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. . �: ..:�. ._ ��..,;c,t- v � • 'y{ ". .,...� <br /> t;, . .'�• �`;1;�t� �' �e ,. <br /> r�`,. . . ''. . .,:,. v .. . .-.-n;:__`- ..� — _ - _ <br /> . .. • �..,. .j, _ ..,,< - _..;�-- <br /> . .. � . ,r, . - • .,/f a_.:�S:r.-._ —� . <br /> •�►'.�'r'�^_+r.�"",��� <br /> � '�4 1'1.��.\.f.....�_n � — __�AYa�nv— <br /> . _'-r"J_. . ' , ".f�+ c3. .R. ti,: . ."�:. _. <br /> . . , � �.+ 'v�e-rtr_a��',. <br /> ' ^Y;:�m...�i. <br /> � - - „ •:�:�(�f�y._,.__.-� <br /> . 92_ so�ez �=--:-:- <br /> � • periad�that l.ender rcquires. The inrurance carrier providing the inAUrance shall be chaKn by 6arrower subJr.ct ta L.ender�s �.,__, <br /> opprovol which�holl nol he unrcoconobly withheld. If Barn►we�fallR�o mafnlpin c�overage desc�fbed abave,Lender may,�t . -. <br /> Lenderk option,abtoin rnvernge to prr�tecl L.enderk rights in the Pmpehy in accordonce wUh pwragrnph 7. �� �;- <br /> � " All in�urnnce policiee ond renewAle�hwll be pccepuble to Lender and�hall include a stoadord mongAge cluuse. Lender -;t_-- <br /> � shdl have�he right t�hald the policica and rcoewols. If l.ender requiro�,Bnrmwer ghall pmmptly givc to l.endcr ull rcceips ,-_ <br /> of ps�id premiuma and renewAl nolices. In the cvcm of loss, Barrower ehpll give prompt notke to the in�urance carrier wd ! _ <br /> Lender. Lendcr may mukc proaf oi lo��if nat maJe promplly by 9arc�wer. ���'-�_ <br /> Unle�e l.ende�and 8arrnwer aherwiiso agrce in writing.Insuruue proceedR ehull he a�pplied to r¢starntian or rcpuir of _ <br /> the Pr�►perty dumugcd, if�he rcstoralion or rcpeir i� economically fe�eible and Lenderk secu�i�y ie na leasened. If ihe ` <br /> -_= mtornticm or rcpair i. nM econ�►mic�lly fee�ihk or 1_ende►k aecurity w�uld be le�uencd. Ihe insurance proceed� shall be ��'- <br /> aK <br /> , upplied�o the �um�securcd hy Ihis Secu�ity InsiNmea�, whMher ar nat Ihen due,wi�h any excesa paid lo Borrower. If �. —��� <br /> Borrower ubundon.r the Property,�r docx not answer within 30 dayx n nrnlcc from Lender that the iosumnce rarrier hes ��'� ., <br /> offered ta r,eltle a clufm,ihen L.ende�may collect ihe insurance proceeds. 4ender may use Ihe proc«ds ta re�air ar rcstore _ <br /> the PaapeMy or�o pay sums u:curod by�hix Securiry Inswmem,whe�her or not�hen dua. The 30-day periad will be�in when ���;_ ' <br /> the notice in given. � <br /> � Unless Lender ond Bortower otherwise agrce in writing,nny upplicatian af proceeds lo principol shall not extend or <br /> _ � p�p� � Y P Y Pa B P B P Y � ",_ <br /> t e the due date of�he monthl e mentr refemed to in rn ra hs 1 and 2 or chan e the nmount of the a ments. If i : <br /> u n d e r p a r a g m p h..I t h e P r o p e r t y is ac quired b y Lender, Bormwerk �I Bht �n nn y insurence p alide�and procads rrsuiling <br /> • � from damage to Ihe Propeny prior to the ocquieition sfull QaQr to Lender ta the extent of t!w rums secured by thir Secu�i�y � . ___ <br /> , Initrument immediately priar to the acquisi�ion. <br /> i 6. (kcupAncy, Prcservatlon, Mwintenpnce and Protecibn of the Prapertyi Borrower•� I.oan Applicatloa; , <br /> i Lasehold�. Borrawer shall accupy,es�ablish,and use�he Propetty As Borrower§principol rcsidence within sixty dnys afler k � . <br /> ; the execulion of this Secudty Instrument and ahall conlinue to accupy the Property as BorrowerL principnl rcsidence for wt ! - <br /> � least one yetu afier the date oi occupancy, unless Lender othenvfse agtees in wdling, which consent shull not be � .. __ <br /> -� unrcasonably withheld,ar unlcs4 catcnuating circumstance�exfst which urc beyond Bormwer?� control. Borrower shall nu� <br /> .. destroy,damnge ar imps►ir the Property,ullow�he Propeny�o dctedore�e,or comrnit waue an the Property. Borrowe�shall •�. <br /> be in default if ony forFeiture action ar praceeding,whether civil ar c�iminal,is begun lhot in Lenderc gaod fnith judgment i � <br /> cnuld result in forf'eiture of Ihe PropMy or otherwise mateiinlly impair Ihe lien created by this Securiry inswment or <br /> Lender�s securily intercst. Borrower mey cure such u defnuli and reinstnle,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action <br /> or proceeding to be dismissed with n ruling tha�,in Lender3 gaod iaith determinetion,prccludes forfelture of the Borrowerh , , -- <br /> � interest in�he Property or ather moteriul impairment of'the Nen creaied by this 5ecud�y In�trument or Lender� securiry � <br /> intenes�. Borrower shnll aiso be in def�+ult if Borrower, during Ihe loan application pracess, guve materially false ar : -_- <br /> . inaccurate infom�ation or statements to Lender(or failed to provide I.ender with uny material information)in connection wiih •� -�'?�_ <br /> �. the laan evidenced by tne Note, including, but not limited 10, rcpmxenlalions conceming Borrower§ cecupnncy of Ihe �.��+���� <br /> Propeny as p p r incipal residenca !f this Securiry Instrument is on n leasehold.Borrower shAll comply with nll Ihe provisions ���t- <br /> , oithc kase. If Borrower acquirea fee tide to tfie Prapehy.the leacehold and�he fce dNe shall not merge unless L,ender agras •�,� <br /> to�he merger in wrl�ing. '�'� <br /> 7. �a�a�c� a: ��,a���� �s$a� �� :r� r=a��s If Sarrawcr fails ta pc�form thc caccnants and agrccmcnts _�_-��_�� <br /> � contnined in �his Securi�y Instrument,or �here is a legal pracecding Ihut may signiflcantly nUect Lendera rights in Ihe +�'-� <br /> � • � Propeny(such as a proceeding in bunkruptcy,probate.for condemnatian or forfeiturc or�o enforce laws ur regulntions),�hen � y r.:�,� <br /> � ; Lender may do and pay far whatever iA necessary to protect �he value of�hz Property and Lender?c righ�s in�he Propeny. • � -»� . �. ,��� <br /> L�,mdera actiana may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over Ihis Secu�ity Instrument,nppearing <br /> . � in court, paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Prope�ty�o make repoirx,AUhough Lender may take actian � •;;:..:.t..-,-��`� <br /> under Ihis parogmph 7,Lender dces not have to do so. . , • =--- <br /> • Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this pAragmph 7 shal I become udditional debt of Borrower secured by this ���r�• <br /> ' Security Insirumem. Unlcss Burrower und l.ender ugrre to other�crms nf puyment,thexc ainounts shull hrur interes�from Ihe � � - - �''�� <br /> ''�' date of disbursemen�ut �he Note rate and sholl be payable, with interest, upan noticc from I.ender to Bortower requesting ; �• � <br /> peyment. ; <br /> 8. Mortgage Insuranee. If Lende�required mortgage insurunre ns u condilion of muking the loon secured by this ' -�rr'-` <br /> ' ' Securiry Ins�rumenb Borrawer shull pay the prcmiums required to muintain the morlgage insumnce in effect. If,for any , ,�=a <br /> Z . j reason, the mortgage insurance coverege required by Lender lapses or ceASes to b¢in effec�, Borrower shall pay Ihe � "''��° <br /> , ;•_�s�.. <br /> ' premiums required to ob�ain coverage substantially equivalent to�he mongage inxuronce pr�evfously in effect. At il COSf ,. . ;�,� <br /> — � � ;"' { substanHully equivalem to the cost to Borrower of the mong�ge insurnnce previously in effect. fmm an nitemate mongage � ,• ,_ <br /> � Insurer epproved by Lender. If subslentially equivalent mortgoge in4urence coverage is not evailable,Borrower shell pay to <br /> Lender each month a aum equal to one•twelfth of the yearly mo�tgoge insumnce prem{um befng paid by Borrower when Ihe '` <br /> ' inaurance coverege lupsed or ceused to be in efkct. L.ende�will c►ccept,use und ret�in these payments us u loas reserve in lieu � <br /> of mortgage insurancz. Loas rcserve paymen�s moy no longer be required,at the op�ian of Lender,if mongage insurance <br /> coverege(in tlte amount ond for Ihe pedod thal Lender requires)provided by an insurer epproved by Lender again hecomes ' <br /> available und is obtained.Borrower shull poy Ihe premiums required tn maimain mongege inaurance in effecl,or lo provide a <br /> lass reserve,un�il�he requirement fbr morigage insur�nce ends in accordanee with any written agrcement bttween Borrower <br /> wid Lender or applicuble luw. � <br /> 9. InspecNon. Lender or its ngent may mAke rcnsonuble enlries upon md inspeaions of thc Propeny. Lender sholl <br /> give Borrower notice nt the time of or prior to an inspec�ion specifying reasonable cuuse for the inspection. <br /> ' � ' 10. Condem�wtlon. The proceeds of uny award or claim for damages,dfrect or consequenlial,in connec�ion wi�h nny <br /> • SleQk Fimily••Ftinak MaelFYtddk M�e UNIFORM IN5TRUMENT-•Uelfo�m Covenanls 9/90 I/w�g�3 ofn�u,�el <br /> i; - c+eat�ata eueie�w va�r,�x.■ <br /> . . To pir C�4 Ii00b300.7Y0 O PA1!�147Y1•IOI • <br /> � . <br /> 1 <br /> � . _ 1 <br /> � ,� • <br /> � � <br /> _ � . <br /> _�^ . { , ' � <br />