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<br /> ,:..�-�:w-__ applicabk law may �pecify for reinstatement)bofon sale of�he Property pursuw�t�a any power of salc corn�faM in this
<br /> .� -_ ... . _ �ecunry lnetrument:or(b)enlry uf�judgmenl enion:iug�i�ie Sa.��ily uiniiui�roii�. iiiv�:..�:.'�.�::3.^.S^..^�'»�'.R! �nrn►��.M• Inl --_— -- °-
<br /> pAy�Lender all �ums which then would ba duc under thi�5ecudty lnstrument and the Nde as if no acccicration had
<br />, �'' ., oc�urred;(b)curca any defAUlt of rny dher covenAnts or ag�ementa:(c)pwys pll expensea incumed in enforcing Ihia Secudly ----
<br /> �• " . � In�+tn�ment,including, but nd limiled ta, rcasonable anameyR'feea; and (d) takee�uch ac�ian wa Lendar mry rewc�n�bly
<br /> , rcyufrc lo oseum Ihal the 8en of tble Sceu�ity In�trument.Lender's righlh in tha Propcny and Borrowe�k obligadon�o puy Iho
<br /> sume �securcd by Ihfs Security Inalrumenl shell caminue unchan�ed. Upon reinslutement by Harmwer. Ihis Secudty
<br /> � ' Inslmment ond Ihe obligationa�ecurcd hereby shall remain fully effective�s iF no�eceletnlion hod occuRed. However,Ihis
<br /> dQht to rcio��ate�hell na a}�+ly In�he caKe of accelera!!on urtder pataQroPh 17. �—__--
<br /> _„� _ . . ; 14. S�le d Notei ChanRe of La�n Servker. The Naie c►r�panld interc�t in thc N�te 1��elher wlth thi� Sxurity
<br /> '� - Ing�n�mrn�)may Mc sold one or morc iimes wi�hout p�ior naice to Borrowor. A �le may nyult in�chpngc in thc enUty �� -�--'��
<br /> � I (known os�hc"Loan Servicer")th�t collx�s monlhly payments duc under thc Note and this Sceu�ity Ineuument. 71terc also
<br /> � may be one or more chrnges oP the Loan Servicer unrcluted lo n sale oi the Note. li�herc i�a chunge of the Loon Servicer.
<br /> Bartower wlll b�given written nodce of the chonge in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable Ipw. The odlce �_ _
<br /> ; � will state tha name and addrcaa of the new I.oan Servicer and 1he addre�c w which paymenls�hould ba mnde. The notice will —
<br /> �l�ocontain any other infortnation roquirc+d by�ppllcable I�w.
<br /> , 20. H�zardous Sub�tancea. Barower thall not cwse or permit the pasence.use.disposel.etarnge,or�elease oi any ,,.•,,•:��� . _
<br /> Hazardous Subslances on or in tbe Propeny. Bomowu shatl no[do,nor �Ilow anyane etse to do,unything affectiog�he :....:�:
<br /> Property that is in violadon of eny Environmental Law. 71u prcceding two sentaicee ehall not apply to the presence.usc,or �••
<br /> �, .�:;.�---- -
<br /> etoragc on the Property of small quwntitfes of Hazardous 3ubaUinces that are generaUy racogniud to be eppropdet�to nmmal � —__ � -
<br /> I residendal uses end to maintenance of the Roperty. � _-
<br /> � �� Borcower shall promptly give Lender written naice of any inveatigation,claim,demand.IAwsuit or other action by any r�1�•�
<br /> . govemmentel or rcgulatory agrncy or private party involving�he Propeny and any Hazardous Substance or Environmenlal � .-
<br /> .. Law af which Borrower has acwel knowledge. If Bortower leams, or is notified by any governmentel or regulalory �
<br /> _ authority,that any rcmoval or ather remediation of eny Hazardous Substance aifecdng U►e Property is necessary,Borrower -
<br /> ahell prompdy take all necessury remedial actions in accordance wilh Environmentul l.uw. '�'�".�'%"� • °'
<br /> •� As used in Ihis paragraph 20,"Ha�ardous Substances"are those substances de�ned as toaic or hnznrdous substances by � ��.�-�--
<br /> � Envlronmental l.aw and the following substunces: gasoline,kerosene,ather flommnble or toxic petmleum product4,toaic •. � -
<br /> , pestic i des an d he r bicides,volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or foimAldehyde, and rndioaclive materials. As � r
<br /> � uxed in this parngrnph 20,"Environmemal Law"means federpl laws and laws o1'Ihe jurisdiction where 1he Propeny is loceted � � •
<br /> that relate to health.safery or environmental protection. =
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower anJ Lender funher covenunt nnd ugree as 1'ollowa: �-
<br /> 21. Accekradon; Remedies. Lender ahall glve notice lo Borrower prior to acceleraUon �ollowing Borrawe�'s �`�'
<br /> bre�ch of any rnvenanl or agreeaieat in Ihis Securlly loslrument(but not prior to acceleration under paragraph l7 �.,:�,�
<br /> , unlesa Applkable low provldea otherwise). The notice aholl speclfy: �a)Ihe defAUll;lb)Ihe actbn requ(red to cure Ihe -
<br /> . • de�ault;(c)o date.not less ths�n 30 d�ys irom the dote Ihe nottce Is given to Rorrower,by wbkh the default must be
<br /> cured;rnd�d)Ihat tailure to cun the defuult on or beiore the date specifled In the notice may result in accekrnlfon uf
<br /> _._, , Ihe eums secured by thls Security Instrumenl and sale of the Propertv 'fhe notke shall further Inform eorrower oP - ____,__ _.
<br /> - l" Ihe�ighl to reinstate ARer accelerotion and Ihe rlght to bring A court aclbn to ascert the aomext9tence of a deFaull or
<br /> . . • . any other defense of Bwrower lo Acceleratbn and sale. It fhe dePault is not cured an or bePnre the date speclfted in _
<br /> • � Ihe aotice,l.ender at ita opltan moy require immedlate payment in full oiall sum.g sccured by Ihis Secu�ity lostrument "l—
<br /> _ without fu�ther demand and moy invoke Ihe power of sale und any olher remedleg permilted by opplicable law. _
<br /> Lender shall be enUtled fo collect afl expenses incurred in pursuing tbe remedies provided in Ihiv pa��raph 21. _
<br /> Includiag.but not limited to,reasonable attorneys'fees nnd cosls of tlttP evidenc�..,
<br /> li the power of sak iR invoked,71�ustee shall record u notice of default in each county in which nny part oP Ihe �`
<br />' � � Property is located and shall maU coples oP such notice in the manner prescrlbed by applicable luw lo Borrower and to `
<br /> Ihe other persons prescribed by Appflcable law. Alter Ihe time reyuired by ppplicAble IAw.7lrustee shull Rive public ��='
<br /> notice oi'sale to Ihe persons and in the manner presc�ibed by Applkable law. 'I�uslee.wllhuut demond on Horrower. � '�
<br /> � �"�.
<br /> ahali sell the Properyy at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under Ihe terma deslRnated in --
<br /> Il�e notke of r�ule in one or more parcels and In any order 7Yuclee delermincw. 'IYastee mav puslpnne wle of ull or uny • ��n_"
<br /> . pprcel oP ihe Praperty by public Annauncement at the time and plwce oi any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its � - -
<br /> ' de9l�nee moy purcbose the Properly al any sale. " ••
<br /> �� ��' Upon receipt oP payment of the price bid.71�ustee shall deliver to Ihe purcbaser 7lvstee's deed cunveyinR Ihe
<br /> � �,�
<br /> Property. The recilals in Ihe'IYustee's deed shall be prlma Pacie evidence oPthe truth of Ihe stutements made Iheretn. ''��
<br /> 7lruslee�holl opply Ihe proa�eeds o�'1he s�le ia the Following order: la)to all caets ond expeases oP exercising the porrer
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