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<br /> b�y th.is d�e3 of uust t�b�inunediatcly du�t an��yable and procecd to the rcanc�ies
<br /> av,�i�bl�ur ii.wuier the defauit provisions cantaiucd ueezifi. _
<br /> lU. li��entsol'f�.fuulr.�ay of the following events shall be deemrd an e�ent of default
<br /> heraund�r:
<br /> a Trust�r shA�l have failed w make payment of eny installment of interest,
<br /> grinci�cu;�rinainal and inserest or euy othcr sums sccured hereby when due;
<br /> b. 'Thcrc b�us aQCwred a beeach of oc defautt uader einy c�m,coven�nt,agrexment,
<br /> ca�diriun,p�ovisio4��a�tY contained ia this Doed of Tnut.
<br /> the aot��r�y other loan instrwnent secwrd hareby;
<br /> c. Thcrc h�.. baen a default by the Trustor in the payment af aay prior or
<br /> subsequen�tien or encumbrance in respect w all or any pact of the prope�ty;
<br /> d Trustor shu�l file a voluntary petition in bsnl�uptcy or shaU be adjudicated
<br /> b,ankrupt o•�insolvent,or sl�all make aa assignment for the beaefit Qf cnditors
<br /> in respect tu the properry;or an ac6on to enfore�say lien or enc�.imbrance ar
<br /> judgtnents against du property is commenced
<br /> 11. Accele�rtion Llpan laefault.In tlti Cveat of aay default,Henefica�rY msY declane all
<br /> iacbebbedaess sccured bereby to he du�e aac�gayable, and the same st�all thaeupon
<br /> ���p�yab�e w�o��r�run�;de�nd,protest or notic�of aay
<br /> kiad.,.Thereai�,beaefifcisiy may:
<br /> a Either in pw�son ar by ageat,wit�or without bringing aay action or praceeding,
<br /> . .n_
<br /> ar by�cceiver sppointed by a court and wit�out regar�to tae�aaoqww-�►os aay- �
<br /> stcuiity,enier u�wn aad take y�ssession of the property,or any p�art thereo�ia
<br /> iis own n�tme or in the name o�the Trustee,and do atry a�cts wHiicb it deems
<br /> necessary aad desuable to pc+esa�ve tlu�ralue,marlcetability or rent�bility of die
<br /> property, �r part thereof or iaoenst therer�. increase the income�erefinm or
<br /> prou:ct t�s�securiry hereof aaaP,withoui taking possmssion of the progeriy, sue
<br /> for or oll�vise ataect tbe ra�s,issues and Profits tBe�+eo�inaludinB tlwse P�st
<br /> due and uvpaid, s�aPF1Y the same,less costs and�xpeases o�oper�ion aad ,
<br /> coiiectioay:inciu�ding aKomc�r fe�,upon anY iadebtedaess soc�r�ed bercb�r„s1�
<br /> in such order as Beneficisu� may d�ternnine. T�c enterin8 upon aad ts�cg
<br /> possrssioa�of the tr�st cstate,dx collxtion of sucB mats,iss�es a�d pro�tt�'�
<br /> applicatioa dseroof as afore�aid sb�aU not c�.n�e or waive any default or nobice of
<br /> d.cfanIt� h��teuader or invaIidate sny act and in re.sponse to such dafault or
<br /> parsuant� to such notice of ckfanit and notwi�sding the continuaace�n
<br /> passessic�n of the property or the collection,rzceipt and application of rents,
<br /> issues�r profits,Trustee or Beneficiary may be entit�ed w exercise everY right
<br /> prov�ided for in aay of tLe loan instrumaeats or by law upan occu�rr.ace of a�►Y
<br /> evcnt�oFcZefaul�incU�dinB�r,e right ta exercise t�e power of sale;
<br /> � b. Commence an ac�ion to foreclose this �3aed of i n�sti as�mo��age,��s
<br /> receiver,or specificaliy enforce any of t�e covenants hereof;
<br /> c. Detivcr to Trusta a written declaration of default and deaoand for sale,and a
<br /> wriii�rn ac;w;����fault and election to cause Tn�swr's interest in t'a.-Y:r�J
<br /> ta be sold,wtuch notice Tn�stee s�all cause to 1�e dulY filed for record in the
<br /> offccial records of the county in which the property is located �
<br />- �2. Fot�?�1���;�Pnu�r�rLcrn�o.�Beneficiary elCCt to foreClOSe hv ex�r.ic�!nf
<br /> thc power of sale hercin contained, Beneficiary shall noUfy Trustee and sl�all
<br /> deposii with Trustee ti�is Daed of Trust aud t�e note and such receipts and evideace
<br /> of exp�nditu�res made aad securod 6erehy as Tn�stee may requir�aad�*x.�n request
<br />