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<br /> � condzmnation or olher�ukin�of uny part of thc PrapcAy.a Por conveyaacc in lieu of condemnution.�rc hercby asxi�ned und _
<br /> • shall be pufd�a Lendc�. �•+•.+`�=•— _,�-._..,-.
<br /> In Ihe event of a IcNal laking�tif Ihe Propehy.�ha procceds shull be opplied ta the aumg securcd t►y ihis Sccuri�y � ,_ �,_
<br /> Instrumen�,whe�her or not Ihen da, wuh any cxcex�paid to Borrower. In the event of a pwliul taking of�he Pmperly in '�
<br /> which the inir murke�value of thc Praperly immediukly befare�he taking fs eyual to or grcater Iho�Ihe umounl of ihe suma � � �-
<br /> ise.urcd by this Security Inauumeru immedintely I+eWre �he taking,unles4 Borrawer and L.ender otherwise ng►�ee in w�I�inR• �1:'�� �'.�..,� _
<br /> Ihe sums r,ecurcd by thia Securi�y IostNmenl xholl be reduced by�he amnunt of Ihe pmceeds multiplkd by the folt�wing ;::,,; .f 54a f,.�
<br /> frocibn: (a)�i�tatwl amount oi the sums xecurcd immedi�tely befnre�he taking.divlded by(b)�he foir marke�value of�he , , - _ .�;._,,.
<br /> Propeny Immedin�ely beforc the wkiag, Any balnnce �hall be paid l0 8orrowe�. In the event of a pprtfal taking af tbe :.��dy,
<br /> Propeny fn whirh ihe Pnir mar�et value ni�he Proper�y immedietely beforc tfie taking is le�s thun Ihe amount ai�he suma , _ �
<br /> � ' � xecurcd immedlatcly beforc the taking,unlesa Borrnwer and Lender aherwise agree in writiug or unlcsa Lp�Ill'UbIC IaW
<br /> :-:r,r•... ,,.
<br /> otherwi�e providec,the proccedg sFull be applied to the sumr secured by thia Secu�ity Instrument whaher or not the sums arc k_ , _. _
<br /> E
<br /> I then due.
<br /> If the Praperty is ubundoned by Borrowe�.ar if,oi'ter notke by Lender to Sorrower thot the condemnor o(fere to make
<br /> � an ewnrd or seule n clnim for damages.Borrower fuils to rcspw�d to Lender within 30 duyc aNer IhG dnte the notice ix given.
<br /> Lender is authoriud to collect and upply�he proceeds, at ftg option,either to reataration or repair of the Property or�o the
<br /> sums secured by thia Secu�ity Instn�mcnt.whether or not Ihen due. � �,,,,�ri,,,
<br /> Unlesg Lender and Borrower Mherwise agree in wriling,uny nPpiication of praceeds�a principal ahull not extend or .,.���,;
<br /> pos�pone�he dne date of the montbly paymentR rcferred to in parugrnphs I und 2 or change the umount af cuch paymen�s, ` . ,,,,�.,.;,
<br /> ll. Borrower Not Rdeasedi �orbea�ance By I,ender Not a WaWer. Extension of thc iime f�r paymenl or •. ;,•,-_
<br /> � ,•-..:
<br /> � madificatbn of amortization of the�ums secured by this Secu�ity Ins�niment gmnted by Lender�o any succcwso�in intercst .. �����
<br /> � of Borrower�hall not operate to rckase the liabflity of�he original Borrower ar Borrower's succescors in in�ercst. L.ender _f _._
<br /> shall nat 6e aquired ta commence praceedbgs uguinsl eny successor in intercst ar refuse to extend time for payrnent or 1;��_
<br /> ahenvise madiPy emortizuNon of the sums secu�ed by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by�he odginul � ,. �"'_'-`
<br /> � � Bcxrawer ar Bormwerk successors in latercst. Any farbarance by Lender in exercising any right or rcmaiy ahall nd be a : _ ->`"-
<br /> waiver of or prcclude the exerci4e oi any right or remedy. , . ;�•���-
<br /> 12. Success�ors and Asslgns Bound;Jofal And Sereral Liability;Co-signers. The cavenunts and agrcementti of this � .:�.t
<br /> Security Inst�umem shull bind nnd t�enet'i��he succecsors and ugsigns ai'l.eader und Bormwer,subject to the provisions oF ___
<br /> - puragmph 17.Borrower�covenan�s And ugrcementx shall t+e Joint und several. Any B�rmwer who catiigns this Security� _
<br /> � �.''�•�',,� Inswmem bui doea n�t exec��!e the Nae: la)is co-signing thic Security Inxtrument only to martgage,graN ArKI convey that . f ` -
<br /> . Borrowert interest in�he PropeA��under the�emis of thi.r Security Instrument: (b)is nat personally ohligated to pay the sums _
<br /> • • secu�ed by thi�Securily Instrument:and tcl agrees Ihut Lender und nny other Borrower may agree to extend,modify, forNeur _
<br /> , or mnke wny accommodotians wiih regi+rd to the terms af Ihis Security Insuument or Ihe Note wi�hout that Borrower's „�, ;.,:_�
<br /> `'� consen�. � . . --
<br /> . 13. Loan ChprRes. If�he Ioan secured by this Security Intitniment is subject to u Inw which tiets maximum loun i' ..;,��,__�
<br /> churges,und ihut law is finally interprcted m thu�the inlerest ar other loan charges collected i►r to he coUected in rnnnec�ic►n -_�,
<br /> .,.' wiih the loon exceed the permilted flmits,�hen: (n)any wch laan charge shull be reduced by Ihe amount necessury to reduce ':'••� _
<br /> ,;,.
<br /> �ix chaige iu the pe�mittcd limii:and lb1 any sams alrra�y collrcl?d fmm R�rmwer which exceeded pertnitted limits will be • ,.;_ , _ _
<br /> . I refunded lo Borcower. Lender may chaose to make Ihis refund by rcducing the principnl owed under�he Note or by making n ~ =_�
<br /> 1 direct pAymen�to Borrower. If n refund reduces principal, the reduc�ion will be treated n.g u paniul prepayment withoul any �.- �
<br /> I prepnymrnt chorge under�he Nott.
<br /> - � 14. Noticea. Any notice ta Bormwer prrnideJ fa in Ihic Serur�ly In�trument shull lx given hy ck:livcring it or by , �
<br /> mailing it by fir4t cluss muil unles�upplicuble luw requim use of unother methocl.'llie notice vhull he direc�ed i�►the I'mperty � .�.r�_
<br /> I Addrcss or any olher address Bortower designates by nolice to Lender. Any notice)o.�.ender shull be given by first clvss -
<br /> � mafl to Lendet 4 addres4 atnted hercin or any other addres�Lender designule,by nolice ta 8ortower. Any notice prnvided for *
<br /> in this Securlly Instrument shnll be deemed to have been given to Bortower or Lender when given ac provided in this �.,
<br /> ' pra rn h -
<br /> � P gl3 Governtn� l.ow; Sevembillty. This Security Ins�rument shall be govemed hy federnl law und �he luw of the
<br /> ju�isdiclion in which the Propehy ix Iceu�ed. In the eve�u that any provi�ion or clouee of lhis Security Instrumem�r the Note
<br /> ! confliets wilh upplicuble law,sunc�ontlict ehnll not uFfeci other provisionc nf thix Security Inctrument ar the NiHe which cun
<br /> � be given eikct wlthout Ihe conilicting proviaion. 'li� this end the pmvisions of thix Security Instrument and du Note a�e
<br /> declered to be severuble.
<br /> i l6. Borrowe�'s Copy. Borrower shall he given one confortned copy af the Note and of this Security Ingwment. .
<br /> ; 17. 7lwnskr of fhe Property or a Beneflcis�l Intere4l fn Borrower. If all ar uny pa►t of the Pmpeny oruny intere�t in
<br /> i it is�old nr�ransferrcd(cx if a t+eneficial interest in Hmrower is sold or transferred and Bormwer is not a natural person)
<br /> without Lender's prior wriuen consent. Lender roay,ut its oplion,reyuire immediate payment in full of All sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrument. Hawever,this option xhull na 6e exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by ieder�l law as of
<br /> the date of Ihis Security Inslrument.
<br /> If Lender exercises this option,I.enJer 4hnll give Borrower notice of acceleralion. The no�ice.hall provide a pericxi of
<br /> - not lesa thnn 30 duys fmm Ihe date the noiice i�delivered or mailed within which Borrower must puy ull tiums secured by�his
<br /> �" Security Inarument. lf Borrower fail��o pay �hese sums prior�o the expirntionrf this period, Lender may invoke uny
<br /> remedics permitted by this Sauriiy Inslrument wi�hou�(urthcr notice or demand on Bortower.
<br /> ' 18. Barower s RiRht to Re{nvtafe. If Borrower meets certain conditionc. Borrower shull have the right �o huve
<br /> enforcement of this Securily Inatrument disconlinued al any�ime prior to the earlier af: lu)5 dnys lor such otiier period ns
<br /> S{nolC Family•-F'amie MadFlaldk Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT--Uni(orm Covenmt+ 9190 1pu�te J nJA/wResl
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