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<br /> B. All futurc aci��:uw�:x fr�un Lc�xkr to Cirantor ur Wh�:r futwc c�1+liKati�Nw of Giantoc tn[.cn�r unci�r any pranisst+�y s-
<br /> �wi�,c;�.htr�.^.t,guaracdy.tw otlkr evickncc uf deM executcd by Grant�►r in fa�.�r uf l..c�u3ar cn:.c�tcd sftcr th�s �_
<br /> Sccuri�y l�titrw�knt w�hc;ttv_r cx not�hls 5ccuri�y Instrument is s�►xifically rcCerc►ucd. II morc than onc{x�►sw�
<br /> �lgns this Sccurity Icutrununl,cach Gruntw agrccs that this Securit��Instrununt will sccurc all tutun:adsanccs 3nd
<br /> iuturc c�bli�atEau that arc given to or incurr4Q by zny �uw ar nu►rc Gr:u�tar,ur any nnr ur marc Grantor�nd
<br /> dhers. AU iuture ativances uu1�uh::e tulut�ot+iig:ttions are ceeured by li�i.Se.rurty InsisuaiLnt c��en thau;h al!or -
<br /> part may not yet L+e aciv;���d.AI!fuiur�xdtianms und other fulur���1+ligaticuts eco sc:cured as if m�de oa the date =
<br /> n
<br /> ui thic S�:rwi:y lnxtrwnent.Nothiag in this Sccurity Inctrumeni s6a11 constitute a mmmitment to maice uahlici��ua1
<br /> ur futun ioares�t�dvw�ces in auY amouat.Any such comnutme.nt must lx agrced to in a separate writing. _
<br /> C. AU abligations Crantor owcs ta Lender,which may later urise.to the cxtent noi prnhibitect by taw.'vuludin8�Hut
<br /> nat limi�ul to,Uabilitics fos overdc�v reloting to any de4x�sit aocount agrecment betwecn Grantar and Lcndcc-
<br /> D. the Prope�y and ts aalue and uny�her su�a��a a�x�e��wi�un�+ny i����t�a tGe t�ercns uf
<br /> this Security instrument.
<br /> Th���ui�y jnsuununt will cwt socure any ottx:r debt if Lender fai�ta give an�•required notioc of the risht of rescission.
<br /> S �AYMEI�f'S.GrAntor agrees ttuit all paycnents under the Securad Debt will be paid when duc and in accordan�ce
<br /> with the tera�s of the Secured Dcht�tbis Security Instrume.at.
<br /> 6. WARRAMY OF 7711.E.Grantrx warxanu that Grantor is or wi{l be lawfully seized of the estute conveyed by ctu5
<br /> Security Instrument and has thc right to irrevocably grant, comey,aad seU the Prnperty to Trustee.in trust.witl�
<br /> power oi sak.Grantor xlco warrants that ttx.Property i�unez►eumbered,except far encumbranees of�eoo�d.
<br /> 7. PRIOR SECURiiY IN'iERFS'15.Vkith re8ard to any other mongage,deed of tnut,security agreemeat or other Gcn
<br /> docuaunt that crcaud a prior security interest o*encumbranoe on cho Property.Grautor agrees:
<br /> A. To malce all payments wtu:n due and to pesform or oomply with aU covenaats. .
<br /> B. To promptly de6ver to Lender any notioes that Granta�rexi�•es fmm thc halder.
<br /> C. Not ta aUcw any modificatioii or exteasion of,nor ta request any future advaaoes under any nute or agreemeot
<br /> secured by the lien documentwitbout Lender's prior written consent.
<br /> �. Ci.AIMS AGA[IYST'i1'I7.E.Grantor will pay all taxes,assessments.lieas. encumbranaES.leaso payments.ground
<br /> rents.utilities,and other char8es nlatsr►S tO�PfOP�ny""�d�'��r may requira Grantor to provide to Ixnder
<br /> oopies af�ll �otioes that such rammounts ue due aad the receipts evidencing Grantor's payment.Graator will c�efend
<br /> title to the Property against aay claims t�at w+ould impair the liea of this Securiry tnsuument.Grantor agrees to assiga
<br /> ta Lend�r,as requesied by i.end�er.any rights.clsims or defoases Gr•u�tor�nay have against parties who supply labor
<br /> or maucials io maiatain or improve the Pc�peRy.
<br /> 9. DL)E ON SALE Oit ENCIJMBRAMCE.Leader maY•at its opdon,declare the entira b�lanoe of the Secured TDeTst to
<br /> be immediately due and psyable upon the creation of,or contract for the creation of.any lien,encumbr�ace,tr�sr,ier
<br /> or sak of tbe ProQertY.'It�is rig6t is subject to the ratrictioas imposed by federal law(12 GF.R.591),as a�Qlic�ble•
<br /> 'IAis oovenu�t shall run with the Property and shall rea�in in effect until th�Secured Debt is paid in full an� tlus
<br /> Secwity Iustniment is released. .
<br /> 18. PitOPEitTY C�ND1'flON,AL'i'EYAT[ONS AND INSPECIION.Grantor wiU keep the Prop�rty ia good
<br /> __ . _ ,_ ��;s��,;.,..��.k,�.».,'�wi.x that,are reasonably nectssary Grantor shalt not cvmmit or allow any waste,
<br /> impairment, or deterioratioL of th�P'ro�sty.Grantor will Tcap the P�opeity free oi�fo7�s Wews and Si+�s: -
<br /> Grantor agxees tP�:st tl�e nature of the oocupancy and�e will nat substantially change without Lender's prior written
<br /> ux�swi.vraniw�KLi�wi��ui;2 aay cl�arg�in ar,y liccitse,restri�ve covanant or easement without Lender's pr+od
<br /> written 000sen�Grazuor will notify i.ender of all demands,Prooee�"°8S.claims.an3�ctions against(iraator,�d ui
<br /> aa}3qcs or damage to the Property.
<br /> Lcn;,,r or Lender's agents ma9.at Lender's option.enter the Property at aay reasonable cime for the purpose of
<br /> inspecting the Pro�erty.l.�nder shall give Grantor notice ut the time of or before an inspection specif}zng a
<br /> reasonabk purp�.-�se for the inspection.Any inspectioa of tl�o Property shaU be entirely for Lender's benefit and
<br /> Grantor will in�w w-�y rety on Leader's inspectioa.
<br /> 1]. AiJ'ffiORiTY TO PERFOR'N.If Grantor failc to perform any duty or any of the covenasiu cvntained in t� ..
<br /> Security Instrument,Lendez may,without notice,Perfoim or cause them to be perfoimed.Crrantor appoints L�nder '
<br /> as attorney in fxt to sign Gnator's name or pay any�mount neces5ary for pedormanoe.L.ender's right W pecform far�
<br /> Graator shall not create aa obligation to perForm,aad Lender's failure to perform wiU not preclude 1-ender froan,'
<br /> exercising ax►y of Lencler s other rigUts under the taw or this Security Instrument.If any constnicuaa on the Prq�rty�,
<br /> discontinued or not carried on in a reasouable manner,I.ender may take all steps aeceuary to protect Lender's'
<br /> security interest in the Pro�erty,induding oompletioo of the construction.
<br /> ]2 AS5IGI�MFNT OF LEASES AND REN'P5.Csrantor irrevocably gFaats,conveys and selts to Trustee,in tnzst for tlr��
<br /> benefit of Lender,as additianal securiry a11 the riE1��title uncl interost in and to any and all exicting or future leases,
<br /> subleases,and any other writtea or verhal agreements for the use and occupancy of any portion of the Prop�erty,
<br /> including any extensions,renewaLc�,modi�i,ratians or substitutioa4 of such agreements(all referred to as"I,eases"y artd•
<br /> rents,issues aad pro8ts (alt r.efened co ac"Rents"). Gtantar will promptty provide Lendcr with true and carrcct�
<br /> ooQ�es of alt existiag aad futtcEe I,eases.Grantor may oo43e�K,receive.enjoy and use tt�e Rents so long as Grantur is nnt..
<br /> in det�t wuter tbe te�ms of�&is Secusity InctrumeaL
<br /> Grantor ac]cnor�-�edges that this assignment u perfected upon We recarding of this Deed of Tnist aad tl�i�adet is
<br />-- entittc� tc► �;�„�•aay of Graaior's tenanxs tn make payment of Rents due or to become due co Ler•dec. Hc+�uever,
<br /> Lendes agrees t�aaIy on deiault wiiE Lt.F;�'c:��oi�fy;�.�s ae�C-r.mtor's teaa�ts an�m�?��*±and tttat:�l_Cuture . :
<br /> Renu be paid dic�eci�y ta Leader.On reoeiving notir�of defaWt,Ctantor wilt endorse aad deliver to Leadez aay
<br /> PaYment of Reau ia Gracsr,�u's possessioa aad will rearite any Reatc in trost for L,er�3er and will not cammingl�the
<br /> Renu with any�t3er fua�.Any amounts oolle�cied will be applied as provieled in titis Security Instrument t3r;�nwr
<br /> warranu that na a3efaWt e:ists under tIte T�ses or any applicable landlord/tenant law.Grantor also agrees to maiatain
<br /> and require aag�teuant to comply with tlte t�rtns of the L�eases and applicable law. �
<br /> l3� LEASEHOI.DS;CONDOMINIUMS;P1.A1�11�1ED UNIT DEVELOPMENIS.Grantor agrees to comply with t�e
<br /> provisions of any lease if this Security Instrument is oa a IeasehoW.If the Ptoperty includes a unit in a conda�ainium
<br /> or a plapned unit development. Grantor will perfonn all of Grantor's duties under the cavenants,fay-luws,or
<br /> regulations of the condomimum or plznued unit developmenE.
<br /> 14 DEFAitY.T.Grantor will be in defauit if any party obiigated on the Sccured Debt fails to make payment when due.
<br /> Granw�:will be in defaWt �f a breach occurs under the terms of this Security Instrument or any other docuinent .
<br /> ' �sa��
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