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� . ' . .. �t IF�1'��.]�[i}. �;�7�Y���� .�f. / . _ <br /> �... . f�..�i•� 2� I .aY� � , )t/Mt1it{i1 r-� ---. <br /> .::yt1 r?,,:— <br /> , . . .. ... � - ��p5, <br />. `.'S.� <br /> " . � . . ..l�� -' _ . . ....�r .' .�. . ' . • . . . �r aa:��". . �� i. .I:�. <br /> _.�.1 __._" __.�......, ,' ' . . . � � .:1 . - _ -.ji � r�..�..�.+•� .._�a 'I�•' <br /> — _._ [.:� <br /> ,,; . , .:. , . 92�io��� .,. .. � <br /> ' � '" �t • ACKNOWI.BDGEMENT OP OB�D OF TRUBT , - �:°��c:;�;�; <br /> . � ;s�, .. <br /> � TRUBTOR RE/1D THIB BEFORE 8K1NIN0: ' . - �� '-_ <br /> Tru�tor und�r�qnd�tl�at tl�doaum�nt th�t Tru�tcr h�bou1 to�x�out�I��OMd ol T�u11 and nol�mortp����nd tfuit th�powa � . • - <br /> � of MI�provld�d for In M�D�d ot 7raN pruvl�ioo o�batantl�lly dlMeront rlphtt�nd obllp�tl�n�to Trusror th�n�mortq�p�In tM w�n1 ; <br /> • ' ol a ddsult or brNOh ol ob11p1Uon und�r Ih�OMd ot Tru�t,Inaludlnp,but not Ilmlt�d to,th� ndn'�riphl to ha�th�Prop�Ay aold i � <br /> by ths TruslN wlthaut �ny Judlol�l proeNdlnp.Tru�tor npnNnu�nd w�rr�nts Ihnt th �oknowl�dp�nant wu�x�aW�d by , <br /> , <br /> Tru�Dor bdon th��x�autlon o1 th�OMd ol Tro�l. � <br /> _ . � (Stevott L. Trusro _ <br /> � <br /> y Truswr <br /> PREFACE TO AQRICULTURAL DEED OF TRUST t <br /> ' COMPIETE thie patlon ONLY If the real property deocribed � <br /> cqntisa of INDIVIDUAILY OWNEO AOfiICULTURAL LAND. <br /> � � If appllaaWa,CompNte ONLY ONE�r A,B,or C: � <br /> O A.OISCLAIMER OF RIOHT TO DESKiNATE HOME8TEAD: • <br /> Trwto��cknowledq�s th�t Tru�tor Is about to exacute the bllowinp De�d of Trwt upon the Properly.Tru�tor,end each ol them . � <br /> . II more fhen one,hereby diwlaim�Truetor's rlpht to desl�nate e homeeteed an seld real esl�te.No pen ol Truotor's homeitead Is ; <br /> • , ., preaently o�wlll In the luture be�Itueted upon aald�eal estate.Tru�tor underatande thet II T�uetor e�tebliehes e homeatead on any f. , � <br /> 'f'7�J <br /> � • parl ol fald reel eetate du�l�p Ihe time the Deed of 7�wt remalna unaetidled and a Ilen upon sald real estate,there shell be no ri�ht to , .,:;:i�,.R;__ <br /> —. , maka a deslpnotbn of homouead in the ovent ot a faecboure or austee'�oale wlth reapect b satd Oeed ot Tnis� � ••�� ',7r�. <br /> ••� �] B.WAIVER OF RIaHT TO DESK3NATE HOMESTEAD: : . — <br /> • Truetor ocknowledpes tAat Trustor Is ebout to execute the lollowing Deed of Truat upon ihe Property.Truetor,and each of them , r� <br /> • '�'�1. II more than one,hereby welveo Truator'a rlpht to dealgnale a homestead on seld real eatate.Truator underatends that Truelor hea � �' <br /> . � r i p h t t o m e k e e d e i l p n e t l o n o f h o m e a t e a d e n d t h a t b y executln p lhia walvar,Trustor Is waivinp riphta otherwiee eveiWble for Ihe �, �_<� <br /> • purposa o1 aBordinp thrm tM opportunUy W retaln Trusta'a homwWad in the evant ot�detault upon the Deed of Trua4 <br /> . :r.:;�� <br /> O C.QE310NATION OF HOMESTEAU: ' ;.. % <br /> , Purauant to Ihe Farm Homestead Protection Act(Sectlon 78-1901 et aeq.Revleed Statutea f the Stete ol Nebreska),Truetor � . �.� ' , <br />-- - � =`, ' ' — = hareby dasipn�to�tha rca!astate descrlbed In!he"Deei�netlon ol HemA ed"ena hed her and Incorporatod hereln by thfe ' _ � <br /> .�,.: � ' ' .j ' � <br /> rotere�ce. . � . ' <br /> (3teVen L. HUBen) Tru��or � �y <br /> r <br /> 11 <br /> Sally K. H en . , Truator ' <br /> i <br /> ' AORICUL7URAL DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANC�B <br /> ITHIS DEED OF TRU3T,la made os of the_].8th_day ol��r .1�92.�by and�monp <br /> th�Tru�tor, °�Q�: r �•%o�• � e.7��s ra.,ae.,. I,n�al,snA arui vl fe � <br /> whose melllnp eddres�Is��A a S ��hr r�.,� c4x�nr1 TR�A�ff�� t� F,�101 (herefn"TruNor",whethsr on�or mor��, <br /> � theTru�t�, �ive Pointa Ba:.:. A Nebraeka C�*A*{on , <br /> � whose maNlnp addres�Is 3 O BeY 1507 �� Tn1,an�. n�R E'��-1�7 (haraln"Truatao").and <br /> tfw Bwwllalary, FiVe Poil7te Hank . <br /> - whoa mallinp�ddraa�Is ° n o.... �r,r►�_ rs.e.,a Ta�A�,.a. NF. �iAA(12_15A7 (hereln"Lend�►"). <br /> . <br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,Inaludlnp Lender'a eMomlon ot credlt IdentNled horeln to..St'.QYen L Nu9°^ � <br /> . . �y K Hueen� husband and wife (herein"eorrower,"whather one or more)and the trusl herein creeted, <br /> ' . the recalpt ol whlch U hereby scknowledped,Truetor hereby Irrevacably yreMe,tranefera,conveys end aeelpns to Trustee,IN <br /> TRUST,WITH POWER OF SALE,tor the benetit and�ecuriy o1 Lendw,under and wbjectto Me terme end condlUons herelnaltar s�t <br /> '. torth,the real property,de�crlbed es tollow�: � <br /> 3ee AtteCttad Exhibit "A" � � <br /> � Topether with all bulldlnpe,lmp►ovementa,llxtures,ttreets,elleya,peasepeways,eaeemente,rlyhts,privllegee and eppurte- <br /> �encee Iocated thereon or In anywiee pertalning thereto,and the rents,leauea and p�ollta,reverolone end remalndera thereoL end <br /> such personel properry thet la etteched to the Improvemente ao aa to con�tltute e Ilxture,Includlnp,but not Iimlted to,healiny and <br /> ; coollnp equlpmen�and topether wllh the homeatead or marllal Intereets,It eny,whkh Intereata are hereby releaaed end welved;ell <br /> � ol which,Includlnp replacemenle end addltlone thereto,Is hereby declered to be a pan ot the real estate oecurod by the Ilen ol thle <br /> . ._. ..'--" ..--' -'�. -' '- -.._. ...-'--'--'--''-'----'----�•-�---'_ _'.�.�un'����... _. <br /> _. _. . . Y�a V� I�us��nu o�v� uv w�oyvury v�ury�o����ti w u�r��w���.n. r�vya..� . .-.. <br /> � This Deed of Tru�t shall secure(a)the payment of Ihe principal aum end interest evldonced by e promleaory note or credlt <br /> I <br /> •.� ' apreament datM �y t e. 1 Q92 —.hAVlnp 9 motUtlfy dat6 0l _1y81C.22. 1993 , <br /> • In the orlpinel principol amount ot S A�•57 -� ,end eny and YII modHlcatlone,extenalona and renewale <br /> fhereol or thereto and eny and all future edvanCe�and reedvencea to Borrower(or eny ot them 11 more then one) hereunder <br /> ' punuont to on�or mora promluory note�or aredlt epreements(herein celled"Note");(b)the payment of other euma advanced by . <br /> - we uu��aK�n��.�o..a�M.,aM <br /> O���wwwr.�c«�wo.rNa«wu�p.�aoewua�.►�►�a.w <br /> ^ - � , • I <br /> � <br />