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��� :t''Y� ' ^ . .. ��� `t`�� � �.�.a�.�._-�..�'_.-_-_ _. _ ..� �. <br />- � o.T •.��. _•JyMi���W��L.�. ..r.... • /��1���-Yr"a"�}'`�IL�LC.f�:�=�r.�._z-.-r-.. <br /> .,�,.•_ <br /> _ • .. . , . _ .,,, .,,,;,F„ , .,. . . .. . . .... .•i'1�::_'�'T�tn..°tt���i��'�'¢�;�4.-__--�--� <br /> � „ . ' ' *:5.,+ww:1`-Y:+3w°�}i1r�,'.�;c7.. � ^ .. '..:��A11.31���t.v"�y ,ii•:.1:' . . — � � ...�.� <br /> ' .. , ,. ..,. <br /> - - —' _ �\i�a. .wtL a4 - -- - - �,t' _i .� ... " - ' _ �J Y+_t.��.1'�.T <br /> - . '" .�.�" � <br /> � " ����' A���/ �----— <br /> S. . . �„�• �O�L'S,i"�! �"`� . <br /> -� ~ �: . . <br /> •-• _-=�t - epplicable faw maY �Decify for reinawtement) beforo sale oi the Propeny pur�uant ta any power of sule contained in this <br /> --- - ' .— - . Secutity Instrument:or lb)entry ot a�udgmm�enCa�cii��c�ls�ccurtiy Instsucc�ertl. 'Ph�rs cY+ndi�io^."a"hei R^r""w�rr �a► .-_--!_ <br /> �� paya Lender aU sums which then would be due under tbis Securfty Instrument and the Nae an if no accelera�lon had �� <br /> •� occurted;(b)cum any defpult of any other covenrm�or agrccmenu;(e)paye all expenses incumed in eniorcing this Secudty _ <br /> •� � Inetrument.including,but not Umited to, rason�ble at�ameys'feea: w�d ld) takes auch action as Lender may re�sonobly <br /> � .. requirc to aesure Ihat the Ifen of this Security Instn�ment.Lenderk rlghu in Ihe Property and BoRawcr's obl4gation to pAy�hc ��:��-.----- <br /> � �. ' eums sa:u�d by thfs Security instrument shall contfnue unchanged. Upon reins�atemenl by Borrower, this Security L . ...��re;�� <br /> Instrument a�the obligations securcd hereby sFwll rcmaia fully effective a�if no accelewtion had accaRed. Howaver.this ��� ` <br /> � . � - �. r�Bht to roin��At��hall nnt+��ly in the case of accelewtion under part�raph 17. �� _ _ <br /> � � _ __ � l9. Sak oi Nate;Ci�aa�e of L�w�Serviccr. 'ihe Nae ar a partial intercst in the Note Itogciher wiih this Secumy _ ._ <br /> � �. inswmentl m�y bc: suid uue or�titore timi�s wiUiuut t�ri��r nnticc to eorrou•cr. A snle mny rc+ult in a chsc►�e in!he entlty ��''''- ',<°r>-- <br /> (known os the'Loan Servicer")ths�l collects monthly paymenta due under the Note and�his Securlty Insuumrnt. There also � ..' ,.,..... <br /> may be one or morc changea of Ihe L.oan Servicer unrelated lo n s�le of the Note. If�here is a chunge of�he Loan Servicer. • <br /> Borrower wlll be given written notice of Ihe change in accords�nce with paregraph 14 above and appliceble law. The notice . <br /> will state the name and addcess of the new Loan Servicer and the addrc�Q to which payments shauld be mado. The notice will m:,_. - � <br /> . �I�o contoin any other fniormation rcquircd by applicoble law. ,,,,:_t----- <br /> t0. Ha�rdoue SuMtances. Borrower:hell not cnuse or permi�the presence,use.disposul.atorage,or release of any �:�:_-__� <br /> " Hozardous Substancea on or in the Property. Borrower shell not dn,nor allow nnyone else to do,enythinpt affecting Ihz � `�_ <br /> `:___- ----- <br /> Propeny Ihat 1s in violodon of any Envimnmental Law. 71ie preceding two sentences shall not opply to the presence,use,or ,.•.-A�. <br /> eto►age on the Property of amall quwntitiea of Hazardous Subntance�tlwt are general�Y rccaYniud to be approprinte to normal �;�_:..._.. _ � <br /> _ .� • residential uses and to maintenence of the Property. ` ��� � "- �- <br /> " Borrower ahall promptly give Lender w�itten notice of any investigation,clafm,demand.lawsuit or other nctian by any � • °,_;;:. <br /> govemmental or rogulutory agency or private party Involving the Property and any Hn�ardous Subslance or EnvironmcMul ,:_,,:;�y,;-- <br /> Law of which Borrower hax aclual knowkdge. If Borrower leuns, or is notified by eny govemmemal or regulutory ��=_= _ <br /> • � aulharity,that nny removal or ather remedialion oi nny Hazu�dnus 5ubstunce uffecting Ihe Propeny is necessary.Bomawer .`�.�,,,� .._ <br /> -" : , shalf promptly take all necesvary r�medial ac�ions in accordance with�nvironmcnwl Law. ••.�_:.;: ''�� <br /> As used in ihia parnga+ph 20,"Huznrduus Subsiunce4'nre�hose subQtances defineJ as�oxic or huzurcl�us subs�ances hy , a►,,.- ' <br /> � Environmen�ol Luw nnd the fc►Qowing subs�unces: gucoline, keracene.other flnmmuble or toxic petroleum pnxiucts, toaic '"<;=?s�,`�Fz4?`s <br /> peslicides ond herbicidea, volulile solvents,ma�eriuls rontaining act,e.rtox or fortnAldehyde, und rndioactive mnterinls. As " ,�;. , - <br /> " � used in this pnrngraph 20,"Envimnmcntal Law"meuns federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Properly is localed t•'��4 Wy}y. �� � <br /> tnw,__ � <br /> . � that relate to heahh.snfety or environmental prolection, k''a`'���±;� <br /> NQN-UNlFORM COVENANTS. Barrower und Lendcr funher covenunt and n rce us followg: ;�`•,;�::- <br /> B U• .': •, .-� <br /> � 21. Accekration; Remedfes. Lender shall give notke ta Barrower priar lo AcceterAtion fidlowin� Borrower's -���-- <br /> breach of any covenonl or aRreement In lhis Securlly In.qlrumeat 16ut nM prMr to accelerANnn under p�raR�ph 17 �+�m_�-+._',�+_�'`' <br /> �� unles9 Applic�ble law provides otherwicel. The nMice sholl apeciPy: lul Ihe defuult;lb1 the acNo�reyuired to cure the =_ — <br /> . . � deiAUU;lc)a date.not less thnn 30 days from the dale the noUce is�iven to whkh the defAUlt muq be `L� <br /> cured;And!d1 Ibat iAilure to cure the deiault on ar before the date specifled ia the nWice mpy resull in acceleration a� <br /> ) Ihe xum.g aecu�ed by Ihis Securfly Inslrumenl and snle uP the P�uperly. The notice shull Purlher iaPi�rm Borruw•er af <br /> --"---- Ihe right to reiastpte aiter acceieraiion and ihe righi io i,rZiig a c�wii aci3�n io�.csert ihe aon-exl�icscc of�defa�li ar <br /> __ <br /> � any�Nher defense uP Ilurruwer IU accelerali��n und sule. If'Ihe defuult is n�N cured un or 6efore the dute apecified io <br /> Ihe natice,l.ender at ilq npNom m�y�equire immediate payment ia full oP nll suma secured by Ihic Securflv Inqlrument <br /> without iurther demand and may Invuke lhe pxwer ui xule and uny ulher remedieY permllled by app8c�blr Inw. �--�—�-��� <br /> I.ender shall be endtled to collecl ull incurred in purRUin� Ihe remedies provlded in thf.4 purukruph 21. <br /> including.but not 8mited to.reasonable atlorneys•iees and costs ot tille evidence. - <br /> � � If the power of gak is fnvoked�'IYustee chAll record a ooUce oi'dePpult in vach.counly in whicn uny part ui'the = <br /> Property is localed und shall mell copies of guch nutke ia lhe tnnnner prescribed bv upplicable law to Borrower And to � <br /> the other per.sons prescrfbed by applicable law. Afler fhe Ume reyuired bv appNcable law.71�ustee shs�ll gi�•e public � <br /> notice oP sale to the persons und fn Ihe manner presc�ibed bv appUcuble lua�. 'IYustee.wlthout demAnd on Rnrruwer. �+ --�- <br /> sbwll sell the Properly at publlc aucllon to the htgheql bldder ut!hc ilme and Nivrr anJ u��dei�ihe terms deslgnated In k _ <br /> the noNce of�le in one or more parcel4 and in onv nrder'IYuslee determiaes. 'I�uctee may poclpone!wlc of all ar any I?y�° <br /> parcel of the Properly bY public announcement At Ihe time ond place ui s�ny previuusly scheduled sak. Lende�or it4 � <br /> • desl6nee mAy purcba.ce the Prope�ty at any sule. <br /> � �� Upon receipt oi payment oP Ihe price bid.7�u5tee chall deliver to the purchaser 7Yu�tee's deed cunveying lhe �° - _ <br /> � , Prnperty. The recitnls in the'llrustee's deed shull he prima facie evidence ui Ihe truth ol'the statemeMs made therein. ' " <br /> 7lrustee s6all apply the proceeds of the sale in the following nrder: Io1 tu all cosl.v and expenses of exe�ciaing the pnwer 4_ _ <br />_ � �..'.'ti'�;.,. <br /> •-� _ � � j '� <br />