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<br /> 13.Notk�.My aocico w Sarower provldod Car ia thls Sa:urity Iasuunaeat�1w11 bo Qlvw by dellvning it or ay
<br /> �railL�w b}Csrst clsss cssi:u:stcss�pp:iab3c law ce;,;:�isu us;,af�.tr a•� .'1�; :sos3:,e sAsil be d1s�s:,�ta th;
<br /> P�operty Addrr3s a�ay atku adrlrsss Borrower da,'tga�w by actice w I.r.nder.Aay noticc to Lendu ahall be�ivcn by
<br /> fust cLts mill to L.ender's ddrcss sutod IKSein or eny eddnsv l.ender desi�tutes by notico to BaTOwa.Aay tsc�tico _
<br /> provided for in Mis Sxurity Insuunxat sl�al!be do�mod to havo boea Qivrn to Bortowa or I.eixkr whw glver��
<br /> pro��idocl ia this pu�raph.
<br /> 11.C,overaia�Lu�v;S�wersbi�ty.This Sccurity Instrument sb�]1 be Qovemod by F�eda'�l law vstl tbe law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Propaty is.locataf.Ia Ibe eveat:h�t aay provision or clAUae of this Secwity Ins�uma�t or the
<br /> Note c�oMktc with�p�licabie Lw,sueb coMict sh�ll uot�'oct olbet provisions of this Socwuy Instruaxat or the Note
<br /> which caa be givm eSfect witho�ut tbe conEliaia�pc�evi9ioa.To thic ead tt�e pcovisioas of this Saauity Iosmu�nmt aod
<br /> d�e IVole ata tbclared eo be�everahle.
<br /> iS.Borrawer'�Cop'.Baa�nwer st�ll De givea ooe confara�ed oopy of the Nom sad ot'thls Sacurity t��r..,�„r...
<br /> i�. H,wrdout Su6�ta.cd. Barnwu shall eoc cau�e or pamit dtie pc+e�eac�e,use.dir�osal.stor�Ba or�r3es�of
<br /> aay tia�rrlous Subst�ocas oa a in tbe Propaty.Borrowa sh�ll aot do.na�llow aayoae el9e to do.anythia�affociia�
<br /> dfe Arope:ry that is ia violatioa of aay Eaviroou�aUal Law. The preoodiag tao ea�t�aroea stu�i!uot appiy w tbe prwa�oe,
<br /> �se.ar soonge cn the Prnpaty of m�all qwaddes of l�a�ardous SuDstaaas tlut m�enerally reoo,�ir.ed to bo
<br /> i�cOpft�10 b OO�ini1 tCSlddltlfi LL9t3 i�W�Odt�i�Of tb0 PI�OpC[ly.
<br /> BOITOWCt S$i��p[+OfA�Y j1VC l.l�7 W[IqCa OOliCC OE�O}I 1aYG4�$itiOII,C�ii�A.�tdLf011.�flWSU1t 0�Oi�G[llCtlOO by
<br /> aop�ovaamental ar re;ulam�Y �mcS► or priv�te p�ty iavotvin� tbe Property �od aoy � Suhtraooe or
<br /> finv�ama�Iaw af w4ic5 Bonnwa has acwal lmowledga If Bonnwer le�rni.!x is nodfied by�oy govelnmeatal ar
<br /> resul�ion► wtbnritr.wac aey rr�uov�l cx otba nmoai�cloo ot��ny I�Lr,raou4 Sabstaoces a�«�iog the Propaty ls
<br /> noass�ry►.Bamowrat t6a11 pt+omptly qka all aeo�y mnadial actlons irr�cwcd�nce witb Baviroameatal Ltrv.
<br /> M utrd ia t� pr�,graph lb. 'H�uurdous Subat�nca" �ra tLo�e subadana� defmod as toxic a Iw�dou�
<br /> subst�oces by FavYOnmaotal Law aad tbc folbwiug aubst�aces:�fatine.kemta�e,otber flwaa�able or Waic parokam
<br /> p�+odu�. loxic pesticide� aod h�bicides, �m1aWe soivmt�, m�teri�s ooanivaiag �sbe�oos or fot�onaWehyde. aad `
<br /> radioocdve maoet6�fs. A� uaed 'm Wis pta�nph 16. Tavirmmeaul Law' mems fodanl laws and L�vs of t6e
<br /> j�iaictioo wba+e�6e Pmpaty i�localed tl�ts+e�e w heaYb.s�fetY oe eavi:oommtal protectioo.
<br /> Iti�N-'UNIIa03tM OOV�VANTS.Bac�ower and Laida furttu�coveaatu aad�at+ee aa folbas:
<br /> 17.Arip�e�t ot�b.Baruwa m000dtliooal}y aul�os�td tr�ad'as to I.ender�ll tbe rr�ts aod nvarns d'
<br /> tLG B�Yfnw�er ful6trisrs IradiY n I�tteY't aoMts n rn14�eY tM rnat+e�nd ekwywrn awel__ drwrla� _
<br /> ... . .. . _ ... --- -- ------ -�-- ------�-----���-------- - --
<br /> i�at of d�Propf,�ty w pry tl�re�a tra5zr ar I.wder's r,�mu.Ho«eva,lxia w Lxadar':nofax w Burso�ar of
<br /> Ba�row�er'a 6c�ach pf�y oove�a+�t or�greemeayt�in the Saa�rity Ia�uument.Baa.�o.yv�x�r sball ooliect�od reodre all reab
<br /> _s .l..a.��yM'' �"iroii�.•a�.�Ww1Y aN L+.�.��.a��i�iww� a�+i.�{WYGN W itY�i W�qiYl�ri il - -
<br /> � �wt Ti,�i�iwRi ya a�w.a• :�r -
<br /> ab�oipe s�t�od not�o uvpmwt fa addinonal sec�uity aily.
<br /> If L,e�dar giva notic�aF 6reach w�ccna.wer:(a)�ii r�raatived by Bo�ro�er sh�ll be ht4f 6y Bor.m�er n
<br /> tiu�ee fnr bao�FreoE'I�eoder oaly.b iye�y�iiaf w tbe wms aoc�rod 8Y mbe SacuritY In�umm�N)I�eoder s1W1 be
<br /> eatided w ooitect�ad reoeive aii of the eeots 6F cbe Pl+mpac�;rnd(c)a�ch w�ot of tho Prepaty shW piy�ll rms�e
<br /> �d�mpaid b I�ada a Isadtr's s�gent as I�odtr's�vril�ea�emand to the ieatot. �
<br /> Bo�mwe�r 6at oot e�ca�bd aeY Priot a�ameat e�f the reop�od Oat not eod w�iIi aot pafam auy act t4at would
<br /> prtveot L�onOar f�au au�ido�its r�het uocJer t�it pr�gupL 17.
<br /> , L�acler sh�11 not be reqwrcd�o a�lrr�pon,taic,e oonaot of a mainnin the Prepe�ty beEooe a a8ar giviqg�af
<br /> bea�c6 w Bocro�ner.F�ver.I+aidv a a judiciWY ap�painled rmaiver may do so�c any tnme tba�e is a 6�a�h.Aay
<br />� ap�tim oE s� �l aot r�ue ar aaive aoy dcfault or mv�iduo any other agbt ar nmady af Leadrr. � •
<br />: , a�i�meatof t�a�ts oE tlie Pirope�y atall tamaoYe what the debt sa�rod by tbo 5eaui�y�n�ocume�t is p�id io fulL
<br /> �
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