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<br /> ., .,� a licable law ma s if for rcinstatemenUbefore n�le oi the Pro p �` °��:.°��-
<br /> PP Y P� Y pe y purouent lo any power of sole contained in thls }�"�;�,; T�.
<br /> SecurUy in�trumem;or(b)enlry of�Judgmentenfarcing thia Security Inntroment. Those conditions we tlwt Hnrrower. (a) ����' '• • """
<br /> p�y� Lender all aums which �hen would be due under thfe Secudty Inetn+men� and the Note As if no accelentian had � ��. -�"%�"'�'���:,T��_-
<br /> occwred:(b)curca ony default of any wher covmwiu a�grcernentR;(c)p�ye all axpenaes�incurred in enforeing Ihi�Siecurity �»���'�a. ` ""`""`
<br /> . Inttrumenl,including, bul nw limited to,rca�onaUk a�wrneys'fees; and(d) Wkea sucA oction aR Lendcr mey rersonably ���°��'
<br /> r�,,.;.. .a�..-;�v-_
<br /> - «quire to wum tha�the lien oi�hfn Secudiy Inunanenl,L.enderh righta in tho Propeny ond eorruwer's abligoUon�o pay the �,����t'a���:,= ;.'„--- -
<br /> aums securcd b �his Secu�it Inslrument qhall enntlaue unchan ed. U � ` '�.�'�
<br /> Y Y g pon rein�lalemenl hy Bormwer, thia Security '��,;� '�
<br /> In�trument ond the obligadane�ecurcd hercby�hall rcmpin fully effective ae if no acceleration h�d occurn�i. However,�hir ��• .}tr;';�,,,���,�:~• ��,
<br /> d ht lo mins�ale shrll nd a I in Ihe ca�eof accelentian under ara 17. `' '�'=�i•�• :::��'���-'��`�
<br /> � , � PP Y P B�Ph ,,,•� . ..` ,.
<br /> !9. Sak ot Note;Ch�ag�of I.oAn 3erwker. 'ilie NMe or e paniel in�eres�in the Note(roge�her with Ihi+Cecuri�y t ' •� �
<br /> 1 Instniment)may bc aold one or more limes wNhoul pdor notice to B�rrawer. A eAle may rcsult in a chengc in ihe enlity �����"
<br /> (known��Ihe"Loan Servicer')th�t collecu monthly paymems due undar the Nota and Ihis Secu�ily lostrument. 'Ihere also .:';;ti:, � .:;�-_..,.�..
<br /> may be one or more changeg of Ihe Loa�Servicer unreleted In A sale pf tha Naie. If therc is a chunge of Ihe Loan Servicer, �,�� • :,�-,;,, `
<br /> Bomower will be given wdtten notice oi�he ciwnge in Accordance with pangraph 14 above and applicablo IAw. '11ie naice N��• ' •,��l��,y �.�v,,
<br /> will a�ate Ihe n�me and addrcas of the new Loan Servicer and 1he addrese to which pwyments slwuld be mode. The notice will '�!"' . , .��7`�':
<br /> �Iso conWn wty other informetion required by�ppUcwble luw. ��;,. , �`-• , •
<br /> 20. N�rdoua Sub�taacea eorrowe�aholl not cause or pennit tha pre�ence,usc,disposal,sloruge,or release of my !������ .:;-���
<br /> H�zardaus Sututances on or In the Propeny. Bortower sholl not do, nor allow anyone else to do,unything affating ihe • �•L' .v;
<br /> - � Property that 1:in violation of any�mironmemel Law. The preceding�wo�sentences shall not apply ro the pre�cnce,use,o� , ` ���
<br /> storage on the Propeny of smnll quanti�ias of Hozsirdou:Subatances�hat are generally recognized to be appropriate a normol ;• --,,,=�-�� `
<br /> rcsiden�ial usea nnd to mnintenence of the Property. `�� � � �
<br /> � � Borrower shall promptly give Lender wrinen notice of any invesligulion.ciuim,demand,luwsuit or other uction by any �I N.�T�-.
<br /> I governmental w reguletory agency or private party involving tha Propeny utd any Hnzandous Substancc or�nvironmental �.!� : , -�'��`��
<br /> Law af which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams.or is notjtied by any gavemment�l or ngulaiory •;' . . � '�'��m
<br /> -_ � au�ha�ity,tha�eny removel or other remedistian of uny Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary, Barrawer .,i, �•_�. �;f,.
<br /> siwll promplly take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmsntul Luw. � �
<br /> As used in�his paragrnph 20,"Hawrdous Sube�ences"are those subs�ances defined as toalc or hazardous subsiences by ,•;; ' -- •
<br /> Environmemal Law and Ihe fnllowing substances: gasoline,kerosene,othe� ilammnble or toxic petroleum pnxlucls, loaic '�+ ��`•;--=
<br /> pesticides end herbicides,vola�ile solvents, m�terlols cantaining as6estos or formaldehyde, und radioactive matenals. As � ¢.`._
<br /> used in this paragroph 20,"Environmental Law"means federal laws and laws ut the jurisdlclion where the Pmpeny Is located '�' �:N—
<br /> th�t�rlate to health,sufety or environmemal praectian. �<;
<br /> NON-UNIFURM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender funhercovenunt nnd ugree as followR: ''; '��;�"s
<br /> 2L AccelerANon; Remedies. Lender sAall qive notke to Norrower priar to acceleration fdlowing Barrow•er•s 1�� °`;;�`
<br /> breach of any rnvenant or agreement in lhis Security Insl�um�nt(but not prior to acceleralbn under pArwgraph 17 :� . �
<br /> unles9 applkable Inw provides otherwisel. The nWice shAll�pecify: la)the default;lb)the uction required to cure Ihe � ��'
<br /> default=(c)A date,not less Ihon 30 days irom the dpte the notke is given lo Borrower.by which Ihe defAUlt atust be "'� , 'i''�:-
<br /> � cured;and Idl lhal iailure to cure the detaulton or bePore Ihe date specfRed In the notke may resull in acceleratiun of ' � '
<br /> --- --. th�'w�+na!securt�b�!h(s Sresr!!y lsutro�nt and sale oi ihe F'=operiy. Tiie�wike arb�ii iurlber iniorm Borrower of— � �%e,:,�.�
<br /> the right to reEnstate atler acceleention and the riRht to b�log a court uclian lo�ssert the non-existence of a defeull or •�' �
<br /> _ any other defease at Borrower lo acceleratioa aad sale. If the defuult tv not cured on or f►efore the date Rpecified in � 4y.",�
<br /> Ihe ndice�l.ender at i�4 option may require immedis�te payment in fall ot all sum.g secured by Ihiq Security In�lrurnent �
<br /> _ , wtlhout further demand and may invoke the power of sate and any otner remedies permitted by applicA6le Iqw. ` :�,... '�
<br /> Lender shal! be entitled to collect All eaperees Incurred in pursufng the remedies provided {n thia parngrnph 21. • • • °'
<br /> � including.but not limited to.reasonable attorneys'Fees end cosls of titk evidence. :. ;, .• '�'
<br /> !f the power ot sale is invoked.7Yrstee shall record a notice ut defeull io each'cuunty in whkh any part ot'Ihe Y
<br /> � Property Es located aad sholl ms�ll copies of such autice in the mnnner prescribed by Appltcable Iaw Io Bnrrower und to
<br /> I the other persons prescrlbed by applicable i�w. Af4er the time required by wpplkable Inw.71v�tee xhall�ive publtc •
<br /> i notia of snle to the persons and in the monner presc�ibed by upplicwble law. 'I�uatee.wilhout demand on Harrower. ' � .
<br /> I shpll sell the Property At public aucdon lo the highesl bidder at the time end pluce and under the lerms desiRaeted in '
<br /> !be noNce of sale in one or more parcels and In any order'I�ustee delerminea 'I�uslee may postpone rwle of all or any
<br /> pArcel ot the PropeHy by public Announcemmt At the lia�e and plucro oi any previawly scheduled sale. Lender or its
<br /> � d�B��y purchave the Properfy at any sale.
<br /> •• ' Upon receipt of payment oP the price bid,7Fuslee xhpll deliver to the purchuser'I�ustee's derd cunveJins ihe
<br /> ' Property. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shafl be primu Faele evidence of the truth uP Ihe statementR made Iherein.
<br /> � 71'w�ta shall apply Ibe proceeds oi'ti�e s�le in Ihe(ollowiaQ order: la)10 all costs and expenses of exerctsfnQ t6e power - -�'=
<br /> , � ,
<br /> I ..
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