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<br /> _ ...:�......�.1�._... T(xiF.THBR WITH all the improvemen�s now nr heroaRer erected o�Ihe property,nnd all ensememrc,appunenunces, �,,;,,,.„.�-ri=_. _
<br /> o�.,�,,,r_ -
<br /> � � and flxtures now or harcaAer a part of the property. All repincements end aJililiuns r6all ai:+u Is::coverzd by thi� 9!�c��rity , , : „��,� .�
<br /> • .� • Inatrument. All of tbe foregoing la referred to in�his Secu�ity Inslrument as the"Propeny." . � •
<br /> COVENAN'I'S thet Borrower ia lawfully seised of Ihe esiute hereby conveycd and has the right lo grnnt �• Y
<br /> � j end convey the Propeny wnd�ha1 the Prc�perty is unencumbered,except for encumbrences of�ecord. Barrower waRants aad �.��_---r
<br /> will defend generally the litle to thc PropaRy egninst all claims and demends,subJect to any encumbrAncea af record. �• .
<br /> .I , _ „
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combinea uniform covenruus for natbnal use and non-unlform covenants with �,���_
<br /> limited variations by Judsdiction to conatkutc e uniform security insuumen[covering real propeny. �p;�
<br /> � UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Bortower and LenJer covcuent aud agrce as fall�we: y�_�
<br /> _": - 1. 1'nyment oY Yrineipol and Inle�ryli�rr1►+�y��ie��l a�id Late Charg�3. Borsov�cr shnN{xomptly�+ay when due the �y�__—�_ ..
<br /> ' • ' � p�incfpul of and intcrest on the dcbt evidenced by ihc Note und any ptiepayment and I�te churges due under the Nate. _ _
<br /> 2. F�ad;Lor'Ibxes aad lasurance. Subjcct to opplicable law or to a wrinen wniver by Lender,Barower shall pay lo , ,
<br /> `.,��•.�., ' Lender on the day monthly pa;:�:ents an duc uader the Note,until the Note is paid fn full,a sum("Funds")for.(a)yearly ,; ,��y..,;,�:.
<br /> , �'"`•��'�-s-`'��'���� � taues and assessmenta which may attain priodty over thls Security Instrument as a lien on the Propetty:Ib)yearly leasehald ��;,,o,_;o„-,��
<br /> '•�:."'''''•::'��::•`.;' payments or ground rents on the Roperty,if any; (c) yearly hezard or property insurance premiums: ld) yearly flood ����—
<br /> '�'� insurancc prcmiumi, ii any; (e)yearly moAgage insurance premiums,if any;and(� any aums payable by Borrower to
<br /> I,ender,in accordanca with the proviniona of puragraph R.in lieu of Ihe payment af morignge inaurnnce prcmium4. Thexe _._._��__�____
<br /> item�arc called"Escrow ltemn:' l.ender may,nt any lime,collect and hold FLnds in an amount not to exceed the meximum _
<br /> amount a lender for a federally rclated moAgnge loun may reyufre for Borrowert excrow account wider thc fcdcrnl Rcal
<br /> Estete SetUement ProceduRa Act of 1974 us amonded from time to time,I 2 U.S.C.4 2601 et s�q.("RESPA"),unlese arwther U
<br /> � law thut appliea to the Punde sets a leaser amount. If so,Lender may,ot eny time,cdlect and hold Funds In an nmount not to "�`'���
<br /> --- exceed Ihe leaser �mount. I.ender moy eslima�e the nmount oi Funds due an the basis of cument data ond r�easonAble ���
<br /> e�tim�te�of expenditurc�of futuro Exrnw Item�or otherwixe in accordance with npplicable law. �J�" �—-
<br /> 'il�e Punds ahall bc hcld In wn InxlftuUan whoxe depacila wre insured by n fedcral ogency,fnAlrumeMolily, or cnlity
<br /> (including Lender,if Lcndcr ix�uch rn ingtilWi�ml��r ia any Federnl Hame Luun Bunk. L.ender Ahall opply Ihe Funds�a pay �� --�-----
<br /> lhe Eccrow Itcm�. L.ender muy nu1 chnrge Burtower for holding and opplying the FutKlg, annually anelyxin�the e4crow
<br /> � account,or verifying�he Escrow I�eni:r, unless l.endar paya 8orn�wer inlereu on�he FunJx und upplicaMe law permits --
<br /> . � l.endc�to muke xuch a charRc. Howevcr, Lender moy rcyuire Borrower lu puy u onc•�imc chnrge far an indepcndent real
<br /> • � eatulu lox repnning Rervice used by Lende�in connection wi�h this loan,unleas nppNcable law providea olhetwise. UnleRx nn
<br /> ugrament is madc or�ppllcubls law rcyuirca fnterc�t to be puid,l.endcr shull na be rcyuired io pay Borrower any interest or
<br /> I eAmingx on�ha Fundg. Borrower and L.ender moy ugrce in writing,however,that inlerest shall be paid on the Funds. Lendcr __---
<br /> . shall give to Borrower.wi�hout charge.an unnual accounting of�he Fund�,showing credits and debitg to�he Funds and the _
<br /> purpose for which each debit to�he FUnds was mada. Tha Funds are pledged as additional securlty ior all sums secured by _
<br /> . �hie Securlty Instrwnent.
<br /> — If the Funds hald by Lender eaceed the nmounls penniued to be held by opplicable law, Lender shall accaunt to
<br /> � Borrower for�hc excsss Funds in accordnnce with the requircments of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Z
<br /> � _ . i L.endar at anv time is nat sufftcient to pay the�scraw Itema when due,L.ender may so notify Borrower in wriling,And,in ,r`_,,_,_��
<br /> -- -- -�
<br /> -- -
<br /> - _ ' • sueh case Bonower shall pny to I:ender �he nmount necessary to mnke up ihe deiiciency. 8omower.riwli �iwi:e ap t - ° -
<br /> deftciency in no rnore Ihan twelve monthly paymenls,ut Lender's sole diecrelian. --==�
<br /> _ ' Upon payment in full af all sums secured by thi4 Security Instrumem,Lender shall prompdy rcfund�o Barrower any f� �et�r�
<br /> Funds hald by L,ender. Ii,underpnragroph 21,Lender shull acyuire ur sell Ihe Property.Lender,p�iu��o�he ucyuixi�inn�x
<br /> .'•i sale of the Property,shall apply any FLnds held by Lender at the time of acquiailion or gale as A credit aguinst �he sums �' ,.Y
<br /> securcd by this Security Instrument. r�•-•
<br /> F;.�r.-=---
<br /> �' 3. Applieatlon ot Payments, Unless upplicable luw provides otherwice,al� �aymants receivcd by Lender under 7���.�--_�-
<br /> • paregraphs 1 and 1 shall be applied:(irst.to uny prepaymenl charges due under the Nwe;second,to nmoun�s payuble under -��k3;;;., ,�—
<br /> paragruph 2;third,to Interest due;fouRh,to princip�l due;und IAS�,to uny la�e churges due under tNe Note. ' _ -
<br /> � 4. ChArges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all laxes, assessmenls, cha�ges, fines and impositions anribwablc to the � '"'"•`,�
<br /> Proparty which may nuain p�io�ity over this 5ecurity Instrument,and leosehold puyments or ground reols, if any. Borrower ` `'
<br /> ' shall puy these o60getlons in 1he monner provided in parngraph 2,or if nrn puid in Ihut munner,Borrawer shull puy�hem on 1' •--
<br /> ;' time directly to tho person owed pnymem. Bortower shall promptly fumiah to l.ender all notices oi amounts to 6e paid under � ;'�'�'}
<br /> , p B Ph• P Y Y P P Y p g m�6:,.
<br /> � ' � this ara rn If Borrower makes Ihese u ments direcU ,Borcower shall rom tl fumish to l.ender recei ts evidencin , ,-_-„�
<br /> � • tha payments. . •� •
<br /> � �� 6orrower shell promptly discha�ge any lien which has priority aver this Securiiy Instrument unless Borrower:(a)ngrees
<br /> _ , in writing to the peyment of the obligation secured by Ihe Ilen in e manner ucceptable to Lender,(b)contests in good faith the
<br /> � J lien by,or defends against enforcement of Ihe lien in,legnl praceedings which in Ihe Lende�4 opinion operate to prcvent the
<br /> � enforcement of the lien;or(c)securcs from the holder of the lien an agreement 4atisfactory to Lender subc�rdina�ing the lien
<br /> - � to this 5ecudry Instrument. If Lender detertnines thut any part af�he 1'roperty is subject lo u lien which mny ottain priority
<br /> ,. over this Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a noNce idenlifying the lien. Bortower shall sotisiy the lien or take
<br /> � one or more of the ac�ions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of noNcc.
<br /> S. Hpzptd or Property Insurapce. Horrowcr shall keep the improvements,now exigting or herenBer erected on Ihe � �.
<br /> � Propeny insured ogainst loss by fire,hazards included within the term"extended covernge"and any other hazards,including _
<br /> " ,. floais or tlooding, for which Lender requires insurance. This inaurance shall be maiMained in the amounts and for the � .
<br /> '' ' Fora J028 9l90 r/wRr 1 nJo paperl
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