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<br /> " � condemnalfan or olher taking of uny pan of the Pruperty,or for conveyunce�n lieu ol'rondemnation,urc hereby unxi�sned und �°�=�.'��=�_��"��
<br /> rwrian�---�-•
<br /> - ___—___ . sha!!bc pnid ta Lrnder. ._��_�_____ _
<br /> In the cvem �f n�otal luking of thc Propeny, �he proceedx shall he upplied �o the swi�a xccured by thiK tiecurfty —
<br /> IngtnimeM,whether or nnt�hon due.with any exresc paid to Borrower. In�hc evenl ui�a puAiul�ukb�g��f�hc Praperly in E�=����-
<br /> ,� wbich the fair market valua of�hc Pmperty immediately before the�aking is eyuul�o ur grcuter than Ihe amount af ihc xumx ' _
<br />- � • . . recurcd by�hfs Scc;urity InRlrument immediately hefnre Ihe tuking,unleRS Bormwer uod l.endcr Mhervvi�e ngrce in wriling. •:s-..a,==
<br /> �he sums�secured by this Securfly Inslrumenl +hull be reduced by Ihe umount af the pnxeed� multiplieJ By the following '� ^
<br /> � fmction: (o)the tolal amount oi the sumA R�cured immeJfalely befare�he�nking,divided by Ib> Ihe fair murkct valua c�f thc --
<br /> � � - � . Pm n immedialel 6eforc�he tnkln An hulance shall bc �id�o BoROwer. In the evenl id'u partful taking��f�he
<br /> p� Y Y 8� Y p ._ti.�.�..�,_
<br /> � . Propeny in which thc fair morket value �f�he Pmperty Immediatelv 6efc+rc�he lakln�ir lesx�han thc amount of lhe .rumw _ _ �_
<br /> xecurcd immedintely Ixforc�he laking, unlcss Horrnwer and Lendcr othcrw�Qc ugrcc In wrlting��r unlewa applicuhfe law ___ y
<br /> ", othenvise provides,lhe pnxealx Khall be applied tn the eumr cccured by �his S �iri�y tnawmcnt whathcr ur nm ihc sumx a�c :_.____ __-_�- _
<br /> ihen due. - _ _
<br /> � ° If the Pn►pchy i�:ahaixlonrd by Hnrn►wcr,or if,nftcr notice hy l.enJcr lo Hanuwcr Ihul lhe condemn�tt offc�s lo maka —
<br /> � � an nwunl or�aUe a rlalm far dumaQea.8om►we�fails�o reg�►nd!o L.endcr wUhin ill doya uficr the dace the nmice i�givcn, _
<br /> Lcnder ia au�horlr.ed to cc►Ilect and apply�he pnxeedv.ut ita optlnn,eithcr la rcxtaru�ion or repnir oi Ihe Proprhy or�o the --__�---
<br /> — �• ���� sums xccurcd by thfa SecurUy Invlrumcnt,whelher or not�hen due. �``n `;.;�_,,.;,
<br /> Unless Lender and Horrower whcnvfxe uprcc in wrfting, any u�liwtion of pnxccds m principul ghull nnt cxleod or �•ti���'---���s•
<br /> postpone thc due dnte of�he manthly puyments referrcd�o in puragrnpha 1 ond 2 or chunRc�hc umaunl of Ruch payments. ° "��`� `
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Releasedi Furbea�ance By I.ender Not a Walver. Extension �f ihe time for payment or __.._�
<br /> n modiflcntian of amoniu►�ian of the sums securcd by Ihiti Secu�ity Ins�rumcrn grnmcd by Leader lo uny xuccessor in intere�t "'"'`�`°-
<br />