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<br /> sorrower ahatl slso b�;n d�eta,uc if�io�rower.d�ui�►B �t,e loan w�►lic�tlaa pnxus.gaYC u�t.,ri�uy ratcc or insccurate _-
<br /> inftxm�sion or statemeats to L,es�der(or fa�ad i��x�vid,a l.oud�er wii3�aay aiataiai infcrosatioa)irt wai+eciiou wiah t2�; �
<br /> lo�a cvidaxad by the Note. ic�Iud�in8,'hut not Wiitod w. �tatiuns cu+�minY Borrawcr's nccu�saacy of the -
<br /> Ac�p�ty ar o plincipN crsider�ca ii mis Sncusuy I�i�u�.� i� �a � S::c;."al�. Bossow�u shnll cu�ly with tha �
<br /> pnvisk,ns of tlsc letx.If Bormv�er�cqultes too ttAe w ti�c Propaty.thc katnbold aad f�o titie sluU aot bo met�ed
<br /> uRiCSt[aa�3ei�e+ee.t b tbe maQCt it�wrltles�.
<br /> i.Ca�de�allo�.7bG ptocootL ot aay Award ar cWia fot daa�es.diroct�x constqucntW.ia ooa�octioa witb
<br /> aay ooeidemnMjon ar otba tafciaa of any prt of tbe Pro�ertY.ct fo�coaveyanoo ia p{�co of caadaadtion�ue baebY
<br /> �ned aad tbsll Qo prid�o La�der to tha o�ct�ast of 1lic Nll itnouat ot tt,o�t�u tt�t r�uri�r uui�w-w�t+a =
<br /> r�oae.oa t1�i�socuritr Ia�uoaea�i.oaaer a�u a�Ny s�+cb p�ocood�ua tLe roaucc+oa of the ioaeb�oaaeu uader tt,o Note
<br /> wd¢hL Socurity Gtwumeut.t�t bo aay tklinqueat�ssouuts applied io tt�o order providad ia p�ragr�ph 3��ad t�m w
<br /> p�,�y���pp�}„My�p�ip�iOn of tbe proaods oo tbe piocip�l�h�ll no�e:�ma ar po�one a�e aue a�e or tbe
<br /> �9 P�Y��hicb�+e�feirod to ia pn�raph 2.at chs�a tl�e�rnouat of sucb p�yaicnW. MY eaco�s P�ds —
<br /> orrer�a�a�ount requie�d to py all owstaodin�iadebodnas uoda the Nooe�ad t6is Secucity Inwuman sh�ll be paid a
<br /> the eadq►{epUY mtltled d�eto.
<br /> y. �de�es co Bon� .aa PooeeccHo. or I.e.aer� iti�m i� ctie Prope�t�. soa+ower shall pay att
<br /> Qoveltupesnl or muaici�pal c�rSes.fines�ad im�odtion4 tbat ac�e not inctu�ded ia paragra�d 2.Bormwes slwll ps�these
<br /> ob�yttbos aa time diroctly a tbe a�►wliiich is owad the psyaieut.lf fail�ro 1�pay woukl adver�y affoc�t Ixrdel'9
<br /> iolerru ia the Pt�opa'ty. u�n I�da'a�i'e4wrst Borrower sbaU promptly ft�rni9h W Lranckr noei�n c�ridc�c+nB t�e
<br /> If�mMer fNlt b malc�tl�de paymeots or tbe p�Ymenu 1'a9uirod bY P�CaPb 2,ot fiita W pa'farm any otber
<br /> oovemots aod�gcnemeam ooatained io tLi�Sectuity I�nau.ac tba+e is a frgal prn000ding d�at maY tigni5cantlY
<br /> �f'act l�ader's rig6ts ia the Praparcy(such as a pncoodiag io t�niQUpecy, fa oondema�tion oc a eafoe+co laws ar
<br /> r�ul�tioos).tbm I.axtsr may do�ad pay wh�l�vet is neceas�y b prntxt the valuc of the P�oQerty aod I.e�der's ri,�dts
<br /> iu tLe Property,iocludioB P�Y��nxw.6�zard iasurmce aod otba io�mwd000d ia p�a�L 2.
<br /> My aawunes disD�rsed by I.ender uoder tbia pr�graph t6sll bocame ta sdditia�l debt of Basowa aad 6e
<br /> - aec�tod by t�is Secwity Iasavmwt.11xx�aoiaus diaU bar iolec+tat fi+om Ibe date of disbut�t,at tbo Nde tMe,
<br /> �od at d�c apBon of Iree�ier.�11 be immodi�dy due aad PRY+�
<br /> � gocro�er�11 peomptiy di�chorge aay tlen whicls l�praocity ovcr d�is Sea�rity lnmumeot uokss Barrowrr:(�
<br /> � �raef in waiti�g w dfo�yaxat of the obti�atioa sxured by ibe liaa ia a m�ma aoaptable b Lsacks;@)c000e�s in
<br /> : Qo�od fai�h the 13m by.uc defeadi�in+�i eofa�+oaneat of tLe liw io,kga!P.�'QOeedi�s which ia ibe L�eoder's oQlnioa
<br /> d opaate to pc�+reot die eaferom�mt of tbe tiea:or(c)sec,ucr,s from tbe t�olde�of d�e liea an sigreemmt�oc�►w
<br /> - ---- --- 1�Q' --sYO�a'Vi�i��o:c+rr�i'�'vrL v�`..l�+""t�..""`• L t...rbr_.iiWiew.iMa�h�t f�av wt c1f the Praeesty it at6ieC=1D_. _
<br /> ti
<br /> . ��M�UC�11111�f��y OY!?�lf.SEC11l1ly/I�1�1�L.I.E0�3Q IDiy girG�1011iG[�OOIIOC�Ui��iE�.
<br /> j BO�O1Y!'i i11iB�Y t$�11C0 Of ti�C 011C 0[ID0�'a Of t�IC 7CLOLLI!Et fOftll ibOVC ti11�11R 1�di�1Y Of t�1C 61V10$OE OO�ICC.
<br /> = s.Ke[a Le,ad�emsy collect foes�od c�r�es�ud�a�ixod 1�Y the Sear�aY• _ -
<br /> ' 9.(yrawih fae AooderW�o�af Debt
<br /> - �De!l�iL I�axter may, e,�oept as limited bY:eguWioos iswod by tbe Saad�ry,ia the c�e of paymeat
<br /> �.�4��P�Y�ia full of all sums socured by this Secan�ity Inst�umait if:
<br /> (�Batsn�as d�Lula by fai�to PaY ia f�ll�ny raoothiY PRY���t►Y��'�
<br /> prio�r to ur m 1Le dne daie of the ar�ct moot�ly paymdu.ar
<br /> : (u)Borio�er def�ules b�f�.far a paiod of t6�ty drye.to pvfa�aay otba obtig�tioos eootaiaed ia
<br /> this Seamty�va�a�t
<br /> (ti)s.le wMia.e t�edie wpp++ovat.i.aider si�u.if pamittod by a�icab�e 4w Cmclud�Sa�on 341(�ot'
<br /> t6e Ga�n-St.�De�otilo�y Ia�ia�s Act of 1982.12 U.S.C.1Zt11j-3(d))and�h da peioc approval of
<br /> ; tbe Secc�d�Y.�e�ire�P�Y�in full ot'�sums secuned t�d�is Saasrity Ia�rument if:
<br /> 3
<br /> , ,
<br /> ��1 vy.a a• M�MI.M:
<br /> ` �'�-�.i ,,,,;*�
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