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<br /> otlfawLe atr�fared(otber tban by tltvbo ot daiooa�.�nd
<br /> (i1)7be PrcRo+tY i�t�ot occupiod by Ibe purcl�et ot�nntoo� t�ar der Prixip�l r�akf�cc. or tlse
<br /> pureh��s or�ranloo doe��o aacLpy d�o Propaty but hi�or Iser crodit Aw aot booa tp�xoval ia�nco
<br /> witb tbe roquit�eab of tAo Stxrettryr.
<br /> (c)No�Y�iver�IP clrcumstancct oacus Uut would petmit Leader W require i,matiodi�te payment ln fuU.bu1
<br /> l�:s�s s�!e+c�:�it+e::xh I�Ymasw.L.aidex dota ttiot wAive its ri�ht�aitb rtspect to tubsequtat ev�uts.
<br /> (d)Be��btioy of HUD Sep�elsry. In m�ay clrcumstatrcea ngul�8ots�issued by the Sccretary will lia�it
<br /> l�erjdei'i ri�hp,in tbo cape of psyp�aat defwht.�o requira�mmedia�e p�ymeat in full�ad fococlosa if uot p�id.
<br /> 'Ihis Seavity Inununast does not�thori�e aca]aratioo or faeclosuc�o if aot pamitled by re�latbns of the
<br /> Sea'entY•
<br /> (e)�e Not taaair�d.Bor:owu agreea tGat if t1�Socurity Iwmuneat sad tbe IVa�e aro not delamiaed w
<br /> be eligible for iasuranoo widrr 1!w N�tiorW I�iotuin�Act within 60 dtys irom dse daie ba�eaf,I.encler otiay.at
<br /> its option. roqu�e immodiata pqymsaft ia fuU of all sums sxiued by this Security �astivatiant A writtw
<br /> �at�eat of any wtl�oriud agaru o�tbe 5ecrency datta subaequa�t b 60 d�ys fiu�a die d�e heieo�f,decliain�
<br /> q i4tND0 @11i SOCOi�ty IQ7�R3fA0rlt� dIC I10i0. ShW OO �OtmCd OOOCitaS�YC p[�OOf Of StICh lOEl�lllt�►.
<br /> Not�vi�podmg tt� forega�ing� t6is c�tim msy aot be e�c�+ciaed by Lr.ader w�hm d�e uoavaihbiky of
<br /> ntauance Is�oieiy due b I�'s failure b re�it a mortpgo Iosucaaoa p�rminm b tLa Sacret�ry-
<br /> 1Q.Rsi�qteaeat.Barmwrr 6as a ri�lu w 6e reinst�ed if l.eader his raquirad iamaodlale p�yaient ia fWl becauae
<br /> of Barmwrr'a f�ue+a a pay aa amo�nt due undv d�e No�e ar diia Security iawumeat.�riglu appties ev�ea afla�
<br /> faxloar�p�vcoediag+are in�iouod.To r�e die Securig►Io�trumeot.BarroMer sb�U leader in�Lmp wm a21
<br /> amoua�roqui�ed a biog Bo�m�a'�a000usu c�ureac�.a die e�ctwc they aro obti�doa�uE'EoROwar uoda
<br /> �an Soc�itY �nsautnau. iaticioaaa.oow aad tatombie �nd c,w�ot�acy apa�taays' fea �nd ea�A� P�Y
<br /> smociNted vith tbe facxlosu�+s ptvoeedin;. Upoo tr�t by Baao9ver, thi� Secvrity lataeuaneo! sAd d�e
<br /> ob�dioas dwR ic sec�es sba11 remcin•an effect af if I.flr+det had aut i+eq�ired una�edi�te gtyman ia full.Ho�vrr,
<br /> I.�eadet is�c�cequirod w petmit re�s�a�eat if:(� I.eader has a�e�ed reia�r�at affei�e cammemesaaoc of
<br /> faroc3oarn psoaedin�s �vitbin t�O��Y� �Y P�'� d� oodeeac;�at o�f a c�rrmt faraciowre
<br /> prooeodio�.fi�rr�mt xi]1 pcecy,cie fanatoame eo di�farat gtouocb i► t�e fwura. ar(ii�reiama�t�vill
<br /> advmdy agoct tbe p�ioriqr af dtio tim trealed by tt��aeLruy Ias�mmt.
<br /> ' 1L Eara�ower Nd Q�: I�bria�a�oe�y I.e�der Not a Wa�v�er. Fur,a:ian of dre mae of pymeot ar
<br /> : �odi6catioa of imoeimtios of�60.�ums�ec�red hv this 5�otv�nmmt moled bv I�odar 1�a�v a�meuor i4
<br /> _-- � -- �---...--- --�- - - - - .. -- -� - - - - - �- ----.. _ ...- -� ----
<br /> : � i�af Saaowa�i!�oi�ie w rek�e s�fL�D�ty uf t�e a�igiaii Ba�rowso�B�rowar'Q�ia�iere�.
<br /> � IIreada�lt 4oc be required a ooa�mafoe p�vooedi.�ag�iost�oy s�ovesaor io i�taat os Kt'we lo o�tead ci�oe iar
<br /> �aydeot ar attionviu modify amocoiattioo of tl+e mr�s�ecuc�vd Mr th�Sen.;ti. T.��r j�.�`�;�;�,.�.;
<br /> � mitle by�e ari�iod Bamowra or�3urra�a':atooaiots ia intar�t Aay furbe�aooe by I.eada 6s��nY riaht
<br /> r or amedy sl�ll not be a Naiva ot or•ptr�cLde the e:a�ci�n of any�o.ar remedy. .
<br /> l�.Saeo�on aad A�i�ao B�t�d;3oht aad Sereral l.i�iiift�:�e-Si��en.'Ibe oovea�ot�aod�of
<br /> - d�it Socu�ity Tn�umeat s�all biad �ud bmeSt We�s iwd xtsigos oE�.eadef�od Boa�o�s.snbjre�x ro tbe
<br /> ; �naritiom of p�raph 9(6).Burne�er'r cwanots u��+eeme�b�tll be,Aoi�t aod�var�l.My BaQO+r�qr w�ho
<br /> . oo-�s dw Sactrit�► ioatrt�oiaot�but does not eacocd0e tbe No1e: (�is co-�j�eg th4 Seca�icy tasauaoeet aety Ip
<br /> � mocty�e.t�ot�d oprvaY t�t Bacm+�+r'��m tLe P��aty�mder d�e 1�af this Saa�y In�ort�Ib)is .
<br /> � �P�'�Y�p P�S�dw wa�fecurod by this Sa�rity t�auane�rod(c)a�oes t�t I�aod rty oiiar
<br /> Beero+Mar mn►�,rx�o e�l.modiir,farear or m�e any aa�oe�amoa�tioac�vitn re�a b t6e ta�of dre�oc�ritp
<br /> Ia��mt ar the Nwe�tWn�Bamo�'s oua�
<br /> i
<br /> 5 .
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