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<br /> ;��,,����., �, ,_• applicable law may apecify for re�statcment)hefo�sale ot the Propeity punuant to ony power of ale contained in thit
<br /> _ _ ___ , Securiry lactrumeM�ar ib)rntry af n judgmertt ettforclrrII�hle Secu►ity In�trun:ent. Tle�x�rnndltic�n+ sr the�R�nor�r� {e) L
<br /> p�y� Lender all aums whi Ilkn would be due uMer Ihi�3ecurity Inahumrnt and�he Note u if no acceluWon h�d
<br /> � occumed:(b)cures�ny dePalt of�ny dher coven�nq or agna+menu:(c3 psY�dl expenea incurnal In enforcin4 thi�5ecurity
<br /> , .�::: � '. Instrumrnt� includinp.bu� noc limicod a� rea:on�bte�ttomeys'fees:�nd(d) Wce�wch actlan �L.ender rruy reuonably
<br /> � requiro to��suro Ih�t Iho lien of this 3ecudty{nswment. Lenderti dghte in the PropeRy�nd Bomowerti obligadon w pey�he
<br /> � . •• �ums secundby 1hi� Security In�pument �hdl crontinue unclungad. Upon rcinstntement by Bamwcr. thi� Security
<br /> ' � Inetrume�t u�ti�e oblig�tiau securcd heneby th�ll rcmaln fully effecdve os if no aeceleratian h�d occun�ed. However�thi�
<br /> , . � . • „ d�ht t�minst�te sfull not apply in the c�so af accelerWon under p�gr�pb 17.
<br /> 19. 3�1e oP NWei Clun��of I.wn 3ervke� The Nde or� putlal fntaest in the Note(togetl�with thit Sxudry
<br /> .-�'`rt�-.��•` . ln�wment?mn bc sold one ar retot+e Nnee��vlthoat Y 8 Y
<br /> �--� �� y prlar notice to i�ormwer. A +ude ma result in a ch� c ie the etttit ,
<br /> -- ;;, p,�:• ; fknown a+the"Lan Se Icsr")th�t collerb monthiY p�Ymcnts dua under the Note a�d thi�Secur�ty In�qumeM. Therc also
<br /> „ � ' m�y be one or mom ch�ges of the Lwn Servlcer unrelsted w a aele of the(Vote. If there ia a ch�ige oF Ihc l.oan Servicer,
<br /> � Borrowet will be�iven wrinen notice of the chonge in accordance wUh paragraph 14 above and applicable law. The notice
<br /> • will atata the nune and sddro�a oF the now I.o�n Servicer and�he�ddreu to which payment�slwuld be m�de. 7t�e nolice wUl
<br /> � �Ico conWn any ather inform�tion roquired by applicabk Iaw.
<br /> ?A. H�rdau 3ub�aces. Borrower ehall not cauac or permlt the pr�csence,use,dfsposal.atorage,or rcleaae of any
<br /> ` Hu,a�daus Substences on a in the Property. Borrnwer shall na do,nor allow anyone elae to do, anything afFecNng the
<br /> ' ° . Praperty that ic in vinlation of any Environmental L.aw. 'ibe precediog Iwo sentenrea shall not apply to the presence,use.or
<br /> atorago on the Property of small quanNdea of Hezardow 3ubaunca that are�enerally reco�niud to be vppropriete to nortnd
<br /> oaidend�l usea and to maintenance af Ihe Pmperty.
<br /> • . Borrower shall prompUy give Lcnder wdtten notice of any lnvesdgation.cleim,demand,lawsuit or other actian by any
<br /> ' govemmental or regulatory�gency or prlvate party involving the Property�nd any Hazandous Substance or Environmenlal <<._,
<br /> •� , Law of which Bormwer hu actual knowlcdge. If Bomower Iwrnv, or is nWlfied by any govcrnmcnlal or rcgulatory �::`
<br /> autharity,that any�emovAl or othar remediation of any Hazardous Substance aifecting 1he PropeRy ia neces�uy�Bortower
<br /> : ., . � :hAll promptly take all necessery rcmedial action�in accordance with Er�vironmental Law. �
<br /> As used in this paragrapl� 20,"Hazardous Substances'tue those substances defined es toxic or hazardous substances by -.-
<br /> Environmentel Law and the fallowiog subslances: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toaic peirokum products,loxic
<br /> • pesticides and herbicides. volatlle solvents,mnterials con�aining asbestos ar formaldehyde, and radiaactive muterlals. As �__
<br /> „ used in this paragrnph 20,"Environmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the Jurisdiction whem the Property is localed -
<br /> tlutt relate to hcalth,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender funhar covenant and agrce as follows:
<br /> � 21. Accelerat(oni Reipedks. I.ender Aholl give nottce to Borrower prbr lo Accelerwtion�oltowing BoROwer's
<br /> � breach oP any covenant or agreement in this Securlty Instrument Ibut not prior to AccekmNon Mnder paragraph 17
<br /> , aoless applkable Inw provWes otherw(se). The notice 9hall specify: (s�)the dePAUlI;(b)the Action requtred to cu�s!be
<br /> � .. default;(c)A dpte,not less thap 30 dAys fY�om Ihe dwte the notke is given to Borrower,by whkh the default muet be
<br /> ' cured=And(dl that faflure lo cure the default on o�befere Ihe date speciQed in the noNce mpy nsult in acceleralion of
<br /> Ihe aums secured by this 9ecurily Instrument And sale o�Ihe Property. The notice eholl furt6er Inform Borrower of
<br /> _-- _-_- tl�e rtght to rtlastett al�t�r ac�lera!!oa a�s!!h¢Ngbt tr�brin�a cauri scib�ia assert it�e aaa-cxtsieace ot4 def�Wt o�
<br /> � �'�_ :' nny other detense of Borrower Ib Accele�Alion and aele. If the delaull is not cured on ur bePore Ibe date speciiied in �-
<br /> the notice,Lender At its optlon may require immediate paymeot in fuil of all aums secured by this Security I�atrument
<br /> without turther demand and may invoke lhe power of snle ond any other remedies permilled by pppNcable law
<br /> - � ,� Lender ahall be entitled to edlect All expenses Incurred in pnrsuinR the remedles provWed In fhis para�p4 21�
<br /> lacluding�but not Ifmited to,reagonAble attarneys'fees nnd costs of title evidmce.
<br /> . It the power ot sale is Invoked,7Y�ustee aholl record w nWice oP defAUlf in eaol�county in which any part of!he
<br /> Property is located pnd shall mail rnpies of auch notice in the manner preacribed by applic�ble law to Borrower and W
<br /> ,. ., the other peraons prescribed 6y s�pplicable taw Afler the time required by applicable Ipw.71v.Rtee shAll give publk
<br /> notia of sale to the persons and in the mAnner prescribed by appikable law 7Yuslec.wlthoul demand on Borrowe�,�
<br /> � shall sell the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and plqce And unde�lhP lerms designpted in
<br /> ,;� the notice ot sale in one or more pwrcels end in any order 7Fuslee dele�mines. '11�ustee may po�lpone swde oP all or any
<br /> parcel of the Property by publk announcement At the lime and ploce of any previourly schedukd sak. i.ender or Iq
<br /> de9lQ�ee may purchose the Property at any sale.
<br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid,71�ustee ahall deliver to the pu�chaser'IYustee's deed conveyfng Ihe
<br /> Propertq. The recttals in Ibe 7Yustee's deed shull be prima Pacte evidence of the truth of the statEmenls mqde therein.
<br /> 71�ustee shall appty the pracadr of tl�e 9ale in tbe foNowing orde�: �a1 to all casts pnd expeases o�racercisiaQ the power
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