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<br />_ U:iI..tc ahe��i;�;�i;;,:;.�,3 i��a s'rlii��,al;insur�nce praceeda stwlf be opplicd to thc rc�t�ration ur repAlr of tha Pn►perty
<br /> • cx-c.,tix:S�:..ur.:i7 T}�;bt,whati�ttir or nc�t then due,st i.ende:r's option.My�lii:ation oi pr.�xti:eci�to priiuipal sl�rtl not
<br />= extead ur Nustp.�u�thc dun tl:,to�:the ccheduleil payment nur ctwnge tbe�miwnt of�ny payment.Any excesa will be
<br />_ pai�!to tha Gr�ntar, Lf lhtl Ptn}x�ny is acqulrcd by l.encier,Grantor's righ!to any insurwiee polieies and pmccecls
<br /> multing(rwn dama�fl to tl�fl Protxrty befurc tha�oquisition chaU p�ts�to Lendcr to t4e exteat of tbc Seatred Debi
<br />_ �ili�iw"kilai4ij��iUt'�3 1�it)ilaGjlllYS�itli�,
<br /> �0. ESCRQW FD�tt T�XES ANf�rl�LSURANCE.ilnless c�tAerwise F+roYided iw a serarate agr�,csnent.Grantor w�t!csot
<br /> be required w�y t��t�cndar fimda�fcx taxes and insursnce in escr�aw.
<br />_ 21. FINANQAL REFOitT3�hDi A�T)Oil70NAL QOCUME.M'S.Gr..^.tor will provictc tn lrz��u�n ryu�i,a�►y
<br /> finandal suite:uent or informRtinn Lender a�y ckem reasonabl}�necessary. Grantor Agrees to sign,deliver, arul Cdo
<br /> �ny additional doeum�nts oe c�niflcations that Lcader may mrrsider ne�c�cary ta perfect,coatinue�and presrrve
<br /> Grantor's obli�ations under d�ic•Socurity InsUUment and i.ender's Gen status oa ehe Praperty.
<br /> undor this Secureiy L�strwnant rata jcunt and individ�l.If Grantar signs this Security Iastrument but daes not sign an
<br /> �videncs oi dc6t.Cirantor dnc��so only ta awrtgage Grantor's iuterest in tbc Rroperty to secure payment of the
<br /> Socurcd Debt and C7rantur dt►t�s nat agree to bc personally liabie a� tI�c Securecl Debt it this Sccurity Lutrument
<br /> secures a guaranty twtwaewn Lcndcr and Grantor,Gr�ntor agrees to waive any rights that may prevcnt Lender @om
<br /> bringin6 any sction or daim a�r,aiost Grantor or any party iudebted under the obligation.These r�gtu9 may include,but
<br /> are �ot limited ta.any anN•dofiacncy or one•action laws.Grantar agrees that l.ender and any party to this Security
<br /> Inshvmcnt may extcnd.madi�;+or make aay change in the temu of this Secwity Instrument or any evidence ot debt
<br /> without Grantw's wnsent.Such a cbange will not release Grantor from the terms of this Security Icutramept'fUe
<br /> dutles and bcaefits of this Sr,�urity Iastrumeat shall bind and benefit tl�ee suc�esso�s and assigns of Gnacor aad Lender.
<br /> 23. MPUCABI.E i.AWr STe�ERABIi.�IY;INIERPaE'1'AT[OPi.'Il�is Security Instrumeut is goverAed by the laws of
<br /> the jurisdictlan in wbic.h I.�nder is IocAted,oxcept to t6e extent otherwise required by t6c Iaws of the jurisdieiion
<br /> where thc Property is iacatad'I1�is Securisy Instrumcnt iv oomplcte aarid fuUy iategrated.'It�is Seciuity Instruiaent may
<br /> not be amanded or madified by oral Agreement.Any sectioa ia Wis Security Instrument, attachment�, or aay
<br /> agreemeat re�xted to tha Soaurd Debt that ooaflicts with applicable I�w wil}not Uc eftective,w�ess Wat law expre�sly
<br /> or impliedly pcTmits tha variadoas by written agreea�ent Ii any seccion of this Security Instnunent cxnnot be eafocred
<br /> a000rding to itN terms�that section will be severed and will aot affect the enfairrability of the renaaiader af thic
<br /> Security Instnunant,Wlunever used,th�singuL•�r sLall include the plural and zhe piural tbe singular,�e captioas aad
<br /> headings of tbn se�tioas of this Security Ir�LVCaent are fa oonvenience onty and are aot to be used w iai�rpart or
<br /> de&ne We tc:rms of this Sccurity 1nsUvmeaL Time is of thc esseax ia this Saxuity Iastnnncat.
<br /> ?A. SUCCES.SOit TiiUS1EE I.ender, at L.ettder's option,may from time to time remove Trustee sad appoint a
<br /> suocessor trustee wit6out aay oWer formaJi�y�thaa t6e designatioa in writing. The successor trustee,�vithout
<br /> oonvtyanaa of the Property,shall sueoeed to��z6e�itle.PuW+�r aad duties coaferned upon Tivstee by tl�is Secutity
<br /> Instrumont and a�plicabk law. .
<br /> ?3� NOTI(,"�.Ualess otherwiu crquired by Istw,aay eotice shsJt be givea b}delivering it or by mailiog it by 5r�s1�ss
<br /> mwil tr�ttse sppropriate party's address a►page 1 of this Secr,r�ic�r Instrumeat,or W aay otber aclrlcess des�oated io
<br /> �rrribng.Nodoe co ooe grxaca w;il be cfeemed co be notice co alt graacors.
<br /> _ 2b. WAIV�.S F.=ceOt tatlfn erte�c rr,w_�i�i:1..i��.!v�`..�LCS-�i:.�'.l:.�,y..::C.:.i:.'.'a::.0 uu.iRSiciwCU�iioa ijgpg .
<br /> relstiag to t�c Pr�crty.
<br /> 29. 01HE1�'tERMS.If checiced,the folbwing are applicabL to this Sc�auity I�irum�ai:
<br /> Gl :L�t u��,..�.i oe Socaretl uebe incltul�s a revolving Gne of credit provisioa.Alt6ough the Secured Debt
<br /> way bc raWad to a uro balance.this Sr,curity Instn�asent will rem�in in effecx uati!released.
<br /> � ❑ Coa�sefiw l�o�w This Securiry Instrument ucures m obligadon incurred for the coasW�tion of aa
<br /> impravemzat on the Properiy.
<br /> ❑ l�t�e+e FOi��.Graator grants to Lender a security interest in all goods that Grantor owns now or in the
<br /> - feu�u+e and that are or will became fut�res related to the Property.T6is Sec�rity Instrumeat suffioa�ss a
<br /> finaacing statemeat aad any carboa,Photographic or ot�reP►oductioa may be fiLed of neoord tar purpos�s
<br /> _ of Article 9 of the Unifotm Caumerca�l t'.ode.
<br /> ❑ ltiiers.The coveaants wyd ageoments of each of t6e riden cbeciced beloM ue iacorporated into aad
<br /> suppkmeat aud amend the terms of this Security Iactrumen�(Q�eck all appsicsbk boxes}
<br /> L7 Coadominium Rider ❑Planacd Unit Developaseai Rider ❑4tJ�er
<br /> ❑ AdiitioaN Terr. """"
<br /> _ SIGNATURFS:By�g�ng Bclnw,Grantor agtees t,�the terms sad coveaaata cootaiaed ia this Sea�rity In�tromeat aad io
<br /> � wy attachments.Graatr,��so ackaowledges receipt of a copy of this Sepuity Instn►ment on the date atated oo p�ge 1.
<br /> �����.�..f��Y-•�df.' � fi8/S 9J96
<br /> 4 . .......... .._..................... .......................... ............................�....._..�..._........................
<br /> 30Di I b� ROD AUGH ��+�) «�) t�)
<br /> A����' IiEBRtYSKA HALL '
<br /> STATE OF.
<br /> «..�..�, �"'�'�6Fb��'°'6�iflfif���8iemeth�s OU....�....�.�dayof�...........�x���s�...........�....1•9�8T� .
<br /> " My oommission oxpires»............»»................_............. ...... ....,..................�............�........,....:...........•..... �
<br /> .................. ...... ... ..
<br /> �) ..............���� . ............»....»........
<br /> ���SOOTT��K18S1E�R�
<br /> Ml GwR E�R�y131.199� ;,� ..
<br /> Owwr.�.NA.r.,wMa.a�arr,w��aowrrax»sws T�Eww (p�idl)
<br />