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<br /> . � -� periuJs Ihu1[.enJrr'teyuirrx. The insuruiva carrier pro�iding Ihe insurance shwlfbe chuxu by Rurruwer�ubJi�t c�t.�niki�. � -_.--_�-.
<br /> . upprovul which�hull nd be unreaaonobly wi�hheld. If 8orrower fail9 to main�ain coverage deacribed Above,Lende�mey,at �u�� =�^�"`�"�`—
<br /> Lender'a option,obteln coverage to protect Lender's rfghta in the Praperty in accordance with pomgnph 7. —`
<br /> �, All imurance policiea and rcnewals�hall be acceptuble to Lender end sholl include a ntendard mongage clau�e. Lender ��� �-��
<br /> �- -•:-- .�, �
<br /> ° • "' ahall have Ihe�ight�o hold Ihe policiea and renewala. If Lcnder require�,Bnrrower shdl pmmptly give lo Lender all receipts � ��
<br /> • , � of pald prcmiums end renewal naices. In Ihe evenl of lo+s,Barmwer�hwll Qive prompt notice to the insurance carrler and •• '"
<br /> " Lender. Lender muy mukc praof of loas if not made promptly by Borrower. "��='=--�
<br /> ,..a aar�°--�°
<br /> Unlcss L.ender and Bomnwer othenvfse agrce in wdting,insuronce proceeds shpll be wpplled to r+estaraUan ar rcpair of �� 4;r- `-°T
<br /> tFie p�ope dama ed, if the rcataralfan or rc air is ceonamicall fearible and Lenderk securit IA IWt ItSBCtl�fI. If the �-,"� �
<br /> �Y 8 p Y Y �—,_�_
<br />�=_�' . ICSlUfn�k,ie ur Ir��Nff 1� tlul CeUliUllllCd{{Y �CN!�{I1{r of Ixnder's ,ecurlty would bc fcsaertcd, the fnsurnnce procecd� shull bc - ----- --- - --
<br /> � „ upplied lo the sumA securcd by this Secud�y Instrument. whether or not �hen due. wlth any excess peid ro Borrower. If ° '��i0'!'•'`��k.�..:�
<br /> �"� Borrower abaodon9�he Pmperty,ar does not onawe� within 30 duys a notice from l.cnder Ihut 1he insuronce cerrier has � ��� �"y"'�'
<br /> offered to xettle a claim,then Lender mny collect the insurunce proceeds. Lender mey use the praceeds to rcpair ar rcstorc ,
<br /> , • the Propeny or to pay sums secured by thio 5ecurity Inawment,whether or oot thrn due. 'Ihe 30-day pedod will begln when �-
<br /> the notice is given. �"-���=•--
<br /> v�r�'�xrr••�•-r•��
<br /> _ � Unless Lender ond Borrower otherwisc agrce in wriling.any applict►tion of proceeds to principal shall nw extend or ��`=_�=.;��_�__
<br /> - - �r-.-'-'--
<br /> -- ` pos�pernc ihe duc dure oi�he mon�my puymems roremea�o m paragrepns � ano 1 or cnange tne amount or tnc paymen�s. ii r�•• •�����.:��� •
<br /> '' ' under pnragraph 21 �he Property is acquircd by l.ender, Bortower's rlgh[ to uny insurance policies und proceeds resulring 1-
<br /> ° from dAmege to the Property prior to the acquisiNon shall pass to Lender to�Ite extent of the sums secuied by this Security ,..�
<br /> laswrnent immediately pr�or ro�he acyuisilion. ' ' "�••��• `
<br /> 6. Occu nc, PreservAtlon� p� Y+ PP •`'�-�;;���--� �
<br /> ' Nlolntenance and Protectlon of Ihe Pro �t BoITOwer's I.oaa A Ilcptlon;
<br /> - Leaseholds. Bo�rmwcr shnll occupy,establish,and use the PropeRy as Borrower�s prfncipal rcaidence within sialy days afuer
<br /> .,. the execution of this Security tnswment and shall continue to occupy Ihe Propetty as Barawer's principal residence for at - _
<br /> . ,.
<br /> ' least one year after the dqte of occupancy, unless Lender othetwiae agrees in writing. which consent slwli noe be =-- -
<br /> -� , unreasonubly withheld,ar onless extcnuatiag circumstances exist which at+e beyond Borrower�s cantrol. Borrowrr shalt not '� -
<br /> ' destroy,damuge or Impair the Prapeny.allow the Property to deteriorate,or commit waste on ihe Property. Horrow•er shall � �
<br /> ��=-
<br /> be in default if any forfefturc ac�ion or proceeding,whethe�civil or crimi�al,is begun that in Lender�s good faith judgment -°�
<br /> could result in forfeiture of the Propeny or otherwi�e materiolly impair Ihe lien crcuted by this Security Inswment ar � � ='-=
<br /> Lender�a securi�y interest. Botrower muy cure such n default and relnstate,ns provided in paragreph 18.by causing the acUon � �Y-��
<br /> . or procading to be dismiased with a ruling that,in Lendert good faith determinwion,precludes forfeiture of the Borrowerh �- _.'��
<br /> � interest in Ihe Propeny or other ma�erial impairtnent of the lien created by this Sewrity Inslrument or l.ender'� security --
<br /> , •, interest. Borrower ahell also be in default if Borrower, dudng the loan applkution prc�cess. gave mnterially false or �_
<br /> - : '} inaccurate infomia�lon or statements�o Lender(or fuiled to providc Lender with any muieriel informetionl in connection with
<br /> the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not Ilmi�ed to, repr�eaentalions conceming Borrowert occupancy of the
<br /> ,,,ti � Property as a principul asidence. If this Security Instrument ic on a leusehold,Borrower shnll comply wilh nll the provisions
<br /> ', ;� of the lease. If Bormwer acquii+es fee title to the Propeny,lhe leaschold and the fee titk shall not merge unlcss Len�ler ogrecs
<br /> to the mergcr in writing. �_ :
<br /> ----__= 7. L'�'otectksn of i.enderr's Rig6in in ihe Fruprriy lf Hurrower iaii� iu periorm Ih covenanis anJ og�eements "_
<br /> contnined in this Security Instrument, or there is o legal proceeding Ihat muy signlficc�ndy affect L.enderR rights in the r�"''
<br /> � ' ...•�...
<br /> Property(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probale.for candemnalion or forfeiture or to eniorce laws or regula�ionx),then
<br /> Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary�o protect the value of the Property and Lender!� rights in the Praperty.
<br /> - L.ender`s actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security lnstrument,appearing �,�.�,��
<br /> in court,paying Rasonable attomeys'fees end entering on the Praperty to make repairs. AUhough L.ender may lake actfon �,, _�__
<br /> . ,,,, under thls parngrnph 7.Lendcr does not havc to do so. '�r • �L� r. =-_
<br /> � '",i`�,-,
<br /> . Any nmouMs dlsbu�sed by Lender under�his purograph 7 shnll 6ecome udditfonul deM of Barrower serured by this ,�
<br /> Secudty lns�rument. Unless Borrower und Lender agree to other tertns of paymem,theu amounts shall benr interest from Ihe �• ;,�-;.�__
<br /> date of disbursement at the Nwe rate and shall be payable,with interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting p '•�.��Yr
<br /> peyment. p �?��.,�..-:_.
<br /> ' B. MoMgage Insuronce. If Lender reyuired mortgnge insurnnce us a conditian of making�he loan secured by this ► �� �;���'"`-
<br /> Secudty lostrument,Borrower shall puy �he prcmiums required �o maintain the mongege insurance in effect. If, for any •��•-n-�=�-
<br /> . rceson, the mongage insurance covernge reyuircd by Lender lapses or ceaves to be in eUect. Borrower shull pay the ' ' °__•-s-
<br /> , pRrniums required to obtain covernge substominlly equivulent to�he monguge insuronce previausly M effect, a1 a cost , �;���
<br /> substentiolly equiv�lent to the cost to Borrower of the monguge insurunce prcviausly in effect,f'rom nn ultemate motlgage � �
<br /> insunr approved by Lender. If substuntially equivolent matgage insurance coverage is not available.Borrower shall pay to � ;-
<br />_ Lender each manth o sum equol to onatwelfth of the yenrly mongage insumnce premium being paid by Borrower when the �'�'j=�-=
<br /> ;� � insurance covetage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept,use nnd relain�heSC paymen�4 p.4 a loss reserve in lieu '`�'r`"��
<br /> e ;�:.,yrr
<br /> I of mortgage insurance. Loss reaerve payments may no longer be rcyuircd,at the oplion of Lender, if mongage insurnnce
<br /> coverage(in the amount and for Ihe period thnt Lender rcquirecl prov�ded by un insurcr npproved by Lender again becomes
<br /> nvuiluble and is obtnined.Borrower shall pay the premiums reyuired to mnintain mortgage insurance in effect,or to provide n
<br /> . loss rcserve,umfl the requircment for mortgage insurance ends in accordence with aqy written agreement betwcen Borrower
<br /> , and Lenderor applicable Inw.
<br /> ,, 9. [nspectbe. Lender or itg ugent mny mnke reasonuble entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shall
<br /> ' give Borrower naice m�he time oP or prior to an inspection specifying rensoneble cause for the inspection.
<br /> i l0. Condemnelion. The proceeds of any award or cl�im fbr dnmoges,direct or conseyuential,in connection with anv
<br />_ .
<br /> . • Sinak R�mfly••M�mk Mu/FYeddk Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT••Unifonn Coveroms 9190 �puR�3 nj'n puResJ
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<br /> ro a�sc.�:iaoo�toa�a o��u e�st�i•�iai
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