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In Ihe event of a pastiol taking of�he Pmpchy in ,�-- <br /> - ' � ° • � which Iho fair merkei value of thc Propeny immediatcly heforc the teking is equal lo or gauter�han the anount oP the suma �" <br /> " ' Rtcurcd by IhiR Security Instrumem immcdiulcly befwe the taking,unless Barrower and l.endcr othcrvvire agrce in w�iting, .. <br /> — , . the sumr secured by this Securfty Instmment sh411 6e reduced by Ihe amouM oi the proceeds multiplied by the Fallowing ''"°��"-' <br /> � Gaclion: (u)the lotal amount of the sums secur�ed immedietely befnre the IukinF,divlded by (b)Ihe fuir marke�valuc uf Ihc � Y,,r_`��`" <br /> ���` �� Property Immedfatcly before the taking. Any balunce phall be puid to Bortawer. In the event of a panial taking af�he <br /> _ <br /> -_ .. _ _. __ ____.__ Propeny in whicli the fafr uuu'aet veiue of'Ihe Praprrty immediutely befure the tati:ing 1a Icss than the artsnunt a e�ums _.W. ___-- <br />=�.�_-.�-�-_--_- _ c�nrrd imm��lin�cly hefore the taking.unlegs Bormwer end Lender otherwixe agrce fn w�iting or unless applicablc law E_— ___ _ <br /> .. . atherwise provide�,d�e proceed��Iwll be opplied�o the sum�secured by this Secun�y In��Nn�eu�whetl�er ur not�he ruma we `" __ -`- <br /> then due. _- <br /> - If the Property Is abandoned by BaROwer,or if,after notice by Lender to Rorr�wer�hAt the cundemnar offerx to mnke - <br /> an nwurd ar settle a claim for damages,Botmwer fails to rcspond�o Lender within 30 duy�nf1e�lhe dute the nntice is given, , <br /> l.ender is au�horiud�o collect and apply the praceeds,at i�s aplion.either w restoration or repalr of tho Property or to Ihe � ,-... <br /> � . suma secured by Ihin Secudty lnstrumem,whether or not then due. �.�,'•�`. _� <br /> , t►nlegs Leader n�d Bonower otlxrwise agrre in wrlUng,any npplication of procceds to princfpul shall not extend or _ _ ` ' <br /> � pwtpone the dua dato af'Ihe monlhly paymenla raFeRed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chonge Ihe amount of Fuch payments. <br /> ll. Borrowe� Not Releascd= Rorbcorance By I.ender Not a WAiver. Extension of the tbne far payment or <br /> ' � � ` �� � moditicatian of amatizallon oi the sumx secured by this Security Instniment grnn�ed by l.ender io uny succeRSar in interest `%_--� <br /> � � af Barrower.rhull nat operute 10 release the li�bility of Ihe ariginal Borrower or Borrnwcr�Fucceis.gor�in fnteresl. Lender �=`�-"- <br /> ' ,� ahall not be required tu commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuRe �o �Ktend time far payment or _. <br /> otherwfse modify arnortizetion of the sums�ecured by this 3ecurity Instrument by reason ot any demand mAde by the original <br /> � ! Bixrower or Borrowerk aucce+sors in interest. Any forbeannce by Lender in exerci9ing any right ar rcmedy shall not be a <br /> -� waiver of ar prccludc the eaercisc af uny ri�ht�r rcmcdy. ���� <br /> 12. Successore And AsalgnR Soupd=Jolnt a�d Several I.fability;Co-slgners. 'llie covenunts and ngrecmcnts of Ihis � + . <br /> � Securi�y Ins�niment ahall bind and benefit �he succesqarR and assigns of Lender and Barrower,xubJec��a the pmvisiona of � - <br /> � , purugruph 17. Borcowera covemm►s und ugrcements xhidl he joint anJ severul. Any HaROwer w•ho co•signs this Securily ��,��_� <br /> • Inslrument bu�d��es nat execute the Note: la)is ca-signing this Security Instrument only to mongage,gmnt und canvey Ihut = <br /> Borruwer 4 inle�esl in Ihe Prupeny un�er the lermg of�hix Serurily Inxlrumcnl; (b)is not peraonally nbligalPd ta puy Ihe sumc <br /> secured by thi�Security In�trumenr,and(c)ogreex thm Lender und uny Mher Borrower may agree to extend,malify,farbenr `=�:.s.�+U- <br /> . or make any accornmodwlions with regnrd�o the terms of this Securiry l�strumeot or the Nde without �hat Borrowor's �='�'" <br /> ,:r" consenl. ---- <br /> , 13. l.oan Charges. If�he lonn zecured hy �his Securi�y Inx�rument ix xubject to u luw which xe�x muximum lonn ��=��-=• <br /> ' ':<'' chargeg,und thut luw is finully interpreted sn�hut Ihe interest or other loun churgec collected or to be rnllecteJ in connec�ian -- <br /> " with the lonn exceed�he permitted limi�c,then: la)any such loan chnrRe xhull be reduced by the amaunl necessary�o reduce <br /> � Ihe charFe�o Ihe pemtiUcd Iimi1;und Ih)uoy tiumx nlmudy colkcled frno�B��m�wer which excreded�xnni��ed limilx will ix <br /> '_ -_-=-- � fefuil�kd iu 8u�iowri. ix���k�uwy ci�w,e tu mukr ti�i,�eiw�J i,y��fuciug tiie p�incipai uweJ uixki ihe N��ie or by making a ---- <br /> � direct payment to Borrower. If a rcfund reduces principal,the reduction will be treated a4 a partial prepayment wilhoul any <br /> ' � prepayment chnrge under the Note. <br /> _ 14. Notlees. Any notice to Bortower provided for in thi� Security Inslrument shull he given hy dclivering it nr by <br /> mailing it hy fi�1 class mail unle�s upplicuble luw reyuirex use of unnthermethod.The naice�hnll F�di�e��ed to the Pm�erly - <br /> • Addr+esc or uny alher address Borrower designntes by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shAll he given by first cluss <br /> mail lu Lender5 address slnted herein or any other uddress Lender designates by notice to Borruwer. Any notice provided for <br /> ' in thic Security In�tlrument shull bc deemeJ to huve been givea to Borrower or Lender when given a� pruvided in this <br /> parugroph. <br /> , ' IS. Coverning Luw; Severabillly. This Security Instrument shall hr govemed by fedcml law und thc Inw of the <br /> jurisdiction in which the Propeqy is located. In the event ihat any provision or clause of ihic Seourity Inx�rument or�he Na�e �'_� �_��_ — <br /> �• conflicls with upplicable law,sunc�onflict shall not affecl other provi�ionx of this S:curity Instrumenl or Ihe Note which cnn <br /> ' be�iven effect without the conflicting provision. 'Ib this end the proviaions of this Security Instrument nnd the Note are �_��` <br /> declared ta be severable. = <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower sholl he given one canFortned copy of Ihe Note and of this Security Inslrument. � ;=T <br /> � 17. 7lransfer of the Property or o BeneficfAl lnterest in Borrower. IP ull or uny pan of the PropeAy or any interest in ��r'.°- <br /> . it is sold or trontferted lor if e lxneficinl intercct in Bormwer is sold or�runsferced unJ Bonower is nnt a natural perxonl , , � <br /> � wilhoul Lender's prior wdtten consent,Lender may,ut its option,reyuire immcdiate puymern in full of nll sums sccured by <br /> � , � this Security Inswment. However,this option shall not be exercixed by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal lew a�of 1 � .-- <br /> � � �.. <br /> the date af Ihis Security lnstrumenl. - <br /> � If Lender eaercises Ihis uplion, Lcnder shall give Bormwer notice of acceleration. The notice ghnll prrnide n periad of <br /> not lesa than 30 dt►ys from thc datc�he notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay ail sum5 xecurcd by this l ' • <br /> ' . Sccuri�y Ins�rummt. If Borrower fnil�to pny Ihese sums prior�o �he expimtion of this period, Lender may invoke any . <br /> , rcmedies permitled by this Security Instrument wi�hout funher nntice or demund on Borrower. <br /> ° I8. Borrower's Rlght to Reinslate. If Bnrn�wer mee�s certain condi�ians, Bom►wer xhull huve Ihe righl to lii�ve <br /> enforcement of this Security Instrumen�diuominued at any time prior to the enrlier of: (a) 5 days(or such other period ns <br /> � Singk Fnmlly••Fon�k MxlMYeddk M�c UNIkURM IN.STRUMFNT••Unfform Cormmns 9190 qwRe a�,fn r,uRrs► <br /> 1 . <br /> — , . <br /> �. <br /> �_ I � <br /> 1 __._.-. . ,I I <br /> � <br /> I <br /> . , • <br /> 1 <br />_.--_ l ' � <br /> • <br /> �y <br />