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<br /> c ^ _ condemnation ar other Wkia�of any prut of the Property,or for cunvcyence in lieu of candemnation,arc hereby as�iQr�ed and ��— ` •
<br /> �� � �- aholi be pa�d�o Lender. � - -
<br /> In Iha evem oi u �o�al luking af Iho Propeny, tha Praceeds xhall be applied to �he suma secured by thie Secudty
<br /> Inairument.whelher ar not �hen due,wi�h �ny eKCee�p�id�a Borrower. In�he event of a pahiol�pking of the Propeny in
<br /> � which the fnir murket value af Ihe PrapeAy immediolcly f�efare the taking in eyuol ta ar grcater Ihun Ihc nmount of thc sums _
<br /> � isccurcJ by thiR Secu�i�y Inslru�nent fmmcJiulely bci'ure Ihe laking,unle»x Bornawer und Lender othcrwise agrec In w�iting.
<br /> „ 1he xumA Kecured by this Sewrlly InRlrument .rhnll he reduced by Ihe umaunt of the pruceeds muUiplicd by thc folk►wing _____
<br /> fraction: (u)thc�otul amount of�hc sumc.r•ec�ued immediutely beiorc�hc taking,divided by(b)�he fair market v�lue of Ihe ;��'�. :,__ _
<br /> PropeAy immedivtely bcfore lhe laking. Any baluncc xhall be puid to Borrower. In the event oi A partial tuking of tl�e I __ _.__. __-
<br /> _ � Propeny in wbich the fair merket value of the Properly immediotely befwe the taking is leas than the amount of the sums �,,;_J�.—`_
<br />-- . , . _ ___ _— secumd immediatety txfore the taking, unlea�Rorrower and Lccidcr oihcrwi.0 agrc in writing or unlc;s applir.ablc !aw f ' "�"""�""'°"°
<br /> �� athcrwise providea,lhe procads shall bc applled to the sums secured by thl:3ecurity inslrument whetber or not the surn�or�e � - - "-"'--
<br /> ... �hen duc. u...-�
<br /> ,� If�he Propeny iR abandoned by BoROwer,or iP,af�er notice 6y I.ender to 8ortowcr ihat Ihe condemnor offern to make
<br /> an nward or xenle a claim for damages,BoROwer fuils to respond ta Lender wilhin 30 days after the dute the notice is given. ----
<br /> - Lender is authorized to collect end apply the proceeds,at Us op�ion,cithcr to restoratlan or repair of th�Property or to Ihe `-""'"""�'`
<br /> • sums securcd by�his Security Instrument,whetlxr or not then due. ----
<br /> - ��- '- --"— � linlea.c Lender und Borrower othenvise agree in wri�ing. any aPplicalion uf pnx:etJs to prluclpa)sholl not extend ur �__ __�
<br /> postpone the due date of�he manthly payments rcfemed to in paregmphs 1 and 2 or change ihe amount of such payments. ` __
<br /> . ' 11. Borrower Not �teleased; Mbrbearaace By Lender Not A Wolver. Ex�enaian of the time for pnymcnt or � �;-;,_-.--------
<br /> • • modiflcatinn of'amonizetion of the sums secureA by 16is Sxuriry Instn�ment g�anted by Lender to any successor in intereat -
<br /> . ,�,=,�,=-_.
<br /> �- of Bormwer shall aot operate to relensc the liability of the or�ginnl Borrowcr or Borrowers successors in interat. Lender -�.,�,;..-;.__
<br /> „ �� shall nat be requined to cammence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or �' `"�:""__,
<br /> otherwisc modify amorlization of the sums securcd by this Sxurlty Instn�ment by rcason of any demand made by Ihe orfginal ; ```'�
<br /> Borrower ar Borroweris successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exerci�ing any right ar rcmedy shall rat be a :�.�� _'_��
<br /> -- �; waiver of or preclude th¢exercise of nny right or remedy. � "`''`
<br /> 12. Successor�and Assi�ns Bound;Joint aad Several LlabNity;Co•signers. The covennntR and agreementa of this �b• -�'�"
<br /> • Securily Instrument shall bind ond beneflt the succecgas and ussigns of Lender ar.d Borrnwer,subjec�ta Ihe F+rovisions af ��'~-•�•�--�-
<br /> puragmph 17. Borrower� covenanta nnd ugre�ments shall be joint nnd several. Any Borrower who co-aigns this Securfty �-__
<br /> Instrument but dces not execute the No[e: (a1 is caaigning thig Securily Instrument only ro mortgage,smnt nnd convey that F`.�i�
<br /> Borrower:s interest in the Property under the terms of�his Securi�y Instrumem; (b)is not perscmully obligated to pay the sums n-=-
<br /> I gecured by�hia Security Insttumen�:nnd(r)a�reeg�hat Lender und any other Borrower may uRrre to ex�end,mcxlify,f�xi�ear � �,.�` ��
<br /> � � or muke uoy uccommodutiona with regard to �he terms of this Security Instn�menl or the Note wi�hout Ihut Borrower�s �- - _-°.
<br /> • conscnt. �;_:%,+�
<br /> „ 13. Loan Charges. If the lonn securcd by this Security Insirumenl is xubject to a law which sets ms�ximum loun "—
<br /> charRe4,and thnt law is 6nally interpre�ed so�hat�he interest or ather loan chsuges collected or�0 6e collected in connection
<br /> with Ihe laun exceed the permitted limits,then: (n)uny such loan rhorg�shall be reduced by the nmount necessury to reduce -•
<br /> . the charge to the permined limit;and(b>Any sums already callected from Born►wer which exceeded permitted limfts will be �
<br /> .._--
<br /> -- rcfisridcd io 8urrawcr. l.cssdcr may ctsaosc to rnakc this rcfund by rcducing the principa!oued ander the Nose or by malciag s �""'"`
<br /> ------ _ _ _
<br /> ' dircct puyrnent lo Borrower. If A r+efund reducec prineipal,lhe rcduclion will be trcated ag a pnrtial prepuyment wlthout any
<br /> prcpayment chorge under the Nae.
<br /> , . 14, Noiices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Insirument shnll be given hy delivering il or by -
<br /> � .r ' mailing il by�BI class muil unless s�pplica6le luw requims use of nnother method.The notice shull be directcd to�he Propeny =-
<br /> . •� Addrcss or ony ulher uddress BoROwer de9ignWes by nodce lo Lender. Any notice to Lender shall 6e given by ti�t cla4s P.` �--
<br /> • mail to Lender 4 addres4 slated herein ar uny other uddre4s Lender designutes by notice io Borrower. Any notice provided for ' �'-'.
<br /> fn this Securicy Instrument shall be deemed to huve been given to Bortower or Lender when given us provided in this ;,;;��
<br /> w�a rn h
<br /> P �IS. (:overning l.aw; Severabillty. This Securily Inslrument shnll bc govemed by federal luw und Ihc law of Ihe ��
<br /> jurfsdiction in which Ihe Pmpehy is Icxuted In ihe event that nny provi4ic►n or cluuse of�his Security Inslrument or the Note � . `'�'"`:�-
<br /> conflicts wiih applicuble luw,such conflict shnll not affect other pmvision�of�hfs Securiry Instrumenl ar the Note which cnn `aR�__
<br /> be given efiect wilhout the conFlicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Securily Instrument and the Note ene � �
<br /> decluredto be severable. ' `
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shnll be given one confortned copy of the Note and of this Securily Ingtrument. � ��•`�"�-�°
<br /> ' 17. 7�ansfer of the Property or a Beneficfal Interest in Bor�ower. If nll or any pan of the Propeny or any irnercs�in ; �"=
<br /> �' .. it is sold or transferred(or if a beneficiul inlerest in Borrowcr is sold or�rnnsferred nnd Borr�wer is nol u natu�al person)
<br />_ • without Lender's prior written consent,Lender muy,at its��►dnn,reyuire immediute puymem in full of ull xums ucured by ��
<br /> ' Ihis Securily Instn�meot. Howerer.this option shull not be exercised by Lender if eaercise is prohibited by federul law uR of . ��:''_;
<br /> the dete of this Securfty Instrument. '"
<br /> , . If Lender exercises this option,Lender xhnll give Bortower notice of ucceleration. 'fl�e nolice xhAll provide o period of
<br /> not Iess�han 30 days fram the date the notice is delivered or mniled within which Borrower muat puy ull sums�ecured by this '•+
<br /> Securiry Instrument. If Borrower fAils to puy�hexe surnv priar tn the expirnlion nf�his pedod, Lender may invoke any
<br /> �+emedies permilled by Ihis Securily Instrument withoul further notice or demand on Bormwer. �
<br /> ' 18. Borrower's Rtghl to Reinstpte. If Borrower meels certuin condilions. Bormwer shall huve the right to huve
<br /> � - enforcement of this Security Ins�nimem di4continued sx any�ime prior to the earlier of: (u)5 days(or such other period as
<br /> ... .. SInRIeFwnfly»F�nnkM�NFYtddkM�eUNIF/1RMIN!iTRUM�NT--UnpbrtnCoven�nu. 9/90 l�wxr�..JG�w�t�s1
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