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<br /> of the Ba�eficaary,the rn�ste�shall file for record,in th� Register of Deeds ofl`�ce
<br /> ia�the County v�rhere the pro}►e�ty is located,a nodce of default, settin8 fwth the
<br /> n�ma of the Trustor.the Book a�1d Page No.of this D�oed of Truse as recordcd in
<br /> ssid Register of Ikt�s of�ice, the lega!description of t��e abovc-describec[ real
<br /> estate and tmaY g l�eac�o�aa ob�:�v�,fo:w�h.ich s�id xc�l estai�was conveyed
<br /> as secwity, as occun'ad, and setdn$ forth the nature of such bresch and the
<br /> Taustee's election w seU the real esiate w satisfy tlu obli�tion;and after the lapse
<br /> of not less tban onc(1)manth,tl�T�ustee sbaU give w*�ttw aotice of thc time and
<br /> place of sale whi�ch may bt between 9:00 a.m.and S:Ot1�.�n. at the prewises, or st
<br /> the Cowthouse in th� County wberein such properts►is tocatcd, describing the
<br /> propesty to be sold by its legal descriptioa, said noti�e to be published in a
<br /> newspaper of general circulation in tbe County wlxrein such P�P�Y is located,
<br /> once a week for five(5)consecutivc weeks,the last publication to be at least ten
<br /> (t03 days,iwt not ma�e than thirty(3U)darys.Prior W the time and p�e desigtiated
<br /> in tbie notice, in the manner provided by law in effect at the time of filing said
<br /> notice, at public auction to the 1�ighest bidder for cas1� and sha11 deliver to such
<br /> puarhaser a dxd to the property sold„caasisteni with sh�d law in effext at the time.
<br /> Utxrrn receipt of payaneat of du price bid, Tnss';ee shaU deliver w t�ee Purchase,
<br /> Tn�ee's dQed ca�veying the propahr sold. Rec�Is in the�'rustee's deed shall be
<br /> piima facie evideace of t�e truth of th�statenna�ts mad�thecein.Trustee shall apply
<br /> the proceeds of the sale in the fallowing order: (a) w �Il reasanable cQSts aad
<br /> expcnse of the sale,iacluding but not limitaP t:c�Trustee's fas of not mare than
<br /> 1.S°/.of the g�+nss sak pricG.reasonat�e attorn�f�s and c�of title evidence;(b)
<br /> w all sua�s secured by this Deod of Ti�st;and(c)tbe excess,if any,to d�e Perso�n
<br /> or pe=sons legally entided thereto. Any pess+�n, including Beneficiaty, maY
<br /> puachase said property at ssid sale.
<br /> 'The person canducting the sale n�sy, for aay cause he or she-dc�ems expodiCnt, -- -.
<br /> postpone the sale from time to tiume until it sisall be ccua�lete�and,in�vtry such
<br /> case,notice of postponement shall be given by pvbli�declaration thereof by such
<br /> person u tlu time aad place last appoiated for the sale;provided, if the sale is
<br /> postponod for longer than one(13 dagr beYond tlye datc desngpated in the notice ef
<br /> sa1c.noaice thrneo�f shall be giv�en m the same maruya as the a�iginal natice of sal�
<br /> 13. Ren�dies Not F.xclusr►�e.Trus�ee aad Be�Sicisiy,aad eacL of them, s�i be entidod .
<br /> to enforce payu�ent and perfornnauce of any v�d�daas or abligation secvred
<br /> bd�ebyr aod to�xercise all rights aud powers undtr this Dee.a�of Trust ar usdtr aay .
<br /> loau instcument or other agreement or any laws now or heitafter enfacal,
<br /> � notwithstanding some oc all of the iadebted�ss atid oblig�tions sc�herebY .'
<br /> which msy now or herea�er be othe�wise scc`.�red, whe�r�Y m�8��d of.
<br /> �,P�B'�lim,�°t°��-Neit�er tbe accepta�ce of thi,s Dee,�of
<br /> Tn�st mr its eaforceaient,whedier by court act�an oz'putsu�t to the�awer of sale .
<br /> ac oti�er powers herein contained,sha11 Piejudic�or in any►maanar s�'ect Tsustee's
<br /> a B��Cimy°s right to ir,atiu upon or eafa�ce any othes sc�rity n�oPw ur I�ereafter
<br /> held by Trustee or BeaeSciary, it beiqg agreed tt�t Tiv.ctee and Beneficiary,and
<br /> ���, �������ai�^e�fQrce�I�oed af Tnu�9ud aalr ot�r securiiy
<br /> . naw or hereafter held by the BeneSciary or Trustme ia wch order aad msaner as
<br /> they,or eit�er of t�em,maY in�reir absoL�te discretic�n d�annine.No remcdy herein
<br /> confemed upon or restived to Trustee or Beaeficiary is intended to be exclusive of
<br /> itta�i is`u�tCi tc.uawf a�',�w"'S�� ^r �."`� lw��, C����t1�t1 nr �� � CSCll S�� �IC
<br /> cumulative and sball be in addition to evcry ot}1er rCmedy given here�mder or now
<br /> ac I�eseaRer existing at 1aw or in equity or by�. Every power or remedy given '
<br /> by sny of the loan instrumeats w the Trustoe or beneficiary or to which either of
<br /> them may be athawise entitled may be e�cercised, coacwreatly or indepeadently,
<br /> from time to time and as aften as msy ba doccned expedient by Tn�stoe or
<br /> Beneficiary,snd either of d�em may purs�tie iaconsistent remedies.Nothing herein
<br /> shall be coastn:od as prolribitiag Be�uBciary from sce�Ciag a deficiencY judgnent
<br />