpeny, l.endcr, pri�►r In Ihr acyuixiti�m or _ — �,.
<br /> snle of�he PropenY. ghA��°PP�Y any Fumis held by Lender at thc time af xyuisi�ion or sale ex u credit ugufn�t�he sums r .Y:I_,�.
<br /> ��.._.
<br /> secured by this Secunty Instrument. � ' �`�°:�'°�- -
<br /> r,.._y
<br /> 3. ApplicaUon of Payments. Unless npplicnble law provides otherwise.'ait payments received hy Lender un er r.�--�
<br /> pnrugrnphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prcpnyment charges due undcr the Notc;sccond,to umonnts payuble under � .:�,M_
<br /> paragraph 2;Ihird,to intereat due;Pourth,lo pdncipal due;and lust,to any late churges due under�he Note. ,.:ti-__`;
<br /> �:,.-
<br /> 4. Cbargee: Llena. Barrower ghull pay nll tuxes,assessmen ts,char ges, fines and impoailions nuributable to the _ y",
<br /> property which may uttnin prioriry over this Security Instrument,nnd lensehalct paymenls or grounJ rents,if a►y. 8orrower ` ' ,
<br /> I shall pa y�hese obligatians in the munncr provided in purngrnph 2,or if not paid in thnt monneG Borcowcr shull pay Ihem on :. �
<br /> time directly to the person owe d paymen t. Bo r r o w e r s h a l l p r o m p t l y f u m i s h t o Lender all notices of amoun�s tu he paid under ,
<br /> I �his parngraph. If Borrower makes these puyments directly,Borrower sholl promplly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing k ;,.`,.�J�,;, .. .
<br /> � . the payment4.
<br /> ! Borrower shull promplly dischurge uny lien which hus priority over this Security Inslrument unless Borrower:(al agtees � ••,rs�j:-.:.__
<br /> + in writing to the puyment of the obliguuon tiecured by the licn in a munner acceptnble to Lender:lbl conte�ts in�c�d failh the ' .,..�..a+_
<br /> i lien by,or defends againsl enforcement of the lien in,legal pmceedings which in thc Lender's opinion operntc lo prevent the
<br /> enfurcement of the lien: or(c)secures from the holder af the lien an agreement satisfactury to Lender subordinating the lien E .,�� _
<br /> � ro this Security Instrument. If Lender determines thot any pan of the Propeny ic subject�o a lien which muy uttain prioriry , . �_e_ ' -
<br /> over this Security I�strumen4 Lender may give Bo�TOwer o no�ice identifying lhe lien. Borrower shall satisfy ihe lien or take •�.,�"
<br /> � one or more of thc actions set forth abovc within 10 duys ot the giving oi noticc. , r•,�:
<br /> _� 5. Hazard or Praperty Insurpnce. Bormu+er shull keep the improveme,nts now eaisting or hereufter erected on the -:;�,
<br /> Property insured egainst loss by�re,huznrds included wilhin Ihe term"eateixied covemge"and uny other huznrds,including
<br /> floods or ilood ing, for w h ic h L e n d e r r e y u i res insurance. This insu�ance shall be maintained in the amounts end for the
<br /> y FormlY28 9190 i►wKr 2 oJe�wges) :
<br /> � '
<br /> _ - ,-� I �
<br /> � I
<br />