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<br /> �' S "+�' _�'�!�l:��it3J�'!%!t�n'Y:.�t�._1•_il�.i'-�ix�_tr. .xaG .tzt i � _ :�•�, Y} 1 y i..
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<br /> ._._s�..�.�.i�...�:.--.-_. �r perinds thnt Lender reyuirex. The insurunce carrier providing�he insurAnce xhall be rhosen by Borruwer suhject �o Lender c � _ ;„-�"
<br /> = � ^ ,, a rovul which ahull not be unrcusanably wUhheld. If Barrower luils io mu�main covemge J��uibcJ ufwve.Len�ier may,u� '.;�;,'.`��•__-�` :'-
<br /> � • Lenderk optinn,obtuin coveruge lo protect Lender R rlgh�s in ihe Propeqy in uccardunce wilh puragraph 7. �. �
<br /> _ All insurnnce poNcies anJ renewnlF shall be accep�uble lu L.ender uod shnll include a xtundard mortgnge cluuse, L.ender , -
<br /> shall have�he right tc►hald�he policics ond renewnlx. If I.ender reyuircs,Barrow•er xhnll pmmptly gfve to l.cnde�all receipts `
<br /> : , " of paid premlums and renewal notices. In�he event af'lox4,Bortnwer shull give prompt notice�o�he inxurwice cnrrier und i :_�_,_,._ -
<br /> � L.ender. Lender may make pra►f of loss if not mada pmmptly by Bcirrower. �'":•:--°-_•--�-_ .
<br /> ��—Q -
<br /> � Unless Lender anJ Borrower otherwise u ree in wrliin ,inaurance rcxeed�xhuil t►e u IieJ io resioration ar re alr of ' , :`•�' ��'-'-"
<br /> 6 S P PP P �..;�..��:_•_a�_-r;�.,.....,r_
<br /> , � �he Propeny damaged, if the restoro�iun or rEpuir ix emr�omirolly ieusible unJ Lenderg security is na Ic�senrd. If ihc ��-,.�,�;?`��.°-���_
<br /> '�� . rc��oru�ian or rcpui� i� nrn economically feu4ible or Lenderk xecurny would be lessened, �he ineurance proceeds�hull !�e '��`"`_':`�^'�•�_Yi.
<br /> � -' applied lo the sums securcd hy �his becurny instrument, whelher nr na ihen Jue, wi�h uny cacc.:. �rfJ t�ti Rarrn�:cr. !f � '
<br /> � ' Barrower abandons �he Propeny, or docs not answor wi�hin 711 duyA u natice from Lender thut the �n�ur:mce carrier hux t:� as�+� ,��.
<br /> _ " uffered lo setlle a claim.�hen Lender may collec��he in«uramce pmceedx. l.ender muy u�e�he prcKeedr+tn repuir or re�tore ��� '" ," `-•W • •
<br /> �he Propeny or m pny suma 4ecuRd by�bis SecurUy Inctrumem.whether or nrn�hen due. Thr 3t1•dny perlal wlll h�,�e�n when t���Y a•�;i��;
<br /> • tFro natice is givcn. t..;-���^�:'
<br /> Unless Lender und Born►wcr��therwi!;c ngrcc in writing, uny appliculiim of pr�xced���� principnl tihidl na�ez�cnd or . • �� •
<br /> " � poslpane the Jue dute of�he mon�hly p��ymcnls rcl'crrcd�n in purugruphs I �md 2 or change ihe mnnunt uf�hc piiymcm�. If ; - : :; . ;_. -,
<br /> under pamgrnph 21 the F'�openy i�ncyuircd hy I.rnder, Rnm�wrr�c n�shi lu+�oy insurunce��licie���nd prcxeeds rcxuhing � ,.� �
<br /> - • -- fiom dama e to�he I'm tt ria� �o ibe ac ui«i�iun Ahell a«to Lender lo the cKlcnt�►f Ihe aumx r,ecureJ b ihl�5rcuri� �"�`�""
<br /> B fx Y P 4 P Y Y i •� -�!'.::.�
<br /> Inxlrument immed i�ur ly pr for lo i hc uryu i�iNon. t. � . . '. '=—
<br /> b. (lccupwncy� P�ese���qllun, M�lalenonce and ProtecUon of the Propertyi Hor�ower'A I.uan Appllcwllont , '"'`'"-�
<br /> LeWaehuldA. Burrawer shnll�xcupy.e�t��hN�h,nnd u�c U�c F`nq,chy nr Rurn�werk pnncip�d rcvidencc wi�hin slx�y duyr nf�cr . ��-�
<br /> - . Ihe eaecu�ion oi thiq Security Ing�nrmem nnd �hull amtinue io�KCUpy�he Pmpeny nc H�+rrnwer ri principul rcsidence for u� , :�
<br /> . . . . leu.rt one yeur nlie: Ilie dutc uf �KCUp��ncy. unlexx LenJcr �Nhenvir:c iigrec� In wri�fng, wlsich cixnrm �hnll n�d Ix �. - �.�
<br /> unrcn4onahly wilhhelJ,or unlesq ex�cnuaNng ci�umglc►nre4 exis�wBich u�e hcy�md Aorrower'.s comml. Hi�m►wer Khull n��� '�=�_�.;-�.
<br /> � dexlroy,dnmage or impaiir�he{'ru�ny.uUow�Ue Pnq�eny la deteriorutw or cumnd� wua�e un the Propeny. Biirruwrr xhull . =;' =W-
<br /> be in deiauh if any fart'eBure uc�iun or proceeding, whe�her civil or criminnl,i�hegun�hu�in Lendcr� g�K►ci fnith judgment �°��I-�
<br /> I cuuld resuh in fnrfeiture of�he Propehy or otherwise muleriully impnlr the lien cmuteJ by ihir+ Secunty InstNmem ur ',_
<br /> _ Lender:s security interest. Harrower muy cun��uch u Jefnult and rein�uue,us pmvideJ in pnrngr+�ph IY, hy cs�utiing Ihe nclinn ..,-
<br /> � or pa►reccling u�Ixr dixmi�+�d wilh a niling ihut.in I.cixler ti gin�l fi�ilh iklcnniut�lion,pioclu�k.liirlcilurc ul'Ihr 1lnrrowcrk .
<br /> � interest in 1he I'ropeny ix ulher muie�iul impuinnent of'the lien crculed by Ihis Securily Inr.lrument ix l.ciKler's ticcuri�y ^�"
<br /> ' ; interest. Barmwer shull ulso he in defnult if Bortower, �hiring the loun uppliculian pnKexs, guvc m��leriully fulAe or � . _u
<br /> inuccuru�e informu�ion or clntoments Io l.ender lor fuiled lo provide Lcnder with uny mnteriul informmionl in cmineciicm wiih � ��
<br /> � the lo�n evidenced by Ihe No�e, including, but nnl limited to, rcpresemution�; conceminF sonower'x�xcupancy of 1he , ' . � '•���
<br /> t Propeny us a p�incipul residence. If�his Securiiy Inslrument ic on u Ien.rholcl,Bunower shull comply wi�h ull Ihe�xuvisinnK . .:;�
<br /> ' ` of the lense. If 6�nower acyuireg fee title 10 Ihe Pn�peny,the lenschold unJ Ihe 1'ce litle shall nn�mcrge unkss l.endrr ugreex '
<br /> __ ---- - ---- 1 lothemergerinwri�in�!. .. ,. �"�`
<br /> __. _ _ _. 7. PratecNo�� of Lcnder's Ri�h4g in Ihe Propertv If Burrower liiils lo pc�tbmi the r��venum. und agreements � � � '"''"
<br /> contained in Ihls Securily Instrument, or Ihere is A Icgul pmceedinF �hnt muy siFnificunlly uftecl l.enderk riglNs in Ihe � ` �y��
<br /> Property Isuch as a procaeding in bunkruptcy,probute,for rondemnulinn or Iittteilum ur Io enlittce luw.ur rcgulution�),Ihen !
<br /> Lender may da und puy for whatever is necessury to pmtec�the value ul'Ihe Pruperty anJ Lrnder's riFhls in Uie Pro�ny.
<br /> L�nder�aetfans mAy include pnying any sumx secured by u lien whicl►hns priority aver this Securiiy In+irunknt.u�i��ruring • •
<br /> in coun,pnying reusonuble Auomeys'fees und enlering on �he Pmpeny to muke repuirs. AUhough Lender may mke action i ;���«y
<br /> under thi4 pnrugrnph 7,l.ender docs not have�o do.o. � ... � ' ''��"•=
<br /> ".�lf�.
<br /> , Any amounts disbur�ed by Lender under�his purnFrnph 7 shull herome nddiii.��ud deM of flurrowcr +ccured by this i „��_
<br /> Security Inslrument. Unlexs Bonower unJ Lender ugrce to oilier lenns M'paymenl,lbcxc nmounts+hull ixar imeres�I'ri�n Ihc �'�
<br /> , dute of Jisbur�ement ut the Note rWe umi shull be paynhle,wi�h imerc,4 u�m no�ice Imm Lende�to portower reyucxling "��'��
<br /> - payment. ;�� . ,
<br /> . 8. Martpu�e Insurnnce. If Lender required mori�;,i�;c insur�mcr�i�+i condilion ol'n►nking ihc Inan zcrurcd hy ihiw i�.r:. `
<br /> � .. Security Insln�ment. Borrower xhull puy Ihe premiums reyaired lo muinlain Uic oiangnge imutuncr in effecl. If, ti�r;tii�y •
<br /> .�;;;.
<br /> rensan, �he mon�uge insurunce coveruge requimd by l.enJer lupses or ceu�es tu he in efleci. B�irmwer sl�all p�iy Il�e �
<br /> p�emiumQ reyuired �u ob�ain coveruge xubxumii�dly cyuivcdern tu the mor�giige inxurance previously in el'1'cr�,nl n coxt �
<br /> substnntially equivulent�o the cost�o Borrower of the mortEoge insuramce pmviou�ly in el'fect,fr�an un nUemute mung���e
<br /> in4urer upproved by Lender. If subxlunliully cyuivutent murlguge insuruncc coveruge is not irvuiluble.Bom�wer xludl puy lo � •p��-:
<br />= l.ender euch monlh u sum oyual lo one-twelfth of thc yenrly monguge insurcmcc prcmium bcing puid by Bormwer when Ihe ~ •^•:
<br /> . insurunce covemge lapved ur censed to he in effect. l.ender will nccept,use amd retnin�he�e puymentx a.r•a lus�reserve in lieu ' '�;;�,;
<br /> ; of monguge insurunre. l.osx rexerve payments muy no IonFcr he reyuircd, a�the op�ion of Lrnder. if murlguge inxurunce R,:�-;p,.
<br /> � covernge(in Ihe umaunt nnd for the pericul�hiu LenJer reqaire�►pravided My�in inxurer nppmved hy Lc�uler ogi�in hrcome. . '�.�•.«=•
<br /> uvailable und is oba+ined.Bormwer shall puy ihe premiums rcyuircd to muintuin nxm�age inxurunce in effec�,ur lu provide a
<br /> " losti reserve,unlil Ihe reyuirement f'or mortgage insumnce enJs in uccardunce with any written ogreement be�wecn Bormwer ; ' � ' r•
<br /> �,.,., und Lender nr upplirAble luw. •
<br /> � 9. Inspeclion. LenJer or i1s ogent muy makc rrasonahle en�rics u�xm�md incpcctium ul'Ihc Prorerty. Lcnder ghall '
<br /> give BoROwer notice ut�he time of or prior to un inspeclinn speril'yln�reu�onoble c�uxe for du inspertion.
<br /> 10. Condemnalfon. The pmceeds of uny uwurcl or cluim fur dnm�i�ez,dimct or con�eyuen�iul,in cunr�tion wilh uny
<br /> . -- — - - Sirgl,r�m��,--r�aatt ssx:l'rtddk Stx C":!!'(!liSt!\!ti7'!!!!�lEtiT t'nitnnn t'a::r:r,r. 7:4R ;;:.:;;c'.,f r.;:e�;ru
<br /> - , �irm Wrn xu�Mr.n Imm Ir �
<br /> _ . . iolhlrrCaY�I�BOOfiI►99BJ0 P�.10114fib11:11 .
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