. . , . _ ,�.,.;,. ,
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<br /> ,�
<br /> (y) II Trwtor Is not�n InWVldu�l,ih�I��uanc�.wl�,p�nW�r,�ulpnm�nf,oonv�y��c�or�ncumbr�nc�ol mor�th�n a tofal
<br /> • ol �ra�nl ot(if�corporetlon)It�Inu�d�nd ouul�ndlnp tloak or�1I�p�rtn�rshlp)�WLI ot pec�nt ol �
<br /> � partn�nhlp Int�rhh durinp Ihe p�rlod thb De�d ol Truu��mslm�Ilm on th�PropNt►r. r �'"``�'`•-
<br /> 12. R�n�dlNi AcaNMAtlon Upon D�kiult.in th�wu►t al�ny�venl of D�Uult Land�r m�y,wlthout notlaa sxo�pl�II►equl►iid by . '...'`""'�'�
<br /> I�w,dsal�n dl Ind�btedn„s rsou�M henby to b�dw �nd p�yabl�and th� am��h�N th�rwpon b�aom�dw�nd p�y�bt� , *.:;:� _
<br /> wNhout�ny p►awnhnsnl,dNnmd,protsst or nodce of�ny Nlnd.TherwR�r L�nd�r m�y: ..�_:�,.�r:T;,,:;-�
<br /> � (a) fHmpnd th�t Tru�tN exKal�th�POWER OF SALE pnht�d hsreln, �nd Trustee sh�ll thersaker c�use Trustor's �u� � ` � - •-
<br /> Intentl In th�Prop�rty lo bY sold�nd th�procNd�to b�dI�VIbu1W,Nl ln th�manner pro�nd�d in th�Nobr�rlw T�urt Dow1w �
<br /> � Ac� �
<br /> ' ' (b) Exerclw any and all riphu provid�d lor in any af Ihs l.an Imt�umanta or by Iaw upon ocaurrenae of any Event of
<br /> 1 DN�uI�and
<br /> „� i �o) Commsnco�n�cdon to ta�olow thl�DNd of Trust��w mort�epe,appolnt�r�iwr,or�poollically anforce�ny of tho
<br /> � covensnts hereol.
<br /> No remedy hereln confsrred upon or reserved to Trustee or L�nder 1�Intended to be exclu�lve ol any othsr remedy hereln,in the
<br /> Loan Inatrumsnts or by lew provlded a permitted,but each thell be cumulative.ehall be In additlon to evary other remedy�Iven
<br /> hereunder,�n the Loen IneUurtwnts or now or h�raait�r�xiaUnp at law or In puUy or by ete�tul�,and m�y bs exerclaod concurrantly,
<br /> Indapendently or successively.
<br /> - 13. 'CrutlN.7he Trustee mey roa�pn et eny time wiii�oui cuusn,a��d Lm�dn� ��iey a:�ny tira and withaut aauaa uppolnt a •
<br /> I aucceeeor or subetitute Trualee.Truatee ahall�ot be Ilabla to on yparty,Includinp without limitatlon Lendar,Bor�owe►,Truator or any j
<br /> purah�ser of the Propsry,lor any loa�or damape unleea d ueb reckl�ie or wllllul misconduct and shaN not be requlred to take eny
<br /> 1 sctlon In aonneotion wllh the enforoement of Ihle Deed ol Truet unlsss Indemnifled,In xnitlnp, for all coats,compeneatlon or !
<br /> expente�which mey be we�oaleted therewllh.ln eddiNon, Trustle may beeome e purcheser at any eate of the Property Qud:cial or
<br /> under the power,al eale grented hereln);poatpone the aale of ell or any portlon of the PropeAy,aa p�ovlded by law;or sell Ihe
<br /> __ � Prope►ty ws a whole,or In eeperate peraels or lots at Truatea's discretlon.
<br /> � 14. F�N and Erp�n�.In�he event Truatee eella the Property by exeralae of power ol eale,Truetee ahell be entitled to apply
<br /> � eny sele praceeds Ilnt to peymenl of ell coats end expensee oi exerehin9 power o1 eale,lndudinp all Truttee'a lees,and Lende►'s � ,�:;�,:
<br /> � , � i and Trustee'�ettomey'�fee�,actually Incurred to exlent permllt�d by applicable law.ln the event Borrower or Trustor exercleea eny .
<br /> - i rlpht provfd�d by law to cure an Evant ol pefault,Lender ahell be eMilled to recover Irom Truator all costs and expense�actuaily
<br /> Incurred as a reeult of Truttor'a deloul�Includlnp without Nmibtlon ell Trustea's end ettorney'e/ees,to tho extant permlHed by � _.�:�'.:��;�
<br /> i aPP�iceble lew. . •' '',i;�
<br /> 15. Futun Adwnc��.Upon requeat of Borrower,Lender may,at fte optlon,make additionel and luture advances end re- ��":' '�~.�.
<br /> � advencee to 8orrower.Such advances end readvansee,with intwest thereon,ahall be secured by this Deed of Truat.At no pme ehall ' ' %i°
<br /> ihe prinolpal amount of the indebtedness aecured by thle Oeed M Truet,not I�cluding suma edvanced to protect the teauriry ol thi4 , �,.;.. • -�
<br /> Oied ol Truet,exceed the origlnal principal amount atated heraln,or S Q?;5.?d 00 wh�hever is�reater. �
<br /> 18. MbcNUro�ous Prorlslom. �'� .'�
<br /> (a) Bonow�r Not RN��wd.Extenalon o1 the tlme 1or peyment or modlllcation ol amortl=ation ot the auma eecured by thia , �� �
<br /> Deed ol Truet granted by Lender to any aucceasor In intereatof Borrower ahall not ope►ale to release,ln any manner,the Ilability �
<br /> - ol the oripinel 8orrower and Borrower's euccesao�s in Interesl.Lender ahall not be requlred to commence proceedlnpa againat
<br /> � such aucceeeor or reluae to extend time for payment or olh�rvvise modily amoAizatlon ollhe eume eecured by Ihi�Dead of Tn�st .. ,�
<br /> by reas�n of any demands made by the orlginal Borrowe�end 6arower'e suaceaaora In Interes� ;
<br /> . ,...
<br /> =� ' (b) L�nd�r's Powes.Without aflectinp the Ilabllity of eny other oerson Ilable for the paymant ol any obll�atlon hereln '�
<br /> __ 1,
<br /> =- � mentlOned,and without attecpng Ihe uen a aharge oi thie C3eed aiTruai upon aoy portion ui fiw Pri,E,nriy nW ii�an o�tiwrei�iiu�e - - .
<br /> released ae aecurlty lor the lull emount of all unpaid obllgetiona,Lender mey,Irom tlme to time end wilhout noQce(I)release eny f �
<br /> pereo�so Ifable,(li)exlend the maturlty or eller eny of the Ierme oleny euch obligelfons,(HI)grant olher i�dulgencea,(Iv)release
<br /> , . or reconvey,or ceuae to be releaeed or reconveyed at eny time et Lender's optlon any parcel,portlon or all ol the PropeAy, �
<br /> ' (v)teke or release any other or eddlllonal aecurity for any obliqelion horein montlon�d, or(vl)meke composllbns or oMer +�;
<br /> _ orranyements with debtore In �eletion thereto.
<br /> � (c) Rotb�eano�by L�nd�r Not�W�Iv�r.Any forbearence by Lender In exerolsing eny riqht or remedy hereunder,or
<br /> otherwi�e eHorded by eppliceble law,ehell not be e weiver ol or preclude the exerclse ol any auch ripht nr remedy.The
<br /> proaunment ol Insurance or the peyment of texea or olher Ilene or chorqee by Londer�holl not be a waiver ol lander'�ripht to
<br /> �cc�ler�ts the meturity o11he Indebtednoss secured by th is Deed of Tru�t.
<br /> (d)9uao�uan and Anlpn�Bound;Jolnl�nd 9�v�r�l LIa6111ty;C�ptlons.The covenanta and apreemente hereln con-
<br /> talned fhell bind,and the riphta hereunder ahalt Inure to, the reepective�ucceesara�nd eesfpns ol Lender end Truelor.All
<br /> coVenenb end apreemsnb of Truetor shell be�of nl end eaveral.The ceptlona end headln9�of the parapraphs ot thir Dead of
<br /> Tru�t ere for convenience only and are not to be uead Io Interprel or deline Ihe provlebns hereol.
<br /> (ej fipuNt lor Node„.Tho paNles hereby request that e copy of any notice of deleult hereunder and a copy ol any not�e
<br />�� � of sele hsreunder be mailed to each pa►ty to Ihla Deed ot Truat at the addreee net for�h above In Ihe manner preacribed by
<br /> ' appliceble law.Except for eny other nollce required under eppllteble lew to be piven In another menner,eny notice provlded
<br /> tor In thla Deed ol Truet shell be Qiven by mallinp such noti te by certilled mail addreesed to the other partiea,et ihe eddrese eet
<br /> ' fo�th above.Any notice provided for In lhie Deed ol Truet ehall be eBective upon meiling In the manner deaignated hereln.tl
<br /> � Trwtor le more then one peraon,notice eent to the addrea�set lorth above ahall be notice to all such pereona.
<br /> (� In�p�cdon.Lender may meke or ceuae to be meda reasonable entries upon and inapectlons ol tho PropeAy,provided
<br /> � that Lender ehall glve Truator notice prior to ony euch Inopectlon specllylny reasonable cauae iherelo►related to Lender's
<br /> , Intoreet In the Prope►ty.
<br /> � ' (q) Reconv�r�nc�.Upon payment of ell aume eecuredby ihla Oeed of TrusL Lender shell request 7ruatee to reconvey Ihe
<br /> Property and shall aurrande�ttilU Deed bf Truel end al l not�!evidencinp indebtedne�s eecured by Ihfa Deed of Truat to Truatee.
<br /> Truatee ehall reconvey the Property without w�rnnty Md without charpe to the perwn a perwns leqally entltled Iherato.
<br /> Trwtor ehall pey aM coeta ol recordatlon,If eny.
<br /> (h) P�nond Prop�rryr;B�aurity Ap�Nm�nf.As additbnel eecurity br the peyment of the Note,Truator hereby grenta
<br /> Lander under the Nebraaka Unllorm Commerciel Coda o security Intereat in all Iixlures,equlpmenl,and other pereonal property
<br /> � used In connectlon wlth the real estate or Improvemente located thereon,end not othernlae declered or deemed to be e part of
<br /> the real eatete eeCUred hereby.Thie Inatrumonl ahell be conatrued ae a Securlty Agreemenl under aeid Code,end the Lender
<br /> �hall heve ell lhe riphts and remedlea ol a aecured perty u nder aeld Code In additlon to the rlghta and remedles created under �
<br /> and eccorded the Lende�purauent to thia Oeed ol Truat provided Ihat Lender's rights end remedles under thls peragraph ehell
<br /> � be cumulative with,and fn no way a Ilmltetbn on.Lendor's dphte ond romadles undar ony other wcuriy apreemont�Ipned by
<br /> Borrower or Truetar.
<br /> (I) Ll�n�and Enoumbranc„.Truator hereby warrants end repreeente thet there la no default under the provislons ol any
<br /> mortyape,deed of truet,leaee or purchese contract deacribing ell or any pa►t ol the Properly,or other conlrect,Inatrumenl or
<br /> ' aqreement oonetltuting e Ilen or encumbrance agelnst e11 or any part of the Property(collectively."Llene"1,exletlny aa ol the
<br /> date of thfe Deed of Truat,end Ihat eny a�d all�xletinp Llena remaln unmodllied except ae dlaclosed to Lender in Trustor's
<br /> written dlscloaure ot Ilens and encumbrancea provfded tor herein.Truator ahall tirnely perform all of Trustor's obllyatlona,
<br /> covenents,representellona end warrAntlea under eny and all exleHn�and lu4ure Llens,ehall promptly forwerd to Lender coplea
<br /> � of all noHcee ol default sent In connection with env and el l exlstinp or luture Liena,end ehall not without Lendar's prlor wrltten
<br /> consent In any manner modlfy Ihe provlaiona ot or allow any future edvencee unde�any exlatlnp or future Liena.
<br /> �) Applic�ton of P�ym�nt�.Unlesa other:vise requlredby law,sums peld to Lenderhereunder,Includinp without Ilmftellon
<br /> payments of princlpel end Interest,Insurence proceeda, condemnetlon proceeda and rents and prolits,shall be eppHed by
<br /> 1 Lender to the amounts due and owing Irom Trustor end 80�rower n such order ea Lender i�Ila sole discretlon deems deafreble.
<br /> , (k) 8�wr�bNll�t. Ii any provlafon ol thls Deed oi Truet conA�ts with appllcable law or Ia declared Invalid or otherwise
<br /> unenlorceable,such conflicl ot Invalidlty shall not aNect the other provlsona ol thls Deed of Truat or the Note whlch can be
<br /> , given e8ect wHhout the conllicting provlsfon,and to thla end the provlabna of Ihia Deed of Truat and the Note ere declared to be
<br /> e6verable.
<br /> � i .
<br /> i
<br /> 1
<br /> __...__ �
<br /> .'� .
<br />