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<br /> exrcuteJ i�v Ih�•�wr�+.�.►f�:�:►tic�,rr:.:urLig��r�uaranc}•in� th:Sccurcd Ucbt. A�;�K►J fnill� i+clief hy 1 enc{cr Ihat
<br /> l,ciuk:e at:u�y timc is insccwc with r�s�xct tu uny pers��ax cntity e�'nligutcd vn tl�Sc�ur�J Ikbt w�ttwt thc pt.xy�:t
<br /> ��f Any pay-ment at�ht���aluo af ttu:Yroperty is impairc:d shall aiisu cottstitutc an e�•cnt�F�iefault.
<br /> 15. REl1SEUlES:1N UEf�AUL'1'.In cc�iu icuts�noes,fecieral anci atate I�w wiU r�yuirr Lc�ukr ta pruvidc Gra��tor with
<br /> notick. af tho right ta curc ur other no�ices and may estabfish iink xikdut�:fo�fnr�:lc�sur�aciicui:. Subjcet to shese
<br /> limitations. it auy,Ls.nder uiay acceterate the Securcd lkbt ane! f��recio.r•e this�curit} Instrumr�t io a n�aner
<br /> provided by I�w if Grantar is in defaul�.
<br /> At the optiun of Lender,all cu any part ai Ihc agrecd fces and chsugcs,accrucd intcrest und principa)shall heoonu
<br /> immediatoty dup and payablc,aftcr giving naticc if rcquired by taw, u��ihc cxrurrence ui'a tki'ault ur unyiltne
<br /> thereafter. In addilian.l.cnder shull be entiticd to ull the remedies provicicd hy law.ihc tem�s of thr Sccured lkbi,
<br /> this Secwity Instn►ment and any related docununts,including without timitatiun.the paw�er tu sell the Property.
<br /> If therc is a default,Truuee shall,in uddition ta any dher permitted remcdy,at thc Pcquest af the Lende�,adveriise
<br /> and sell the Property s�s a whole or in separate parcelv at pubtic aucticu� to the highest biddur fur cash and canvey
<br /> absoluto title free and c�ar of atl right.title and interest of Grantor at such time�ru1 place as Trustee designatep.
<br /> � Trustc:e shall gi�•e notice of sale including the time,ternu and plue oi s:ile anc!a dcscri�tian of ttu:prapecty to Nu sakl
<br /> as requircd by the�pplicable law in ei[cct at the time of thc prc�posed sale.
<br /> Upon sale of the property and to ttie extent not prohibitcd by law,Truuee shall make and deG��er a dccd to ihe E'��erty
<br /> sold which conveys absolute title to the purchaser,and after fust paying aU fccs,charges and oosis.shaU pay ta I.e.�uier ail
<br /> nwncys advanced for mpairs.t:uces,insurance,liens.assessments and prior encumbrunces ond interest thereon,and the
<br /> principul and interest on the Secured Debt,payiag the surplus. i!any,to Grantor.I.ender may purchase the Property.
<br /> The recitats in aAy deed of oonveyanoe slwU be prima facie evidena:of thc facu set forth therein.
<br /> AU remedies are�istincl,cumulative and not exclosive,and the Lender is cntitkd to all rcmerlies provided at law mr
<br /> equity,whether or not expressly sct forth.711e aooeptaoce by L.�nder of any sum in paymcn�or partial payment oa tbe
<br /> Secured Debt aftar the balance is due or is�ooelerated or after foreclosure proceedings are Wed sh�ll not constitute a
<br /> waiver of Lender's r�ght ca require oomplete cure of aay existing defaulG 8y not exercising any remedy on Grantor's
<br /> defaul�Lender dces cs4t�vaive Lender s right to later consider the event a default if it continues or happens ag,ain.
<br /> prohlbited by law,Grantor agrees to pay aU of Lender's expenses if Grantor brexhes any covenant in this Se.curity
<br /> Instnunent.Grantor will also pay on demand any acnount incurred by Lender for inswing,uLSpecting,pres+erv�ng or
<br /> otherwise protecting the Property and Lender's secexrit}• iuterest.7Lese expenses will bear interest ftnm the date of
<br /> tha payment until paid ia full at the t�ighest interest rate in efEect as provided in the terms of We Secured Debt.
<br /> Grantor agrees to pay all oosis and expenses incurred by Lender in oollecting,enforcing or protecting Lender's rights
<br /> and remedics under this Security Iasirument.'Ibis amount m�ay include,but is not Wnitec!to,attomeys'fees,court
<br /> oosts.s�nd other legal expeases.'fhis Security Iastcuineat st�aLi remain in effect until rele��eul.Grantor agtees to pay
<br /> for any reoardatioa cosis of uuu�re:ease.
<br /> 17. EIVVIRONMEIVTAL lAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES.As used ia this section.(1)Envuronmental Law
<br /> means,without limitatiu�the Comprehensive�nvica�amental Response,Co�cpeasatiot�and Liability Act(CERQA,
<br /> 42 U.S.C.9601 et seq.),aad all oth�er federal.state aad local laws.regulaticx�s,ordinances. oourt ordeis,attomey
<br /> .._ . _ _. _._.__�nl.c�inions.or internretive lette�coacemiaR tLe pubtic 6eslth,safetY.welfare,eaviroameat or a 6azasdous
<br /> substana:;and (2)H�ar�ous S�bstance aseaas an�toxic,radioactive or hazardous maien'al,was�e,Ixiitatsint ai- _
<br /> oontaminant which h�s characteristics which reader the substance dangerous oc potenrially dangerous to the pnblic
<br /> hc�:th,safeiy,•.YCIP�*�Q!aAv3iflIIZ:2=II2.TII°_tr�rm 3+3_�_4��.1�th011t limlt9tu►!}.8Ilv c�}F►Sta�1�P_C�2�Ci�SS"ha�s m
<br /> mutarial,""toxic substances,""hazardous waste"or"harardous substaace"�r aay Environmenta!I�w.
<br /> Grantor representsti wanants�nd agrees that
<br /> A. F.za.pt�previously disclosed and acknowledged in wEiong to Lender,no Hazard+�t�t�.�Substanoe is or will Eae
<br /> loeated. stored or released on or in the Property.'I'his restriction does not appty to small quaatities of
<br /> Iiazardous Substances that are generally t�cx�gciized to be appropri�te for the aoimal usc aad�t���u�
<br /> tb�e Ptape�ty. �
<br /> B. �pt as previously disclosed and acknowledged in wri�g to Lender.Gr�ntor and every tenant have bect+.are,
<br /> �siull nmain ia full oompliaace with any a}�plicable�viroameata)Law.
<br /> C. Grantor shall imroediately notify Lender if a release or threateaed release ot a 3iazardous Subst�acx oa�urs oo,
<br /> under or abotz�the Property or there is a��tation of any Environmental Iaw conceming the Pnperty.In such
<br /> aa eveni,GranWr shall talce zll necessai�remedial�ction ia acoordance wiW any Enviroament�ll f.:aw.
<br /> D. Grantor shall immediately notify Lender in writing as soon as Grantor has reacon to believe there is aay
<br /> peoding or threatened investigatiocr,claim,or praceed�ag relating to the release or threatened release of�t
<br /> Hazardous Substaace or the violation of any Envirootm�ttal Law. �
<br /> 18. CU��JDEMNA170N.Grantor will givc Lender prompt notice af any pending or threatened action,by private os
<br /> public entities to purchase or talce any or all oC the Property through concirmnation,eminent domain,or any other
<br /> means.Grantor authoriaes L.ender to interver.e in Gru�tor's name in arty of tha above des�ribed adions or clai�
<br /> Grantor:sssigas to Lender the proceeds of any uward or claim for damages oonnected with a oondemnation or other
<br /> taYing oE u�[t or any part of the Pcogercy.Sueh proceeds shaU be vonsiderect payments and will be apptia}as provido�ia
<br /> this Ser,�rsty Instrum,en� 77iis assig¢ment of proceeds is subje�x to the temns af any prior mortgage,deed of tn�st,
<br /> security agrcemwt a�Qtl�er liea docament
<br /> 19.INSUitANt'E.Grs.urar shati ke��r Pcogepty iasured astainst loss by fire.6�ooci,theft and otHer ha7ards aud risics
<br /> reason�t}r associated with the Pro{secry due to its type and locatioa.This insurance shaE�be maintained in the amoua,ts
<br /> aod fac�periods tl�at Lender r�i:ires.'l7�e insurance caRi�er providing the insuranc�s6ai1 be chosen by Graat�x
<br /> s:ibject ta�Lender's approval,which shail not be unteasonab[y withheld. If Grantor fanZs to maintain the covetage
<br /> described above,Lender may,at Lender's optioa,obt�in coverage to protect Lender s rights in the Prc�perty aocordiag
<br /> to the terms of this Sr.-cwity Instnunen�
<br /> All uiscu�nce policies aod renewais shall be aoceptabie to Lender and shaII inctude a standard"mortgage clause"and,
<br /> where�alicable,"Ioss payee clatt�e."Grant�r shall inunediately notify Lender of cancellatioa ot termination of the
<br /> ins�moe.I.ender shall have the right to hoid the policies and renewals.If Lender requires,Grantor shall immediately
<br /> give to I.ender all reaeipLs of paid premiums and renewal notices.Upon lass,Grantor shall gave immediate�otice w
<br /> the iosurante cazries:�ad Lender.Lender may make proof of loss if not tnacie immediately by Grantot.
<br /> •�• ' . (/�ay93oi4)
<br /> �
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