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� 1ii °��y' ,. p�t , . ,4 . � a���v,r,�j::.r±r^}�� t� <br /> ,. . <br /> �• • .:;. „ , r� .�..,t., <br /> � <br /> - : , �. <br /> � ',.. ,ti,� • t �"' <br /> - ( .a . ... -� . . .- . � . r�rr� 4\ +�lS�m <br /> ;s,:`1'{ <br /> �.:,.•' <br /> , . . � . . i.i:.°.�� �lt,e•� ni�oe <br /> .I � , ��i� _ � 'it )r� - . ���'rtis�.., _ f . � Lr�=:;.': � N�xnc.� �. � ' <br /> r t• ' � Y.J'�i'(�S�� .�,� A�1F <br /> ,�� •� , . , � .. . ° f.i �.�' . � f �( ✓ .64',y u"+�,4�,k.Ct''yc,.� �:-._ <br /> n , . � - r:•, ��7�.�1b�y ;{ f�A• . :••� 4"'��uL:,. <br /> ' Il � �,,t r�. ����yy� „ - i. ��ni . __ <br /> .. ' ��•LYW.iLi�-11�+.'.RalYrA'� Y•��• �� �- <br /> .. ._._ . �_' '`�"1��41`. <br /> . •�. , +`?!: d.fdi!`n�iS:'. <br /> ��°. .. � �-� 92-- 10�:�� __,:��`_.�u <br /> • condemnution or aiher laking oi wny part of the Property,or for conveyence in lieu oF condemnetion,ure hereby axgigned and `-��� <br /> ��,-�_ -� ��--- --- shall M+naid to I.endcr. <br /> � . � In Ihe event of u totwl taking of the Propeny, the proceedg shull be Applied to thc aums securcd by thir �ecunty - - - <br /> ���.:.,-:_ <br /> . ' In.rtn�menl,whelhe� or nat Ihen due,with uny excesa pald to Borrawer. In tix even�of a paninl�aking oi�he Pmperty in a.��- <br /> � whkh thc inir market vutuc of�he Propeny immediatcly befixc thc luking iy equol to or gru►ter ihAn Ihe umount oi tha sums � -- <br /> � � � xecur+ed by ihia Securi�y Inetrument immediately befarc ihe taking,unle4s Borrower and Lender otherwir,e ugree in writing, <br /> � the sums secured by�his Security Inslniment shull be rcduced by lhe nmaunt oF the praeecb multiplied by the f�llowing <br /> fraction: (al the totnl arnount of tho sums secured immedia�ely befor+e�he taking,divided by (b)the fair market vulue of the <br /> Rapeny immedia�ely befare the luking. Any balunce ehall be pnid �o Borrower. In the evcnt of a punial taking of�he �Y� ---- _= <br /> _ _ Property in whkh Ihe fair market value of the Praperty immediately beforc the�aking is Icss�han�he amount af�he xums � k. '� '� <br /> �''�'"�3�.�t'� <br /> _ _ secured immediutely beforc the IAlclns. unless Borrower und l.ender othetwire nRree in writing or unless uppficable luw � � <br /> --''� ' otherwise prcvides,the proceed�slwll be epplied to the sums secured by this Security Instrumem whether or not the sums oro !' • <br /> then due. <br /> If thc Pmpeny ia abandoned by Botrower,or if,after notice by Lender to Borrower thnt thc candem�or affeR ta muke �"- � <br /> an award or xetde a claim tor domages.Bonower fails to respond to Lender withln 30 day+nfter the dnte thc noticc i4 given, ��:•.;;�"�°°-,,,-.--_-,.--._�--------.,=: <br /> Lender fa aulhorized lo collect and upply the pracceda,at ita option,either ro nxtoradon or npuir of the Property or to�he `° <br /> " sums securcd by thls Secu�lty Anetrument,whclher or not Ihen due. � <br /> Unless Lender und Barower atherwiae agree in wri�ing,any npplicntion of proceeds to principul shall not extend or ' '� _,_ <br /> ' , poatpone tbe due date of the mon�hly payments reterred to in paragmpns� anu�or change�he amoum of such payments. .-____ -__--_. _ <br /> � !l. Borrower Not Rele�sedt Fbrbearana By Lender Not a Walver, Ea�enabn of thc time for payment or ,_ `— <br /> modifica�ion of ernonizution of�he sums securcd by this Security Instrument gronted by I.ender to any succevcor in interegl <br /> . of Borrower shell not opemte to rdease�he liability of�hc original Borrower or Harroweric successors in interest. Lendn� _ <br /> • � shall not he requircd ta commence praceedings agnins�any successor in intercst or refuse to extend time far payment or -- - <br /> � otherwise modify amortization oP the sumR secured by this Secu�iry In4ln�ment by reacon of any demand mude by the o�iginal __- <br /> . � Barrower or Borcower4 auccesxors in in�erest. Any for6earnnce by Lender in eaercising eny rfght or remedy ahall na be u __ <br /> _ . � waiver of ar preclude the exercir,e of any�lght ar rcmedy, <br /> �•: <br /> , 12. Successors and Assigns Bound;Jotnt and Several LipbNily;Caslgners. The covenAnts und ugreemems of�his � �` � <br /> . . I Securiry Instniment shail bfnd and benefi�the successors and assign4 of Lcndcr und Bortower,subject lo the pravisions of _ - X"°'' <br /> _ paragrnQh 17. Barrower'g cavenamg and agreements shall be joinl und severnl.Any Bortower v�•ho cu-signs this Securily �,u. <br /> - Inslrument but does nm execute the Note: (a1 is co-signing Ihis Security Inx�rwnent only to mangage,grunt and convey�hAt -� <br /> � BoROwer is interesi in the Property under Ihe tertns of this Sccurity Ingtrumem: (b1 is not Exr��nally ohliRated to puy the sums �"'`^� <br /> .. secured by�his Securily Inxlrumenl:and(c)ugrees that Lender and any other Borrower muy ugree to exlend,mcxlify,Porheur - <br /> or mAke Any accommodations wilh regard to the tenns of this Security Instrument or Ihe Nate without thAt Bornower a <br /> � consent. - <br /> 13. Loan C:harges. If the lonn secured By this Securily Inxtrumenl is xubject to n I�w which xet+ muximum loun � <br /> charges,und that law is finnlly interpre�ed so that the imerect or other loun churges collected c�r ta be collecled in connection � ' <br /> � with the laan ezceed the permi��ed limits,ihen: (al nny such loun churge shnll t+e reduced hy the amounl nececss�ry to reduce _- <br /> Ihe rhurge to�he peroiiard IiiniC und lhl nny�u�ns�dreudy cnllec�ed 1'ram Hunowcr whichexceeded pemiiucd limils will tx E`:�--- <br /> ___-. ___-= refunded to Bnrrower. Lender may chnose to m�ke th�s refu�d by rrducing tfic principa!au•cd undcr thc Nnic nr hy making a = -- - <br /> dircct puyment lo Borrower. If u refund mduces principal,the reduction will be�rented as u punial prepayment wilhout ony °"`—� <br /> prcpayment charge under the Note. <br /> � ., 14. Notices. Any nmice lo Bormwer prrnided for in Ibir Security Inxlrumenl shnA Ix Fiven by dclivering il or by ' .-. <br /> muiling U by firnt clnss muil unlcss upplicuble luw requirca uxe of unother n�eihc�l.7'he nutice�hull Ix dir�titcd a►ihe Pnqxny ��';"_' <br /> Address or any other aidress Borrower designntes by nrnice�o Lender. Any notice la Lender shull he given by fir.i�clu�cx � ^�A�' :���'-•__ <br /> mai)to l.ender's nddress slated herein or nny i�ther uddreyc Lender deyigni►tes hy not�ce w Borrnwer. Any notice provided for � `���'� `- <br /> in this Securit lnstrumenl shall he deemed to hnve been "'�' ^ <br /> y given ta Borcuwer or Lender when given uti provided in this ;._: „ ,�� <br /> ParaBroph• I;,.., ;r•�::: <br /> , IS. GoverninR Law;Seve�abllily. This Security Imtrumenl shull be Fovemed by f'ederul luw nnd Ihc luw of Ihe f � • <br /> jurisdiction in which�he Prapeny is lacn�ed. In�he event thni any provision or clnuse aP this Securi�y Instrument cx the Note �- <br /> conflicls wNh applicable Inw,xuch canflic�shull not affect rnher provisions oP this Security Inswmenl or�he Nole which cun ' _ <br /> be given eFfect wilhoul the conflicting provi4ion. 'lb Ihis end the provisions of this 5ecurity In�lrument and the NWe or+e =� '-- <br /> declared to be severnble. I ... �<<�`'._ . <br /> I _'.�- <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shull be given one conformed copy of Ihe No�e und of thf�Security Instrument. `;�..� <br /> 17. 'I�ensfer of the Property or a Beneflciol lnte�est in Borrower. If nll or uny pun of the Propeny or uny intem.r•i in <br /> it is sold or transierred (or iF u beneficiul interesl in Borrowcr i4 sold or tranxferced and Borrower iti not a nawrol personl ' <br /> ` I without Lenderti prior wrillen con.r•ent,Lender may,ul its oplion,reyuire immediute payment in full uf ull xums xecured by <br /> l �his Secu�ily Instrument. However,this option shall nol be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibNed by federat luw as of ;• �___ <br /> the date of Ihis Security Inwrument. �p*, <br /> ' If Lender exerciges this op�ion,Lender tihull give Borrower notice of accelerution. The no�ice shall p�ovide n periad of �'rrR � <br /> ' not less thon 30 dnys from Ihe dete Ihe notice is delivered or mailed wi�hin which Borrowermusl pay ull sums secured by�his . �� <br /> , Security Instniment. If Bomower failc�o puy these 4ums prior�o �he eapirulic►n af thix penod, Lender may invoke nny � <br /> remedies permitted by Ihig Securily Inxtrument wilhout further notice or demund on Borrower. <br /> �. ' 18. Borrower's ltiRht ta Relnstate. If Bormwer meels cenuin conJitinnx, Borrower sliull huvc �he ri�hi a� have <br /> , enforcement oi�hix Securily Instrument discuntinued u�nny�ime prior to the eodier of: la1 S days lor zuch other period as <br /> � ' Singk Fnmfly•-Fmpk MadFYeddk Moc UNIFURM IN,4TItUMENT-•UnUam Covcmnl� 9/90 qri�tt I o/n/w�rsl <br /> a � � � <br /> ' <br /> ._' '---.—._---" i • <br /> i <br /> -_ '-. . -. � ., 1 <br /> � � <br /> � i <br /> � - --- .. __. <br />