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<br /> ' _' ��:•..,ue.:l.c, _ `QI�t'M;yIYR ...
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<br /> . � ° � . 9�— so����
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<br /> - , ——- � af rale�Anu tpe xwie�inciud�r.R/he pnymem a�ua:�w+i�a=«w wGiu'rs:j:uciii i'°.��:�'�::i7 i!::*•�1 ''�_fl �oI - -- - ---
<br /> � ' Ihe principd amount of tbe note at the ttms of Ihe decl�rplbn of det�utt�pnd revsunwble pttorneye fee��apennitted _
<br /> by lawi(b)to�II wms s�cured bq thb Secur{ty lmtrumeati�nd(cl any excat b tbe perwa ar perroa�k�ally eaNtkd � __
<br /> .. � w u. _--
<br /> , ° 22. Reconvey�nee. Upan paymeM oi all aums secured by this Security Instrument,L.ende�xhull rcyueat'Itustce to
<br />• ` � recomey lhe Propeny wtd sh�ll eurrender this Securily Insuument and all nrnea evidencing debt necured by Ihfa Securfly
<br /> lnstrument to'llustce. 'liustee aholl rcconvey the Praperty without wartanty and without chorQe to�he pcn�on or person�
<br /> ._. Ic�ally entitled to it. Such percote or persons ehpll pay eny recordution coats. _ -
<br /> � �, _ --- � 23. Substflute 7lrustee. Lender,at Ita opt:on,may from time to time remove 7tuelee�nd appoinl a auccexwr trustee to �_! �-
<br /> �� • . eny Ttuatee appomled hereunde�by wn i��suwnciu �ccu�duf titi tlse cavnty tn tivhich ihf4 Se�cu►ity Inctrument ia rc�rorded. _
<br /> „ ,r Vl�ithout cotiveya0ce of Ihe PYO}x17y,the succeuor watx �wU succeed tv all tlu tiUe, power and du�ies conferted upon �--
<br /> 1tuQtee herein and by applicable law.
<br /> � ' ' 24. Request for Natices. Borrower requects that copies of the nodces of default and+wle be sent�o Bortower�s addresa _
<br /> ` which is tbe Properly Address. —_-
<br /> IS. Ridera to lhis Security Inslr�men� If one or more riders ure executed by Bprrower ond recorded together with �'_
<br /> . � lhia Security Inelrument,the covensants+u�d ugrcements of euch such rider shall be incorporuted into and shall emend and ;�.'-�,�. „ r.�_
<br /> -� ` ° . aiitrri��i��i�i Ci.:.wS�•:A:iS�a�d s��ments of t�fa gec��r�ty I�a�n�mPn�aa if�he riderle►were a aart of this SecuntY Insuumen:. �'�^-"`—
<br /> �,::," Check a licable box(e�)1 ---
<br /> . �.::..
<br /> ::,,.�......:, � l PP
<br /> �..,;��;,''.+:;'.:``r;
<br /> '';"'' �'',' �Adjustable Rate Rider �Condominium Rider �1-4 Family Ridcr -•--•--
<br /> ;.,,:.:::;;�,.,:_�.
<br /> �.t t�,'_'�''' .
<br /> . 1 �(lraduated Payment Rider �Planned Unit Development Rider �Biweekly Poyment Rider ,.,�,.�.,�..--
<br /> . .,
<br /> . �:�,_
<br /> ' �h.�laon Rider �Rate Impruvement Rider �Second Nome Rider `"" _-
<br /> �'`_"•"`"-_
<br /> �Other(4)�specify� pcknowledgnent
<br /> BY SIClNING BELOW,Bortower accepls and agrees to the tertns und covenants contained in thig Security Insln�ment
<br /> and in eny tiderfs)execWed by Bomower und recorded wilh it. =-
<br /> wiptesses: ' � _....
<br /> �1C.u�� �. ��� ��; �
<br /> ' . � lScuU ',�'. ..__��
<br /> - Daniel J Karre ��q"�01NQf
<br /> ----= .-_ Socis!Stcutity NumMr 505-7Q-93G9
<br /> ' �..l.��-l�1� '1 O �$CO�) � -
<br /> .. Connie S Karre •awruwer �`��—�
<br /> 5ceia1 Security Number 5U5-76-9975 a�'°.�"`=�-
<br /> w —
<br /> . . , ��±y�!'•='r,'..`''�'_.
<br /> ' STATE OF NBBRASKA. Hall . Counry ss: �`� - .
<br /> ��. ._.
<br /> On lhis 14th day of may� 7 992 before me,lhe undersigned,a Notary Public � ,_ .-. ..�v.--
<br /> duly commissioned nnd yuulified for seid county,personatly came Oaniel J Karre and Connie S KaTre, �"'� _-
<br /> ;-.L.
<br /> husband end wife .�o me known to be the � �-;-
<br /> idendcal personsts)whose n�ne(s)are subscribed lo the foregoing in9trument and acknowledgcd the execution thercof to � qµ " �. _`' `
<br /> e {•��y(��'
<br /> � be their voluntary act and deed. �,�'!� '�"`�•.
<br /> � �,~.L�'• '
<br /> .. �,.._' j+7:H
<br /> Wimess my hand and notn�ial senl nt Grand Island, Nebras a -�r._ir�f/ `'4 in Raid county.lhe �r�.. "s'�-__
<br /> date aforesaid. i�4fA1r,S�d ' �;`."'"`��" _-
<br /> My Commisafon expircs: OYOMML r"':.`•'". . .
<br /> ���� '� _ . y...�
<br /> Nduy Public pl'::::1'lt`_. l.
<br /> REQUESTFO RECONVEYANCE u`� -'r.+ r• -�--
<br /> TO TRUSTEE: �� � '�� y -
<br /> • Thc undersigned is�hc holder of Ihe note or notes secured by this Dced of'Ihist. Suid note or notcs,together with all ; .
<br /> , other iadebtedness secured by thfa Deed of 71vst,have been puid ir�full. You are h�reby dirccled to cnncel gaid note or notes
<br /> �. y � � en�lhia Deed of'Itust,which are delivered hercby,and to rcconvey,without wartanty,all the estate now I�eld by you under
<br /> �his Deed of 7tust to the peraon or persons legally endtled there�o. ,
<br /> - ' Date;
<br /> �
<br /> Fbrw 303f 9/9Y (/raR�b njb pu�ttl
<br /> -- I �
<br /> i t
<br /> � --— _--. . . , � .
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