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<br /> � � periods�hat Lender«yuires. The inqurunce currfer providing the insurance shall6e chc►.cen by Borrower subjecl to Lender i� r:_=-='
<br />-�•.•-_�� �•- :_,�.-- n�+mvAl which.hall not be unrcasonably withheld. if Barower fuilR to maintnin coverage deac�lbed above.Lendet may,al
<br /> � � Lende�Aaptlan,obtaln covarage to proteel Lender R nghls in the 1'ropeny in accuniwicn w����N�ag++pti 7. . — _------
<br /> All Insurance policiea and renewals xhall be acceptuble to l.ender and shall include a alanderd martgage clouxe, Lender
<br /> shall have the right ta hold the policles und renewalA, If Lender rcqulrca,Barrower�hall promp�ly give to Lender all recelptt , �._� _____
<br /> af paid premlums und�+enewal nolkeg. In thc event af losa,Borrower shall�ivc prompt naice to�he inwranoe arrier and .
<br />' • L.cnder. Leader may make proof of loss if not mnde promptly by Bartower.
<br /> Unk4s Lender and Borsower ahenvfse agrca in writiag.{nsurance proceeds ehell be applied to restaratian or Rpair af •
<br /> � � tbe Proper1y damaged, if�he rcstoretion or repair is ecanamicully feoxible and I.enderk secu�ity is na le4sened. If the
<br /> - �� rcxtWUlfa� ur nNu{r I� nat economkally frnniLk ur Lcinler%�ecwlly would be tessened, the insuronce praeeed�shall be � ��"-` _-
<br /> �•---'� np�+A�d m �he �u�-.e er�ured by thi� Secudty InstNment, whelher ar not then due, wi�h wiy exces� puld ta Barrowet !f ! -°_'=-'=--_
<br /> - - Borrowcr abandons the Praperty, or docs not unswer wlihin �0 deys n noticr t�om l,cnder U►At �he insuriuue carcier has ��
<br /> � offercd io senle e cleim,�hen Lender muy c�llect the insu�ance proceeds. Lender may use�he procxdx to rcpair or restore ° . `
<br /> the Property or to pay sums securcd by thfr Secur�ty In:trumm�,whelhe�or not�hen due. The 30-doy period will begin when �=""
<br /> �he notice is given. ��
<br /> Unks�Lender and Borrower othenvise n rec in w�itin ,an a lication of roceeds to r�m;i al shall aot eatend or `""�
<br /> 8 8 Y PP P P P C ':'-.�:�:�_�-
<br /> . postpone the due date of�he monthly payments referrcd�o in paragrnphs I and 2 ar change�he amount of the payments. If • �---=_-
<br /> under pwgroph 21 �he Propeny ia acquircd by Lender. Bomnwcr?�right to any inxurance policies and proceeds rcsuhfng y"�r.::�, _ �
<br /> from damage to�he Property pdor to the acquidtion ahall pACC to l.endar to�he extent of the sums secut�ed by this Suurity �_-�`-"�('�'-
<br /> � Inepumrnt immediately pr�ar to the acquisition. -�•-�--
<br /> 6. Occup�ncl, PreservAtion. Mpintenance and ProtecNon ot the Proparty; Borrower's l.w�n Appllcalbn; �-.--�� � ' ''^
<br /> LaiaehoWla Borrower shall accupy,eslnblish,and use the Property as 8orrower's prfncipal rcsidence within sixty dwys Afte� -
<br /> the execution of Ihis Secu�ity Inslrument and shali canlinue la accupy the PropeRy as Barrowerls principol residence for at _
<br /> � least one year after the dnte of occupnncy, u�kas Lender othenvise agrees in writing, which consent ahall not be �-.�__
<br /> unreaxapably wilhheld.ar unless extenua�ing circumslances ealsl which am beyond Borrowerk conirol. Borrower shall not -
<br /> desiroy,damege or impeir the Piraperty,allow the Property to deteriorute,or commit was�e on Ihe Property. Borrower ahall
<br /> be in defeult if ony forf'eilure action or praceeding,whether civil ar criminul,is begun thnt in Lenderk good faith judgment �.- --
<br /> .. could resuli in forfeituK of the Propeny or oihenvise mAterially impair Ihe lien creuted by �his 5ecurity Inatrument or -
<br /> Lender n secu�ity interesl. Borrower may cure such u defnult und reinxtute,as provided in puragraph 18,by cuusing the aclion __
<br /> � or proceeding lu be dismissed with a niling thot,in Lender's gaod fai�h determinntian,precludes forfeiture af the Bomower's
<br /> • imerc4t in �he Propeny or other muteriul impnimient of the Ilen crestted by this Security Ins�rumem ar Lenderi�security
<br /> interest. porcowNr sholl ulsa t+� in default if Bormwer, during the IoAn upplicution procesc. gave materiully ful�c or
<br /> inaccurate infortnation or s�atemen�.e to Lender(or failed�o provide Lender with any material inPomwtian)in connection with
<br /> • the lonn evidenced by Ihe Note, including. bul no� limited �o, represenlulions concerning Borrower's occupuncy of the
<br /> . Property us a principal residence. If this Security Instrumen�ig an u lenqehold.Borrower ghall comply with nll�he provi�bns
<br /> . of the le�se, If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property,the lensehald and the fee title xhall not merge unkss Lender ag�ees
<br /> ' • , to the merser in w�iting.
<br /> ' ,;, 7. ProteMlop oP Lender•s Rights in Ihe Property. If Borrower fails to perfomi the covenums und ngreements
<br /> ' conlained in this Security Instrument,or therc ig n legul pracecding thnt may significnntiy nffect Lender�rights in Ihe
<br /> Pmperty(�ucb ag A proceeding in bnnkruptcy,pmbate,for condemnulion or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulutions),Ihen
<br /> L.ender mny do and pay for whnteve�is necessary io protect�he vulue of the Nroperty and Lender?s riFhis in�he Property.
<br /> -. ." Lender's aciions may include paying any sums secured by u lien which hns priority over this Securiry Inswment,nppeuring •
<br /> � in courl,paying rensonable atlnmeys'fees und entering on ihe Propeny to make repai�e. Al�hough Lender may toke actfon f`'
<br /> '',,� �� under thls parug�aph 7,Lender dces nol hnve to do so.
<br /> '•,:' , Any amounts di.sbur�ed by Lender under this purugruph 1 shnll become udditiorwl debt of Bomower secured by this -
<br /> ' Security Instrument. Unless Borrower und Lender ngree to other�erms of pnyment,�hese nmounts�hall bear interest from�he { :-
<br /> ` date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall t�e payable,with inlerest,upon notice from Lendcr to Barower rcque�ting . "
<br /> puymerN. ' '_•° .•;:
<br /> . 8. Morlga�e Inwrance. If Lender reyuired manguge insurunce us u condi�ion of making ihe lo�n secured by�his �. <-
<br />