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<br /> - - -_---`!�.'.-��. 1t e I.�:�.r.. � fi:P,r= • �.� I• w± �,�. �no,x+wRr nf eale contained in�his _
<br /> _----___-.____'—. __ ' d�l`iu�NV�G Isilt� liidy bii�Y:I�� �u� iL'u�awwui�:iiil w�v��. ow��. v� �i�r:.^.�n.�j�.r:+::.°.�'ti� w � � __ . _. ___
<br /> , Security Inauument; or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing thia Security Insuumem. Tho:e conditiona are�tut BaROwer. (a)
<br /> ° �,,.� _ paye Ltnder all auma which then would be due under thia Security Inahument and the Note �s if no occelerWon lud __
<br /> �'`�"` ., , accurred;�b)curcs any defauit of r+riy dher wvenoMa or agrcemen�s;(c)pays all eapenaee incumed in enforcing thfa Sxudty
<br /> , o . Inatrument,including but not limited to, re�sonable ettorneys'fees:and(d)takea euch action as I..tnder may roesonably
<br /> ' - "" ' requirc ro pssurc that the Ikn of thia Security lnsuument,Lenderk dghts in the P►�c�perty and Borrower'a obligotion to pay�he w��.
<br /> ., � , sums securcd by this Securiry Insuument shell continue unchanged. Upon rciaatatement by Borrower, thia Secudty �=
<br /> .. � .. . lnsuument and the obligatio�s secured hereby shall amain fully effective a�If no acceleradon hod accurired. Howover.�hi� �,� �-:_•.�--�'�..-
<br />. - . - r}�ht to relnstate shaf l not apply in the case of accelerntion under paragraph l7.
<br /> - . I9. &r{�uf Nule;Ch���e af[.oan ytn•iccr. The tNotc or a partial iatcr:.st in thc !L'atc(togcthcr�:fth thfa Secudt;+ �_- - _- _-�-
<br /> Inatnimentl may be sold onc or more times without prio�notice to Borrowcr. A selc may result in a change in the enllty
<br /> ' . (known as thc"Loan Servicer")thnt collecta monthly payments due under the Note and this Securfty Inauument. Thcre also
<br /> may be one or more chonges of the Lann Servicer unrclatsd lo a sale of the Note. If lhere is a change of the Loan Servicer. L=';s� ,_—_—
<br /> Barrower wlll be given wdtten notice of the chenge in eccordance with paragreph l4 above and applicable low. 'Ihe notke t''
<br /> . � will state 1he name and address of the�ew Loan Servicer and the addn�ss to which payments shouid be mwde. The notice will •�- -
<br /> • pl4o contaln eny aher information required by applicAble law.
<br /> _,�_- ZII. H.sAr�1�w�A 4uM�taacea. Bcxrawer ahall not ceuse or oertnit the oresencc.use,disQosal,atora�tc.or release of 1nY =___
<br /> . Hazardous Subctancea on or in the Property. Bortower shall nat do,nar allow anyone else to do, anything affecdng d�e -
<br /> � Property that is in violatlon of any Environmental Law. 'fhe preceding two semences shall not apply to the prescnce,use,or �;.r.�..-.
<br /> , - storage on the Prope�ty of amall quantities of Hazardous 3ubsu+nces that are generally ncogniud to be Appropriate to norn�a! `-- ___ �
<br /> ',:r residenlial uses and to maintenance of the Property. - _-- ---
<br /> ;'�. , :�. Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigadon.claim.demand,lawsuit or ather action by any _ --_
<br /> �'���':•" �' govemmental o� Rgulatory agency or privale party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmenlal
<br /> . •.-r.•.:.•; -
<br /> Lew of which Borrowar haa actual knowledge. If Borrower leorns, or is notified by any governmantal or�gulatory
<br /> � . . '����' ��� aulhoriry,that any removal or ather remediation of any Haz�udous Substance aifecting the Propeny is necessary,Bamower - � -- -
<br /> � '� shall prompdy�alce all necessary remedial actione in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> � `:`'`;. As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazerdous Subslances"nre those substances defined as toxic or hazardoue substances by
<br /> - � � Enviranmental Law and the following aubstunces: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toaic petroleum pralucts, toxic
<br /> . �"�'�, pesticides und he�bicides,volatile solvents,materinls conlaining asbestos or famaldehyde,and rndioACtive mnlerials. As
<br /> used in this parag�aph 20,"Environmemal Law"menns federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where�he Praperty is locsued
<br /> that relate to heal�h,vafety or environmental protection.
<br /> NON-UNI�ORM COVENANTS. Borrower nnd Lender funher covenant and ugree as follows:
<br /> �•.�'s, ' 21. Accelerotion; Remediea l.ender shpll give notice to Borruwer prior lo ac��eleratloa following Borrower's
<br /> ' breach of any covenant or agreemenl in Ihis Securily Inslrument Ibut not prior to accekrAllon under paragrAph 17
<br /> � ' , unless Applicable law provides atherwise).The notice shoN specify: la)the deiAUlt;Ib)Ihe wctlon required lo cure the
<br /> defaulti(c)a dAte. nM less thao 30 dpys Prom the dAte the notke is�iven lo Borrower.by whkh Il�e deiAUll musl be
<br /> cured;and Id)thot iailure to cure the defoult an or before the date specli7ed in the notice mwy result in accelerAllon of
<br /> - -`�� .- fhe sumv secured by Ibia SecuNty Instrumenl ond ss�le of the P�operty. The notice shAll furtAer Inform Horrower oi
<br /> , the right to�etnslate aiter accelerANon and the right to brin�a courl ocUon to a�sert!he non-ezistence oP A defaull or
<br /> � � any othe�dePense oP Borrower to pcceleraliun und sale. IP the defoult i4 md rured nn or beiore Ihe date cperiqed in
<br /> the notice.Lender at Ils option muy reyuire{mmediate puyment in full uf'ull sums secu�ed by Ihis ticcurNy In4trument
<br /> without further demAnd and may invoke 1he power of sale and any other remedies permilted by applicpble low. �_
<br /> � I.ender shall be entitled to collect all expea�es incurred io pur.cuing Ihe remedies provided in thls pAr�graph EI.
<br /> . including.bul nat limited lo,repsonAble nitorneys'fees and costs oititle evidence: ''• �----
<br /> If the powe�of sAle Is invoked.71�ustee shall record a notice of deieul! in each county in which any part of Ihe �-=
<br /> Property(s located and shpll mail copie�oisuch potice in the manner pre.gc�fbed by ppplicable law to Borrower end to [-�:�•_�--
<br /> the other persons prescribed by appl(caWe law. Afte�the time reyuired by applicable law.'I�u9tee shall give public F:tF�ui====-
<br /> notice ot sale to Ihe persons ond in Ihe monner prescribed by applkable law 'llrustee.wilhoW demand on Borrower. ;,,�x=�;�_,
<br /> shall sell the Property at public aecUon to the highesl bidder at tMe Ifine und place and under lhe lerms designwted in � � ��
<br /> � the notke of sale in one or more parcels und in Any order 7Yu.rlee determinea. 7tuotee may postpone snle of all or any � . _
<br /> pArcel of the Property by public annouocement al ihe lime and plwce of Apy previously scheduled sale. I.ender or Its I a,;,.;„�, T�
<br /> ' designee may purchase the Properly ot any sale. 4 •: ::!�:;�.;;-`
<br /> Upon receipt of paymeM of Ihe prke bid.71�uslee shall deliver lo lhe purchager'I�ustee's deed conveyin�Ihe � . . _-����--
<br /> Property. The recitals in the'I�ustee's deed Shull be prima fncie evidence of the truth of the slatemenl.g mude therdn. ' "" �_
<br /> � 'IFastee ahall apply tbe proceeds ot the sale in the fotlowing order: (a)to all costs pad expens�.w oP exercising the po�rer �. : ,::,�t;���y-
<br /> . ' � •�''�i°f 'p�.
<br /> . . , t _
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