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<br /> � ,. •I.ender!o p�otect the�ecurly of Ihe Note;(a)the prrform�nc�ol dl cov�n�nt��nd�prNmonu ol Truolor s�tloNh h�rNn;�nd(d)NI
<br /> � � prewnt md luture indebtedne��and obllp�lion�ol 8arowu(ar�ny ol th�m II mor�th�n on�)lo L�uJ�r wh�lh�r dlnal.��dlnat,
<br /> I sbwlute or continpent�nd whalhsr�rlllnp by not�,pwr�nry,ov�rdnN or olh�rwlN.Th�Note,thl�D»9 0l Tru�l�nd�nY�nd dl
<br /> 4 otl�er docusnts thet s�aurs ths NoW or oth�rwlse��xecut�d In conn�cllon th�nwith,Mcludlnp wlMout Ilmllatlon pu�nnt�,wau►�N
<br /> � � apnoments and ealpnmenls o1 leasee and renle.sh�tl b�rd�rr�d la h�nln u tIN"I.an In�Vum�nt�".
<br /> Tru�tw covenanb end apree�wNh Lendar aa follows:
<br /> 1, p�ynNnt W tnd�btMlnN�.All Indobtadne�s recured heraby thall be pold when due.
<br /> N
<br /> �'� � 2. Tltl�.Tru�tor k the awner of the Property, hae the rfpht and euthorlty to convey the Property,and warrenls th�t ths en
<br /> � � c►e�tsd hereby I�a Ilrst end prla Ilen on the Properly, sxcept fa Ilsn�and encumbrennes set forth by Tru�tor In wrlUnp end
<br /> �� 1 dellvered to Lender befare exeoutlon af thls Oeed of Tru�t�o�d th��x�cution�nd ddlvory of thls De�d of Tru�t daf not vlold��ny
<br /> `° - coniract or other obNpanon to which Trustor la aubJecl
<br /> 3. T�xu,Mt�m�nb•To pey 1»bra dalinquenoy ell faxe�,apeaie�eswwmMb�nd all olhor charQe�apalmt tha P►opeAy
<br /> now or hereaRer IevNd.
<br /> 4. In�unno�.Yo keep the Property Ineured egalnal damege by Iire,hazerda included wilhin the term"exlended coverege",and
<br /> suoh other hezards a�Lende�mey requlre,In emoun►s and wlth companies accepteble W Lender,neminp Lender es en eddldonel
<br /> named ineurod,wlth loas payable to the Lander.In ceee ot loee under suah policiea,the Lender la authorized to ad�ust,collect and
<br /> compramise,sll olalme thereunder end shall have the option ol applying all or pBrt of the insurance prxeeda(I)to any indebtedness
<br /> oeaured hereby and In auch order ae Lender may determine,(I1)to the Truetor to be used for the repalr or retto►atlon.ot lhe PropeAy
<br /> ' or�III)for eny other purpo�e or object fetlsleatory to Lender without aHecdng the Ilen af thla Deed ot Truot lor Ihe full amount eecured
<br /> hsreby befare euch p�yment ever took ptece.Any appllcetlon ol proeeeds to Indebtedness�hell not extend or poatpone the due
<br /> dat�of eny paymenb under the Note,or cure any delault thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> 5. &a�ow.lJpon wrftten demend by Lender,Truator ahall pay to Lender,in suah manner ae Lender may dealpnate,eu8lclent
<br /> � aums to enable Lender to pay a�they become due one or more of the lollowing:(i)ell taxea,eaeesements end other chargea apalnet
<br /> - the Properiy,(II)the premlum�on the property Msuronce requlred hereunder,and(fil)the premium�on ony mortpepe Insurance ,
<br /> ,! required by Lender. . ; •
<br /> -. 8. MNnt���nc�,R�P�In and Canpll�nc�wlth Law�. Trustor ehall kaep the Property in pood condltlon and repeir,ahali . �
<br /> — promptly repelr,or replace any Improvement which may be damaged or deatroyed;ehell not commit or permit any waate or ,
<br /> deterloredon ol the Property:ahall not remove,demolish or aubatentlally elter any of the fmprovements on the Properly:shall not +
<br /> t commll,sufler or permit any act to be done in or upon the P�opeAy in vlolatlon of any law,ordinence,or reguledon;end ahall pey and �.
<br /> =y promptly dlacharge et Truetor'�cost end expense all Ilen�,encumbr&nces and cher�ee levled,lmposad or asseised epalnst the ,
<br /> _ ' . I PropeNy or any pa►t thereof. ����
<br /> 7. Emin�nt Oom�in.lender Is hereby assigned ell compensetlon,awards,demayes and other paymenta or relief(herelnaflAr � �;1;
<br /> - "Proceede'7 in connectlon with condemnatlon or other leking of the Property or part thereot, or for conveyance In Ileu o1 �
<br /> condemnatbn. Lender ehall be entilled at Ite optlon to commenae, appear in end proaecute in its own neme any eclbn or ,
<br /> � proceedinga,and ahall also be entitled to make ony compromise or seqlement in connectlon wtlh such takinp or damaqe.In the ., ��
<br /> -= event eny portlon ol the Property Is so teken or demaged,Lender ahall have the optfon,In ita sole end abaolute dlacretfon,to apply
<br /> all euch Proceeda,after deducling therelrom ell coets end expenaes Incurred by It in connectlon with such Proceeda,upon any ,,y
<br /> indebtednees eecured heraby end In auch order es Lender mey determine,or lo apply all such Proceeds,aHer auch deductlona,to ��
<br /> 4, the reatoreUon oi the Property upon auch condllbne es Lender may determine.Any appNcatlon ot Proceede to indebtednesa ahall �'.
<br /> -. not axtend or po6ipon8 tha dua dato of nny psymenb under�he Nc+te,��cure any delault thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplled .;4.
<br /> s; � tunds ahall be paid lo Truato►. ,,
<br /> 9. P��lomtme�by L�nd�r.Upon the occurrence ol en Event of Delault hereunder,or II any ect is leken or legaf proceeding
<br /> =i I commenced whlch materlally alfects Lender's fntereet in the Property,Lender may In its own discretlon,bul withoul oblfpetfon to do
<br /> -' ' so,and without notke to or demend upon Trustor and wilhout releasing Truetor Irom any oWigallon,ao any act whlch Truator has
<br /> �-� apreed but lalle to dc and mey also do eny other act It deeme neceaeary to protect the security hereol.Trustor ahell,Immedletely
<br /> upon demand therelor by Lender,pey to Lender ell coste end expenaes incurred and suma expended by 4ender in connectlon wilh
<br /> = the exmclse by Lender of Iha lorepoinp rights,together wllh Intereet Ihereon el the delauM rate provlded fn Ihe Note,whlch ehall be
<br /> - edded lo th� Indebtedness wcured hereby. Londar shall not Incur eny Iiabiliry becau��ot anylhlnp p may do or omlt to do
<br /> h�taunder.
<br /> 9.Has�rdous AI�tKid�.Truator bhall keep the Property In CompllenCe with all applicable lews,ordna�cee and repulatlons
<br /> i relatinp to Induelrlal hy�lene or envirOnmental protectlon(collecllvely relerred to hereln as"E�vlronmental Laws"1.Truator ahall
<br /> keep the Properly Iree Irom all eubstencea deemed to be hazerdous or toxic under eny Envlronmenlal Lew1(collectively relerred to
<br /> Iherein ao"Hezardaud Meterlale").Trustor hereby warrenla and represente lo Lender that there ere no Hazardoua Materlala on or
<br /> I under the Property.Truttor hereby apreea to Indemnlfy and hold harmleas Lender.Its directore,oHicora,employeea and apents,and
<br /> � any succe�foro to Lender's IntereaR Irom and epalnat eny end all clalms,damegea loasea and IIebIlltiea arlainp In connecQon wllh
<br /> the preeence,use,dispoeal or transport ol•any Heiardous Meterlals on,under,lrom or ebout the Prope►ty.THE FORE(301NO
<br /> 10.Aul�nm�nl of R�nb.Trustor hereby easigne to Lender the renls,lasuea end prollte ol the Property:provlded thet Truetor
<br /> aholl,untfl the occurrence o1 an Event ol 0elaull hereunder,have the rfght to collecl end retaln such renta,Isauea and profita ea they
<br /> become due end peyable.Upon the occurrence of an Event of Delault,Lender mey,elther In pereon or by apent,with or without
<br /> bringinp any action or prxeeding,or by a recelver appolnted by a court end wlthout regerd to the edequecy of Ita securiry,enter
<br /> � upon end take poaeesalon of the Property,or any parl!hereol,In Ita own name or in the name of the Trustee,and do any ecla which It
<br /> ! deeme neCeseary or dealrebl�to preeerve the velue,merketeblllty or renteblllry o1 the Properry,a eny pah thereol or interost thereln,
<br /> i Increeee the Income therelrom or protect the securlty hereof and,wNh or wfthout teking poseesalon ol the Property,eue for or
<br /> otherwlse collect the reMS.Iseues end prolite thereol,Includfng those peet due end unpeld,end epply the aeme,leae costa and
<br /> expenses of operatlon end collectlon Including attorneys'feea,upon eny indebtedneee secured hereby,ell In auch order ea Lender
<br /> mey determine.Tha entering upon end teking poatesaion of the Property,the collectlon of such rents,I�auea end profita and the
<br /> epplicetfon thereot aa eloreaeld,ahell not cure or weive any defeult or notice ol delault hereunder or Invelfdete eny act done fn
<br /> reaponee to aueh default or pureuant to euch�otfee ol defeult and,notwlthetendfnp the eontinuanee In possesalon ol the Properry or
<br /> the coHeetlon,reeelpt and epplieetlon ol rente,lseuee or prollt8,and Truetee and Lender ehell be entitled to exerefae every rlght
<br /> provided lor fn enyof the Loan Inatrumenta or by lew upon occurrence ol any Event oi Delault,Includinp withoul I�mltetlon Ihe rlght
<br /> to exereiae the power of sele.Fu�ther,Lender'a rfghle and remedlea under Ihle peregraph ahall be cumulalive with,and In no way a
<br /> Ilmltatlon on,lender's rlghts and remedlee under any as�ipnment ot leasea end�ents recorded apefnst the Properly.Lender,Truetee
<br /> ond the recelver ahall be Ilable to etcount only for those renls ectually recelved.
<br /> 11. Ev�nb of D�fauN. The following ehell conetifute en Event of Default under ihls Deed ol TrusL
<br /> (a) FeNure to pey any Installment of princlpal or Interest of any other aum aecured hereby when due;
<br /> (b) A breech of or delault under any provisbn contalned in the Notv.thla Deed oi Truat,eny of the Loan Instrumenta,or eny
<br /> other Ilen or encumbrance upon the Prope►ty:
<br /> (c) A writol execution or atlachment or any simller proce�s shall be entered epalnst Truator whlCh ahell become e 1�9n on
<br /> the Property or eny portlon thereof or Interest thereln;
<br /> (tl) Th9�e 61160 D@ III80 Dy or egainei i ru6ior or oorrvwei ai�a�ii�i� uiw'oi ai °�^•�••�•'•^ 1ewa.el aleln nr nlhor
<br /> 7 Mioav�.•... .v...�.. ........._.._'_'_ '
<br /> �� elatute,law or reguletlon reletinp to bankruptcy.Inadvency or other rellef lor debtoro;or there shell be appolnted any trustee,
<br /> receiver or Ilquldator ol Trustor or 8orrower or of all or any part of the Properry,or the renta,Isauee or prolits thereol,or Trustor
<br /> or Borrower ehall meke any generel asslpnment tor the benetit of credltors:
<br /> (e) The aele,trensler,lease,asslgnment conveyance or lurther encumbrance ol all or any perl 01 or any Intoresl In Ihe
<br /> i Property,elther voluntarlly or InvoluntarNy, wlthout the express wrlqen consent ol Lender; provlded thet Truator ahall be
<br /> permitted to execute a leaae of the Properly thel does not c�ntain en optlon to purchase and the term af whlch does not exceed
<br /> � one year;
<br /> (Q Abandonment of the Prope►ry;or
<br /> ; • .
<br /> - '1,; � 1 _
<br />